Free Speech Rights in the Crosshairs of Progressive Activists

Posted by Tina

Will there be any outrage or backlash over this? From the Washington Examiner:

Furious Democrat activists are working to silence Rush Limbaugh for good, calling on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to pull his radio show off the air.

An activist on is collecting signatures in support of a petition to FCC to, “remove Mr. Limbaugh from the radio as he has violated FCC rules and regulations countless times. The most recent incident being his assault on women and his degradation of Sandra Fluke.” The petition is circulating on Facebook and Twitter and on Democrat message boards. is an online service provided by and has already gathered over 6,000 supporters.

Ravenous wolves!

Cowardly players!

Can’t take what they dish out on a regular basis and work to destroy competing voices.

Do we value our free speech rights enough to create a similar petition to send the FCC in support of keeping Rush on the air? He has millions of listeners!

I’ll let you know if I see one on a site that would get sufficient traffic. Meanwhile you can share your opinion below in comments.

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34 Responses to Free Speech Rights in the Crosshairs of Progressive Activists

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Well I guess if they succeed that means no Keith Olbermann, no more Jon Stuart, no more Bill Maher, Louie CK, no more Stephen Colbert, Michael Moore, Janeane Garafalo, etc.

    Where were these watchdogs of media purity when Mrs. Palin was being called slut, whore…?

  2. Tina says:

    The problem, Jack, is that there will be no even hand of justice in this matter. The left has been attempting to use the FCC to eliminate voices on the right ONLY.

    If you care about free speech you should be giving Rush support today whether you like him or not. This is another attack on opur individual freedoms. The trashing of the first amendment by Democrats is in full swing. Please note this new censorship wrinkletaxpayer money is funding an anti-Rush petition.

    From the Brent Bozell I stand with Rush website:

    On the taxpayer funded, there is a petition against Rush. Call the White House and tell them to take it down 202-456-1414


    Go to I STANDWITH RUSH to sign a petititon in support of Rush

  3. Princess says:

    I thought the petition going around social media was to pull the Limbaugh show off of the Armed Forces radio network because that is funded with taxpayer money.

    I didn’t really care about the Limbaugh thing from the beginning, but after listening to what he really said, this to me would count as bullying if it happened to a kid at school. He called a woman who testified a slut, a prostitute, said she was having so much sex he couldn’t believe she could still walk, and wanted her to post sex tapes so everyone could watch. All because he disagreed with what she was saying.

    She did not deserve that, and he knows it which is why he apologized.

    I disagree with having him pulled from the Armed Forces network. If soldiers fighting wars want to hear Rush or Bill Maher or whatever then I think they should. We support our troops by doing whatever we can by making their tours more enjoyable. If they are asking to hear Rush, then they should get to hear Rush. The only people who should sign that petition are people in the Armed Forces, everyone else should stay out of it.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Princess, you won’t find anyone here defending what he said, we’re only saying his parody was no worse than what is tolerated and dismissed somewhere almost everyday when its said by liberals. I personally agree with you on the Armed Forces issue.

    Backing up a bit, because I can’t stress this part enough…what brought Ms. Fluke into ridicule was the outlandish dollar amount she put on what it would take to keep her in birth control devices….$3000! lol Somebody worked it out that she would have be having sex three times a day to need that much protection…and it got worse. Limbaugh made his parody off her dollar cost for birth control which was over the top and for which he has apologized.

    But, its very important to remember this originally was about something else entirely, i.e., church rights verses the feds right to dictate to them…now its totally off track and the dems couldn’t be happier. This Limbaugh fiasco is an unexpected bonus! They went from trying to defend a loser of a proposition to thinking hey, we might topple Rush Limbaugh…this makes them deliriously overjoyed…its beyond their wildest expectations. You should have heard the satire on Limbaugh over the weekend on NPR…they shredded the man in every way possible, from his past drug addiction to his weight to his comedy style…it was ruthless and made a mockery of him for over 10 minutes. Oh well… no big.

  5. Libby says:

    Rush is a prime example, IMHO, of how the corporatocracy does not have our, the nation’s, humanity’s best interests at heart. And his exploits show up the need to think seriously about whether a corporation should have the same rights as a person.

    It’s very nice that we all get to blather on just as we please, but when you’ve got a corporation with the power to blather on a national scale, perhaps it has a responsiblity to temper the blathering for the common good.

    Cause there is Rush, day after day, lying like a dog, pandering to predudices, encouraging all our baser propensities, and for the most part, encouraging the vulnerable to be … and stay … stupid.

    I’m not sure it ought to be permitted. Maybe this time he’s gone to far, rendered himself irredeemably a menace, and ought to be taken off the air.

  6. Libby says:

    “… we’re only saying his parody was no worse than what is tolerated and dismissed somewhere almost everyday when its said by liberals.”

    Example, please?

  7. Chris says:

    The last thing we need to do is give more power to the FCC. The people who are pushing for this move need to think about the precedent they’re setting and how it might be used to constrain their own speech in the future.

    I say let the free market decide whether to tolerate Rush or not. He’s losing advertisers right now, and two radio stations have already dropped his show. More will hopefully follow. I don’t think the government should take any action against Rush, but I am all for private citizens deciding they’ve had enough of his disgusting bullying garbage. Personally, I think Fluke could level some harassment and/or slander charges against Limbaugh, and she’s hardly the only one who could.

    Jack: “Somebody worked it out that she would have be having sex three times a day to need that much protection…”

    Somebody must be an idiot, or at least very sexually inexperienced and uninformed. The type of contraception Fluke was talking about is not taken before each sex act. It usually has to be taken once a day, regardless of how often the user is having sex. Even if a woman is not currently having all that much sex, she’s supposed to keep taking it regularly just in case, otherwise it won’t work with her body. I’m amazed that you are still ignoring this very obvious, well-known fact, even though I explained it to you very clearly yesterday. You must really be hoping that people won’t give this talking point any thought whatsoever.

    Furthermore, Fluke was not even talking about her own use of birth control when she touted the $3000 figure. To be honest, that does sound a little bit high to me, but it is dishonest for people to keep claiming that she was talking about how much she pays for birth control personally.

    Finally, the majority of Fluke’s testimony focused on women who take birth control pills for reasons OTHER than preventing pregnancy. Please read the testimony before making any further misrepresentations of what she said.

    “They went from trying to defend a loser of a proposition to thinking hey”

    Read some polls, too. It’s not a “loser” of a proposition to most Americans, including a majority of Catholics.

  8. Tina says:

    Chris: “The people who are pushing for this move need to think about the precedent they’re setting and how it might be used to constrain their own speech in the future.”

    Chris you don’t understand. The people pushing for this are the elites of your party that don’t worry about setting a precedent. They intend to be in charge of what is allowed on the airwaves…forever! The plan is the complete transformation of America where elections are controlled, speech is controlled, religion is pushed out of the public arena, school curriculum is controlled, what your child will become when he grows up is decided according to what the school determines are his abilities, and everyone is equally miserable.

    Who will decide what your rights are, what you can say, what you think and believe? Aa state run authoritarian system.

    Other than the totally repressive and oppressive nature of this system there are two big problems: 1. Creative thought and discovery are completely blunted, and 2. You run out of other peoples money real fast.

    We are already seeing the shrinking of America as business after business closes and the unemployed become permanent state dependents and are no longer counted among the unemployed.

  9. Peggy says:

    Wasn’t Glenn Beck taken off of Fox by similar tactics calling to boycot his sponsors?

  10. Tina says:

    Princess the armed forces anounced Rush will remain on the radio because, they said, he has a big following.

    I’d like to take the occassion to ask again…why is it that negative or insulting comments are only intolerable when they come from the right? What is it that allows people to let the left get away with really nasty, crude, language?

    Every year the media hosts a correspondance dinner where public figures are roasted. A black commedian, Wanda Sykes, said she hoped Rush’s kidneys would fall out and he would die and the President laughed it up.

    You Tube

  11. Peggy says:

    From what I can find Beck did leave because of a boycot against his advertisers. Was he the first? Note the article is from msnbc.

    …”He was popular with Tea Party activists and drew thousands of people to the National Mall in Washington last August for a “restoring honor” rally.

    Yet some of his statements were getting him in trouble, and critics appealed to advertisers to boycott his show last summer after Beck said President Barack Obama had “a deep-seated hatred for white people.”

    Beck said that he went to Roger Ailes, Fox News chairman and CEO, in January to discuss ways they could continue to work together without the daily show.

    “Half of the headlines say he’s been canceled,” Ailes said. “The other half say he quit. We’re pretty happy with both of them.”

  12. Toby says:

    I not only DEFEND what he said I APLAUD him for saying it!

  13. Libby says:

    That’s a consideration, certainly.

    And it could be argued that the corporatocracy, realizing its vulnerability, has decided to take a hand … hence the sponsors pulling out. If replacements cannot be found, Rush, as a national matter, is effectively muzzled.

  14. Tina says:

    One more try:

    Why does the left get a pass while the right is targeted for destruction and being silenced?

    I’d especially like to hear an opinion from Chris or Libby.

  15. Chris says:

    Tina: “Every year the media hosts a correspondance dinner where public figures are roasted. A black commedian, Wanda Sykes, said she hoped Rush’s kidneys would fall out and he would die and the President laughed it up.”

    Wanda Sykes said “I hope his kidney fails” in response to Limbaugh saying that he hopes the president fails. It was a joke; she didn’t mean it literally. This just doesn’t compare with Limbaugh, a non-comedian, harassing and bullying a woman over the course of several days and trying to assassinate her character.

    You complain that liberals are held to a different standard, but you’re really just showing that COMEDIANS are held to a different standard. Rush is not a comedian; he’s a very influential pundit who basically controls the discourse in the Republican party. He likes to claim that he does “satire,” but if that’s what he’s attempting then he’s doing it very poorly. (Jonathan Swift didn’t actually hate poor people, you know.)

    And honestly, maybe Rush would be getting a pass if this instance were an isolated event. It isn’t. He acts like this all the time. He makes a living off of bullying people, calling people names, and generally just spreading hate like toxic fumes. He’s done far worse than call women “sluts;” hell, last year he accused the military of wiping out Christians in Uganda, and he never had to apologize for that because people didn’t raise a big enough stink. This is just the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  16. Peggy says:

    Because the left are in control of the purse strings!!!

    FOLLOW THE MONEY from all the George Soros banked media and related organizations, to GE and other business and industries with lobbyest that have contributed millions to Obama and the DNC, all the food stamp and welfare recepients who vote as they’re told to keep all the “free” stuff coming, and of course all the union workers who vote as they’re told to keep their jobs.

    With millions boycotting a right/conservative media personality we can expect more of our voices being silenced.

    Since the left failed to inact the Fairness Doctrine which would require the conservative media, such as Rush and Hannity, to give equal time to left-wingers they are implementing this plan to shut down ALL conservative personalities one at a time.

    That’s why Tina I believe the left are getting a pass. When you hold the purse strings you are also the boss and master and everyone has to comply or you’re taken out

  17. Tina says:

    Chris I’ve given you a small sampling of leftist smears and attacks; there are many many more. To my knowledge none has lost anything because of their behavior, in fact, they have been championed and applauded.

    Sarah Palin was the target of a relentless sinister, ugly effort to completely destroy her. From the moment she spoke at the Rep Convention her looks, clothing, hair, speech, and family were slimed. She was called all kinds of vile names, phony lawsuits were filed against her, she was followed, her garbage cans were raided, she and her family were endlessly the butts of gross jokes and rumors, even Trigg was not off limits …one reporter actually moved in next door to the family in an attempt to uncover dirt for a book he would write. They did this day in and day out for months and months on end. Rush has done nothing that would be even remotely similar…no conservative has. The response was rabid interest and hillarity from most people on the left.

    Frankly your opinion means nothing given the entire MO of the progressive party you champion and defend on a daily basis.

    Thank you for providing the perfect time to answer my own question.


    When it comes to the opposition the progressive, Saul Alinsky trained, Democrat Party with it’s sicko, attack dog press does not believe in, live by, or honor the first amendment. Not in relation to free speech or religious freedom.

    And for the record: Rush said he hoped Obama failed not because he was rooting against the new president but because he disagreed with Obama’s proposals. He hoped he would fail because he was afraid the policies would ruin the country. And as it turns out he was right.

    Obamas economic policies have just about ruined the country. Four more years will make it a certainty.

  18. Libby says:

    “Why does the left get a pass ….”

    But you still haven’t named for us the leftie on a par with Rush.

  19. Libby says:

    Tina, can you really not make the distinction?

    Anybody can post (nearly) anything on you tube. That would correspond to us all blathering as we please.

    Rush is another matter. You really can’t see it?

    I’m still waiting to hear about the leftie on a par?

  20. Danny Ditto says:

    Chris, would you mind sharing with us what you do for a living? Thank you.

  21. Tina says:

    Peggy: “That’s why Tina I believe the left are getting a pass.”

    Great answer Peggy and thank you for every point you made!

  22. Tina says:

    Libby Bill Maher has a show that is on every single night on HBO and they run it several times.

    Letterman has a show every night on…I don’t know which channel.

    Whoopie Goldberg and her buddy, what her name?, on “The View” is/was a daily show. They had a token righty for balance but it was a lefty show.

    Lefties have tried to do radio and be the next Rush for the left, some of them are quite famous, and nobody on the left was interested. They couldn’t get sponsors. The reason is they had nothing but trash talk to say and probably a good many of them are NPR fans.

    I know that you think that trash talk is all that Rush does. You are mistaken…and that, rather than the occasional remarks lacking in ladies afternoon tea civility, is what makes people tune in and support Rush. He educates, he informs, he has callers that educate and inform. He has a knack for talking about current events and sharing information that makes listening enjoyable…and he can be very funny. Rush filled a void when he started his show. There were no voices to represent the right. There are a lot of them now…all inspired by Rush Limbaugh for the most part. Why are they successful? Because the void had created a hunger in those Americans who did not have representation…not on the news shows, not in entertainment, not in print media, not in TV or radio talk.

    In the end does it matter that the left doesn’t have a voice on par with Rush when they have so many voices that favor democrat politics…and many of them trash republican women all the time.

  23. Libby says:

    Bill Maher has not, to my knowledge, characterized a citizen activist as either a slut or a prostitute on his show. Likewise with Letterman and Whoopie. (What celebrities come in for is another matter.)

    Wanna try again.

    See, what the citizens choose to put on their bumpers does not correspond to the “coverage” Rush has … and the damage he does.

    You have nothing. You know it. Rush is in a league unto himself … which is really nothing to brag on.

  24. Tina says:

    Oh boy are you stretching it to the max. Now it has to be an citizen activist that gets slimed before it counts?

    The real problem is that a lot of people are catching on to the dirty tricks and slime ball tactics that the left has been using for years. Our citizen activists marched on Washington (some say a million strong) and your side chose to tag and label them as racist…why? Because that is the kind of slimey crap you pull when you are threatened. You cxan’t abide folks with another point of view you have to destroy them. You guys are the ones exposed and those of us that see it can thank Rush and others like him.

    By the way Libby, I know you listen to NPR…all very respectable, high brow intellectual and all that…so you don’t hear or see a lot of what goes on. NPR is leftist and informs from the left position. Fine and dandy, although it wiuld be nice if they would just come out and decalre it. Still, I don’t generally include you in the slime ball tactic corner of the left. I’m happy to say you seem to make cracks devised from your own understanding and I find that refreshing even though I disagree quite often with your politics and point of view.

  25. Chris says:

    Tina: “I know that you think that trash talk is all that Rush does. You are mistaken…and that, rather than the occasional remarks lacking in ladies afternoon tea civility, is what makes people tune in and support Rush. He educates, he informs,”

    Only the uneducated and the misinformed could say such a ridiculous thing. Rush’s list of lies could span a country mile.

    “Rush filled a void when he started his show. There were no voices to represent the right. There are a lot of them now…all inspired by Rush Limbaugh for the most part. Why are they successful? Because the void had created a hunger in those Americans who did not have representation…”

    There will always be those who feel a hunger for having their prejudices confirmed, a hunger for scapegoats, a hunger for feeling superior to people on food stamps. Limbaugh and his ilk are successful because they feed into the worst impulses of humanity. He is a classist, racist, misogynistic pig who likes to say things that are shocking enough to push buttons but not shocking enough to get him kicked off the air. No wonder some people love him.

    But collective outrage is a funny thing. You never know when it will strike. What will be ignored, and what will make people say “enough?” “Slut” is hardly the worst thing Rush has ever said, but for some reason, enough people chose this moment to say, “enough.” And it’s about damn time.

  26. Tina says:

    Chris I just lost a long reply to cyberspace for the second time this week…a week that has been challanging in other ways too. I will attempt to redconstruct but it will have to be later.

  27. Tina says:

    Chris: “Only the uneducated and the misinformed could say such a ridiculous thing. Rush’s list of lies could span a country mile.”

    Could you possibly be any more full of yourself? Could you possibly be more arrogant? I doubt it.

    Pew reports that 33% of listeners to Rush’s show are college graduates. That is in line with most news or political talk shows. NPR is closer to 50%. So to say that Rush’s listeners are uneducated is a lie. But beyond that there are many people who are very well educated, at the high school level, compared to today’s high school graduates and they could teach you a thing or two because they have continued to learn and they have gained a lot in experience and knowledge by living their lives in full. Your notion of what constitutes being informed is mostly a matter of opinion shaped by political correctness and extreme bias.

    “There will always be those who feel a hunger for having their prejudices confirmed, a hunger for scapegoats, a hunger for feeling superior to people on food stamps.”

    Well I’ll be. You COULD be more full of yourself…and more bigoted and ridiculous.

    The policies and values that Rush and conservatives hold would do far more for the poor and minority community than any of your pity party redistribution policies, phony sympathies, policies that promote based on race, trumped up protests, and empty promises have. 50 years of creating greater dependency and lousy schools for the poor and minorities amounts to keeping them all on the democrat plantation. But you are too full of yourself to examine what you have swallowed hook line and sinker and realize that maybe there is knowledge that you have not been privy to learn.

    You are such a phony Chris. All of that equal condemnation crap is just cover for a very hateful, intolerant, biased and arrogant nature. What a complete waste of my time.

  28. Tina says:

    Those with a more open mind and tolerance for different points of view might enjoy this article from
    Human Events

    Few artificially constructed liberal media narratives have collapsed as quickly as the Sandra Fluke affair, which is detonating in liberal faces with the force of Elmer Fudds explosive munitions…

    Read it! It’s so right on the money and funny too.

  29. Libby says:

    “By the way Libby, I know you listen to NPR…all very respectable, high brow intellectual and all that…”

    Actually, they bend over backwards trying to lend credence to the moronic right … it’s monumentally irritating.

    Try it yourself … see for yourself … how gruesome could it be?

  30. Chris says:

    Tina: “The policies and values that Rush and conservatives hold would do far more for the poor and minority community”

    Tina, Rush’s policy for poor children is that they should go dumpster diving.

    He also suggests that they try their kitchen or the local McDonalds. Because of course Limbaugh assumes that their kitchen is fully stocked–he has a sociopathic inability to put himself in the shoes of another person.

    He has no understanding and no compassion for the plight of those in poverty. How could he possibly advocate for sensible policies for the poor with his elitist, unsympathetic, and downright stupid attitude?

  31. Post Scripts says:

    “…Moronic right”?

    Always cite examples Libs when you go on the attack. Without examples you are just saying something without credence. Of course we bend over backwards here at PS to give you credence, but its monumentally irritating when you don’t cite any examples. Let yourself go, think free, challenge convention wisdom and support your ideas with examples. How gruesome could it be?

  32. Chris says:

    Here are some of Rush’s wise words on minorities:

    Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?

    “The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.”

    When Spike Lee urged students to skip school to see his film Malcolm X, Rush said:

    “Spike, if you’re going to do that, let’s complete the education experience. You should tell them that they should loot the theater, and then blow it up on their way out.”

    “The Triple Double Oreo. You wait, it isn’t going to be long before it’s called the Or-Bam-eo, or something like this. Well, it’s a biracial cookie, here.”

    On the PPACA: “This is a civil rights bill. This is reparations, whatever you want to call it.”

    “Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”

    I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. Theyre interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think theres a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didnt deserve.

    “You put your kids on a school bus you expect safety but in Obamas America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering yeah, right on, right on, right on. Of course everybody said the white kid deserved it he was born a racist, hes white.”

    My god, Tina, you’re right! Anyone concerned with minorities in this country, especially with African-Americans, should immediately put Rush Limbaugh in charge of race relations. With his deep sensitivity to the black community, of course his policies would improve the lives of blacks! After all, he clearly knows better than they do what they need.

  33. Post Scripts says:

    Chris, you know what makes jokes funny? It’s the element of truth, now obviously racist jokes that have a lot of truthful content or STILL not are not helpful to the great melting pot. Thanks for sharing your collection of Rush Limbaugh jokes with us.

  34. Tina says:

    Chris: “My god, Tina, you’re right! Anyone concerned with minorities in this country, especially with African-Americans, should immediately put Rush Limbaugh in charge of race relations.”

    How about we put all of Rush’s black friends in charge of nominating him for the job…including the black ex football players, his call screaner of over twenty years, several university professors, one of whom occassioanlly guest hosts his show, a couple of politicians, and a supreme court judge..and that just the ones of whom I’m aware.

    Chris you get from Rush only what you need in order to have an object for all that stored up hate. Good luck with that.

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