A Most Improbable Story

by Jack (thanks to Peggy for forwarding this story)

In some parts of the world life is pretty cheap, …especially in Iraq, …especially during a war…. and especially when a baby is born with defects. For some in this world such babies have no value. So they get tossed out like human trash.

Thankfully these two babies with severe birth defects we’re rescued after being found abandoned in a shoe box. A wonderful lady from another country came to their rescue.

It’s an unbelievable story – you need to see this. Click below:


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6 Responses to A Most Improbable Story

  1. Tina says:

    Well golly, now I’ve had my good cry for the day…thanks Peggy this is a truly moving story.

    and on a very personal note it affirms my belief that ALL human life is precious and how important it is that I remember to honor every life.

    How can we profess to be interested in peace and kindness, how can we claim to be compassionate loving beings if we do not honor life and do right by every life?

    And what a great voice, huh?

  2. Peggy says:

    The words for John Linnon’s “Imagine” have never been truer and beautiful.

    I almost miscarried my second son and had to spend three months in bed. I look at him now and my two grandkids and thank God every day.

    Every life is a blessing. We should all look in the mirror and call our moms, for those blessed to still have them, and say “Thanks.”

  3. Post Scripts says:

    The most moving part of this is how we are all basically interchangeable human beings if we’re given half a chance.

    Here’s an Iraqi who is as Aussie as the next Australian and yet he’s straight out of a Hell hole where the people often act like they are sub-human. We’re all basically the same, only circumstance makes one a radical killing monster and another a decent caring human. Amazing.

    If there was only a reset button we could push to let those Muslim maniacs have some wisdom and understanding of our culture before they started hating and killing us. Killing each other in war is so stupid and pathetic.. it should never happen again.

  4. Rex Crosley says:

    The birth defects were probably a result of depleted uranium or whatever toxic waste we decided to dump there.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Rex… Why must you always turn something around to make it against your own country? You have said you hate America, so what country do you like?

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