Karzai Warns US

by Jack

16 Mar 2012 – President Mohamed Karzai warned the United States, he’s at the “end of the rope” over civilian casualties. Afghanistan’s president angrily accused the U.S. on Friday of not sharing information about how an American soldier allegedly shot and killed 16 Afghans and declared there was more than one shooter.

Karzai said the villagers’ accounts of the massacre were widely different from the scenario depicted by U.S. military officials. The relatives and villagers insisted that it was impossible for one gunman to kill nine children, four men and three women in three houses of two villages near a U.S. combat outpost in southern Afghanistan.

Karzai pointed to one of the villagers from Panjwai district of Kandahar province and said: “In his family, in four rooms people were killed — children and women were killed — and then they were all brought together in one room and then set on fire. That, one man cannot do.”

Karzai’s comments have played into the hands of the Taliban who have been exploiting this incident and the Koran burnings several weeks ago.

The US response to the mob violence and direct attacks on US personnel by Afghan military has been tepid. The attacks have resulted in 4 deaths. President Obama and his administration have apologized repeatedly, but it has had little impact on resolving the growing distrust and acrimony.

The US has removed all UN advisers from within the Afghan government, mainly due to security concerns after two advisors were shot dead at their desks in well fortified government buildings. Plans are underway to withdraw UN forces from all contested rural areas as the Taliban move back in to regain control. President Karzai has said he wants the US to speed up their departure to 2013 from 2014.

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2 Responses to Karzai Warns US

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Every day it just keeps getting worse. There’s nothing to be gained by our continued presence. Too many zealots in Afghanistan, too much religious control of simpletons. Most of the men are unworthy of our support, the women are just victims with no say…its all very sad. Hopefully in another 100 pr so years they will wise up, then they can join the civilized humans of the world. But, right now they are fools on a fools mission, and the pathetic part is they don’t even know it. Much needs to be done to repair the damage their stupid backward religion has done to them.

  2. Princess says:

    The religious zealots and their control over the country should serve as a warning to those of us in the US. Religion has no place in government.

    We need to get out of these wars and start rebuilding America. Because of this endless war we have lost our civil liberties.

    Bush started it with his Patriot Act and Obama has taken it much, much further. We should have never supported Bush. What he started will be corrupted by the Democrats so much we will not even recognize America in a decade.

    When Bush was president Obama voted to support FISA. Now the Department of Homeland Security has legalized domestic spying. Check out this article about the NSA and their domestic spy network at Wired.com http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/03/ff_nsadatacenter/all/1

    Obama’s DOJ has refused to prosecute Wall Street thieves, but they have used the Espionage Act to prosecute whistleblowers twice as much in three years as it has been used throughout history. We are spending millions on indefinite detention at Guantanamo Bay and how long do you think before that happens over here? Obama has also signed legislation allowing the president to order the death of US citizens suspected of terrorism. How long before we are the terrorists?

    And what are Republicans promising us if we elect them? They are lecturing us about birth control, and saying Obama isn’t tough enough on Iran. Give me a break. Like we have too much birth control and need another war we can’t afford.

    Republicans need to start reading the constitution and defending American citizens from the government they helped create and refuse to shrink all while telling us how much safer we are. If you look at what we have lost in three years, imagine what we will lose in four more.

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