The Case of Judge Napolitano

by Bud Biddle, Chief of Police, CA RET

-My friend says….and then; I respond:

-I really like the Judge. I hope you listened to him, because this is the nexus of what I strongly believe and what many other ex government people understand has been the case for some time. What the Judge does not say directly, but is so obvious that one would have to be a naive Tea Party or Occupy Movement person to not understand that this country is and has been ruled by a supreme Plutocracy for many, many years.

I agree wholeheartedly with a couple exceptions; Millions of Tea Party folks and even moderate/non-radicalized, ‘Occupy’ folks are attacking the same enemy, AMERICAN PLUTOCRATS. They may not know the enemy by it’s fancy name but it’s all the same….~b [-biddle-].

-Ron Paul is one of a handful of elected officials with the balls to say it as it is. Senator Durgan is the other one who stood on the Senate floor and condemned Bill Clinton’s signing of the end of the Glass Steagal Act which, which allowed the financial plutocrats to bring the US and most of the Western World to the brink of financial disaster. He accurately predicted what would happen

I recall the Bill/Act…but am vague on the discussions and I paid little or no attention…I should have..~b

-Obama not only promoted all of the Bush Administrations CT and national security experts, but embraced the Patriot Act and gave unprecedented resources and new Executive Classified Directives to the CIA, DIA and State’s Bureau of INR. The drone program is but one tiny portion of the covert arena.

Monitored with direct oversight/penology/et al…these measures are fine. “Abuse it you lose it” …however, I still feel that we must fight enemy ‘fire’ with our ‘fire’ that’s superior to ALL other fire just as long as these matters are well controlled. “Slippery” slope(?)…like Cullen wrote, sure…but we seem safer security wise and our defensive/offensive options are severely limited in any event.~b

-Obama met with the top pharmaceutical CEOs in drafting the Health Care, ensuring that they would reap the largest windfalls in their history. They wholeheartedly supported the Act. While the Repub candidates are all condemning the Act, it is just what Judge Napolitano describes. They have no intentions of repealing it and the plutocrats from the health care industry have told them it will stand. their profits since the enactment have gone up 150% percent, and when the government takes on responsibility for the care of the most ill – those with previous costly diseases, their profits will continue to grow at unprecedented rates.

Sadly, what you are saying here is likely fact. No doubt in my mind and the insurers are in on the overall game as well. It is part of my general analysis of the long term demise of the human animal’s 200,000 year ruling `reign`here on the Earth. The global plutocrats, while the most wealthy and powerful, cannot right their/our numerous boats which are listing while slowwwwwwwly sinking…let alone steer them any better than the Italian Captain recently did on his cruise ship while showing off.~b

-Taxes on the richest 1% will go up, because the financial plutocrats have already agreed to it. Not because any embarrassment over income inequality, but because the threat of serious civil disorder and potential dangers to their own personal lives through a merger of dissident groups in our country.

`They` [-the top 1-2% of whom you speak-] all know there are not enough armies or police available to protect them behind their gated estates, high rise penthouses or tropical get-aways if the masses begin to really move on them. The design and fall `can never happen to them, the omnipotent`…they think…just as long as they feed the masses enough political double speak, grandiose bullshit and some food…the latter from whatever source they can cheaply, chemically make. These `kings of DC` [-and elsewhere-] rule us like most FEMA Disaster responses, which were/still are…always, woefully below par but “just enough“..! A few bucks, some water and ice…we, the victims, will follow for awhile before we revolt….and by the time we are ready to revolt, when we finally realize how truly screwed we are/have been at the time….the disaster [-fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.-] are over saving the establishment politician/rulers from horrific consequences while they get some Hell in the media. And the menial, human existence continues to slowly decline, media Hell or not.~b

-Major defections in the Tea Party movment and Occupy movements are taking place. Direct Action [-D A-] now is making the riots of the 70s look tame in comparison.

Yet the `DA` Activist numbers are not yet turning out, nor are they as violent as before but likely will be someday. The TRUE MINORITY in the world, the wealthy/ruling, 1-2%, establishment plutocracy, is way behind the curve with their token equality/balancing measures. They keep designing life to simply appease but never to really solve…anything. You’re exactly right. Look at Greece today. You will see America in a few years…if things continue which Ron Paul and Judge Napolitano are now talking about.~b

-The Bush strategy of waging war to unite the people and keep the economy going through defense expenditures cannot be used again, even if it is Iran.

Iran is not the problem…the overall design and failure of our self-devised, plutocracy anointed, human systems, which are way out of balance and do NOT work very well, are the MAJOR problem/s. The list is loooooonnnnnnnng. Iran is only another, minuscule gnat, noisily buzzing about…and likely the least of America’s worries. It just makes the reasons for more new weapons justifiable and inadvertently, TRULY justifies domestic oil production and the additional Keystone Pipeline our confused, naive, President has stopped so far..?~b

-The plutocrats know that a nation cannot sustain 20 years of continuous military conflict with its VA hospitals and health systems over taxed with veterans and the active duty military facing combat deployments unprecedented in the modern world.

America cannot sustain it’s entire system; not just weakly flawed health care which is slowly hastening a national demise of sorts. Not just a failing Veterans Administration system. New, post war costs, in financial and political terms, are so great that our politically driven war machinery and propaganda are changing by being cut massively in order to divert taxpayer funds elsewhere. The system is changing `their` war planning with technology to rely more and more on having U.S. threats from the sky….all while perceived enemies struggle to catch up and defeat our technology. Iran has one of our multi-million dollar drones to play with now. China has our stealth chopper technology. No one seems to be talking peace…no profits in peace and NOT having enemies foreign and domestic in a plutocracy like ours. The system MUST keep us focused on the black and white hats among the masses of the world while the system has no divisible sides at the top…anywhere. Just a lot of schmooze among the 1-2% of the power brokers, globally.~b

I am amazed that Fox News allowed the Judge to expose our country to what it really is. If it had appeared on KPFA, [-or NPR, LINK TV, BBC-], people would have sighed ho-hum.

Judge Napolitano was the first person to distill the data in a way that everyone could understand a few days ago. It was an eye opening, profound moment in media history and has gone viral online, worldwide. Facts are facts and his extremely accurate analysis, posed as… “what if’s“…was poignant and very, very illuminating. The world should take notice of our regal nation ruled by `kings and king/queen makers` on both sides of the aisle. The world should suggest we stand down our omnipotence somewhat. That we take FAR BETTER care of our own masses in much better ways. BUT ONLY in ways which allow the freedom and liberty we espouse to flourish, not to be squeezed downward and left downward in dictatorial ways by the chosen few on high.~b

Meanwhile the dumb shits, who live in the matrix world of make believe, paint mustaches on pictures of Obama at Lyndon La Rouche tables, the teary eyed Boehner cries out that Obama is engaged in a war with Christianity and Mitch McConnel shouts that the Banks are being over-regulated. What a sham, what hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy factors are alive and well here in politicized, plutocracy driven, America. These non-values are further promoted by the very lunatics who spread the phony bullshit about Obama birthing issues and other lies as well. All promoted by the plutocrats who need `THEIR` dumbed-down masses to see only good guys and bad guys while they fully control us from the 1 – 2%, top echelons you describe. The “American“ way is only for the top tier, Capitalist-rich and politically powerful to manipulate/control/divert us all, keeping us busy fighting/arguing amongst ourselves destroying any semblance of essential unity. Its all done with sports icons, movie/tv icons, politicians, spectacular military moves and all kinds of religious and monetary icons. ALL while they create more ‘social marginals’ [-Delamare..Rio de Janiero-PM-] to do their bidding. While ‘they’ continue to create security measures [-police, soldiers, et al-] so they can enrich their largesse in relative safety. And most of our citizens and non-citizens have bought the plutocracy’s package, hook, line and sinker.~b

I spoke with a friend who recently returned from Syria. I asked him if the freedom fighters were supporting Amercan style democracy for Syria. Much to my surprise he said that they were supporting democratic values, but would not follow the American model as it is based on the rule of a small rich plutocracy. That they want free elections, but do not want to have them negated by an Electoral College. They want an Army of conscriptees, not a professional warrior class that will do the bidding of the rich and powerful like in America and Egypt. Pretty amazing that Syrian freedom fighters see what our Judge Napolitano sees.

I think what we are all seeing now, here and in Syria, is mostly due to the hierarchical system/s [-the 1-2%-] all of us are laboring under. Not much different than Syria any longer…we just change our governing power differently which now, as you have pointed out, changes little or nothing. And…as you’re saying…like the Judge and others are saying…like I’m saying…nothing much changes for `we, the people` who are forced to continuously support the ruling class. All while our plight becomes weaker and our fundamental liberties are slowly, systematically being diluted.~b

-“`So we better get the truth on Obama’s birth certificate; better be aware of Saul Alinsky’s influence on Obama; beware of Obama’s secret war against the Catholic Church“`.

Umm, the plutocrats make it seem that way by design. They have created these diversionary myths to try and make people believe the BS stories that continue to divide us and destroys our unity with eventual bigotry and hatred. That allows the political conundrums to fester, grow larger and perpetuate the regal nation we mostly have become followers in. Fools and followers until a day of reckoning collapses the top and it recovers with even more controls. We are simply seeing human nature evolving away at it’s worst. An incontrovertible fact of life now and we have lived at the VERY best of times as it will only get worse, never improving until the books are better balanced and more people have some equity in ALL aspects of the human condition. No hard Left turns but my wisdom says that some balancing of our Capitalism with a little, well crafted Socialism mixed into the process works best….We need to take care of our own, and each other, now like never before.~b

D.W. ‘Bud’ Biddle
Chief of Police, CA-r

Here is the Judge’s letter to the public….

Dear Friends-

Many of you are not happy with the cancellation of FreedomWatch, and you have sent emails to my Fox colleagues expressing that unhappiness. In television, shows are cancelled all the time. Two of my former shows have been cancelled, and after each cancellation, Fox has rewarded me with more and better work.

This cancellation-along with others that accompanied it-was the result of a business judgment here, and is completely unrelated to the FreedomWatch message. It would make a world of a difference for all of us, if you would KINDLY STOP SENDING EMAILS TO FOX.

I am well. Your values are strong. I will continue to articulate those values here at Fox. But the emails many of you are sending are unfairly interfering with my work and that of my colleagues here. The emails even violate our values because they interfere with the use of private property.

I have accepted the cancellation decision with good cheer and a sense of gearing up for the future. You should as well.

As a favor to me, and as I have asked this past weekend, PLEASE STOP SENDING EMAILS TO MY COLLEAGUES AT FOX ABOUT THE CANCELLATION OF FreedomWatch; and please stop NOW.

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One Response to The Case of Judge Napolitano

  1. Chris says:

    Holy crap. While I don’t agree with everything stated here, this guy actually makes a lot of really great points and expresses some ideas that I don’t see voiced enough on Post Scripts. I found his more recent article on Islam or illegal immigrants or “NASA frivolity in our outer space” or whatever the hell he was talking about pretty terrible, but I guess he isn’t always wrong. He still writes like a drunken philosophy student who just discovered the Internet, but I was surprised by the content of this one. More like this one, please.

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