President Obama’s Approval Numbers Down

Posted by Tina

I’m feeling better today about the women of America! It appears we aren’t buying Pelosi’s ploy in the profound way that she hoped. We are also not interested in seeing government silence voices it would seem.

Two polls out today show that the President’s polling numbers are down this week. One of the more incredible results is that after the Fluke/Pelosi drama over contraception Obama’s support from women is down four points. Overall 57% of Americans support religious freedom over freebies. That is very good news for freedom loving Americans (see my article postin around noon)

Voters are not happy with gas prices, the lack of jobs, or the economy in general. I would bet that the situation in the Middle East isn’t helping much either.

Don Surber, Daily Mail has the scoop on the polls:

Only 41% of registered voters approve of the job Obama is doing as president.

47% disapprove.

That’s down from 50%/43% last month.

That is a shift from +7 points in February to -6 points in March.

Only 37% of independents approve of the job he is doing — 45% disapprove.

In this poll, registered voters were asked: “Compared to four years ago, is your family’s financial situation better today, worse today, or about the same?”

Only 20% said their family financial situation is better today than it was 4 years ago.
37% said worse.

America has always been the land of opportunity. Do you know that fast food joints in North Dakota are paying people $18.00 an hour? hamburger flipper’s do pretty well when the economy is booming! The rest of us would love to see some of that boom and that is going to take a change in leadership!

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5 Responses to President Obama’s Approval Numbers Down

  1. Peggy says:

    Thanks for the great news. I just knew women were smart enough to figure out the truth and the birth control issue was an attempt by the democrats to use them to get their votes.

  2. Peggy says:

    I’m really feeling better today. 49% of working republican women voted for Santorum yesterday.

    Here’s one upset MSNBC reporter who was upset about their votes.

    “During MSNBCs primary coverage on Tuesday night, one analyst made her feelings on Rick Santorum very clear. In fact, she admitted that exit polls showing working Republican women had voted in droves for Santorum hurt her.

    This woman vote really hurts me, Karen Finney said. I got to say. You heard me say that.

    Host Lawrence ODonnell then noted 49 percent of working Republican women had voted for Santorum.

    Thats why I say, its a little painful because Im wondering if those women really heard the full message that, yes, theres the economy, Finney added, but if youve got to worry about your basic healthcare, how are you then going to be able to do what you need to do in terms of having a job, paying your rent, taking care of your kids?

  3. Tina says:

    Great reporting Peggy.

    Those women need to wake up and smell the coffee; they’re living in an ancient age that doesn’t exist anymore.

    Women and minorities are not oppressed in America. Both have more opportunity than ever before. They would have even more except that socialist policies cost too much, kill the golden goose, and ensure that too many of our citizens, male and female, are living in poverty, forever undereducated and needy, and stuck in permenant dependency.

    Turning it around will take a concerted effort over many years.

    I hear Rush Limbaughs audience share has been forecast to go up since the great outrage. It will be interesting to see what happens.

    Harrison is founder and publisher of Talkers magazine, the industrys leading trade journal.

    According to Harrison, even if all the publicity is negative, it is a good bet that Rush is enjoying pretty high ratings last week and going into this week.

    The irony is that he probably right now has the biggest audience hes had in years, and the double irony of all this is sponsors that are fleeing, theyre missing out on the best advertising buy in radio, Harrison told TheDC in an interview, explaining that Limbaugh incites passion on all fronts.

    Limbaughs fans, said Harrison, will galvanize around him, not abandon him. Many of his detractors are listening because they feel vindicated, he explained, and still others are tuning in to hear what the fuss is about.

  4. Peggy says:

    Oh Tina, I’m hoping and praying this is the beginning of another Great Awakening and people will take the time to find out the truth and question motives.

    Deceiving rhetoric like, A Do Nothing Congress when its actually a do nothing Senate gets my Irish up. The truth is the Republican controlled House has passed a budget and Pres. Obama has done one, but its the Democratic controlled Senate lead by Harry Reid who refuses to present one from even coming to the floor for discussion let alone adoption.

    So, the truth is we have a DO NOTHING SENATE!! This is the reason we have not had a budget for three years. Instead we have to keep borrowing money from other countries, print more phony money and every couple of months, when we reach our debt ceiling, force the House and Senate to agree on how much more to put us in debt to be paid for by our kids and grandkids.

    Yes, for our countrys future I pray enough people will wake up before it is to late.

  5. Tina says:

    After listening to Rush this morning, as women called in to express outrage at being accused of racism and stupidity by the vapid feminist left, I’m feeling even better! One was a call from a (mixed race?) black women who had originally been a democrat. She said her mistake was in listening to people like Jessie Jackson. I love it when people wake up to the scam and start looking for truth on their own.

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