Key Fast & Furious Suspect Captured and Released

Posted by Tina

Eric Holder has been releasing documents related to the Fast and Furious investigation at a snail’s pace, much of it with heavy redacting, and always late on Friday but the investigation continues and a pattern is slowly developing. The latest information is more than a bit troubling:

Scandal: A prime suspect in the smuggling of weapons to Mexico was captured and released on a promise of cooperation and with the instruction not to engage in criminal acts unless instructed by the U.S. government.

If the purpose of Fast and Furious, the gun-running operation directed out of the Phoenix office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was to track and capture those involved in smuggling illegal firearms to Mexico, it seemingly succeeded with the May 29, 2010, capture of Manuel Fabian Celis-Acosta as he drove his BMW in a remote area of Arizona near the Mexican border.

The article goes on to note that even though this man was the main target of Fast and Furious, and when stopped had cell phones, ammunition, and a ledger containing notations about firearms and money given to a killer, he was released by the top investigator for Fast and Furious, Special Agent Hope MacAllister. Her instructions to Acosta as she let him go blows me away:

In perhaps one of the dumbest moves ever by law enforcement, MacAllister wrote her contact info on a $10 bill after he pledged to keep in touch and call her, gave it to Acosta and let him walk. The best part is her warning “not to participate in any illegal activity unless under her direction.” (emphasis mine)

Okay all you law enforcement types…how dumb was it to do this?

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3 Responses to Key Fast & Furious Suspect Captured and Released

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Well, I am not a law enforcement type, but to me it seems that Special Agent Hope MacAllister was dumber than a bag of doorknobs.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Pie… I am a law enforcement type and concur with your assessment.

  3. Tina says:

    Well alrightythen! Maybe a better question was it illegal or does it suggest that she was possibly under orders in this grand scheme?

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