More on the Trayvon Martin Case

Posted by Jack Lee

Turns out there was an eye witness who corroborated everything George Zimmerman said. Uh, everyone out here in the lynch mob hear that? There’s an eye witness who saw the whole thing…if you’re still wanting to lynch Zimmerman maybe you should read the rest of this story?


In the most recent news account that I could find, it allegedly went down like this: Zimmerman told police he was not following Martin anymore and was walking back to his SUV just like the dispatch asked him too when Martin attacked him. It was Zimmerman who was screaming, help, help, not Martin. It was Zimmerman who was knocked to the ground and Martin was on top of him – beating him in the face with his fists. The eye witness told Martin to stop as he told Zimmerman he was calling 9-1-1 for help.

Zimmerman had wet grass stains and grass on the back his red sweater. He had a bloody and possibly broken nose and other contusions. The witness who was calling 9-1-1 said, the person in the red sweater was absolutely the one being attacked.

Now I don’t know who the witness is, but it doesn’t sound like he knew either of these people and this is what he says he saw. Sure paints a different picture than what the lynch mob is claiming.

See…this is exactly why I asked everyone to cool it. Don’t rush to judgement on this case until ALL the facts come out. We’ve never had the full story so far and until today there was very little known between the time Zimmerman made his 9-1-1 call and the shooting. Now we can hear on the police tape what other witnesses claim is Zimmerman screaming. Now we have a witness that says it was Zimmerman in great distress. We’re getting a lot of evidence in that Zimmerman is yelling for help and Martin is on top of him, beating him in the face.

Zimmerman had a contusion on the back of his head. I have to wonder, was that from a sucker punch thrown by Martin while Zimmerman walked back to his car? Maybe, it fits, but I won’t speculate on it. However, all these little things are more reason to take a wait and see attitude. This new information is also one more reason that President Obama should have kept his mouth shut and stayed out of this. But, once again he just can’t wait to insert his racist beliefs into things, that much is obvious.

As a side note to this who debacle, Obama’s turned out to be one lousy President, but the pathetic part is we’ve probably got enough idiots to reelect him for another 4 years. Look at all the morons who stepped forward to sign that petition to jail Zimmerman… over a million people signed that and they had no clue about any of the facts in this case!


PS Spike Lee released Zimmerman’s home address on his twitter account. It went out to tens of thousands of people. Lee did it twice. Real nice. I won’t be watching any Spike Lee films again…he’s another racist idiot. If anything happens to Zimmerman now I hope he can sue Lee for setting him up.

For more info:

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45 Responses to More on the Trayvon Martin Case

  1. Toby says:

    Jack you are dealing in facts, as we all know, liberals never let the facts get in the way of whatever mission they are on. Sounds like a clean shoot to me. Thanks for the info.

  2. Toby says:

    If Spike Lee were a white republican he would be guilty of one of those hate crimes the liberals are always blathering on about. I guess it is a good thing for him he is a black liberal, makes him bullet proof.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Thanks for weighing in on this Toby. Well said about Spike Lee…he’s racist, but he’s adored for it by his liberal pals, makes me sIck. It should make anyone sick if they care one wit about justice.

    Feel free to give me a heads up if I miss something on this one.

  4. Princess says:

    This statement is not a “fact” because the police did not investigate this crime correctly. It doesn’t matter what this person says, the “fact” that Zimmerman got out of his car against the instructions of the 911 dispatcher and against the policy of Neighborhood Watch is indisputable. Period. He should not have had a weapon which is also against Neighborhood Watch policy and he should not have gotten out of his vehicle. If he had done those things that kid would be alive today.

    I’m not going to let this be a race thing or a political thing. This is a dead teenager thing and since I have teenagers it is important to me that idiots not shoot them.

  5. Tina says:

    Jack thanks for the nice photo of Mr. Zimmerman. the photo that the MSM has been using was extremely unflattering as opposed to the baby faced one they were using for Martin.

    Here’s a heads up for you, Jack. The Southern Poverty law Center has said the NBP is, “virulently racist and anti-Semitic”. The article adds “…its leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law officers. The militant leadership has voiced intentions designed to incite riot and defiance of the law”.

    Remarks made by the leadership:

    Mikhail Muhammad announced (the bounty) during a protest in Sanford on Saturday.

    When asked whether he was inciting violence, Muhammad replied: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

    The bounty announcement came moments after members of the group called for the mobilization of 5,000 black men to capture George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin last month.

    Muhammad said members of his group would search for Zimmerman themselves in Maitland and Jacksonville — where the 28-year-old worked before the shooting. But he declined to say when they will begin their hunt.

    Muhammad said the group’s national chairman, Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz of Washington, D.C., is receiving donations from black entertainers and athletes. The group hopes to collect $1 million by next week, Muhammad said.

    When the “hunt” would begin…wow. Where are the smart remarks about how dangerous these guys are? Why are they not being called a terrorist organization?

    Has it occurred to any of our lefty buddies that their remarks about the Tea Party have been more damning than anything said about this group by the media or our President?

    The President needs to speak up and use his authority to calm people down.

    Good news…the paper reports a Pastor Brown with a better message:

    The Rev. Moses Brown of Tampa said he was disappointed with the Panthers’ approach.

    “We believe in a message of justice, not hate,” said Brown, who was in town to pray at the memorial and attend the Monday event at Sanford’s Civic Center. “We believe justice will come through the court system.”

    Brown, who is also the Chief executive officer of Feed Our Children, said he has been meeting with other Christian ministers to discuss the case.

    While the Panthers chanted behind him, Brown said: “I see parallel versions of how we are coping with this as a community. Some in anger and us, in prayer. But we are in America, where we have our rights to expression.”

    I’m in, Spike Lee will not make another dollar from me.

    Jack the vetting of Obama began without getting much traction in 2008. Hannity called attention to Jeramiah Wright’s extreme pastoral rhetoric. What may have been more telling was the associations in that black liberation church to the Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan and other militant organizations like the NBP. These associations and connections taken as a whole define and explain the policies this administration has embraced. The vetting may yet show he is not the leader of America but of his militant minority brothers.

    This year is gonna be an ugly

  6. Post Scripts says:

    Thanks Tina. It is my sincere hope that this will be the last case our President will take sides on. He does not deserve to be president. He’s done so much destruction to our country. His background was to unite this country and heal old wounds, but he has had an opposite effect. He’s been the catalyst behind racial attacks on a number of levels and from many people, not the least of which is his corrupt Dept. of Justice lead by another incompetent fool.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    “This statement is not a “fact” because the police did not investigate this crime correctly. It doesn’t matter what this person says..” Princess

    Princess, I wish you would reconsider what you just said.

    We hold that truth is not dependent on anything else, it stands on its own merit. We are waiting for the whole truth to come out in the Trayvon Martin case…and that whole truth will determine what we have here. But, lets not get too far ahead of things until there is a full review.

    I’m thinking that we are basically on the same page here, but you have to be careful how you phrase things so you are saying what you really mean.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    FOX NEWS: The controversy surrounding the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin took a new turn Monday when the Orlando Sentinel reported Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman told police Martin decked him with a single punch, then repeatedly slammed his head into the sidewalk.

    The Sentinel said much of Zimmerman’s account had been corroborated by witnesses, according to authorities.

    As Zimmerman’s version of events surfaced, rallies were planned in Sanford and other cities to mark the one-month anniversary of 17-year-old Martin’s death.

    Read more:

  9. Toby says:

    Turns out if he had not been suspended from school for being in possession of an empty pot baggy he would still be alive. He wasn’t even from whatever city he was shot in. I got this info from the MSM so if it is fact or not I leave it up to you. I guess the MSM is calling the shooter a White Hispanic, they have to manufacture a new race to make this a white/black issue.

  10. Carann says:

    I am tremendously impressed with the level-headedness of the author of this piece. Finally, someone with the guts to say what a lot of us think! Why does every shooting case involving an African American be centered around race and not the crime itself? And why does our idiot president shoot his mouth out and inflame the situation. I’m so sick of it. And the poor kid’s mother evidently got her grief soon enough to trademark his name. Ah, the almightly dollar…

  11. Toby says:

    I would love to read that story. Any chance you can send the link?

  12. Tina says:

    Carann thank you for joining in our discussions. The author of this piece, Jack Lee, is an former police officer, veteran, and original creator of Post scripts. He’s a straight shooter and in criminal cases brings the expertise and level-headed perspective one would expect of someone associated with the military and law enforcement.

    You seem pretty level headed yourself…hope you’ll become a regular around here!

  13. Mike says:

    Zimmerman is a scapegoat. Black America still tries to portray criminals who start stuff like innocent choir boys. It’s all about money now. Here comes Jesse, al,And even the parents trying to get rich..what a shame. I think Zimmerman deserves a million dollar check from crime stoppers!!!!

  14. Post Scripts says:

    Thank you Carann, I’m the author and I appreciate your comments. It’s not easy to write such an article for obvious reasons, but I felt it had to be done.

    I would also like to note that I feel bad for the deceased parents and I hope they will not let their grief be hijacked by those looking to exploit this situation. -Jack

  15. Chris says:

    Of course this witness’s statement should be taken into account. However, even if it is accurate and Martin did attack first, it doesn’t change my opinion much. I said from the beginning that Zimmerman should be found guilty of at least criminal negligence, and I stand by that.

    I had considered before the possibility that Martin did start the actual fight. However, he apparently did so after he realized that he was being followed. According to his girlfriend who was on the phone with him at the time, Martin may have been scared and did not understand why Zimmerman was following him.–trayvon-martin-was-on-phone-call-with-girlfriend-moments-before-he-was-killed

    I am not saying that Martin had the right to attack Zimmerman, if he did so. However, I am saying that Zimmerman still played a huge role in provoking this conflict and escalating it to the point that it arrived at, and he should be held accountable for doing so.

    I said in my first comment that Zimmerman should at least be found guilty of criminal negligence for following Martin, first in his vehicle and then on foot, and bringing a gun with him. I have never said that I think Zimmerman should be found guilty of murder, because I did not and still do not have enough information to come to that decision. If this witness’ testimony is correct, then I think he should not be found guilty of murder. However, his decision to follow Martin and take a gun with him put his actions outside the realm of pure self-defense, in my opinion. He put himself in this situation after police warned him not to, and his choices served to provoke Martin. His actions probably frightened Martin, who should have called the police right away when he saw that he was being followed. But I stand by my original opinion–Zimmerman should be found guilty of at least criminal negligence for his irresponsible actions.

    Jack: “Turns out there was an eye witness who corroborated everything George Zimmerman said. Uh, everyone out here in the lynch mob hear that? There’s an eye witness who saw the whole thing…if you’re still wanting to lynch Zimmerman maybe you should read the rest of this story?”

    You’ve been saying things like this a lot. I certainly hope you’re intending to address these statements to people such as the Black Panthers and Louis Farrakhan, who really do want to lynch George Zimmerman, and not to anyone who has commented on this story on your blog, or to the majority of the protesters who have called for Zimmerman’s arrest. I have not seen a single commenter on this site make any comment that could reasonably be described as support for a “lynch mob.” All we have asked is for an arrest. Asking the police to make a lawful arrest is the exact opposite of asking for a lynching.

    Most of the people upset over this case, including myself, have asked only that this case be properly handled by the justice system. As the article Tina posted shows, most of the protesters disagree with the message of hatred and violence preached by the Panthers and other militants. If you are only talking about them then you should make that clear, but I think you are talking about all of us. To say that that is unfair and inaccurate would be a severe understatement.

    “But, once again he just can’t wait to insert his racist beliefs into things, that much is obvious.”

    That much is ludicrous. What did Obama say that was so horribly racist? That if he had a son, he’d look like Trayvon? That’s the only thing he said that had anything to do with race. And it’s a thought that’s on the minds of thousands of black parents in America. It’s not racist in the slightest–it’s a valid concern about the racism of others. To call Obama’s statements racist is kind of like calling most of the protesters a lynch mob–you’re just adopting the words of your political opponents because you know they are effective, accuracy be damned. This is why some have said that the new conservative definition of racism is “pointing out racism.” You criticize others for questioning that Zimmerman may have been motivated by race when he found a black youth suspicious, but anyone who does pose that question must be the REAL racist for noticing that Martin was black. It’s absurd, topsy-turvy logic.

    “As a side note to this who debacle, Obama’s turned out to be one lousy President, but the pathetic part is we’ve probably got enough idiots to reelect him for another 4 years.”

    You’re right, we do have enough idiots to make sure Obama’s re-elected, and their names are Rick, Mitt, and Newt.

  16. Post Scripts says:

    Chris said, “Martin may have been scared and did not understand why Zimmerman was following him.” OR Chris…. you could have just as easily concluded that Martin liked playing the role of a thug and though he was real bad and went after Zimmerman because he had a chip on shoulder. This little kid was 6′-3″, he had the gold teeth like a gangster. He had tats on both arms like a gangster. He seemed to like posing for the camera throwing gang signs.

  17. Chris says:

    Jack, the majority of that link is simply irrelevant, except for one bit which is just amazingly offensive:

    “Now imagine Trayvon, dressed in a “hoodie (a disguise), stalking a neighborhood on a rainy night.”

    This is racist. A hoodie is not a “disguise,” it’s a normal article of clothing that people often wear to protect themselves from the cold and the rain. And why did the author choose to say that Trayvon was “stalking” a neighborhood? Could he not have been simply “walking,” like a normal human being? We know that’s what he was doing, since he was visiting someone who lived in the neighborhood. The implication is that black teens who look like Trayvon do not “walk”–they “stalk.” They don’t wear hoodies because it’s cold and rainy, or even because they just like to wear it–they do it to “disguise” themselves.

    The other major implication seems to be that Zimmerman acted rightly and naturally upon seeing a black teen dressed a certain way and assuming that he was up to no good…that is a racist assumption, plain and simple. And it’s quite possibly because of messages like this that Trayvon Martin is now dead.

    I am really shocked at the link you chose to post, Jack. Arguments such as this only make it more likely that something like this will happen again.

  18. Rose says:

    Where are the photos showing the injuries Zimmerman claims he suffered? Did Trayvon’s knuckles show signs of fighting? How could he punch someone with snacks in his hands? And – if Zimmerman has the legal right to defend himself – didn’t Trayvon also have that right? After all, Zimmerman was STALKING the boy. 90% of the kids I see – including our local university students – have tattoos. Most kids have tried pot. Most kids, especially teenage boys, try to act tough. Teenage boys have tried to seem tough for eons. Let’s be honest about all this. And note – the photo most used for Zimmerman is his MUG SHOT for an arrest in 2005! None of us really knows what happened but we have very few actual facts other than this young man is dead.

  19. Tina says:

    Rose thanks for participating with us. You’ve asked a lot of important questions.

    If photos were taken of Zimmerman’s wounds they would be in the police files. Evidence of a fight whether his wounds or on Martins hands would have been witnessed by police and the coroner in Martins case…also in official files. Zimmerman saw a doctor so he would have that information also. Martin could have used a coke bottle or can as a weapon or he might have dropped them when the fight started. Trayvon had the right to defend himself had he been attacked or threatened…that hasn’t been reported as the case except by speculators, rumorists, and spinners of news. Zimmerman was following the near man…stalking is one of those charged words but it has a definite meaning and doesn’t really apply here. He followed Martin to determine what he was doing in the neighborhood. He wasn’t engaging in, as Wikipedia puts it, “unwanted and obsessive attention by an individual or group to another person.” Had Martin continued on his way and into the house he was visiting he would have been fine. It was only after he confronted and attacked Zimmerman, according to police and eyewitness accounts, that the fatal accidental killing happened.

    “90% of the kids I see – including our local university students – have tattoos. Most kids have tried pot. Most kids, especially teenage boys, try to act tough. Teenage boys have tried to seem tough for eons.”

    None of this is relevant except to question the accounts in the paper that attempt to make martin seem small, weak by comparison, and completely innocent while portraying Mr. Zimmerman as a menacing killer STOCKING his prey. Its absurd overstatement and understatement of facts.

    We do have some reported facts and a lot of speculation which is why it would be better to let the authorities investigate.

  20. Carann says:

    I, too, think there is a “lynch mob” mentality to this story. Al Sharpton always shows up right on cue anytime an African American is insulted or shot. Anyone remember Wanda Brawley? He has no credibility in the media, yet people seem to flock around him. He’s made racist, homophobic statements, yet no one calls him on it. Truth of the matter is, this case is a prime example of reverse discrimnation. There will be no justice served since it’s become a hot political potatoe.

  21. Post Scripts says:

    Carann, we’re on the same page. It’s not about justice, its about perceptions and politics.

  22. Post Scripts says:

    The media definitely tried to make Martin look like a total victim. They used a picture when must have been 11 or 12, not the current photo where he no longer looks so angelic. They also portrayed Zimmerman in a prison jump suit. Why? And Martin was 6’3″.

    Lets put race aside for a moment and get real, how does this event automatically extrapolate to a victimized angel of white oppression? If this kid was white and under the very same circumstances you know darn good and well NOBODY WOULD BE ON THE BANDWAGON CALLING FOR THIS GUYS IMMEDIATE ARREST, holding protests all over, crying foul, and equating this with some sort of mass oppression against white teens!

  23. Toby says:

    So as it turns out it was not just the empty baggy with pot residue in it that got the kid killed. They also found a pot pipe, a burglary tool (flathead screwdriver) and several pieces of jewelry (wedding rings, diamond earrings, watches) in his back pack he claims are not his. Oh and something else new. It was not just a random search that found all this stuff. A school security officer saw the kid painting “WTF” on school property. The search was for paint or markers used in that criminal activity. Turns out they should have arrested him and locked him up. He would probably still be alive. BTW, I refuse to use the kids name. I do not want to end up having to pay his mother for infringing on his copy right.

  24. Carann says:

    Amen, Toby. I won’t use his name either. Funny how the kid’s mother clammed up and went on the attack when it was pointed out to her that her son may not be so innocent. I take issue with her racist comment–“they demonized him”–who is “they”? Whites or hispanics? Funny how the media hasn’t addressed this. Yet if a white–Caucasian–were to use that term when addressing blacks (ooops! pardon me..) African Americans, we’d be immediately slammed by the Al Sharptons or the Jesse Jacksons of the world. And if the kid’s possible criminal past is not relevant to what happened to him, what is? I’m willing to bet there is more criminal activity to come up on him. I think the kid’s parents should ask themselves what they could have done better to prevent this instead of pointing fingers and screaming race.

  25. Tina says:

    Carann quoting the mom: “–“they demonized him”–who is “they”?

    They is us, that is conservative republicans. The next media spin, suggest right wing conservatives are “demonizing” the little angel by asking questions and wondering what we aren’t being told and why an old photo is being used, and why the story is only coming out now, and wondering why black on black murders are not deemed a critical problem? As someone pointed out a toddler on a porch was murdered in Chicago over the weekend…gang related.

    My deep suspicion: This was never about injustice for M****n. This is about making black voters angry enough to send cash for the reelection of Obama and bring out the vote…the manipulated storyline is “whitey is oppressing the black community and getting away with murder.

    My disgust for the extreme left grows by leaps and bounds. We had better wake up if we wish to preserve justice, equality and the rule of law.

  26. Tiffany says:

    Zimmerman 911 call was released he chased that teenager down and shot him. He was in the neighborhood not walking around looking suspicious as Zimmerman said he was just going back to his father’s home in that same community. Zimmerman engaged the altercation. He followed this 17 year old walking from the store and caused him to run. If a creepy man had just jumped from his car and followed me I’d run also. If Martin attacked him without being provoked which we have no proof of because the police are incompetent,Zimmerman still killed him. He took a simple situation and turned it into murder. A 28 year old man can pin a 140 pound 17 year old any day. You say this situation is not about race but it is he was a suspicious character because he was walking in the rain wearing a hoodie and black. Stop sugarcoating the facts stop making it seem as if America is not still racist because it is. The main point of this whole argument is Martin had a reason to be in the neighborhood. He had the right to be wearing a hoodie. Zimmerman should have followed instructions and because he did not he is not under the protection of that law. He needs to be arrested. Also Jack check your sources for this case he was not under any legal action to kill that unarmed teenager after following him. So this will be a sucky year because of idiots like yourself who can not understand how shooting a teenager is wrong above waiting in your car for the police.

  27. Carann says:

    Ah, Tiffany…all of the facts are not in. That’s the issue we’re circling here, not race.

  28. Dupreez says:

    EVERYONE is making this situation more than what it really is. The issue is seeking justice if there is a need. The relevance of it being racial will help determine Zimmermans motives. FYI… those pictures released of gold teeth and tattoos are not Trayvon. Media has a big part in how this situation is portrayed. You can turn from CNN to FOX News and see their point of view on it instead of the facts. People need to put their point of views aside and look at the situation. If it was your child, and you heard a story about why someone killed your son and then realized that the police failed to do certain things to prove this case was self defense, you as well would question. I agree that some things are not all racially motivated, but none of us are perfect and we lean towards things that only we know. No one is wrong in their arguments because it is from their point of view. We all come from different walks of life and situations so its really hard to empathize with a situation that you have no understanding or recollection of. However, what we all do understand is love. Therefore, we should understand why this family is doing everything they can to find the truth, and make sure if there is foul-play that justice prevails. I do not agree with “lynch- mobs” or anything like that… this situation is taking a serious step backwards in our history. Also, we are dealing with Florida here. Have we forgotten that this state just let someone off for killing their child? Zimmerman will get charged, but that doesn’t mean he is guilty. We shall see how the trial goes when that happens. As far as making this a political issue, I personally don’t put anything past our government. I just think all the speculation needs to stop, including the situations that in no way are helping to achieve anything.

  29. Tina says:

    Dupreez thank you for bringing a calm voice to our discussions and the important reminder that we all understand love. I hope you realize that everyone who regularly posts here can understand the pain of a parent that has lost a child under these circumstances and would offer sincere respectful sympathies to the family.

    Given how this story has developed I have similar sympathies for the Zimmerman family.

    Political and social discussion is what this blog is about. Our goal is to inform about current events and hopefully to learn and expand our knowledge and understanding through our discussions. We don’t intentionally post bad information and we try to correct errors of fact.

    Justice is important but it is important that justice serves both parties in this case. I am not interested in a justice system that railroads a man of any color and that seems to be what some in the black community want.

    Although I’m willing to consider that the police are corrupt I give them the benefit of the doubt until some real evidence of wrongdoing comes out.

    I also would not put it past certain people who support or are in leadership positions of the Democrat Party to use this for political reasons…sorry if that offends. If true it really makes me angry because junk like that corrupts and muddies the political process. There is enough going on to suggest this is the case, including not a peep from Eric Holders office about the possible felonies already committed by the NBP. If anyone needs to calm down it is them.

    Neither family in this situation deserves the circus surrounding this case!

  30. Toby says:

    So now it turns out Spike Lee has terrorized a couple in their 70’s because he tweeted their address and they have NO connection to this at all. Spike lee and the NBPP should be gathered up and sent to Gitmo for being terrorists.

  31. Cupcake68 says:

    I have read all the comments posted I am appalled at some of the comments left. I agree with Dupreez that the family of Travyon Martin only want answers and if criminal charges are needed then I am sure that is what they would want. Not only that I am sure that George Zimmerman’s family want answers as well, so that if their son is going to be exonerated I am sure that is what they would want.
    However, as a mother of an once teenager, because a teenager wears a hoodie does not make him a thug or gangster. I believe that some of you are guilty of what you are calling the African American race of doing, jumping to conclusions before all the facts are in and showing your prejudiceness. Not only that I believe in one of the earlier post some one called people idiots for their choice for the Presidency. None of us are in a position to determine what choices anyone makes and we need to understand that. We only control the decisions and choices we make, so resorting to name calling is totally not necessary.
    Some of the comments are bias and I certainly understand however it does not make it right.

    We all know that the media does not always post the facts, they disort the facts so we will continue to read what they are reporting. I am not apart of a lynch mob for anyone, I simply want justice serve whatever that maybe. And I believe that is what OUR president stated he wanted justice served. He did not form a conclusion one way or the other. So once again some of you are guilty of distorting information as you have accused others of.

    One thing I am sure of, is if we were sitting on the side of the Martin family our views would definitely be different. If the young man dead have been of a different race and the shooter of a different race most of our opinions would be different. Keep in mind we are only writing our opinions of the situation and some of us sound racist as you are accusing the African American race.
    When we share our opinions I would hope that it is not to offend anyone. I sincerely pray that we have moved past racism, and we should be reminded that one day as my grandmother use to remind us, one day we will have to give an account for all we said and done while living this life.

    One last thing, shouldn’t we all treat people the way we would like to be treated.

  32. Post Scripts says:

    Cupcake, your post was among the most well reasoned I’ve seen. Thank you! I absolutely agree that a hoodie does make for gangster. I wear a hoodie, my daughter wears a hoodie, my son wears a hoodie. To me the hoodie is meaningless. Then again, I think race should be meaningless. I think either he was acting suspicious or he wasn’t, either he was a stranger in the area, unknown to Zimmerman or he wasn’t, either he attacked Zimmerman or he didn’t… these are some of the more important and compelling questions here. But, the last thing we should do is get ahead of the facts and jump to conclusions. There is so much yet to be learned about this case.

  33. Tina says:

    Cupcake68 Thank you for sharing your opinion with us at Post Scrips. We are a duscussion blog and we focus our discussions on politics and the events of the day. This case has certainly been a big discussion topic and you’re right a lot of misinformation has been reported. The editors of Post Scripts have tried to clarify and determine the truth while at the same time expressing opinions and asking questions. You have written a number of things that I believe are important contributions. You also wrote a few things that I believe are not completely accurate. For instance:

    “I believe that is what OUR president stated he wanted justice served. He did not form a conclusion one way or the other.”

    I agree the President stated he wanted justice served. However since he made that statement several people and groups have made very inflamatory statements and taken extreme, possibly criminal, activities and the President (OUR president) has not spoken out publically about their activites. When Gabrial Giffords was shot and the people were making false statements and accusing the Tea Party of guilt in the tragedy the President came out to admonish people to be civil:

    “Only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation, in a way that would make them proud…”

    There is a good chance that the new Black Panther’s have committed felonies in their activities and we hear nothing from President Obama which give the impression, fair or not, that he supports what they are doing.

    “If the young man dead have been of a different race and the shooter of a different race most of our opinions would be different.”

    Most of us don’t think race has anything to do with this other than the fact that the media has called Mr. Zimmerman a white Hispanic, something I’ve never seen in print before. it’s as if they wanted to make Martin the victim of a white on black crime to sensationalize the story.

    “…some of us sound racist as you are accusing the African American race.

    I’m not sure what you mean by this. It would help if you could give an example.

    As far as I know the only accusations that have been made about black people are those who express outrage at the NBP’s call for hunting Zimmerman down and offering a reward for his capture. We would be equally appalled if the clan did such a thing or the nazi party did such a thing. Outrage has been expressed at Spike Lee for tweeting what he thought was Zimmermans address. Once again we would be outraged if a white star had done it as well.

    I think we all sympathize with the Martin family and wish only that justice is done.

    “I sincerely pray that we have moved past racism, and we should be reminded that one day as my grandmother use to remind us, one day we will have to give an account for all we said and done while living this life.”

    Amen! God bless you and God bless people like your grandmother; we need more who think as she did!

  34. Post Scripts says:

    Thanks Toby for that contribution, keep em coming will ya? This is a huge story whether we want it to be or not, or whether its worthy or not…it is and it’s going to be a defining moment. We need all the facts we can get and put them out for the public jury to read.

  35. Chris says:

    Tina: “There is a good chance that the new Black Panther’s have committed felonies in their activities and we hear nothing from President Obama which give the impression, fair or not, that he supports what they are doing.”

    I really don’t see how. The Black Panthers is a politically irrelevant, fringe group. Why does the president need to personally condemn them every time they do something illegal?

    Obama only spoke about Trayvon Martin after he was asked a question about the incident. He did not say anything even remotely offensive or controversial in his remarks. There is no way his moderate statements could be construed as inflaming the illegal, vigilante actions of the New Black Panthers.

    If a reporter asks him about the Black Panthers I am 100% certain he will condemn any kind of violence, threats or vigilante action. Until someone does ask him, I don’t think he needs to make any more comments about this case whatsoever.

    The Gabby Giffords incident is totally different–people were actually killed and injured in that shooting, including a congresswoman. Of course the president was going to say something. As far as I know, no one has been hurt so far due to the statements of the Black Panthers. I don’t see why the president needs to say anything about this crazy fringe group. Interpreting his silence on this group as support is unfair and unconvincing.

  36. Real American says:

    So, what about the video that was released? What do we think of this? Zimmerman is more then just out there. Any reasonable person after hearing the 911 tapes can tell that. Forget race, you shot a unarmed teen. Point blank. I carry a firearm legally and I would only use force that is equal. I dont go out of my way to play cop and use my weapon. Being that his skin is white, I didn’t see any blood or bruises on the back of his head to show he had is head pounded into the ground. If I shot someone and was the only survivor in the situation, I would not bury my head in the sand. Did you listen to the tape? For anyone to honestly say that he did. Not say “Fucking Coon” needs a hearing aid. Even with one, you would be able to hear it. Did this kid have the right to have his life taken because he smoked a little weed? Had tattoos? Because he was tall? He just turned 17! He can’t even vote. He was a child. Zimmerman went out of his way to antoganize the situation and when a scuffle broke out, he may have got his ass handed to him by a lanky child and shot him? This idiot has possibly started a potential race riot if things dont become clear cut of his innocence and he gets away with a perceived crime. This does not sound like a good shoot at all. It is sad that people are starting to make money off of his name. The police messed the investigation up. If he had injuries, where are the pictures? No drug/alcohol testing done. One more thing. The most unreliable testimony is that of an eye witness. Dark conditions and from what I read, the witness was a child. And you want me to take that testimony as the gospel? I call it how I see it, shot a un armed child and do dammed yourself with the ridiculous call to 911. You followed someone and the outcome is a horrific act that left a 17 years old with a hole in his chest and his items on his body were a soda and candy.

  37. Peggy says:

    For your consideration: Are we here by design on this situation? One black activist and author believes we may be.

    A commie president and the Trayvon tragedy
    Exclusive: Erik Rush sees Obama prepping for domestic bloodshed, national emergency

    “This past weekend I was asked by my friend and Fox News commentator T.J. McCormack to visit with him on his radio show and comment on a column hed written concerning the Trayvon Martin shooting. Pretty much anyone with a forum (whether television, radio, online publications or social media) whos commented on this issue has taken heat either from the right or the left. In this case, it was both.

    T.J.s take on the shooting, subsequent media feeding frenzy and rash of activism was a little different than most being bandied about. It was a sincere appeal for prominent parties on both sides of the issue to unite amicably in light of the incidents grave potential repercussions.

    Coming together for the good of the nation would certainly hold the moral high ground, but I opined that this was probably about as likely as my becoming a volunteer at the local Obama campaign office.

    There are simply too many agendas in play to hope for such unity to manifest. The radicals are driving the discussion and the response, which in this case is analogous to the inmates running the asylum. Race-baiting career activists are fomenting anger and tension with the full complicity of the establishment press. The former seek continuing relevance and ongoing financial support, while the latter seeks ratings. Both are ideologically aligned with or rather, part of the radical element.

    And the politicos? Well, Democratic leaders are obviously aligned with the radical element, particularly if theyre part of this administration, and the remainder are close enough. Republican leaders will be in trouble no matter what they do. If they remain silent, theyll be called cowards; if they speak out and dont call for George Zimmermans boiled severed head, theyll be called racists. Most would rather have the coward label than the racist one, so have said nothing. Conservative commentators who weigh in are dismissed as party to perceived racist policies, and any reasonable liberal voices are being drowned out by the din of the far-left propaganda machine.

    How do we go from a moment to a movement that creates fundamental change? If its a moment, we go home. If its a movement, we go to war.
    Rev. Jesse Jackson, March 12, 2012

    It may surprise some people when I say that the hypocrisy and irresponsible, dangerous rhetoric of career civil-rights activists are hardly the issue here. Neither is the alacrity with which the news media pounce on stories like this while ignoring the 2007 Tennessee gang-rape and mutilation slaying of a white couple by four black men, or the recent attempted immolation of a white Kansas City youth by a gang of black kids. The issue isnt black Americans inability to discern that their political allies have accounted for exponentially more deaths of blacks via their policies than all the confirmed race-related killings of blacks over the last 40 years.

    The issues upon which we should focus are the when and the why this is occurring in the way it is occurring. We may never know the truth of what happened between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman in the moments before the shooting, but if we examine the when and the why of its aftermath, the truth becomes eerily apparent.

    When President Obama commented on the Martin shooting, some contended that he had acted stupidly in commenting on something he should have stayed out of for reasons of due process and presidential decorum. I contend that like nearly everything he does, it was quite calculated. While specious as well as gratuitous, Obama stating that if he had a son, hed look like Trayvon was nevertheless calculated to engender an emotional response. The reason it was calculated to engender an emotional response is the same reason many things are transpiring across the political landscape, all at the same approximate time.

    Thats the when part which is, quite clearly, right now.
    The things to which I refer that are transpiring concurrently include the aftereffects of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, violence on our border with Mexico, the Occupy movement, assaults on religious freedom and free speech by the administration and activists, and the implausible organization and mobilization of fringe malcontents into politically active groups. These developments can all be traced (as Ive recently indicated) to Obamas political roots, which are borne out by his policies, his associations and his affinity for such doctrines as Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory.

    The specter of a communist takeover of the U.S. still remains singularly preposterous to millions of Americans who would quickly come to arms if they actually believed it a possibility. Im not entirely certain how President Obama proposes to suppress those who would rise up against him were his intentions to become widely apparent, but I believe that part of the plan is to factionalize us (such as is occurring over the Martin case and Occupy Wall Street). I believe hes also counting on deepening economic adversity to heighten Americans collective stress. Another element might be to provoke concerned patriots into action that he could point to as a threat to domestic tranquility, thereby convincing a preponderance of Americans to accept fundamental compromises to their civil liberties.

    In such a case, Obama could then employ some of the more traditional Marxist tactics, such as mass executions, as cohorts of his friend Bill Ayers once advocated. Its already apparent that certain factions would be more than happy to aid him in that effort. Quite a few conservatives have pointed to the timeliness of Obamas executive order of March 16 (on National Defense Resources Preparedness) as an overture to just such action.

    Called a mere tweak of the amended Defense Production Act of 1950, many have asked why the president saw a necessity to tweak a law with provisions that essentially give exclusive and unlimited power to the Executive Branch in the event of a national emergency, which would necessarily be declared by the president himself.

    To those whose assessment of individuals is not predicated upon what comes out of their mouths and the mouths of their surrogates, the truth is clear: President Obama is a communist, laboring with like-minded comrades to actualize a long-embraced communist agenda and their end game is fast approaching.

    That is the why of it.”

  38. Tina says:

    Real American your moniker suggests you think of yourself as someone who would let our justice system play out yet many of your assertions are based, in part, on what youn think you know and anger.

    I have not heard the tape but I have heard several people who have say that it is not clear that Zimmerman said “F’ing coon”. An expert would be needed to testify as to what was said. An enhanced still photo of the tape does show a possible gash on the back of Zimmermans head. NEVER before, to my knowledge, has any person of Hispanic decent, or partial Hispanic decent, been referred to as white or white Hispanic. Clearly there are those who wanted to create a racially motivated crime and build black resentment against whites and the police. Calling Zimmerman white is racially and politically motivated…it is biased and it is also irrelevant! A dark man’s head would also show a gash if one were present. There is no evidence that Zimmerman decided to “play cop and use his weapon”. In fact we don’t know the exact circumstance surrounding the use of the weapon. Talking about the kids tatoos and weed smoking was not intended to do anything except correct the media’s intentional characterization of a baby faced twelve year old child when in fact Martin was seventeen and quite tall. It was irresponsible journalistic practice to mischaracterize both parties the way they did in the press. You don’t know that Zimmerman “went out of his way to antagonize” in the situation. He says he had lost sight of Martin and was heading back to his truck to go home when Martin confronted him. If true then Martin went looking for trouble, especially if he then punched Zimmerman. Being a “child” does not give license to punch another or knock them to the ground or sit on them or npound their head on the concrete. You also have no evidence that Zimmerman is responsible for a riot. There is some evidence that political entities are purposely ginning up the balck community and threatening rioting in a trumped up claim of injustice. If Zimmerman is not guilty of murder or manslaughter according to law then he has been treated unjustly just for political reasons. Just because you haven’t seen pictures doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Since three larger official entities are now investigating I’ll bet the records have been sealed against public release so we may never know unless this case comes to trial or something big is discovered in the evidence. Nobody is asking you to take anything as gospel. This discussion blog isn’t here for any purpose other than a pursuit of truth and an opportunity to observe and comment on the event and the reporting and response in the community.

    Thanks for taking the time to express you opinions and concerns. We believe in your equal rights of speech and welcome all commenters that keep it reasonably within the bounds of decency.

  39. Carann says:

    Tina–I concur. I think this case is being ultra highlighted simply because it’s election time and certain parties want to put Obama back in office. It’s so obvious. Normally I think the media does a good job of reporting both sides of an issue fairly, particularly the competing tv news shows. They grill both sides well and seem to present a balanced accounting of facts. However, in this case I’ve noticed an undue amount of taking sides by certain commentators. And some commentators are just being attacked for trying to do their jobs. Piers Morgan had to endure a ridiculous attack by MSNBC contributor Toure who made unsubstantiated arguments and claims simply because Piers interviewed Zimmerman’s brother. Toure accused him basically of not be tough in the interviewh and also alluded to Piers putting someone on the air who is “telling lies.” What? Hows does Toure know–was he as the scene of the crime??? I find it extremely troubling most of all that black commentators are being overtly assertive and aggressive and are now trying to censor what the media puts out. Anything that remotely appears to defend what Zimmerman said happened is called a lie by black commentators. What about Americans’ right to free speech and the right to hear all viewpoints and decide for ourselves? Perhaps professional media agitators such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson–these men who call themselves “ministers” and show up on cue–could best help by getting out of the spotlight and getting back to their so-called professions in the religious sector. Their very presence ensures controversy, even though both have zero credibility. I don’t know why people believe and follow what they say anyway. Both have questionable histories–it’s on record. Until this goes to trial, no one knows all the facts. But in the meantime, I, as an American want to hear everything on it so I can form my own opinion. Commentators shouldn’t be censored because race is involved. And casting dispersions about the past doesn’t help. TM’s family said his school problems “weren’t relevant” to this case. The same can be said about Toure’s comments to Piers Morgan. What does slavery have to do with this case? Nothing. Let the media get on with reporting BOTH sides. I want to decide for myself.

  40. Tina says:

    Well said Carann…I hope you will consider becoming a regular at Post Scripts. America and freedom and justice for all needs all the help it can get. Your voice is a strong one.

  41. Jim Black says:

    By witnesses accounts, it is obvious they back up Zimmerman’s account of what transpired. What type of person immediately wants to punch someone out just because another one asks what they are doing in the neighborhood. Martin did not have to go back and confront Zimmerman, he could have just continued on home-but did not. Martin wanted a confrontation, just like so many young black men who do not seem to be able to control their tempers and immediately lash out at others. Martin did not know that zimerman had a weapon, it was concealed under Zimmerman’s red jacket. The police report (copy is in the Chicago Tribune on line) states that Zimmerman was bleeding from a split lip and bloodiy nose and also was bleeding at the back of his head-all of this done by perpetrator Martin. Martin was a big kid 6’3″ and 160 lbs, an athlete who played on his high school football team, lifted weights and worked out all the time. Zimmerman was not the 5’9″ 260 pounder as was portrayed in the newspapers. He was that size as a late teenager, but only 185 presently. Leave it to Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson to rouse up the black youth to almost riot situations. If riots do occur, it will all be on those two and others who have blown this case into something it was not. Yes, it is a shame that Trayvon is dead, but in realty it was his lack of good judgement and his uncontrolled temper that enabled the physical confrontation that casued his death. If not Trayvon it would have been George laying in the county morgue if Trayvon had gained control of the weapon on his sstrggle atop Zimmerman, It is a case of self defense on the part of Zimmerman, nothing more and nothing less.

  42. Tina says:

    Jim thanks for posting your thought with us at Post Scripts and thanks for the heads upo about the police report. I will go check it out.

  43. Carann says:

    Absolutely, Jim. Well said. And I am glad that an organization has courageously stepped up to the plate to organize contributions for Zimmerman’s defense. I applaud them and support them.

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