A Federal Investigation is Underway in Martin Case – Tensions Rise

Posted by Tina

The black community has found it’s rallying case and all hands are on deck. they hace a black man in the White House and a black man as AJ. There is an opportunity to do the right thing but there is also opportunity for grave injustice and the destruction of the America of our best hopes and expectations.

The news today out of Florida and across our land is not good. Those conducting prayer vigils might want to expand their prayers and ask for Gods hand to create calm around this case.

abc News reports a Federal investigation is underway:

Attorneys for the family of Trayvon Martin and the Florida neighborhood watch captain who fatally shot the unarmed teen offered different perspectives Saturday on the federal investigation of the death.

The attorneys presented their cases as demonstrators took to the streets in major cities such as Washington and Chicago to voice outrage over Martin’s death and the local police investigation of the case.

Daryl D. Parks, an attorney for the Martin family, told board members of the National Association of Black Journalists that family members met with federal and local officials for more than an hour Thursday. He said the family left the meeting “with a strong sense that Justice was very committed” to investigating the case.

“I think that it was rather clear that the attorney general is quite aware of the situation,” Parks said, referring to Eric Holder. “They have devoted a great deal of resources into looking into this matter.

Meanwhile Zimmerman remains in safe hiding having received death threats and the Florida police chief has been threatened in emails.

Also, from Human Events, a disturbing sequence of events:

Who’s up for a little street justice? The New Black Panther Party, for starters. They’re circulating a “Wanted: Dead or Alive” poster for George Zimmerman, the 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer who shot 17-year-old black youth Treyvon Martin last month. Public outrage erupted after the police in Sanford, Florida declined to arrest Zimmerman, who claims he fired in self-defense.

President Obama inserted himself into the case on Friday, saying “every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this and that everybody pulls together, federal, state, and local, to figure out how this tragedy happened.” Obama also remarked that if he had a son, “he’d look like Trayvon,” which will not do much to calm passions surrounding the case, or make it any easier to put together an impartial jury for any trial that might occur.

The New Black Panthers aren’t waiting around for any boring old “investigations.” They printed up a flyer declaring Trayvon Martin was “MURDERED in Cold BLOOD” and passed them out during a press conference held by Mikhail Muhummud, who described himself as “the southern regional director for the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense,” according to The Blaze.

The New Black Panthers might have to get in line for their crack at Zimmerman, because another militant group, the New Black Liberation Militia, announced it would be sending members to Orlando next week to “attempt a citizen’s arrest” on Zimmerman.

They won’t have any trouble finding him, because movie director Spike Lee used his Twitter account to beam Zimmerman’s home address to his 244,858 followers.

Also on Twitter, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said of Treyvon Martin, “Let us see what kind of justice will come for his bereaved family and our bereaved community”… followed immediately by, “Where there is no justice, there will be no peace. Soon and very soon, the law of retaliation may very well be applied.” Farrakhan has just under 37,000 Twitter followers.

When I read about the NBP my mind turned immediately to the threat made on the steps of a voting area…”you’re gonna find out what it’s like to be ruled by a black man”.
Holder’s office dismissed that civil rights case.

Revenge is not justice. Lies are not truth. Neither revenge nor lies will give the black man a place to stand in this country or in the world.

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26 Responses to A Federal Investigation is Underway in Martin Case – Tensions Rise

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Tina, you know this isn’t going to end until at least one liquor store is looted. How else will there be justice? We should just pick one right now and say have at it!

    When there’s a mob like this forming up and prepping for violence, there’s got to be some payoff or it’s all for naught. If I was writing the script like Screwy Louie is trying to do, I would say let the mob start out with something traditional. Mobs like tradition don’t they? Sure they do. Perhaps start with some looting of electronic stores, clothing stores and liquor stores and turn up the heat with some firebombings! Maybe some random shots fired at cops, a few carjackings, but definitely there must be a looting of a liquor store or two..preferable well stocked liquor stores. Mob justice is on the way!

  2. Princess says:

    I agree with President Obama on this one. Every parent can understand this.

    But of course something that will naturally be screwed up by the corrupt Obama DOJ has now been escalated to insanity by the newest hate group to hit the US, the New Black Panters who have offered a $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman. Ridiculous. Something that started out as nothing but incompetent law enforcement failure has now turned into a race war.

    This was not about race. It is about the failure of the police to investigate or even collect evidence.

    Zimmerman should be in jail or at least CHARGED for a crime since he shot a person and that person is dead. And Zimmerman is also a victim of the incompetent police because their failure to collect evidence that might have cleared him now makes his claims of a bloody and broken nose suspect. Where is the proof? The police collected zero evidence which is their FREAKING JOB.

    The only reason we are even talking about this is the fact that a kid was murdered and no one was charged for the crime. Black, white, purple, or green that is just plain wrong.

    But luckily we have Malcom X-murder Louis Farakhan and the New Black Panthers to show us the way.

  3. Tina says:

    Princess: “And Zimmerman is also a victim of the incompetent police because their failure to collect evidence…”

    Do you have a source that would indicate this is true or is it just an opinion/attitude on your part?

    The Orlando Sentinel, in an article favorable to Martin’s family, reported this about the police:


    “I would hope that they’d make a difference, to try to stop or slow down the high state of emotions,” Police Chief Bill Lee Jr. told the Sentinel in an exclusive interview Friday.(releasing 911 tapes)

    Lee said he is frustrated that Trayvon’s family, its lawyers and others have ripped his department for its handling of the case. He is not a racist, he said, and his officers conducted a thorough and fair investigation and did nothing underhanded or untruthful.

    “The hysteria, the media circus, it’s just crazy,” Lee said. “It’s the craziest damn thing I’ve ever seen, and it’s sad. It’s sad for the city of Sanford, the police department, because I know in my heart we did a good job.”

    Investigator Chris Serino of Sanford police said Friday the agency has worked closely with prosecutors, and have not arrested Zimmerman because prosecutors have consistently told them they do not have enough evidence to win a manslaughter conviction.

    That’s because Zimmerman says he was defending himself, something he’s allowed to do under Florida law.

    The best account of what happened came from Zimmerman, Serino said. Other witnesses who saw or heard parts of what happened corroborate his version of events, the investigator said.

    International Business Times reported this:


    Investigations into the death of Trayvon Martin, an African-American teenager who was shot in a gated community in Florida by a neighborhood watch captain last month, have now moved to the Florida State Attorney’s office. According to CBS News, Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee announced that the local police turned the case over to state authorities on Tuesday. Now Florida state Attorney Norm Wolfinger’s office will be in charge of reviewing the evidence and determining whether to charge 28-year-old neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman with any crime.

    The examiner is reporting this:


    Sanford, Fla. – On Thursday, Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee announced he would temporarily step down from his job due to criticism he’s received regarding the investigation into the killing of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, 17, reports USA Today.

    Lee said during a brief press conference that state law prevented him from charging George Zimmerman, 28, regarding Trayvon’s death.

    On Mar. 19, it was announced that the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, along with the FBI, will be investigating the tragic shooting.

    Sanford police have been heavily criticized for failing to arrest Zimmerman for the shooting, however, police claim there is no evidence to disprove his self-defense story. Nonetheless, a grand jury will reportedly convene to hear the case.

    It seems to me that this case is being investigated by just about every agency possible including local police. They collected evidence and turned it over to the prosecutors office. It isn’t up to them to decide whether there is enough evidence to support a case only to gather as much evidence as there is available. Zimmerman didn’t run or hide and the weapon was recovered. Witnesses were found and they gave testimony about what they saw or heard.

    I’m just wondering what you think they should have done or could have done other than what they did?

  4. Tina says:

    I’ve read several stories today and all of them feature a photo of a very handsome young black boy of about twelve but one story said Martin was seventeen. I saw a photo that was supposed to be his girlfriend and she looked a lot older than the boy in the photo. Does anyone know how old Martin was for sure?

    I ask, of course, because the face in the photo is that of an immature boy which if accurately portrays Martin is fine. But if it doesn’t the public is being given the wrong impression about his maturity and capability…perhaps his demeanor as well.

  5. Toby says:

    So did the kid live in the gated community, did the two know one another? If the kid did not live in the gated community how did he get in?
    What is the point of paying to live in a gated community if people who do not live in it and have no business in it can come and go at will? If the kid lived in it or was coming or going from a friend who lives in it that is a horse of a different color.
    Has anyone bothered to investigate the past behavior or history of the local police and DA in such cases? Do they have a record of sloppy police work and unlawful behavior such as covering up crimes?
    If this guy is truly guilty he deserves to be punished to the fullest. If this kid was a fine upstanding young man who loved his mother and father and was minding his own business and got killed for it, something needs to be done.
    I really have not heard the details about this story (if any have been aired). I am assuming the shooter claims he was in mortal danger and feared for his life at the time of the shooting? Did the kid have a weapon? What escalated the situation to the point that merely pointing a loaded gun at the kid was not enough to stop the kid in his tracks?
    I hope we get answers to the questions like this but I fear we wont.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Tina this is not a question of black or white nor a question of Martins maturity level or age. The case here is an unarmed child was followed and confronted by a man (Zimmerman) and killed. He was on the phone with his girlfriend and Zimmerman was told not to follow this young man by A 911 operator. He should be prosecuted and the case should be thoroughly investigated. His girlfriends age has nothing to do with this either. I see where you stand on the issue. If it were your child lets see what song you would sing. People are upset justifiably as they were with the Casey Anthony case or any other case. You point out the negativity in the black panther party and others are playing with the idea of revenge but dismiss the mention of peaceful protests painting a picture of injustice for Zimmerman and the black community resorting to violence which is untrue. Either way I peacefully disagree with your view point.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Evidently some people have a selective memory. Has Anonymous forgotten the violent, destructive, brutal, and insane riots that took place on Los Angeles after the Rodney King incident?

    Let us hope there is not a repeat fueled by violent rhetoric from the Black Panthers, Nation Of Islam, and a foolish, race-baiting, half-white president pandering to racial tensions because of his half-black skin color.

    “Wanted Dead Or Alive” racist black vigilantism can hardly be passed off as mere “negativity”. On that canard I must peacefully disagree.

  8. Tina says:

    Anonymous thank you for sharing your opinion.

    Respectfully, where I stand on this issue is as a neutral observer. None of us knows what happened. Most accounts of the story are very sympathetic to the Martin family, and that is as it should be, their child has been killed under terrible circumstances, but when it appears that the news outlets could be using a photo to make the victim seem younger and more vulnerable than he was, especially after I read that Zimmerman and a witness say he was attacked by Martin and Martin has wounds to suggest it may be true, I have to ask questions. As any high school teacher can attest there is a very big difference between a twelve year old and a maturing 17 year old in terms of strength and size. His age may well be of interest given these differences. Whether attitudes in the public are being manipulated by the medea through the use of a photo that does not adequately represent the victim is important in terms of allowing Mr. Zimmerman a just hearing.

    You claim Martin was “confronted” by Zimmerman but that is an assumption. You have no idea what his demeanor was or what he may have said. You have no idea what was said by Martin. There is a witness that observed Zimmerman being attacked by Martin. If that is true the size and strength of martin surely does matter.

    When accusations are made that the police have not made a proper investigation I look for evidence. So far I have found none. The district attorneys office looked at the evidence gathered and determined that under the law there was not enough evidence to bring Zimmerman to trial. Notions of police wrong doing are emotionally driven and lacking in substantive evidence.

    The case was investigated by local police. Now it will be investigated by the state of Florida, Eric Holder, and the FBI. I have no problem with that as long as Mr. Zimmerman, a person who would under different circumstances be described as a person of color and is now described as white, is treated justly and not railroaded for political reasons or to satisfy militant elements like the NBP or the PC elements within our society that care not for equality and justice but only for satisfying guilt driven emotional needs.

    As God is my witness, if it were my child I would be devistated just as the Martin’s are but I hope I would also have the courage to allow truth and our justice system to work. I hope I would have the dignity and grace to be forgiving rather than vengeful.

    In this case I hope this family is allowed to grieve and heal without their grief being used as foder for media and politics

    You claim I have dismissed peaceful protest but I have not. I have acknowledged prayer vigils and have not spoken against peaceful protest.

    What you don’t seem to understand, or want to consider, is that justice requires evidence of wrongdoing according to our laws. Mistakes, no matter how stupid, ill-advised, defiant, or just plain crazy, do not a murder make. There are those among us, Americans, that seem to want to convict Mr. Zimmerman for stupid mistakes and that is not right.

    If further investigation finds that Mr. Zimmeramn was allowed to walk because the police were sloppy in their investigation, or prejudiced, I will be firmly behind whatever true justice requires and finds. At the same time, if this becomes a show trial for reverse discrimination, revenge, or political advatage I will be right on top of that also.

  9. Tina says:

    Toby excellent questions. I don’t have the answers but your comment certainly adds weight to the fact that people are rushing to judgement in this case and using it for their own self interested purpose.

    The families of both Martin and Zimmerman deserve better.

  10. Chris says:

    Toby, most of your questions have already been answered. Trayvon was visiting his father’s girlfriend who lives in the gated community. He had no weapons on him at all, nor were any drugs found in his system. (Zimmerman, the shooter, was not tested for drugs or alchohol as he should have been.)

    Jack and Tina, of course I decry the actions of the New Black Panthers and Louis Farrakhan, but I think you are overestimating the influence of such radicals in the black community. Anonymous is right, there have been numerous peaceful protests held to honor Trayvon Martin and demand justice for him, but this blog didn’t give much attention to those. Trayvon’s parents have also called for peaceful protest.

    I just find it inappropriate and strange to focus your efforts on condemning certain black people and telling people to be afraid of potential black-led riots, when we’re talking about a case where a black teenager was shot for no reason. The danger that most people are talking about right now is the danger posed to their kids by simply walking down the street wearing a hoodie…but this blog’s coverage of the case has completely donwplayed this aspect, and most of the stories you have run have been about reaction from black groups that you find scary. Jack’s first comment on this story is practically a litany of racial stereotypes.

    I am not saying we shouldn’t be wary of possible vigilante action against Zimmerman, or the potential of riots. We should. But to focus as intensely on that aspect of the story as this site has, while downplaying the atrocity that occurred, strikes me as, if not racist, at least very questionable. It’s not the normal reaction you’d expect people to have to such a story.

  11. Chris says:

    Pie: “Let us hope there is not a repeat fueled by violent rhetoric from the Black Panthers, Nation Of Islam, and a foolish, race-baiting, half-white president pandering to racial tensions because of his half-black skin color.”

    Are you kidding me? What was the “violent rhetoric” used by our president in his remarks about this case? There was none. For you to compare Obama’s measured and thoughtful statements about Trayvon Martin to the rhetoric of the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam is absurd.

  12. Tina says:

    Chris: “…telling people to be afraid of potential black-led riots…”

    Nobody is telling people to be afraid of potential black riots. We are observing similarities in responses by certain elements that in the past have led to riots and if anything put those elements on notice that we will not sit by and allow them to happen. Appeasement and tolerance for those elements would be a mistake. Calling attention to the distructive contribution that those elements have made in the past is important in this situation. Reading things into it that aren’t there is not helpful…or cool!

    “… we’re talking about a case where a black teenager was shot for no reason”

    Self defense may be the reason. An accidental firing of the gun in a scuffle may be the reason. You seem to be refusing to consider these possibilities. Your intitial comments on Jacks original post suggest you decided Zimmermans guilt without having all the facts and you continue to hold that position even in the face of newly revealed testimony of a witness that suggest it isn’t as cut and dried as you thought.

    “The danger that most people are talking about right now is the danger posed to their kids by simply walking down the street wearing a hoodie…but this blog’s coverage of the case has completely donwplayed this aspect…”

    That is not true Chris. I have focused on the underlying reasons behind the danger posed to their kids by walking down the street in a hoodie. I have focused on issues the overall community refuses to address. You have blindly chosen to see that as something other than what it was.

    “…most of the stories you have run have been about reaction from black groups that you find scary”

    Do you find them benevolent? If you do you had better do some serious open minded research. You had better start being willing to look at what you don’t know about these militant groups because they have an agenda that should scare you. and it doesn’t include equality or justice.

    “Jack’s first comment on this story is practically a litany of racial stereotypes.”

    Jacks first comments were written by a man with experience on the police force. His perspective has nothing to do with race but with law enforcement which is called upon to “keep the peace” in an atmosphere of beligerance, fefiance, mahem, destruction, and potential killing and death. You are a twirp for not having empathy for the position he has held and the difficult situations he has found himself in. Book learning is no substitute for this type of experience.

    “But to focus as intensely on that aspect of the story as this site has, while downplaying the atrocity that occurred, strikes me as, if not racist, at least very questionable. It’s not the normal reaction you’d expect people to have to such a story.”

    The focus is in response to what you and others with your opinion have said, what is happening on the streets, a concern that proper justice is given to the case and for Zimmerman, and a desire to discover what underlying causes contributed to this unfortunate and deadly case.

    Chris your criticisms fail to recognize statements I’ve made such as: “Those conducting prayer vigils might want to expand their prayers and ask for Gods hand to create calm around this case.” When I posted this piece the intentions of organizations like the NBP, who were offering a $10K reward for capture of Zimmerman, and the news that various investigations (State AG, Federal AG, FBI) were just breaking. Clearly emotions in the black community were being roused and some in the media and the more militant elements were fanning those emotions. We chose not to pretend it wasn’t happening and for that we are considered possibly racist and at least questionable.

    Chris you have no idea just how prejudiced you are.

  13. Toby says:

    I really think liberals are clueless to just how close minded they are. It is a requirement to be a liberal.

  14. Libby says:

    Tina: “Nobody is telling people to be afraid of potential black riots.”

    Jack: “Let the rioting begin it’s now an official race issue because Al Sharpton is on the scene!”

    Try that again, Tina?

  15. Libby says:

    Tina: “I ask, of course, because the face in the photo is that of an immature boy which if accurately portrays Martin is fine.”

    Tina, you are behind the curve … as the wearing of the hoody renders his age irrelevant.

    And someone should clarify that any federal oversight would be of a local grand jury investigation in progress. And should that grand jury find sufficient evidence to bear out the 911 tapes, i.e, that the hoody wearing and unarmed youngster was chased down and killed by some doofus with a gun … the doofus will be (finally) charged with some degree of murder … and our faith in this erstwhile republic will be, to some degree, restored.

  16. Tina says:

    Thanks Libby but when I brought up the photo I was referring to the reality that is being created in press accounts. Martin is seventeen but when the news started breaking he was referred to as a child, a boy, or a kid and the picture that’s being used reflects that very young image. Later it’s disclosed that he was actually seventeen years old. I have to wonder, how tall is this “child”? How well developed is he? Is his face still open and sweet like it is in the photo? Or, has he developed an attitude, as many teens do? Did he think he was a bad a**? These questions are hard to ask but necessary. We should have the answers to these and many more questions before coming down on the side of guilt for Zimmerman. I object to the rush to judgement playing out on a national level that media and politics is pushing.

    Is it possible that he is much taller and far more menacing in size than the picture would suggest? If he was a big teenager then for Zimmerman a stranger in a hoodie in his gated neighborhood, a neighborhood that had recently been robbed by young black men (in hoodies?), would arouse suspicion and later possibly fear for his own life. But we don’t know because the language and photo used to describe the victim of the shooting is that of a little kid. Meanwhile the photo of Zimmerman…well, call central casting, we’ve found the perfect bad to paly against this child.

    But that’s not the only odd or suspicious thing about this case. Why is this case big news now…it’s a month old crime! What was it about this particular weekend that created sudden outrage complete with all of the usual suspects hitting the TV talk show circuit and stepping up to the microphones to preach racism and stir up emotions in public microphones? How long did it take the NBP’s to design and print all of those menacing posters that they spent the day yesterday taping to lightposts?

    Why is a man that looks Hispanic and has an Hispanic mother being called a white guy in news accounts? Usually anyone of Hispanic heritage is referred to as Hispanic…even if he looks like he’s German!

    Here’s another question…how were Obamas numbers doing within the black community doing BEFORE this story broke…were they ready to come out and vote…or not? Not necessarily according to the Washington Post last year:


    New cracks have begun to show in President Obamas support amongst African Americans, who have been his strongest supporters. Five months ago, 83 percent of African Americans held strongly favorable views of Obama, but in a new Washington Post-ABC news poll that number has dropped to 58 percent. That drop is similar to slipping support for Obama among all groups.


    Mr. Obama is framing his campaign message at a critical time for Black Americans: Even though the nations unemployment rate has dropped to 8.5 percent, the Black unemployment rate has climbed to 15.8 percent.

    In 2008, 55 percent of eligible Blacks ages 18 to 24 voted on Election Day, and 65 percent of eligible Blacks of all ages voted, according to the U.S. Census. Overall, about 96 percent of them voted for Obama.

    The latest Gallup Poll numbers show that Obama is enjoying an 89 percent approval rating among Blacks. But while he has been able to hold on to his base of Black support, the excitement over the president’s historic run in 2008 has waned.

    How is the Fast and Furious investigation going?

    And how about the news that Corzine may finally be in deep doo doo over the $200 million in customer money he was playing around with at MF Global


    MF Global CEO, Jon Corzine, apparently gave direct instructions to move $200 million from a customer account so that his firm could cover an overdraft in a brokerage account held at JPMorgan Chase, Bloomberg News reports.

    The order came from Corzine just days before MF GLobal went under, according to an email sent by Edith OBrien, a treasurer for the firm which was obtained by Bloomberg. The email is part of a memo drafted by congressional investigators looking into the firms collapse.

    What the he** is going on that this story made news NOW?

    “And someone should clarify that any federal oversight would be of a local grand jury investigation in progress.”

    I reported as much above. From the IB Times article: “Investigations into the death of Trayvon Martin, an African-American teenager who was shot in a gated community in Florida by a neighborhood watch captain last month, have now moved to the Florida State Attorney’s office.”

    Eric Holder and the FBI both said they would be holding investigations as reported in the examiner cited above: “On Mar. 19, it was announced that the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, along with the FBI, will be investigating the tragic shooting.”

    There’s more going on here than is being disclosed, IMHO!

  17. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, let me try that again. Once again from the guy who wrote that… nobody is telling people to be afraid. I’m mocking the idiots. Mocking is not fear. Mocking is to express contempt for and loathing of reprehensible conduct, unaceptable to civilized people. I mocked Farrakahn, I mocked Sharpton…I loath these idiots. I mocked the so-called New Black Panthers for their threats of violence too. Anyone who wants to exploit this tragedy, who wants to threaten riots, who seeks mob revenge, who encouraging kidnapping, …I WILL MOCK THEM!!! I DO NOT FEAR THEM! Thank you very much. – Jack

  18. Post Scripts says:

    Excellent comments Tina, I could not agree with you more!

  19. Post Scripts says:

    Anonymous, you say Zimmerman confronted the teenager. Now that I did not know. If that confrontation is what started the fight that is indeed a serious factor to be considered. I shall have to do some reading and catch up on the facts. Thanks.

  20. Post Scripts says:

    Anonymous…I just got done searching the internet looking for your claim that it was Zimmerman who “confronted” Martin. I could not find one single news story that said he confronted Martin…NOT ONE!

    I thought you had something here, but I think you have tried to mislead us and I resent that. You better explain yourself, because I’m thinking you’re just another person rushing to judgement…convicting the man on hearsay, filling in the blanks to suit your own agenda.

    Here’s some comments I found that I did not know earlier: “NEWS: Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen. This is being investigated, but it looks like it is true according to an eye witness. So it appears it was Martin that went after Zimmerman, and not the way you said.

    That was a very important point and it appears you had it backwards. Unless you can show where you came up with your information – you just lost a whole lot of credibility with me. Guess its a good think you posted anonymously so you don’t have take any responsibility… for your irresponsibility.

    Like this statement, I think its right on: Christian Adams, a former DOJ Civil Rights Division attorney and author of Injustice, a book that examines the New Black Panther Partys influence on the Obama DOJ, told The DC that these harsh reactions from Sharpton, the New Black Panthers and others without all the facts may prove damaging for them in the long run.

    It demonstrates the depths of their racial depravity, from the New Black Panther Party to Sharpton, Adams said. They were seeking to incite a mob using race. Its Duke Lacrosse, squared. (I agree.)

    BREAKING NEWS STORY: The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: Help! Help! And I told him to stop, and I was calling 911, the new eyewitness said.

    Zimmerman, who apparently suffered a bloody nose and had grass stains on the back of his clothes, was wearing a red sweater. Martin wore a hoodie.

    The witness only wanted to be identified as “John,” and didn’t not want to be shown on camera.

    His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman’s claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

    “When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point,” John said.

    Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense. According to information released on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen.

    Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting.

    Frank Taafe, a neighbor and fellow crime-watcher who has been in touch with Zimmerman, also told ABC that the 911 calls didn’t tell the whole story.

    Zimmerman’s friend and neighbor, Taafe, believed Trayvon provoked Zimmerman before the shooting. “George didn’t just jump out of a car and start running after Trayvon, pull out a gun and shoot him just for his Skittles and his iced tea,” Taafe said.

    In a Miami Herald profile of Zimmerman published Saturday, former neighbors in Manassas, Va., where he grew up, and Florida, where he moved with his parents after graduating high school in 2001, described him as “gracious” and “polite.”

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/trayvon-martin-case-friends-george-zimmerman-defense-racist-fears-life-article-1.1050568#ixzz1qCJZQ97r


  21. Another George Zimmerman says:


    Again I ask, who on earth are you talking to? No one here has done this. Asking for an arrest =/= asking for a hanging. Not even close.

    If you’re talking to people like Farrakhan and the NBPP, then you should make that clear. But you sound like you’re talking to specific commenters on this blog who have called for lynch mob justice against Zimmerman. But no such commenters exist.

  22. Post Scripts says:

    I’m speaking to the world Chris and to those posting who were banned…geez give me a break.

  23. Libby says:

    “Thanks Libby but when I brought up the photo I was referring to the reality that is being created in press accounts.”

    Really? Not the alternate reality that is being promulgated here?

    I repeat:

    Jack: “Let the rioting begin it’s now an official race issue because Al Sharpton is on the scene!”

    That is a Post Script assertion of the case.

  24. Libby says:

    “Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, ….”

    But whose blood? He shot the child at close range.

    However, should it happen to run the other way … some doofus puts a gun in my face … scream nothin’ … I’m gonna do my damndest to put his eyeballs out.

  25. Tina says:

    The eye witness says the near adult was on top of Zimmerman and was pummeling his face.

    The police report that Zimmerman claimed the kid puncched him in the nose hard enough to break it and knock him to the ground after which he started slamming his head on the sidewalk. They said his wounds and the eye witness testimony back up Zimmermans version of events.

    One article I posted from said that Zimmerman had lost site of the kid and was headed back to his truck when the kid stepped in front of him.

    The blood was likely his own!

  26. Tina says:

    Referencing Jack: “Let the rioting begin it’s now an official race issue because Al Sharpton is on the scene!”

    Libby asserts: “That is a Post Script assertion of the case.”

    You of all people who post here should recognize sarcasm and disgust!


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