Chris Rock attacks Camerawoman


The New York Times bestselling author of the explosive new book, Hollywood Hypocrites: The Devastating Truth About Obama’s Biggest Backers, Jason Mattera, had his crew’s camera snatched and hurled by comedian Chris Rock when he asked the star why he has called the Tea Party racist.

“I was stunned,” said Mr. Mattera in an exclusive interview with Big Hollywood. “Tea Party members get called the worst things imaginable and still remain peaceful. But ask a big Hollywood celebrity to explain himself and the guy goes ballistic, wrestles the camera away from my camerawoman, chucks it 50 feet, and then challenges me to a fight. It’s unreal. And it perfectly illustrates why I decided to investigate and write Hollywood Hypocrites.”

The confrontation, which took place around 2:00 a.m. on January 23, 2012, at Spike Lee’s Sundance Film Festival after party at Tao night club, ended with Chris Rock challenging the conservative author to a fight, says Mr. Mattera:

“Chris Rock shouted, ‘You want to throw down? Let’s throw down right now!’ Of course, he was standing safely behind two bodyguards when he said it.”

The clash was ignited when Jason Mattera inquired about disparaging comments Chris Rock made about the Tea Party in an Esquire article in 2011: “When I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because this is the last — this is the act up before the sleep. They’re going crazy. They’re insane. You want to get rid of them — and the next thing you know, they’re f- – – -g knocked out. And that’s what’s going on in the country right now. ”

PS – from Jack: Apparently Chris is too stupid to see that what he was saying was just another form of censorship and hate speech. He intimated at a purge. “Get rid of them”, he said. This is liberalism? No, this is just leftist hypocrisy. Getting rid of your enemies by trying to destroy them with lies…thats outrageous. Lying about them and preaching hate, what a fine example of the new left.

No wonder he will be featured in Hollywood Hypocrites. I will no longer view anything by Chris Rock.

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13 Responses to Chris Rock attacks Camerawoman

  1. Tina says:

    Chris Rock has his funny moments but he always has struck me as an angry dude.

    I think like many black people he has the opinion that there are still a lot of racists in the country…all on the right of course. We’ve been the scape goat for dems to keep them firmly voting democrat.

    Blacks are offended by whites in black face…I’m offended when the left throws a white hood over my head just so people like Chris Rock can have someone to hate.

  2. Harriet says:

    The more I hear of episodes like this, I have to go back to the book Righteous Indignation by Andrew Breitbart, he was spot on in describing people like Chris Rock, he also
    talks about how to fight back

  3. Libby says:

    “I will no longer view anything by Chris Rock.”

    I have never … and so now, certainly, the man will starve, make no mistake about it.

    I may never stop chortling … and now I have the hiccups. Why do you do this to me?!?!?!?!?

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Libby: So you approve of violence then, is that it? A man grabs an expensive video camera out of a woman’s hands and trashes it because he does not like someone asking why he called the Tea Party racist? This makes sense to you Libby, this is funny?

  5. LIbby says:

    I expect his attorneys will send her a check.

    And, as I said, the doings of Chris Rock, et al., fall outside my … whatever.

    And they should fall outside yours … but they don’t, apparently.

  6. Toby says:

    The one (and only I can think of) upside to Obama being elected president is how liberals and the MSM no longer try to sell their line of BS about being so open minded. They no longer hide what angry, petty people they are. We have that, is it worth the trillions and trillions of dollars to have them finally show themselves for what we pretty much knew they were? Not even close.

  7. Tina says:

    Libby: “And they should fall outside yours … but they don’t, apparently.”

    Chris Rock inserted himself inside our “doings” when he made political comments. His doings are meaningless to us otherwise.

    Considering the considerable amount of time you and your comrades scream racism, targeting anyone and any group on the right, it’s hardly about his “doings” anyway; it’s about the lefts “doings”.

    You can run from this association but you cannot hide.

  8. Libby says:

    “Chris Rock inserted himself inside our “doings” when he made political comments.”

    Yeah, yeah … and studly Mr. Clooney got arrested today, or yesterday … and bit fat hairy deal.

    Really, Tina.

  9. Tina says:

    Oh…so you DO pay attention to their “doings”.

    Libby you’re so full of IT; makes me : )!

  10. Libby says:

    “Chris Rock inserted himself inside our “doings” when he made political comments.”

    Yeah, yeah … and studly Mr. Clooney got arrested today, or yesterday … and bit fat hairy deal.

    Really, Tina.

  11. Libby says:

    Alas, Clooney made the Yahoo … and C. Rock didn’t.

    Such a bummer.

  12. Lauren says:

    So now people like you areusing this stupid little BRAT as the barometer for all those on the liberal side?!! Don’t think so and what Ah-nuld slimeball and creepy Ted Nugent represent all of you I guess. Hey don’t pass this jerk off on everybody this punk speaks for himself maybe you on the right need to people to speak for you I don’t.

  13. Post Scripts says:

    Good for you Lauren! It’s good to speak for yourself; thanks for adding your thoughts to this discussion.

    We post stories that make the news so that people like you can say what’s on your mind. Some of us have so much fun we have become regular contributors and probably are mildly addicted.

    Come on back again if the spirit moves you. All opinions are welcome at Post Scripts. Passionate expression is encouraged…we just ask that everyone keep it relatively civil and clean.

    Have a great night!


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