Message Received – 29 GOP Governors Balance State Budgets

Posted by Tina

Both parties are exactly the same and all politicians are crooks!
That is the conclusion that many angry and frustrated citizens have after three years of high unemployment numbers, growing government debt ($15 Trillion), and a sluggish economy that offers little hope for the future. Who can blame us; so many have lost investments and savings, jobs, or a home? We’re angry because of the losses. We’re angry because it’s clear nothing is being done to make it better and much is being done that will ultimately make it worse. Yes both parties have failed by making poor decisions over many years. The people wonder when our leaders will begin to get the message. Though it’s not widely reported quite a number of them have.

One party’s leadership has gotten the message, or rather is taking the message and either making it reality closer to home or attempting to make it reality in Washington. At the federal level the House has passed over twenty-five different jobs bills, some of which the President has already said he would approve. Harry Reid has ignored them, probably with the Presidents blessing, so that he can blame a “do nothing congress” as he campaigns for a second term. Closer to home 29 Republican governors have balanced their budgets… not in California, of course, California is run by that other party.

Federal law requires the President to submit a budget to Congress by the first Monday in February. He’s been late every year and last year the CBO remarked that it was unscorable. This year he’s asked for a week’s extension. But Harry Reid has done him one better, failing to pass a budget in the Senate year after year. Currently, over a thousand days have passed and all we’ve gotten from old Harry is complaints that the Republicans aren’t cooperating.

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnel shares the successes of Republican governors around the country:

While Washington D.C. borrows at a staggering $3.5 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Republican governors have closed $65 billion in deficits the past two fiscal years alone.

Here in Virginia, we closed $6 billion in budget shortfalls without raising taxes and produced nearly $1 billion in surpluses the past two years, by putting new money into transportation and colleges and universities.

In Nebraska, Governor Dave Heineman proposed $326 million in tax cuts.
In New Jersey, Governor Chris Christie is pushing to cut the state income tax by 10 percent.

And Republican governors in Florida, Georgia, Iowa, New Mexico and South Carolina are all working to reform their tax systems to make their states more competitive.
Republican governors are balancing their budgets on time, without tax increases, and without deficit spending.

A lot of politicians have let the American people down. Voters are uncertain about which candidates they can trust. Not all of them are incompetent crooks but how can voters tell? The method isn’t perfect but my suggestion is to look around the country to see which party seems determined to make government more responsive in this economic nightmare. Some leaders have managed to get the message and are improving conditions for the citizens in their states by balancing budgets and curbing spending…and quite a number of them have done it without raising taxes.

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