Posted by Tina
Americans are guaranteed certain rights under our Constitution; religion, speech, and assembly are three of the basic rights we all enjoy. But do we need to add the right to unionize to our Constitution? A recent opinion page article in the New York Times suggests that workers need greater protections today and therefore unionization should become just such a right:
In fact, the greatest impediment to unions is weak and anachronistic labor laws. It’s time to add the right to organize a labor union, without employer discrimination, to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, because that right is as fundamental as freedom from discrimination in employment and education. This would enshrine what the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. observed in 1961 at an A.F.L.-C.I.O. convention: “The two most dynamic and cohesive liberal forces in the country are the labor movement and the Negro freedom movement. Together, we can be architects of democracy.”
In my opinion powerful unions are out to make America the land of the oppressed. They call what they do democracy but what is democratic about using power to intimidate people to join your club? What is democratic about using extortion as a means of “earning” better pay? These are oppressive organizations that seek to level the worker playing field by removing merit from the compensation game. One of the nation’s most prominent union leaders, Richard Trumka, weighs in on the subject in an interview posted with video at The Daily Caller:
“It should be a right. Everyone should have a right to come together to better their economic lot. … It is a right. The right to have a voice on the job should be every much as strong and as institutionalized as the right to vote and everything else — not to be discriminated against.”
Unions leaders are out to make every worker in America a member of a union whether they want it or not. They are trying every trick in the book from trying to force Card Check through Congress to attempting to unionize teachers at Charter Schools.
What do you think? Should unionization be a constitutionally guaranteed right?
You, yesterday:
“I think it’s a mistake to target a group of people, calling them selfish, greedy, heartless, cruel, etc. Usually such generalities come about because of extreme frustration. It’s human nature to look for someone to blame when things don’t work.”
You, today:
“In my opinion powerful unions are out to make America the land of the oppressed…These are oppressive organizations that seek to level the worker playing field by removing merit from the compensation game…Unions leaders are out to make every worker in America a member of a union whether they want it or not. They are trying every trick in the book…”
You’re right that this type of scapegoating is human nature, but it’s one of the parts of human nature we’re supposed to try and overcome.
Chris you really think that it is the same to single out a group of people, doctors for instance, and call them greedy as it is to notice the activities and speech of a coalition of people, union leaders, politicians, etc., and express disgust or outrage over their intent to transform the practice of individual contract in the work place to group contract in the work place?
I don’t, obviously. And my opinion is not based on an emotional reaction. It is not scapegoating! Evidence that my opinion has legs:
The Carolina plant was successfully closed down through the power of a government agency even though the employees at that plant voted against the union. This is an abuse of power to both the employees and to Boeing (As to where and under what conditions they can operate their business.)
The National Labor Relations Board issued new regulations on Thursday that require companies to put posters on their bulletin boards that inform employees about their rights to unionize under federal law.
Under the new regulations, businesses would have to display notices that explain the right to bargain collectively, to give out union literature and to work together to improve wages and conditions free of retaliation.
Noting that this was the first time the N.L.R.B. has required posting of such a notice since the labor relations act was passed in 1935, he questioned whether the labor board had the statutory authority to require such notices.
Critics also oppose the boards proposed regulations to speed up unionization elections, a move that business groups say will deny employers the ability to adequately explain to their workers the disadvantages of joining a union. Labor unions have hailed the proposal, saying it will reduce delays and interference by employers and ultimately make it easier for workers to unionize.
Connecticuts union-bought governor, Daniel Malloy, is apparently scheming with the SEIU to unionize his states daycare providers and personal care attendants through a secret plan using the flawed method of card-check unionization.
By stripping individuals of their right to vote on whether or not to unionize, Malloy is virtually guaranteeing money (paid by taxpayers) will go into his SEIU cronies pockets.
According to Raising Hales Zach Janowski, Malloy has created working groups through executive order that will guide the unionization over the next year.
The two working groups will meet Friday morning. The Personal Care Attendant Working Group will meet at 10 a.m. and the Family Child Care Working Group will meet at 11 a.m., both in Room 410 of the Capitol.
Malloy created the working groups with executive orders nine and 10. Adding daycare providers alone to the union roles could increase dues revenue by $1 million.
The executive orders also include a card check provision that takes away the ability of daycare owners and PCAs to vote by secret ballot.
Since the card-check method of unionization denies individuals of their right to vote by secret ballot, requiring only a majority of a specific groups signatures, unionization will be easy.,_destroy_property_in_labor_dispute
So we have union bosses, politicians, departments of the government, union members and bloggers, and professors all pressing for unionization of the US workforce.
I didn’t target all union members as greedy, selfish, communist, thuggish…pick a descriptor…I expressed my opinion about what is actually being expressed and done by these representatives of the unions and their political agents in government.