The Certainty of Doubt

A good read for Mensa members


THE building at No. 11 Piazza del Sant’Uffizio is an imposing ocher-and-white palazzo that stands just inside the gates of Vatican City, behind the southern arc of Bernini’s colonnade. Above the main entrance is a marble scroll. It once held a Latin inscription, placed there in the 16th century, proclaiming that the palazzo had been built as a bulwark against

“heretical depravity.”

This was the headquarters of the Roman Inquisition, the arm of the Roman Catholic Church that tried Galileo and created the Index of Forbidden Books. You won’t see the inscription above the entrance now — it was chiseled off by French troops during Napoleon’s occupation. All that’s left is some mottled scarring.

The Roman Inquisition was one of several inquisitions conducted under the auspices of the church. These had in common a deeply rooted sense of fear (of heretics, of Jews, of Protestantism) and a deeply rooted moral certainty, a conviction that the cause was not only just but also so urgent that nothing must stand in the way: not practical considerations (workers were diverted from the unfinished St. Peter’s to complete the Inquisition’s palazzo) and certainly not competing considerations of principle or moderation.

That’s the way it is with moral certainty. It sweeps objections aside and makes anything permissible if pursued with an appeal to a higher justification. That higher justification does not need to be God, though God remains serviceable. The higher justification can also be the forces of history. It can be rationalism and science. It can be some assertion of the common good. It can be national security.

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The power of the great “isms” of the 20th century — fascism, communism — has dissipated, but moral certainty arises in other forms. Are certain facts and ideas deemed too dangerous? Then perhaps censorship is the answer. (China’s Great Firewall is one example, but let’s not forget that during the past decade, there have been some 4,600 challenges to books in schools and libraries in the United States.) Are certain religions and beliefs deemed intolerable? Then perhaps a few restrictions are in order. (Bills have been introduced in several states to ban recognition of Islamic Shariah law.) In a variety of guises, a conviction of certainty lurks within debates on marriage, on reproduction, on family values, on biotechnology. It peers from behind the question “Is America a Christian nation?”

An “ism” that retains its vitality — terrorism — is justified unapologetically by moral certainty. In a vastly different way, not always recognized, so have been some of the steps taken to combat it. Necessity overrides principle. The inventory of measures advanced in the name of homeland security during the past decade would fill a book. In the United States, the surveillance of citizens and non-citizens alike has become increasingly pervasive. The legal system has been under pressure to constrict protections for the accused. The National Defense Authorization Act, signed into law in December by President Obama despite his own reservations, gives the government enhanced powers to detain, interrogate and prosecute.

In Britain, a new Green Paper on Justice and Security has laid out changes in the legal system that would extend the circumstances in which evidence may be presented secretly in court without being made known to defendants. It would also allow government ministers to withhold from certain court proceedings information that the ministers deem sensitive. Visitors to Britain for this summer’s Olympics will notice the CCTV cameras — there are reportedly more than four million of them — that monitor ordinary daily activity throughout the country. This effort, the most advanced in the world, is supported by the slogan “If You Have Nothing to Hide, You Have Nothing to Fear.”

Meanwhile, to a degree that Americans of a generation ago would never have thought possible, the argument is made that torture can play a legitimate role in interrogation, the practice justified with reference to a greater good (and with the help of semantic fig leaves). Three of the Republican presidential candidates still in the race, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney, maintain that waterboarding, which the Inquisition matter-of-factly considered to be torture, really isn’t, and Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Santorum openly support its use. (Mr. Romney hasn’t said what he’d allow.)

The theoretical arguments for torture are slippery and dangerous. The inquisitors of old knew this all too well, and even popes tried to draw the line, to little avail — and in practice torture is more slippery still.

The idea that some single course is right and necessary — and, being right and necessary, must trump everything else, for all our sakes — is a seductive one. Isaiah Berlin knew where this idea of an “ultimate solution” would lead — indeed, had already led in the murderous century he witnessed: “For, if one really believes that such a solution is possible, then surely no cost would be too high to obtain it: to make mankind just and happy and creative and harmonious forever — what could be too high a price to pay for that? To make such an omelet, there is surely no limit to the number of eggs that should be broken. … If your desire to save mankind is serious, you must harden your heart, and not reckon the cost.”

The French soldiers who erased the inscription from the Inquisition’s palazzo in Rome didn’t know that they were replacing one form of certainty with another — in their case, the certainty of faith with the certainty of reason. The key words here are not “faith” and “reason” but “didn’t know”: the right way forward is always elusive. The drafters of the United States Constitution — fearful of rule by one opinion, whether the tyrant’s or the mob’s — created a governmental structure premised on the idea that human beings are fallible, fickle and unreliable, and in fundamental ways not to be trusted.

Triumphalist rhetoric about the Constitution ignores the skeptical view of human nature that underlies it.

A long philosophical tradition in the Roman Catholic Church itself — admittedly, not the one most in evidence today — has long balanced the comfort of certainty against the corrective of doubt. Human beings are fallen creatures. Certitude can be a snare. Doubt can be a helping hand. Consider a list of theologians who have found themselves targets of church discipline — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, John Courtney Murray, Yves Congar — only to be “surrounded with a bright halo of enthusiasm” at some later point, as the late Cardinal Avery Dulles once put it.

Doubt sometimes comes across as feeble and meek, apologetic and obstructionist. On occasion it is. But it’s also a powerful defensive instrument. Doubt can be a bulwark. We should inscribe that in marble someplace.

Cullen Murphy is an editor at large at Vanity Fair and the author of “God’s Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World.”

RESPONSE to Murphy….by Bud Biddle

The writer, Cullen, [-below-] makes a zillion points somewhat applicable to perfect ‘order’ in an imperfect world. Yet, while perfecting such a lofty pursuit for such an elusive ‘order’, he seems to ignore that our reality requires that we deploy a myriad of flexible/flowing, sometimes unconventional measures to eventually get everyone to the table to lay down their arms.

He speaks of ‘Inquisitions’ which are the historical, mental illness and ego driven, ends-justify-the-means, conquering pursuits of the human animal. Illiterate, psychotic pursuits that continuously portend the early demise of our species. Something I’ve recently written about.

We must always and forever, in a timely fashion, engage our nations enemies with enough fire to defeat their fires while protecting our fragile freedoms we hold so dearly. Cullen fails us all in this regard as he warns us rightfully of the dangers of the newest methodologies we deploy.

Had we actually captured the Japanese leaders who called the shots and water boarded them…would we NOT have dropped 2 atomic bombs on them..? Had we captured Hitler or a few of his Generals and water boarded them would NOT tens of thousands of Russian, American and other troops lives been saved….not to mention the lives of millions of Jews and others..? Yeh, I know…these are silly analogies…but one can still consider the idea/s.

A delicate balance indeed is required…and essential, ‘for our limited term survival, day by day, week by week, year by year.’ the entire world’s agonizingly slow, global pursuit for peaceful unity moves with glacial speed.

Have we triggered more Jihad and international scorn by NOT capturing bin Laden alive and putting him on Trial at Guantanamo Bay..? How about our summary assassination of an American criminal wanted by the FBI . We killed him with a USA Drone in Yemen..? Did that single act, instead of taking him into custody for Trial, begin the two, separate assassinations of Iranian scientists and today’s attempted assassinations of 2 Israeli diplomats..? Is the old domino effect now underway..?

There can be NO limits to our superiority while engaging our enemies at home and on the ever changing battlefields. Our overall, national survival depends on such superiority while assuring that our own wily methods won’t be turned back on ourselves somehow. This historically significant article by Cullen makes that point abundantly clear.

Instead of wringing our hands over torture, and other non conventional, non-lethal methods used in combating our 2012 enemies who use unconventional warfare, we should admit there are limited circumstances wherein we may need to use such measures. Albeit, no matter how unsavory to a few. Perhaps we need to quickly define those circumstances in our LAW and in all LAW, country by country. The choice would be theirs. We can no longer sit by and watch ourselves being beheaded and try and talk diplomatically to those beheading us…?

The slogan below, “If You Have Nothing to Hide, You Have Nothing to Fear” is one of reality based thinking and with proper oversight the extra measures we are currently trying are fine. Abused, they are harmful and while tightly controlled they are beneficial. Cullen’s work seems to doubt that fact but he has history on his side albeit, we are somewhat …errr…oops, ”very slightly”…more civilized now than in the 1600’s and before.

Prevention is best and usually only works with severe deterrents in full force. Ones we will use if need be.

Airport invasive searches, Drones, wiretaps, video surveillance, various detention enhancements and the like have kept our nation safer than ever before. Civil liberty has NOT been sacrificed except in the heads of the few Ultra Liberals and Ultra Conservatives who detest ANY authority whatsoever. The few mistakes by the FBI were quickly remedied and no one I know is worse off than before. Yet, I agree with Cullen, that it’s a “slippery” conundrum that our security authorities, here and abroad, are now engaged in.

Cullen says, “One idea that some single course is right and necessary — and, being right and necessary, must trump everything else, for all our sakes — is a seductive one”.

Cullen continues by saying, ‘Isaiah Berlin knew where this idea of an “ultimate solution” would lead — indeed, had already led in the murderous century he witnessed.’

Berlin said, “For, if one really believes that such a solution is possible, then surely no cost would be too high to obtain it: to make mankind just and happy and creative and harmonious forever — what could be too high a price to pay for that? To make such an omelet, there is surely no limit to the number of eggs that should be broken. … If your desire to save mankind is serious, you must harden your heart, and not reckon the cost.”

Berlin and Cullen walk both sides of the street and Cullen ignores the basic need to meet our enemies head on with assured prevention first and FULL superiority later on…on whatever battlefield an enemy chooses. They write with no regard to unconventional warfare like fundamental Jihadist’s wage against the Infidel’s…today’s pure, inexplicable reality.

It likely simply boils down to an Atomic Bomb hidden in a building in Manhattan in New York City that can kill 1000’s upon 1000’s. Do we advise the suspect of his rights under the Miranda Decision and do a typical interrogation to find the bomb’s location..? Or do we water board the person [-or worse-] and quickly find out where the bomb is and diffuse same in time..?

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2 Responses to The Certainty of Doubt

  1. Tina says:

    Cullen Murphy, as Mr. Biddel rightly points out, plays in the heady, luxurious world of philosophy. In that world difficult decision need never be made and judgment can be savored as prayer beads o the Sabbath. As might be expected real world remedies, ideas, and positions are not forthcoming even though history plays a staring roll. This was never intended as a means to address real world issues but it does hint at indignation at those who must.

    Biddel, however, reasons in the world of reality. He relies on history and the knowledge that humans are both flawed and fallible in determining his position. He acknowledges the need for balance and caution while reckoning that decisions and choices will, indeed must, be made by our leaders.

    As aware human beings we must also recognize the dire need for strong morality in our leaders for they will be called upon to make hard decisions. Morality based solely on human philosophical design is no substitute for humility before a higher being. The latter drives careful consideration and restraint; the former drives ever more lofty ego demands.

    Waterboarding was deemed legal, not torture, only after careful legal, medical, and spiritual consideration and with the creation of enumerated restraints; rules were firmly established so as to avoid severe emotional or physical harm.

    This incredibly difficult real world decision was made by our leader in an atmosphere that required quick answers. Bush didnt have the luxury afforded Murphy; the life and death scenario required expedience in response to and in the aftermath of a calculated act of extreme, torturous, evil.

    The terror scenario is not waning but instead evolving to ever more frightening realities. The need for strong, moral, real world leadership has never been greater. If we value freedom as well as our lives we must seek to elect those who acknowledge the mistakes of the past and the failures of mankind but who can also face, with wide eyed clarity, the real world in which we live and the need at times for extreme, albeit restrained, measures. There is a time for every season.

    Nicely done Mr. Biddel.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Nicely done Tina…you never cease to amaze me.

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