The Department of Illegal Immigration?

The Obama administration on Tuesday announced a new “public advocate” charged with listening to immigrants’ concerns about its law enforcement policies — but Republicans said the position amounts to an official mouthpiece for illegal immigrants being deported.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said the advocate will “serve as a point of contact for individuals, including those in immigration proceedings, NGOs and other community and advocacy groups, who have concerns, questions, recommendations or other issues they would like to raise.”

The agency — part of the Homeland Security Department — said Andrew Lorenz-Strait will be the first advocate. (The only good part here is, it’s not nearly as wasteful as the bloated Homeland Security.)

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One Response to The Department of Illegal Immigration?

  1. Princess says:

    Ah, the good old DHS. Brought to us by The Patriot Act and the Republican Party that now expects all of its voters to support candidates that are not good. They are running a bunch of big government elitists and telling me they are back to their conservative values. It is like they have heard nothing the Tea Party has been saying all this time.

    The explosion of government under Bush and especially with his Department of Homeland Security was unforgivable and now we see why. When Democrats take over they just expand it even further.

    Does anyone else remember what conservatives and Republicans USED to stand for? It is hard to remember when I look at my party now.

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