Dems in Florida Fly Obama Stars and Stripes Flag- Vets Outraged!


Posted by Tina

Arrogance hit a brand new high in Florida yesterday when a flag with the Presidents face in the stars field was flown under a normal flag at the local Democrat headquarters. A local veteran snapped the picture and promptly informed the folks inside that there is a code that governs the flying of the American flag.

FOX News has the story.

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8 Responses to Dems in Florida Fly Obama Stars and Stripes Flag- Vets Outraged!

  1. Deb Smith says:

    Obama is a disgrace to America. Our flag is special. Get his face off of our flag.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    This is excellent, even Hitler didn’t go that far…lol I hope they keep it up, its the most offensive thing I’ve ever seen in politics. It’s guaranteed to tick off tens of millions of voters. Where can I get one of these?

  3. Princess says:

    It looks to me like this is ok as far as flag etiquette goes. It is flying under the American Flag which is supposed to be at the top.

    These types of debates always happen because everyone wants the flag represent their meaning. This is no different than flying the Mexican flag or the Confederate flag.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Princess, it kinda is “different” … in that Obama has been portrayed to be more like the King than a president. Then this US flag comes out with his face on it…it’s so over the top ridiculous and gross.

    I think it’s the best thing the democrats could have ever done to help undermine his reelection. It’s by far better than anything the republicans could have done.

    This flag will be hated by vets across the country, it will be about as popular as a Chinese flying over the capitol. Way to go dems!

  5. Tina says:

    The flag represents we the people…the stars represent the states…we are not subjects to a czar but citizens of individual the states.

    This is a very arrogant display and offensive to me.

  6. Princess says:

    Well, looks like I was wrong about the flag law. According to Snopes, Florida has a law against this kind of flag.

    The Snopes article has a link to the Florida code that prohibits this kind of tacky flag from being flown. I’m glad. I hate to see these kinds of flags.

  7. Chris says:

    Even as someone who will be holding his nose and voting Obama in November, that is some pretty amazingly offensive crap. I can’t imagine why anyone would even WANT to do this, let alone how they could think it’s OK. It really does remind one of the Kim Jong Il pictures North Koreans are required to have plastered all over their walls. I kind of agree with you, Jack, in that this is self-sabotage for the Democrats who did this–it makes them look really stupid, oblivious, and unpatriotic.

  8. Princess says:

    I agree.

    The picture on the flag is so offensive and ridiculous I thought it was a fake. I went to Snopes to check it out because I figured the whole thing was a lie.

    Nope. Some idiot actually chose that awful, angry picture of the president and stuck it on our flag and a bigger idiot who works for the Democrat party decided to buy one and fly it. Unbelievable.

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