by Jack Lee
We keep hearing this year’s presidential election will be a defining point in our nation’s history, but an even greater event is in the making…. Humankind may soon be at a dangerous crossroads. I’m talking about the nuclear development in Iran and a potential military intervention by Israel.
Once again, the Jews are staring genocide in the face.
It’s easy for us to sit back in relative safety while we debate the scholarly points over Iran’s right to have nuclear weapons like many of its neighbors. But, its another thing to be living on ground zero, knowing that your world may end within months if something isn’t done to stop them. This is life in Israel and Iran has done nothing to alleviate their anxiety and everything to make them believe they mean it.
Backing up a bit, I would hope no one would be so naive as to believe they (Iran) are going through all this effort, cost and sacrifice to merely build nuclear power plant? No, of course not…. What nation would endure the sanctions of the United Nations, the attacks on its nuclear scientists, the costly sabotage of its nuclear facilities and all the international scorn just to have an excess of cheap energy… when it already has it.
Iran is behaving like a nation obsessed, a rogue country that has defied every form of diplomacy and threat in a mad rush to build the ultimate weapon of destruction.
There are still many holocaust survivors alive, living in Israel and the visions of what extermination looks like is still quite clear in their minds eye. Its terrifying to think that history might repeat itself in a single strike by a fanatical power like Iran. One bomb, one missile, could kill millions in a blinding flash of heat and light. To every Israeli this is a very real possibility and they are determined that mass extermination will never be allowed to happen again without a fight.
War preparations to attack Iran are in an advanced state of readiness as we speak. Hi tech weapons systems including bunker busting bombs are at the ready. Israeli pilots are prepared to make a one way trip if it means their nation will be spared nuclear annihilation. Whatever it will take to stop Iran must be done, because they know it’s over if Iran has a nuke.
Motive, ability and opportunity are the key ingredients for every crime and Iran has been escalating its ability despite every attempt to get them to stand down. On the other side the United States tells Israel to give it more time, just a little more time! Let the sanctions do the work. Wait a little longer, they are told, “Just think… we have China sending signals they may join the UN sanctions, so just wait a little bit longer.”
But, what happens if Israel waits one minute too long, what then?
Time does not favor Israel. Iran knows that if it doesn’t succeed in developing nuclear weapons this month or this year, it will some day. Some how, some way…eventually they will have what they desperately want and by then they will also have the means of delivering that weapon. As feverishly as Iran as been to develop enriched weapons grade uranium they have also been working to develop an ICBM and it appears they have succeeded.
When it comes to Israel, escalation has long been part of the Iranian agenda and one must assume they have an end game in mind when their plans are fully deployed. There can be no other answer why they have gone to such an extreme. The destruction of Israel is seen by this theocracy as a divine, inevitable, destiny that will bring about the end of history and clear the way for the Grand Mhadi to rule over the earth in peace and justice for eternity.
The fanatics in Iran believe they are the chosen ones that will usher in this new era and they pay particular attention to warning signs as foretold in the Koran. Many of the fanatics in high places strongly believe we are in the end times and they cite many examples from the Koran to prove their point. Don’t just take my word for it, the Islamic scholar Imran Nazar Hosein writes…
“Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) prophesied of the Last Age that:
“People would follow a way of life other than mine, and give guidance other than mine”…”I fear for my people only the leaders who lead men astray”…”Before the Last Hour there will be great liars, so beware of them”…”When the most wicked member of a tribe becomes its ruler, and the most worthless member of a community becomes its leader, and a man is respected through fear of the evil he may do, and leadership is given to people who are unworthy of it, expect the Last Hour”. All of these warnings have already been dramatically and ominously fulfilled. Around the world today, with but few exceptions, and even here in my native Caribbean island of Trinidad, people, including Muslims, now have the worst leaders. This ominous sign of the Last Day has come to pass, yet there are so many who do not, or cannot see, and they blindly rush as dumb cattle to endorse or to follow such leaders for personal gain, or fear, or due to sheer ignorance; “Women would arrange their hair to look like the hump of a camel”, and this sign has already occurred, we see it everyday; “Women would dress like men”, and we already see them today with trousers, jacket and, perhaps, a tie; and “women would be dressed and yet be naked”, and this prophecy, also, is now fulfilled. When women parade in public “dressed, yet naked”, as they do today, and when Muslims cannot prevent such, they should then seek to flee from such mainstream society rather than to remain a part of it until the women are fully naked and “donkey-like” sexual intercourse is on public display. If they foolishly choose to remain a part of such corrupt and decadent society then they or their children would eventually be ruined by such a society.
“Men would dress like women”, and already this sign also has come to pass. Almost no one can tell that ‘she’, the so-called ‘crossdresser’, is really a man;
Homosexuality (and lesbianism) would become commonplace, and that is now happening before our very eyes. Social acceptance and legal protection for this abominable sexual perversion is gaining ground. Indeed those who hold fast to the divine prohibition of such sexual perversion are now demonized as a people who suffer from a disease called ‘homophobia’;
Children born outside of marriage would become commonplace, in fact marriage itself now seems destined to become obsolete;
Fornication and adultery would become commonplace, that, also, appears to have already been fulfilled in a modern world in which virginity and marital fidelity are becoming old-fashioned;
Disproportion in balance of men and women to such an extent that “one man would have to maintain (not marry) fifty women”, that is yet to occur but could be linked to the impact on male sperm production of such things as environmental pollution and genetically modified food;
Universal consumption of alcoholic beverages, this “mother of all evils” has already become a horrendous plague in which no one is safe from the drunk driver; the unborn baby drinks when his mother drinks and suffers unimaginably for such; people, including Prime Ministers, drink and become drunk, and then behave in public like asses;
“Religious knowledge would disappear”, since the rightly-guided scholars of Islam are demonized, marginalized, “banned”, or declared to be “great security risks”. Only those scholars who can skillfully skip and dance to the tunes of those who control power are allowed the unfettered freedom to preach a sanitized cosmetic version of Islam acceptable to the godless rulers of the world. Institutions of Islamic learning are forced to submit to the control of those waging war on Islam. If they do not submit, they are shut down. Foreign students are prohibited from studying Islam in certain so-called Islamic Republics; “Time would move swiftly–a year passing like a month–a month like a week–a week like a day” etc., and already the perception of swiftly moving time is a universal experience; Such prevalence of random killing, murder and violence that “a killer would not know why he is killing and the one who is killed would not know why he is being killed”, and “every age is followed by one which would be worse”–already around the world senseless random killing has arrived and is constantly escalating;
“Nothing would remain of Islam but the name, and nothing would remain of the Qur’an but the traces (of its writing) (i.e., the Qur’an would not be studied, no one would follow its guidance, it would be recited mechanically etc.); the Masajid (mosques) would be grand structures but would be devoid of guidance; and the Ulama (religious scholars of Islam who represent such people) would be the worst people beneath the sky. From them would emerge Fitnah (trials) and they would be the centers of Fitnah (since they betray Islam)” — there are many distinguished scholars of Islam who declare that this prophesy, also, has today found fulfillment. The evidence of such is overwhelming. The Islamic Khilafah (Caliphate) has been long destroyed, Zakat is no longer collected and distributed by the state, money itself is now corrupted, the universal Shirk of the modern state has corrupted all of mankind, Riba is universally prevalent, the Hajj would probably soon be abandoned; Universal consumption of Riba (i.e, money lent on interest, and transactions which ‘rip off’ people through deception in business, etc.) Around the world today Riba in modern banking and insurance, as well as in the monetary system, has already taken total control over the market and over economic life. There are some minor signs which have been couched in enigmatic language such as, “A slave woman would give birth to her mistress”, made possible through a combination of Riba and the modern feminist revolution, and; “Naked barefooted shepherds would vie with one another in the construction of high-rise buildings”. This is already being fulfilled when wealth is wasted in grandiose and expensive public relations construction projects commissioned by people who hanker for visible symbols of status in a modern world which recognizes the rich as a ‘somebody’ and the poor as a ‘nobody’ (see story of the rich man and the poor man in Surah al-Kahf of the Qur’an).
And then there are minor signs which have not as yet occurred such as:
“The Last Hour would not come until there issues from the land of the Hejaz (which is in Saudi Arabia) a fire which will illuminate the backs of the camels in Busra”. But for the exchange of Basra for Hejaz, this prophecy perhaps, anticipates a nuclear attack in or around Iran which would formally launch Israel into the club of nuclear powers. So many of these minor Signs of the Last Day, and so many more not here mentioned, have already occurred, that we can now turn to the major Signs with a clear recognition that we are already living in that Last Age.”
This is not an isolated belief and the Israeli’s are well aware of this danger and they have no intentions of allowing Iran to hold nuclear weapons that could wipe them out on a whim.
The Obama Administration better understand this too, because if Israel launches a unilateral strike on Iran there will be war. A war with Israel could pull in a number of other Arab nations. Then oil prices will spike, some nations will be cut off from oil altogether. There will be many powers highly motivated to go to war to protect their own interests. And lets remember that lesser things have already started two world wars. An Israeli strike could be the beginning of World War III and life as we know will be forever changed.
How much fear mongering, racism and fallacious reason can one blog contain?
The US government is willing to do the bidding of Israel’s holy war because there are resources in it for the US. You should have no problem with that. These Jews you speak of own the main stream media and have brainwashed this nation into thinking that their religious persecution is ours. Israel with help from the USA have robbed Palestinians to their rights to colonization. As a result peaceful good Muslims are getting herded into a smaller and smaller areas of refuge. These are normal people like you and me, the only difference is that they have to deal with all of the propaganda that our main stream mega powers promote about them. Muslims are not the terrorists, the USA Military are the terrorists.
Iran is only trying to protect themselves from genocide. United States terrorists just murdered 1 million innocent people in Iraq. We are the world bullies and they are backed into a corner. I bet Iran would stop its nuclear program if we agreed to proliferate. The USA is a war driven nation of slavery and exploitation, ran by banks. Life could be a lot better for all of us if we refuse to believe many of the lies that we are told. The only way we can take our country back is if we unite. Where ever you get your information is a huge hateful outlet focused on dividing the people for their own gain, not ours.
Here is some Thomas Jefferson for you,
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
Here is some information about the language of slavery.
“staring” – get rid of that second ‘r’
Tyhank you spell nag…a correction has been made.
Rex, don’t you know Obama is a Muslim radical, plotting the destruction of the United States from within? Liberals are his handmaidens for spreading lies and are in concert with Satan? Palestine is the source of all evil…. how do you like that BS?
Do I sound irresponsible and stating outrageous things with no supporting evidence? Now you know what you sound like when you post your dribble.
I get it…you hate Jews, you hate bankers and you hate America and think we are an imperialist power out to rape and pillage little nations. I’m curious why don’t you find a nicer place to live instead of suffering here under all this tyranny?
There is something I have been wondering about in this great debate. Everyone, both liberals and conservatives alike, predicts that if the US or Israel, bombed Iran, oil supplies will be cut off and gas prices would soar. Yet, several years ago, when the debate was about Bush bombing Iraq, also a major oil producer and also controlled by a Muslim radical who said he wanted to destroy Israel and the US, many people made the claim that Bush only wanted to attack Iraq to get their oil. The refrain was,”no blood for oil.” Of course, we did not get any oil anyway, but my question is … why would bombing Iraq get us lots of free or cheap oil, but bombing Iran would cause shortages and gas price increases? Is it possible that there would really be no effect whatsoever, just as there was no effect in the Iraq example?
Soaps, obviously nobody can say for sure what would happen, but as you have so correctly pointed out history is often our best guess guide to the future.
The Mideast complexities reminds me of the chaos theory. The probabilities of what any one nation in that area might do under similar circumstances are multiplied times the complexities of the political and religious culture. Then there are the extraneous manipulations by other vested interests.
Who could know the future when there is so much chaos involved?
However, that being said there is a high probability an Israeli strike on Iran would not get the same tepid response as when they hit Iraq. Most are betting it will be war. And how will such Israeli aggression be seen by the rest of the Arab world, will they get sucked into this too?
Fortunately for Israel, most of them, Egypt, Syria, Libya, et al, are tied up with their own Arab Spring problems, so I don’t see the Arab states marching on Israel any time soon. But, we have a new twist, intel sources say Iran is considering a preemptive strike on Israel…this is in my opinion unlikely considering the short range of their aircraft. It’s complicated – It’s a good thing we’ve got a brilliant leader in the White House ready to head off an international crisis. Er, what was his plan…anyone?
Jack: “Once again, the Jews are staring genocide in the face.”
This is irresponsible alarmism, if you ask me.
Of course, Rex’s comment is just as bad, just from the other side of the spectrum.
Jack you gotta love those middle of the roaders…life is just a bowl of cherries for them. No worries.
I have read that some of our friends in the Middle East are hoping/praying we take out Iran’s nukes operation. they’re no fools.
People that lived through the Holocaust, have experienced continuous terror attacks in various forms in their midst in Israel, and have been repeatedly threatened with extermination by their neighbors, even after making major concessions in so-called peace agreements have a lot of reason to be gravely concerned about the extremists nuts in Iran getting nukes. Are they supposed to just shut up and wait for the mushroom cloud…are we?
As it turns out America also has a number of reasons to be concerned. Iran is working closely with some of our neighbors to the south seeking missile bases so that attacks can be launched on our soil as well:
Also (Iran backed) Hezbollah has been reported as working with drug cartels in SA and Mexico:
Our government doesn’t report numbers of terrorists that may have (likely have) crossed our borders and are (may be) living here and waiting for orders/bombs to activate on American soil…but there is evidence thst they are here.
Others can remain ignorant or complacent or look for reasons to blame America as a way to avoid the problem if they wish. I prefer to approach this problem with eyes wide open and that includes acknowledging that our enemies are operating out of pure hatred and evil. Those who make excuses for this evil have no grounding in right and wrong but operate instead out of moral equivilence.
I also find it amusing that the hippie dippy types that were certain Ronald Reagan would start WWIII are now defending Iran and the terrorists.
Chris, you said my comment about Israel facing a potentially genocidal risk over nuclear warheads controlled by Iran was… irresponsible alarmism. Then I guess you know more than most of us because this is not a unique viewpoint, even at the Pentagon.
Saying that Jews own the MSM is a lot less volatile than saying that they are in threat of martyrdom again. Whether they used their money, power and influence to get the USA to support the taking over of Jerusalem or not is history now. Regardless of the truth it just seems like the USA uses Israel as an excuse to commit genocide against Muslims and sell weapons to the middle east.
I love how all of your arguments include assumptions, insults and group think. For example, instead of refuting any of my claims instead you attack my character. Also the, “if you don’t like it, then get out,” argument is old and tired. I love this country, I love my community and I love this planet. I love it so much that I devote a good portion of my time to trying to change it. Hunger, poverty and war could all be eliminated if we worked together. Their strength is our strength. We do all the work to support their schemes that still end up with us losing our homes. These institutions have dictated the language in a way that has turned us all into property. Our lives and human-hood is not important to them, only profits and they exploit us any way possible. If you had to say I hated something I could you could say that I hate the people that have stripped me of my freedom and replaced it with the faux freedom where we are constantly bombarded with lies from our politicians and our media.
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed
My immediate response was merely:
Oh, pleeeease!
Jack … Christian end-timers, Islamic end-timers … they’s all nutsy. And people who take them seriously … are also nutsy.
What are you trying to do, drum up subscription? It won’t work. All you would-be-subscribers are going:
Oh, pleeease!
Rex: “Regardless of the truth it just seems like the USA uses Israel as an excuse to commit genocide against Muslims and sell weapons to the middle east.”
Your historical perspective sounds like something out of a movie by Michael Moore, a man whose fiction has unfortunately stained many a brain.
Our modern day involvement in the ME began in the late seventies:
Libby lets say a big knuckle dragger moves in a couple of doors down from you. He’s loud, he talks tough and he definitely doesn’t like y-o-u. Every chance he gets he says he’s going to create a “vacancy” in YOUR apartment. Then one day, Bob down at the hardware store says, this guy hates you enough to kill you and then he says, “By the way Ms. Libby, this guy is buying a big machete for a going away party for somebody. He’s says its for a women who lives a few doors down from him in 10b” You live in 10b!
Now you can’t walk outside for fear this maniac is going to assault you or worse. So you call the cops and they tell you there’s not much they can do except talk to him. Israel is just like you, and we’re telling Israel just give it some more time and maybe it will work out.
I’m sorry, Jack, but this scenario is just as fanciful as the Iranian one.
As it stands, Iranian weaponry is no threat to any nation’s existence.
But what the Israelis don’t seem to realize is they can fire off all the nukes they’ve got, and still be overrun by folk who really, really, really don’t like them (particularly since they fired off all those nukes).
Libby, so you know for a fact that Israel has nukes? If they did, they would be the first country in history to possess one without ever test firing it. But, this isn’t about Israeli nukes, it’s about a stated threat….a pledge to destroy….if one single nuke gets to Israel because a rabidly fanatical theocracy is trying to fulfill this doomsday prophecy, then millions will die. This is an unacceptable risk and Iran’s nuclear program must be stopped. Libs I don’t think you know friends from enemies and I don’t think you have any rational basis for dismissing this threat. We have a responsibility as much as any other sane nation to not let the threats of genocide come to fruition.
“Libby, so you know for a fact that Israel has nukes?”
What I was trying to get you to see is that nukes … who has them and who doesn’t … is irrelevant to the emnity that will accrue to Israel if it acts … precipitously.
Nukes are dramatic, and messy, but they leave any number of really, really, really angry people alive to gut you with a kitchen knife … so Israel, Iran, or whomsoever, should give the matter serious thought.
Libs, I have my doubts that Iran’s leadership rational enough to be afraid, especially when they strive to be martyrs. Radical Islam is little more than a death cult.
“Libs, I have my doubts that Iran’s leadership rational enough to be afraid, ….”
One last time … I was not talking about Iran. Sigh.
I guess I get confused Libs. I thought you said, “Nukes are dramatic, and messy, but they leave any number of really, really, really angry people alive to gut you with a kitchen knife … so Israel, Iran, or whomsoever, should give the matter serious thought.”
So you really didn’t mean to say Iran or whomsoever, just Israel. Wow, that’s harsh considering they are the ones being threatened. What have you got against Israel?
It should be a recognized, bonifide, intellectual impediment: Partisan Political Blindness (PPB).
Who, in this conflict, has the nukes?
Who, in this conflict, is threatening military action?
All Iran is capable of, just now, is a lot of rude noise. Sticks and stones (and nukes) may break any number of bones, but rude noises ain’t worth diddly … to anybody sans intellectual impediments, that is.
And pleeeese don’t tell me about the car bombs, because I will just counter with the assassinations. We’re not talking about that interminable tit-for-tat, we’re talking about something that could easily spiral into WWIII. Did you hear Putin today?
Libby: “Who, in this conflict, has the nukes?
Who, in this conflict, is threatening military action?”
Who in this conflict has restrained from using nukes after decades of threats and attacks? Who has resorted to military action only after being threatened and attacked? Who has negotiated for peace honestly, making strong concessions, only to see the ageement broken by those who continue to want total genocide? Who would live in peace if the threats and violence stopped? Who won’t live in peace (ever) because they are fanatical religious nuts?
Libby what would you do as the leader of Israel? You don’t seem willing to say. I don’t think it matters, though, since you refuse to acknowledge which nation is the crazy hate filled aggressor.
You can sit in your little safe space and make up all of the intellectual fantasies you like but the people who actually have to make these decisions don’t have that luxery…including that dude in DC.
Putin flexes his meager muscles in response to the lackluster DC leadership and appeasement policies of the last three years.
If you want to avoid WWIII you better seek leadership in the US that isn’t attempting at every turn to weaken this nation in every possible way, defunding the military weakening our defense capability, and who doesn’t cow tow or apologize publically.
A policy of peace through strength better ensures that we never have to use Nukes. Oooops, too late we already signaled the go ahead to Tehran starting with the great ME appeasement tour and speech. That deal with Russia where we get rid of some of our nukes and get nothing in return was a great second move by this administration.
It has been said more than once that when you show these guys weakness it emboldens them. that is exactly what has happened since the one grabbed the oval office and turned it into the office of American decline.
“Libby what would you do as the leader of Israel?”
I would not be the leader of Israel. Fifty years of extremely poor decision-making has rendered the State of Israel untenable … in the long run. They are busily creating another Masada (there really must be something like genetic memory) … all the unheroic and non-martyrs among them should be considering their exit strategy.
I didn’t ask if you wanted to, I asked what you would do as leader. You have, never the less, indicated you would choose abandonment…to run like a rat…as if that would stop the enemies desire to slaughter.