by Bud Biddle, Chief of Police, CA-r
Gov. Brown and AG Harris, both liberal, drug sympathy junkies, have cut down the California State Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement personnel by over 60%+. BNE is over with, et al. The two politicians most STUPID of ALL moves they have made since being placed into power.
I used to buy meth and bust meth labs as far back as the late 60’s when the HA’s were in control of the world wide manufacturing and distribution of methamphetamine…the old “vinegar crank’ days, etc…and on and on. Murder and violence were the thing then just like it is now. Nothing has really changed except the proliferation of the drug, population explosions meaning more users and the ease by which it’s made. Mexican organized criminals account for most of same and most of the illicit marijuana smuggled here, and even grown here, now as well.
Meth is cheaper than cocaine and slowly destroys the human mind/body from the inside out as the user continues the abuse. The violence stems mainly from the paranoia the user slowly and cumulatively adopts inside their minds which become severely distorted by heavy use. The violence also stems from rival makers/dealers who want to control the area/turf specific trade.
There are NO meth capitals anywhere, a foolish misnomer by uninformed reporters. Even rural communities have a disproportionate amount of users/manufacturers in almost every state in the USA in 2012, including Alaska. Missouri has a massive amount of meth abuse…as do many other places. California has no exclusivity on the market for meth albeit the Central Valley is certainly a hot spot.