Why Conservatives Suck

Submitted by Pie

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2 Responses to Why Conservatives Suck

  1. Peggy says:

    Loved it!!

    It really does suck to have to be a parent and say no to your kids when you can’t afford something or it’s bad for them.

    Today Obama “walked back” his mandatory contraceptive benefit coverage for religious institutions to provide to employees, but did he?

    He’s now saying the insurance company has to provide the service for free. FREE? Does he really think the insurance companies are going to “eat” the additional cost? Of course they’re not.

    They will take the increased cost and add it to premiums paid by EVERYONE. Which will include the religious institutions.

    I’ve worked with health and dental insurance premiums for businesses and educational institutions, and the insurance companies have always based their increases on the cost/output of the previous year.

    Just like there is no free lunch or k-12 education, there will not be free birth control to employees of religious institutions.

    Planned Parenthood provides birth control, and its already govt funded. Cant an individual get what they want there? Weve already paid for it. Do we really need to pay for it again?

  2. Juanita Sumner says:

    cause you can’t trust them anymore than you can trust a liberal. They talk tough, but they’ll raise your taxes just as fast.

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