Allies or Enemies

by Jack Lee


9/11 anniversary: Muslim protesters burn US flag outside embassy in London. A group of Muslim protesters set fire to an American flag outside the US embassy in London during a minute’s silence to mark the moment that the first hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Center 10 years ago.

Things are not looking so good for Americans in the Muslim world. Take an incident that happened in Egypt recently. Three American citizens barred from leaving Egypt have sought refuge at the American Embassy in Cairo amid growing tensions about pro-democracy groups.

Obama is about to give $1 billion in U.S. aid to Egypt and at the same time Egypt’s council, made up of ruling generals, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood now in power in Parliament, have been investigating so-called foreign-funded pro-democracy groups and human rights groups. I don’t want our money going to people who hate us and train their children to wear suicide vests!

Investigating pro-democracy and human rights groups, one wonders why? You might


infer from their actions, they look upon these noble endeavors as something evil that needs purging. Egypt’s inquisition came into full view last month when heavily armed security forces raided 17 offices belonging to 10 pro-democracy and human rights groups. U.N. officials criticized the raids as illegal and unjustified.

Last week, Egypt barred at least six Americans and four Europeans who worked for U.S.-based pro-democracy organizations from leaving the country. They included Sam LaHood, the head of the Egypt office of the Washington-based International Republican Institute and the son of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the only Republican in President Barack Obama’s Cabinet.

On Monday, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters in Washington that some of the Americans under investigation were in the embassy, although she would not identify them or their affiliations, citing privacy concerns.

This latest action by our former close ally appears to be one more sign that Egypt’s revolt reform is instead playing into the hands of the Muslim radicals. They were kept down under Mubarak, but now they are flexing their new found power and it looks like they’re ready to throw US relations under the proverbial bus. A similar anti-western, anti-us situation is developing in Pakistan, where the Muslims radicals would like nothing better than to cut off relations with us and openly back Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

We’ve not had very good long term results with any number of Muslim nations in the Mideast or elsewhere. Make me wonder if the United States ever be able to trust any Muslim nation for long or are we just being played like useful fools?

Our ideology over human rights and freedom is so opposite to their histories. And their radicalized version of Islam is so antithetical to pro-human rights and democracy.

Just yesterday in the news, it was learned that a Pakistani doctor that helped the US determine who was living inside the Al Qeada compound where bin Laden was caught was arrested and could be executed! On the surface the Paki’s were supposed to be our good buddies in the war on terrorism, right? And didn’t they say bin Laden was thought to be our mutual enemy? So we kill Osama and they are livid and they want to charge an innocent man for treason because he merely gave some basic information to us.

Only last year one of our CIA officials operating in counter-terrorism, Raymond Davis, was arrested by Pakistan police. He was charged with murder. However, he was attacked by two Pakistani secret police agents sent to kidnap or murder him because he was getting to close to discovering something about the Pakistani government and the terrorist attacks in Mumbai India. Davis killed the hitmen in self defense and further, he had diplomatic immunity, but he was jailed anyway…by our pals the Pakistani’s. It was a national scandal and the people took to the streets demanding Davis’ head.

Davis was eventually released from prison, but only after we paid the Paki’s a bribe of $2.4 million for his release. Some great allies, eh? The only thing that keeps us and Pakistan on the same side (theoretically anyway), is a small percentage of their people and their government officials who have developed a desire need for our money. The rest of them (a majority of the Muslim population), would love to take up arms against us if they could; we are that hated and despised thanks to the cold war rhetoric, friendship with Israel, the face we’re a free and open society…you know the drill…they hate us for who we are and they are both fearful and jealous of our power. Like most Muslim nations, they would go wild with joy if somebody nuked us.

Inside America recently: Muslims groups protested the appearance of Lt. General William G. Boykin who was to speak at a West Point prayer breakfast. CAIR claimed he had insulted Muslims before and this would be disrespectful to the many Muslim cadets now in West Point.

Boykin, an unapologetic Christian was a senior military intelligence officer. He had been criticized for speeches he made at evangelical Christian churches that were seen as critical of Islam. He once called a Muslim Somali warlord an “idol-worshipper” and this outraged the Muslim community here and abroad. CAIR has been linked to Islamic terrorist groups, funny they are still here dictating to us?

So now we have Muslims at West Point? Gee, that’s interesting. Reminds me of some other Muslims soldiers, perhaps you may recall them? They’re quite famous now and they’re called heroes among many Muslims the world over.

Allow me to refresh your memory: SSG Asan Akbar of the 101st Airborne Division’s was a trusted (Muslim) NCO. He fragged his fellow soldiers while they were sleeping in their tents. Akbar was not deployed to the first Gulf war and some in his family thought it was because of army concerns over his religion and his loyalty. However, by Gulf 2, Akbar was deployed and that’s when he killed two officers and seriously wounded 14 others in a sneak attack. He was shouting anti-America and pro-Muslim slogans when he is apprehended. Guess that answers the loyalty question. We trusted another Muslim, Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan. He went on a jihad and killed 12 and 30 wounded soldiers in a shooting spree at Ft. Hood. He was just about to be deployed to Iraq. He had harbored similar ill feelings as Akbar. Another Muslim soldier was arrested outside Ft. Campbell for being AWOL. He said he planned to kill U.S. soldiers. Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, refused to deploy to Afghanistan and that’s when he started plotting against us.

So now back to my concerns about this situation. Liberals frequently tell us its better to let a thousand guilty go free than it is to execute one innocent man. (A high standard indeed.) But, when it comes the military, it’s better to let in a thousand killers than to risk rejecting one person who isn’t. Well I don’t want to do either because I don’t like the odds. I think that recent events dictate we need to take a real close look at who we let in the military and a really close look at who we make as our leaders!

Before any of you go getting all uppity and indignant with me…I would be saying the very same thing if it were “radical Methodists” that had done the killing or attempted killing of service men and women. I’m just saying….we just can’t bury our heads in the sand and pretend there are not millions of these radical Muslims running around who want us dead… and they, and not the Methodists, deserve our close attention when it comes to matters of security. This includes airport screening too! Okay, so now blast away, I’ve said my piece and I’m ready.

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2 Responses to Allies or Enemies

  1. Tina says:

    The bottom line for me is pretty simple.

    Not all Muslims are our friends.

    It is one thing to tell us, “Go home we don’t want you in our country,” (they haven’t) and another to wage war on us in various ways, including infiltrating our institutions to patiently change them over many years. As long as those that are radical continue to wage war on us we have a responsibility to connect the dots.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    That part bothers me too. The Koran says its perfectly fine to lie and deceive your enemy. So to present the hand of friendship as a Muslim nation and then turn around and stab us in the back is apparently also acceptable behavior, it’s happened enough to convince me anyway – Jack.

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