by Jack Lee
Last night in Oakland. . .
OWS protestors bent on destruction and confrontation staged another mob scene in Oakland yesterday that immediately turned violent. They were hurling rocks and bottles at the cops, they were smashing windows, tearing down fences and even breaking into City Hall.
An exasperated Mayor Jean Quan, who faced heavy criticism for the police action last fall, called on the Occupy movement to “stop using Oakland as its playground.” “People in the community and people in the Occupy movement have to stop making excuses for this behavior,” Quan said.
Excuses indeed, for this was never intended to be a non-violent political protest! The OWS mob brought their own rocks and bottles and they pelted police officers who were trying to hold them back from breaking into buildings. The police were forced to fire smoke bombs and tear gas canisters as the mob torn down fencing at the nearby convention center.
City Administrator Deanna Santanta said, “These demonstrators stated their intention was to provoke officers and engage in illegal activity and that’s exactly what has occurred today.”
Over 300 arrests were made last night as violence raged out of control.
City leaders joined Quan in criticizing the protesters. “City Hall is closed for the weekend. There is no excuse for behavior we’ve witnessed this evening,” City Council President Larry Reid said during a news briefing Saturday. Oakland Councilman Ignacio De La Fuente, echoed Reid’s sentiments and said that what was going on amounts to “domestic terrorism.”
Mayor Quan was at first sympathetic to the OWS movement and once she said would feel more comfortable being among them protesting, but that’s before they showed their true colors. Now even the liberal Ms. Quan see’s them for what they are, a mix of bums, anarchist and socialists all lumped together for their mutual protection and cover.
Given enough time you had to know it would come to this. In the crazy OWS camp it is clear that Mayor Jean Quan the Liberal has morphed into Quan the Oppressor because she has finally turned to the police to restore order. The gloves came off last night!
Shown in the photo below is a ceremonial flag stolen from inside City Hall. It was ripped and stomped on before being set on fire. Don’t tell me these are just patriotic Americans expressing their free speech! They are not – they are traitors to freedom and the rule of law. They are criminals and a cancer upon our society. Honest patriots who protest for change do not burn the American flag or tear at it like a pack of wild animals. Look at their faces, this is OWS!
Read more: Click here.
Much as our Founding Fathers found out:
There will NOT be change without violence.
There CANNOT be change without violence.
but true.
The non-violent factions TRIED education–as they did in the 1760s and ’70s.
Education does not work when there are those who are willing to lie.
Education does not work when there are those who do not “have time” to get educated.
It’s possible that the 30% of OCCUPY who have studied their history are now in charge down in Oakland.
Maybe we can have some change, now.
Be careful what you wish for, that change from violence could just as easily be directed at these OWS traitors. And I’m not talking about the cops. I can envision a situation where patriotic people who have fought for this country would be rather angry at OWS freaks breaking into City Hall, destroying property and stomping on our symbol of freedom and justice. I can envision decent men and women from the local VFW, American Legion, and perhaps just recently released veteran soldiers, all coming together to defend their country from these traitors.
Our founding fathers fought against tyranny for the ideal of freedom, for the chance to establish a nation governed by and for the people. They established a Republic that protects the rights of the farming landowner just as equally as the average man on the street.
They are protesting, and partying, and breaking things, because they want someone else who works for a living to support them. They are not happy that government only takes half of what the middle class earns: they want the other half so that they will not have to work. They have been mislead by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Barrack Obama into thinking that if taxes are raised these guys will share the wealth with them. It will never happen. The occupiers are the useful pawns in the left’s war against our freedom. That is all they will ever be.
Fortunately their movement is mostly dwindling and dying out.
Quentin: “The non-violent factions TRIED education–as they did in the 1760s and ’70s.”
Ha! A lot of them are the educators that have been failing American students completely for decades!
A couple of the violent ones, like Angela Davis (UC Santa Cruz-Feminist Studies and Professor Emerita of History Consciousness-Member of the Communist Party USA and formerly of the Black Panthers) and Bill Ayers (University of Illinois-American elementary education theorist) are responsible for how and what students are taught!
They’ve been doing a lousy job! (See our post on Charter Schools and note my new in comments regarding test scores and preparedness!)
Communism and all of the other isms are not what the founders created…nor did they choose democracy which they rejected in favor of a republic supported by the rule of law.
The OWS rabble rousing adolescents, socialists, communists, anarchists, and Nazis all resort to and prefer violence in one form or another!
What are the attitudes and tools of these disparate (and yet very similar) groups? Intimidation, extortion, lawlessness, class envy, and absolute diregard for the rights and property of others!
That’s not America…not even close! (We need better educators to educate our educators)
I am sure Obama , pelosi, Reid, VP- BITEME are thrilled that their classwarfare is finally coming to fruition and turned violent….
Anybody who supports our war of terror and our oppressive foreign policy are the traitors in my opinion.
Occupy Wall Street Patriots are the real Tea Party.!tag-oo
Turns out that these occupiers were trying to liberate a vacant building so that they could give people medical assistance and education. As you can see by my newsworthy article is that Oakland PD Thugs are to blame for the violence.
Rex Crosley: “Turns out that these occupiers were trying to liberate a vacant building so that they could give people medical assistance and education.”
And that makes the violence okay!
Gee Rex…the building has an owner. The legal way to acquire a building for any purpose would be to purchase or rent it.
“Liberate” in this instance is just another word for steal, rob, or take. What you advocate is thievery, plane and simple.
Taxpayers in Oakland are paying a high price for the mahem!
According to the LA Times “Damage to the City Hall plaza alone has cost $2 million since October.”
Do these jerks have any idea who paid for most of the infrastructure they think they have the right to destroy?
In the sixties and seventies this crap went on too long because the public let it. We should build a tent city somewhere and put them to work cleaning up the highways or something.
No Rex, they’re not. You have it entirely backwards. Good thing Tina said respectfully what I wanted because I probably wouldn’t have been nearly as generous.
I’m pretty sure that nobody purchased the Tea at the Boston Tea Party when brave patriots broke the law to show their masters what is wrong with the system. Our system is broken. If you think everything is A-Ok then you are choosing to be ignorant of the oppression that our government instills all over the world. Capitalist Darwinism is a cruel system that encourages the rich to exploit and do terrible things to the poor. Oakland PD is known as one of the most corrupt police forces in the world. If they are so innocent then why are they facing a federal take over?
Rex I suggest you take a look at what the left Daily Kos has written about this:
This group isn’t doing anything to improve or change the system. They are costing their fellow citizens a lot of taxpayer money that could be used for something else. They are using the “broken system” as an excuse to behave badly. Likening these irresponsible brats with the founders is nonesense.
Thinking that I, or anyone associated with Post Scripts, think everything is A-OK is likewise nonesense.
“Capitalist Darwinism is a cruel system that encourages the rich to exploit and do terrible things to the poor.”
What terrible things?
I don’t know what’s going on with Oakland PD. It’s hard to tell from the outside the degree to which complaints are political on either side. Even the so-called monitors could be motivated by political ideology.
I do know that Oakland has been a mess for many decades. All of the socialist fixes have only made things worse for poor people. Keep digging though, maybe you’ll hit that magic socialist nirvana kingdom one day.
Where the money will come from to support it I just don’t know.
I urge Rex, and all Post Scripts readers to read, “Angry about inequality? Don’t blame the rich.” in the Washington Post.
If we want a strong nation with opportunity for all the answer is not to punish or tax the rich but to address the real problems that plague the poor…education, family values, and attitude.
They look like terrorists, they act like terrorists, time to treat them like terrorists.
Amen to that Toby…they wanna play the terrorist game, then they shouldn’t be surprised when they get treated like terrorists.
Your article is bs. Upward mobility in the USA is perceived not actual. Upward mobility for the extremely poor does not exist. When a rich person loses their home they just go live in one of their crummy rentals. Its 100 times harder for most of the population to rebound from economic stress. The amount of work to sustain life and advance as a culture is a fraction of the work that is expected out of us. It is a fact that Americans have to work hard in order to fund the terror that our military enacts all over the world. When a country would rather throw food away while people starve to death so that it can afford more bombs it is time for change. We are never going to blast all of our enemies off of the face of this planet. Perhaps if we put that money to humanitarian aid the world would be better off. I read your article now read mine.
I like to tell the story of the couple in Montana that decided they would live in tee pee. It lasted less than a month.
The “why work” website is a joke. They advocate a life of leisure. that is all I needed to know. What that means is that someone else pays unless you are independently (you earned it) wealthy or a begger (you’re a parasite).
The notion that we don’t spend enough on humanitarian aid is delusional!
The United States spends trillions on welfare and aid both at home and in developing countries. We spend on education and research as well. We spend this money through our government but we also give a lot of aid through charities! Institutions of higher learning and hospitals have been built and are funded by the wealthy investing or giving through their foundations.
And from where does all of the wealth come? Investment and work!
The truth about the various classes is quite simply that it is fluid. People move in and out of all of the different classes in this country…it is not a static system. Anyone can move out of poverty if he takes advantage of the FREE education through 12th grade and then either works or attends college as he can. It happens all the time. The smart ones also learn to save and invest and make every dollar count so that by the time they are in their thirties to forties they have made something of themselves.
Unfortunately the progressive left NEEDS poor people to play the class warfare gig (to buy votes) so they spend a lot of time selling the notion that the poor are helpless victims of a cruel/corporate/rich society. That they are being oppressed. Its BUNK! the biggest oppressors are the Democrat Party leadership that fails to educate people (not in the schools system they monopolize nor in their rank and file following)
Every day people that have accumulated wealth lose it. The Fortune 400 list (used to be 500…it shrunk!) is different every year. Every day people that had nothing and came from nothing pull themselves up to become middle class or even members of the wealthy class.
If you can’t make it in America YOU AREN’T TRYING!
In one life time it is possible for a person to go from poor to lower middle class if they do really good but only extreme rare cases does anyone go from poor to elite upper class. In the real world for a poor family to gain actual economic status it would take generations of hard work and utilizing the tools that most of them don’t know exists. I feel like your logic comes from the ideal that everybody in this country gets the same healthy start in life. Truth is that many people have been ignored and suffered abuse and slipped through the cracks somehow. Our prisons are bursting at the seams because we can’t teach people how to live. More and more families are lining up at the soup kitchens, and even our local homeless shelter is seeing increased use. Why? There is plenty of food out there. There are plenty of vacant homes around here. The problem is that the upper middle class think that they are rich gods and want to gouge every cent out of us be it for shelter or even food. It’s too much. Banks gave us all loans and then got government grants to ship our jobs overseas so they could take away our loans and homes. It was a very thought out plan to screw over the middle class in America and you are too busy watching Fox News and believing everything mainstream media tells you. People are getting rich in this country and I’ll tell you that it ain’t you or me. A great quote goes something like this, “Americans don’t think they are overworked living in debt slavery, they think they are a nation of failed millionaires.”
Rex, I understand what you are saying, but I don’t accept it, at least not entirely. It is more difficult to get ahead these days because we are confounded by bureaucracy like no other time in our history. Taxation, regulation and administrative rules DO restrain success and it should be reformed. So I do agree with you in that respect. And I also can agree that Wall Street has done some nasty things and they should have suffered, not been bailed out.
Now with that said, my parents started out with basically nothing, not even a high school diploma. My Dad never held a high paying job, but he would always tell me, “Its not what you make that counts, its what you save”. Saving is a big help to your success and those who can use deferred gratification, live frugally, compound their savings with wise investments will generally do very well.
Obviously not everyone can become a billionaire, the math doesn’t work, their isn’t room, but our millionaire class has certainly grown and our financially independent and comfortable class has really grown. And yes…at the same time those on the bottom have increased too…and there’s a whole lot of factors for that and we could spend hours on this alone, but mostly the finger of blame points right back at them for not taking advantage of the many opportunities here and making poor choices and depending on the government for too much.
Life is 10% luck and what is thrown at you and 90% what you do with it….
By the way Rex, just so you know I’m not living under some illusion, I lost over $250,000 in stock scams from so-called reputable companies that had cooked their books and by the time I found out…my money was gone. I was very careful too and I know the market, but they got me anyway. That was my retirement money and it really hurts. I’m still mad as hell about it, but I am not ready to over throw our system to fix it. A few tweaks here and there, some gov and bank reform and careful tax spending…and we’ll be okay.
Rex: “I feel like your logic comes from the ideal that everybody in this country gets the same healthy start in life. Truth is that many people have been ignored and suffered abuse and slipped through the cracks somehow.”
Rex they have not been ignored…that is just not true. But, we have been doing the same thing about the poor for over fifty years. We have spent trillions of dollars on many programs and services and it isn’t working or you wouldn’t have the opinion you have. Can we at least agree about that?
You are asking us to support you in spending more and doing more of what hasn’t worked! Would you invest from your own personal bank account in such a scheme? Or would you rather try something else?
“…it would take generations of hard work and utilizing the tools that most of them don’t know exists.”
First of all it doesn’t have to take generations as many people who come here from other countries can attest. Secondly even if it did what difference does it make? We have generational poverty based on welfare dependence now! And finally, why don’t they have the tools? why aren’t they, or at least their children, being prepared and trained to become productive citizens? Could it be that this is where the investment should have been made? could it be that much of it should happen in our school system for which we are already spending more than other countries that spend less but score higher in achievement? Could it be that we have nurtured a culture of decadence and self-abuse (drugs,drink,promiscuity) that rob people of the things that create a sense of aliveness and self-worth?
“The problem is that the upper middle class think that they are rich gods and want to gouge every cent out of us be it for shelter or even food.”
How many upper middle class people have you talked with to arrive at this conclusion? what evidence do you have that this opinion is indicative of most middle class people rather than a few? Why would they want to “gouge every cent” out of anyone. Mosat of them are just like anyone else. they wake up in the morning, put their pants on one leg at a time, gulp down some breakfast and head off to work. They pay their taxes, they donate to charity, they volunteer in the community. I’ll tell you why they are fed up about. they are fed up with broken school and welfare systems that have givewn us a terrible return on the money we;ve spent to “help” people who are capable of helping themselves.
“Banks gave us all loans and then got government grants to ship our jobs overseas so they could take away our loans and homes. It was a very thought out plan to screw over the middle class in America and you are too busy watching Fox News and believing everything mainstream media tells you.”
I think the bailouts were probably a mistake; that conspiracy theory is attitude on steroids. Stupid regulations, regulators asleep at the wheel, politicians that wouldn’t listen to reason about the regulations, politicians getting deals and making money on the stupid regulatatory scheme, individual greed, a lot of people spending more than they had on credit, and a potload of toxic loans (plus a lot more) made this happen. We liberalized practices instead of sticking to conservative, simple regulations and practices and now we are all paying a huge price.
“A great quote goes something like this, “Americans don’t think they are overworked living in debt slavery, they think they are a nation of failed millionaires.”
Resentment and covetousness are toxic emotions. As long as you hold on to your attitude you haven’t got a prayer of moving ahead.
I think you need to move out of the zone in which you have been living. Your brain has been polluted with the notion that you have no power and influence in your own life. That is a terrible waste of whatever capabilities and strengths you have.
And by the way…the world is just fine with only a few millionaire and billionair types. Few people really aspire to be very wealthy. they don’t have the desire or the ambition. Being comfortable is good enough for most of us isn’t it?
That’s the the thing. The word for what is going on is called anomie. Over the past few years Oakland has been a catalyst for middle class hipsters, so Oakland hipsters plus Berkeley hipsters make up for one huge crowd of try hards. Then you add a police force that deals with gangs and violence and you are writing a recipe for disaster. I agree. As for someone who has worked hard my whole life to barely scrape by month to month I can envision a society where people can have the choice to not participate and still live a healthy happy life supporting themselves, not war. I see people on the streets starving and not getting help and I hear about billions of dollars given out in Corporate Welfare to create jobs, but where are the jobs? I hear about money getting printed out of thin air, but where is the money? A gang of crooks run our country and they are in cahoots with each other and nothing is going to be done about it until the crew in DC gets as ballsy as the crew in Oakland. Stop supporting tyranny, Stop supporting the USA.
Democrats are wrong. Government spending does not create jobs that produce wealth. Government subsidizing companies that reward their supporters or an ideology, rather than because it support the overall economy is not quite as bad but still not the best way to create a vibrant healthy private sector. Government spending on corporations is most often a political ploy.
Obama spending is purely political. Payback to unions, greens, teachers, and big bundlers. It represents a big push to enlarge government dependecy (Obamacare) and thus greater government control. (transforming America into a social democracy)
“Stop supporting the USA.”
The OWS mob (not the few that believe in a republic) want what Obama wants…more government spending….more printing of money that makes your dollars worth less….more keeping inflation from rearing its ugly head by artificially keeping interest rates low…more tax increases. NONE OF THAT WORKS! NONE OF THAT IS AMERICAN.
The big socialist machine that has been growing over the last fifty to seventy years will not come down easily. Keeping our representatives honest is an ongoing obligation that requires an informed and educated populace.
Determining your perspective via science fiction novels is a mistake.
Rex, there is no need for anyone with a sound mind starve in the USA, it’s really their own choice. Obviously, we can’t rescue every crazy bum sleeping under a bridge somewhere, but for those in need, who genuinely seek food and shelter…. there’s always places for them.
Given the scope the problem with many deliberate bums who choose to live on the street, we probably do a better job caring for them than any other nation in the world. In China they just let them die (or help them die) and then they say, good riddance. Same could be said for a whole lot of countries around the world. I could fill up a page or two by just listing their names.
Rex did you hear the polling today from people in the bay area? a third said Oakland cops handled it just right, a third thought they were too soft and only another third thought they were too rough. 2/3rds say the cops were not acting too hard…that puts your opinion in a minority.
And Rex…when you say, “Stop supporting tyranny, Stop supporting the USA” you just lost whatever minority support you may have had. That was really lame. The sad part is you don’t even see it, do you?
All the videos I have seen have been the police shooting at innocent people. If the police were protecting property then why is property more valuable than the safety of our citizens? There are always going to be a few provocateurs in the crowd and in Oakland’s case there is a high probability that those provocateurs are undercover police officers. Even if 1/3 of uneducated morons think that the police behavior is wrong then there is obviously an issue here. the other 2/3s are sadistic and misinformed. They are the people that yell, “get a job,” as they drive by in the work truck that of the business that their dad or grandpa started. They feel the frustrations of a diminishing middle class and have been told by the media to take it out on Occupiers.
The great depression led to policy changes in which Americas middle class was allowed to thrive. Over the past few decades the policy has been changed to destroy the middle class and only benefit the rich. (They took your 250 grand.) People shouldn’t have to worry about how they are going to pay rent next month. They shouldn’t have to work two jobs just to get by. Our hard work ethic has been taken advantage of and the ones that reaped the benefits now they vote out of fear and ignorance to secure what they have instead of voting to secure our future. I can see how a lot of people believe that hard work and sacrifice will pay off in this country, but the truth is that the jobs just aren’t out there and our buying power is weaker than it ever has been before.
OWS has nothing to do with Obama or democrats or republicans or socialism. Many of us believe that this system is rigged to keep a certain group in power (no matter who you vote for) and those in power no longer care about our best interests. If they did, then the middle class would not be shrinking. Neither side has an answer to the solution because neither side is willing to give up our military’s campaign of world terror. Focusing on world peace and proliferation is the only way this nation can ever have a middle class again, the only problem is due to the atrocities that have been committed in your name with your money it may be too late.
Rex the frustraion you feel is shared by many Americans.
Some of the dots you attempt to connect about how we arrived at this place just aren’t there. Others have quite a bit of merit. Big government and liberal/progressive policy is at the heart of a lot of our problems.
OWS may include a lot of people like you who just want to route out the scoundrels and return this nation to it’s greatness but those who have taken control of OWS, or are using for their own ends, have a much different agenda.
One way or the other OWS certainly doesn’t represent Americans who wish to preserve the republic and believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. A list of OWS supporters supports my assertion. It has been compiled by PJMedia blogger Zombie (It includes links):
here’s a partial list:
“… there is no need for anyone with a sound mind starve in the USA, it’s really their own choice.”
For the thousandth time, what about those of unsound mind and impoverished intellect? Huh? What about ’em? Or are you, like your candidate for the presidency, just not that concerned?
“Obviously, we can’t rescue every crazy bum sleeping under a bridge somewhere,….”
Of course we can, you just won’t. (Honestly, must you make it so easy for me?)
I think the next election will come down to this: Are we a nation hell bent on undoing all the social progress we’ve made since the New Deal? And have we finally realized what all this really costs, and made up our mind to pay it.
Jack, Tina, we know where you stand, but I’m hoping that a lot of people who stood where you do during the Reagan years have come to their senses.
Libby, don’t go wagging your finger at us. How many burnt out druggies and alcoholics living on the street have you saved?
I’m telling you straight, that it’s not possible for us to save them all, we don’t have the time, people or money to do it. Even if we did try to save every single bum, something else just as important would suffer because our pot of money is not INFINITE!!!!
Now in theory we could have a national round up of bums and take them into protective custody and place them in special mental institutions where they would get free healthcare for them 24/7. Then I would imagine that somebody like you would say how those poor people can’t be treated like cattle! You can’t just go rounding them up to be taken off the streets!!! If they don’t want to go, it should be their choice and then those people just like you would hire ACLU type lawyers and sue those mental institutions. You now accuse them of warehousing people and you say they should be able to come and go as they please. And so they do….but, when they die on the street, some people just like you, would sue the social services for allowing them to die on the street….and we will never satisfy you, you’ll always be complaining and suing.
But, the best part of this scenario is yet to come.
After we have spent and spent on the homeless bums and burnouts and they all have free homes and free food and free healthcare our story goes back to you. Imagine now that you’re sitting in an uncomfortable wood chair in a government run cancer clinic. You are getting your chemo and suddenly some nurse says, “Okay, that’s it you’re done”. And she starts pulling your IV. “Hey I’m only half way there…stop!!!” And she says calmly, “Sorry Miss, but we’ve spent your cancer treatment money on the homeless and we had to cut back somewhere. But, be happy because they’ll be around a lot longer than you will.
The moral of this story: Seems like there just isn’t enough money to take care of everyone for everything and have absolutely NOBODY get the short end of the stick. Its a hard lesson, and then you die before you can vote republican…and that dear Libby is the worst fate of all! (hehehe…)
“How many burnt out druggies and alcoholics living on the street have you saved?”
Ah, no. I am only too happy to subsidize the Salvation Army and Cronin House and Planned Parenthood. It’s you who bitch and moan that this ain’t anything worth doing.
“Seems like there just isn’t enough money to take care of everyone ….”
But you’re wrong, Jack. There is. We just can’t get you, or Romney, the Caymanite, to part with it.
There must be a piece missing in the liberal progressive mind. They seem incapable of getting the simplest things.
Romney, she says, the man who paid how much in taxes and on top of that gave even more to charity? Libby your cheese has done slid off your cracker!
Listen up, Libs!
Ya see Libs we believe the government does a lousy job with our money. We believe that folks like the Salvation Army will use our charity dollars with a strong sense of fiscal responsibility and discipline and will also achieve a much better result.
It ain’t rocket science!
Of course that blind spot (or is it just wllfullness or pride) does allow the liberal progressive to spread lies about the heartlessness of those who prefer small government and strong private industry and private charitable organizations.
A big stupid lie repeated often enough….
Adding insult to injury here is what Obama gave to charities. For someone who keeps saying the wealthy should pay more he sure doesn’t live up to his own words, again.
“Sen. Barack Obama released seven years of prior tax return documents on Tuesday. And a review of the records reveals several newsworthy, albeit minor, disclosures.
Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama’s family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations — about 1 percent of their annual earnings. In 2005, however, that total jumped to $77,315 (4.7 percent of annual earnings), and to $60,307 in 2006 (6.1 percent).”
And here is Biden’s.
Download the Bidens tax return here.
1.4% in charitable contributions? The average American gives about 2 percent of his annual income to charity, about 30 percent more than the Biden family.
The Bidens measley $5,350 in charitable contributions line up exactly with what Democrats stands for: The party of self-righteousness.
They didn’t even come close to what Romney gave.
(somebody feigning high principles: somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise)
I’m not happy that it has taken this long for occupyers to show their true colors. Incidents like tossing condoms at young Catholic. School girls has lost my support of the movement. Give it up and get a job. Consider hiring illegals that stand in front of Home Depot and do contracting work. I’m making an average of $3500 profit every 3 to 4 days roofing homes!