Response to an Occupy Defender

by Jack Lee


(Young woman pleads with rioters not to burn the American flag. They burned it anyway – the flag was stolen from Oakland’s City Hall after the so-called Occupy mob broke in.)

“I’m pretty sure that nobody purchased the Tea at the Boston Tea Party when brave patriots broke the law to show their masters what is wrong with the system. Our system is broken. If you think everything is A-Ok then you are choosing to be ignorant of the oppression that our government instills all over the world.” Rex Crosley

Rex, the people behind the Boston Tea Party incident were patriotic Americans infuriated over taxation without representation and the new British tea tax was the final straw. The Boston Tea Party had a very focused agenda that people within the community understood and widely endorsed. They went to an English ship and symbolically dumped bales of British tea into the harbor to protest unfair taxation. It helped unite people in a worthy cause for liberty and justice.

“Capitalist Darwinism is a cruel system that encourages the rich to exploit and do terrible things to the poor.” Rex Crosley

The Occupy movement has no such comprehensible agenda, their agenda is all over the place and sometimes no place. But, if you blindly hate America because you’re an idiot – you’re in! If you’re a communist, anarchist or socialist- you’re in! If you’re crazy, homeless and jealous of everyone that has more than you – you’re in! If you just want to break or burn something – you’re in! If you hate the cops and want to hurt them – you’re in! Their OWS motto should be: “We Want Any Kook for Any Reason – Lets Riot!”

Oakland PD is known as one of the most corrupt police forces in the world. If they are so innocent then why are they facing a federal take over?” Rex Crosely

Because there are so many simpletons, radicals, criminals, bums and degenerates and they all have so many bizarre agenda’s, nobody has a clue what an OWS victory would look like…not even themselves.

As for the rest of your comments, lets face it – Oakland is not Beverly Hills. The local citizens are among the most violent and dangerous in the world. Rex, you’re so aware of the police, it’s odd that you didn’t notice that? Try being a cop in that dump for 6 months and lets see how gentle you are with felons out to take your head off! Better yet, you try strolling the streets in the hood after dark… won’t be long before you are screaming for one of those cops you hate!

Rex, deceive your fellow citizens if you will, but don’t insult them. We know the score and we know America is not perfect. But, one thing is for damn sure, whatever you think is wrong with this country won’t be fixed by burning our flag or terrorizing our citizens.

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9 Responses to Response to an Occupy Defender

  1. Tina says:

    Jack I had a feeling you would grab these comments and run with them…thank you! There is no comparison to our founders…NONE! This is an unprincipled and motley group without a clue.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Thanks Tina, this was one I couldn’t resist. He’s trying to sell us baloney and calling it prime rib! Can’t get away with that here! ; )

  3. Chris says:

    Jack–“The Occupy movement has no such comprehensible agenda, their agenda is all over the place and sometimes no place. But, if you blindly hate America because you’re an idiot – you’re in! If you’re a communist, anarchist or socialist- you’re in! If you’re crazy, homeless and jealous of everyone that has more than you – you’re in! If you just want to break or burn something – you’re in! If you hate the cops and want to hurt them – you’re in! Their OWS motto should be: “We Want Any Kook for Any Reason – Lets Riot!””

    Jack, quick question: do you think this paragraph would be convincing to someone who does not already agree with you?

  4. Quentin Colgan says:

    Oh boy. Here we go again!
    You really should read a book now and then, Jack.
    I mean, are you proud of your ignorance??????
    The ships were not British. The tea was not British.
    They were protesting a British subsidy towards a multinational corporation that was resulting in mom-and-pop tea merchants getting screwed. They preferred to let the invisible hand of the marketplace do its job.
    Had there been a TEA Party back then, they would have misinformed the patriots into thinking it was for their own good. You prove their effectiveness at misinformation with this post!

    SOME people are extreme. MOST are not.
    Jack, deceive your fellow citizens if you will, but don’t insult them!

  5. Harold Ey says:

    Q you are just as taxing as the British when it comes to the point of real issues. Just as the British allowed a company under British sanctions to import CHEAP quality tea to a select group of British Merchants to help disguise a fee(Tax) as Politicians refer to unpopular Tax today. And for no other reason than control and guarantee of the tax collected to be sent to the King. This taxed the American colonist as much as your attempt to inject your opinions based on Minutia of content similarity the same as the readers of Post Script. I mostly avoid any of your replies, and it was by accident I read the above dribble, especially your snide sign off.. We understand the accepted name of the Tea party incident in Boston and other ports. We also understand that as Americans, Tea party Members or other affiliations, America is has become split today through seemingly Anti American Politicians that erode the Constitution and we on the right have had enough of their schemes. Correction of facts is helpful, however your sign off bespeak your own inadequacies

  6. Libby says:

    Ah, Jack, you are a libertarian. Nothing even vaguely resembling empathy. That could change.

    Sit on the floor (not cross-legged; I know you cannot manage it) and ponder the possiblity (more possible than you know) that between W.S. avarice and government ineptitude, all your sources of income … are all gone.


    Could you work yourself up to a little flag burning, do you think?

    And could you be got to realize that your disdain for the flag burners in question springs from the fact that they have no sources of income to lose? That they are, in consequence(by your lights), lesser beings?

    And maybe, mayhap, could we take one more shot at that Christian thing? Do you think?

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, I actually can do that, I took a yoga class. No I don’t have empathy when you have a young lady pleading not to burn the flag because it will hurt their cause…not help and the idiots do it anyway because they don’t care. In my opinion their agenda is get attention anyway they can for the cheap thrill of it, nothing more. If there was more to it they would have yielded to the woman’s pleas, you on the other hand anoint them as the poor and downtrodden but, you don’t know that.

  8. Libby says:

    “… the idiots do it anyway because they don’t care. In my opinion their agenda is get attention anyway they can for the cheap thrill of it, nothing more.”

    That’s probably a fair characterization of the idiots in question, but of the movement? I don’t think so.

    The OWS and the TP are really, if you can drop the partisan thing for a bit, PO’d about the same stuff.

  9. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, please don’t misunderstand me, I know that a fair number of people in the OWS share some of the very same issues that those in the Tea Party and Republican Party and the Libertarian Party are concerned about. I’ve always acknowledged this, so I really do get it, but when it comes to defining their those OWS issues as their core values, it’s like mixing paint colors. Mix enough colors and they all comes out looking muddy. That’s where the OWS is now, too many positions, some absolutely stupid. Couple that with the fact they have way too many irresponsible people running a muck and not nearly enough responsible people to keep them in line and it’s an ugly scene. Nobody wins in this scenario.

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