Most Up to Date information on Obama’s Birth Record

Thanks go to Harold for this find….

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5 Responses to Most Up to Date information on Obama’s Birth Record

  1. Libby says:

    Like I said … it’s all they’ve got, and they will not let it go.

    Seriously, Jack … the pantings of some birther are supposed to be authoritative?

    Sad … very sad.

  2. a. nonnymouse says:

    Jack, you are an intelligent person, surely you are aware that there are numerous, much more important issues to be debated than an actual birth certificate.
    I agree with Libby. It is time for this “BIRTHER” bovine excrement to just go away!
    If there were ANY doubts whatsoever of the legitimacy of Obamas birth, the supreme court would have weighed in on the issue YEARS ago.
    We all get it Jack, You do not like Obama, I don’t like Bush, but to drag this issue further is just a waste of time.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    A.nonnymouse, I appreciate your comments and I thank you for contributing. I tend to agree too. Its why I rarely comment on it, but as news comes to us, we like to give people an opportunity to see what others are reading on this subject.

    For instance, the latest update on the birth certificate just came out and there are still some pretty compelling questions to be answered. I only published the link without comment. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time, but I don’t want to dismiss it out hand because we know there are people on both sides who are following this with much interest.

    We have many more articles to choose from so we hope you will find something YOU really want to read. Thanks again for your comments and we will be sure to only bring reasonable updates and who knows, the next update could be a close to this birther thing.

  4. Chris says:

    That…was much better than I expected, actually.

    I appreciate that the site makes it clear that, yes, Barack Obama WAS born in Hawaii, and that in their opinion, lawsuits which have expressed doubt about the birthplace (which is the majority of them) have been based on false premises. Good for them for pointing that out.

    So, unlike the majority of birthers I have heard from, this site is not actually asserting that some kind of “conspiracy” exists to hide the true birthplace of the president. They are saying that the phrase “natural born citizen” doesn’t mean just any citizen born in the U.S. Their main argument seems to be that there’s reason to believe that one must have two U.S. citizens for parents in order to meet this requirement.

    While I disagree with their interpretation of what “natural born citizen” means, this argument strikes me as more reasonable than those who allege that the birth certificates are forgeries, or believe in other conspiracy theories such as fake social security numbers and the like.

    This doesn’t change the frivolity of the Georgia lawsuit, which questions Obama’s birthplace and demands to see his birth certificate (which they can see online quite easily if they want to.) According to the website linked to by Jack, there is no question that President Obama was born in Hawaii, and this lawsuit is based on false premises.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Chris you may be absolutely right. I have never said otherwise, I have only said it is an issue that should not be dismissed without due process.

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