New Technology – Turbines Replace Heart

Posted by Tina

This video is utterly amazing!

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7 Responses to New Technology – Turbines Replace Heart

  1. Post Scripts says:

    But, what about the arteries? They are little pumps right?
    How do they operated in synch?

  2. Libby says:

    What? You trying to blind us with technology … when the real question is ethical … and how many 35-year-olds lost out on the heart that went, by some highly mysterious protocol, to 71-year-old Cheney?

    I’d say it was a shameful waste, as he’s not likely to get five years out of it. But that would be under-estimating one truly evil personage.

  3. Tina says:

    Libby: “You trying to blind us with technology … when the real question is ethical…”

    The man who agreed to be a guinea pig would have been dead within 24 hours. the operation was done with his approval. Nobody yet knows if it is a viable product but if it turns out that it is…then every patient that could benefit from it might not have to wait in line for a transplant.

    “and how many 35-year-olds lost out on the heart that went, by some highly mysterious protocol, to 71-year-old Cheney?”

    You’ve really reached an all time low with this remark Libby. I won’t write the rest of what I’m thinking about you personally. The answer to your XXXXXXXXXXXX question is ZERO! He waited in line and was up when they got a match for his blood type and tissue.

    I hope all the fresh young minds that firmly believe there won’t be death panels under Obamacare, especially when the last private insurer folds and the last doctor left standing decides to grow tomatoes instead of practicing medecine, are now reconsidering Obamacare. Obamacare will be about how to save the government money and they will really need to scrimp because raising taxes enough to pay for it will place us in a permanent state of depression. Prepare to stand in bread lines too.

    OH yes…the final goal of liberal progressives like Ms Libs is a one size fits all government controlled health care system where a panel of unnelected bureaucrats decides who shall live and who shall die and why. Too young to matter? …let “it” die! Too old to work and pay the tax? …death becomes you my dear! Too handicapped to be of use to society? …get rid of the ugly meaningless blob she’s too expensive! It’s a sick, arrogant, thoughtless, system totally lacking in humananity, dignity or grace.

  4. Tina says:

    Sorry jack, I meant to post a link to the story that went with the video and I forgot. I’ll go get it for you…be right back ; )

  5. Tina says:

    Here’s a link to one story on it:

    This isn’t the original article but seems to be a follow up. the patient died five weeks in but of causes related to other health issues. I’ll kep looking.

  6. Peggy says:


    Guess you didn’t hear the news he didn’t receive any special treatment to get his heart. He wanted to be put on the list in 2010 just like everyone else.

    Here’s an article from the liberal LA times so you can read it yourself.

    “The 71-year-old Cheney received his new heart at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Va., after a lifetime of heart disease, including five heart attacks. He joined the waiting list for a transplant in 2010.

    Here are answers to some questions about the operation and Cheney’s health.

    Is it unusual for older patients to get heart transplants?

    Not as much as it used to be. Records kept by the United Network for Organ Sharing, which manages the national transplant system for the federal government, show that the proportion of donor hearts going to senior citizens has been steadily rising for more than 20 years.

    Of the 2,322 hearts transplanted nationwide in 2011, 332 or 14.3% went to patients age 65 and older. In 1990, that rate was 3.4% just 72 out of 2,107 hearts. Patients age 50 to 64 have long been most likely to receive heart transplants; last year, they accounted for 44% of surgeries, according to UNOS.

    Did Cheney get special treatment to receive a heart at his age?

    There’s no reason to think so, several experts said. In fact, Cheney’s time on the transplant waiting list was nearly double the median wait of 9.7 months among heart patients at Inova Fairfax. Nationwide, the median time spent on the waiting list is 5.3 months, according to data from the registry.

    “It would be extremely difficult and illegal to have trumped somebody further up on the list,” said Dr. Gregory Fontana, chairman of cardiothoracic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. “You acquire priority with time, and if he was at home and a high-priority-score sick patient in the hospital couldn’t match the heart, then he becomes increasingly eligible over time.”,0,1296991.story

  7. rezvi368 says:

    what a nice invention this is. i think is one of the best ever.

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