Constitution: Levin Makes the Case for Impeachment

Posted by Tina

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One Response to Constitution: Levin Makes the Case for Impeachment

  1. Bill Sheridan says:

    One can expand this argument to include every California State Employee plus all California Peace Officers. Virtually each and every search made in violation of the 4th Amendment, every supression of free expression by law enforcement or the State, and the countless invasions of privacy we endure are in violation of our constitution. Hell, applyhing this logic, one would roll up just about every government employee on charges. I am not against that, but . . . the cold reality is that the only people who cherish the Constitution are the masses. Our government hates the bill of rights as soon as it impacts their job as a bureaucrat. The California state workers have tried for years to eliminate the “loyalty oath” that requires them to uphold the Federal and State Constitutions. Ultimately, they could prevail – a scary proposition.

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