Trayvon Martin Update – 26 Mar 2012

by Jack Lee


Activists are using the Trayvon Martin case (Trayvon shown on left in recent photo) as a rallying point against violent white racism. This moral outrage is an easy sell to people predisposed to think with a certain racial bias. Naturally, liberals from coast to coast are on board, even the President of the United States. He seems to be leaping over facts in a rush to appease those among us who love to play the outraged victim whenever the subject of race comes up.

The usual suspects are predictably fanning the flames of racial division once again. I’m talking about people like Rev. Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Al Sharpton, Spike Lee, etc., … and now enter the New Black Panthers (of voter intimidation fame). Who are these guys? You need to watch the video below and find out.

Here’s a thought: If the black community really is sincere about bringing social pressure to bear where it counts… they need only look in the mirror. That’s right, black on black homicide dominates the crime statistics. Of all the homicides committed in the USA black offenders represented 52% of the total despite being only 12.6% of the population.

94% of black homicides were done by a black offender. 94% is a huge number, so where is the moral outrage over that? Strange that we never see the “usual suspects” calling out for justice in the hood, in the projects, in Chicago, Oakland, Richmond, Watts, etc., when its blacks killing blacks. Imagine, 94% of the murders of blacks are by blacks and there is nobody in this community calling for accountability and an end to the violence? There’s something very wrong with this picture. As Al Gore is fond of saying, it’s “an uncomfortable truth”, but there it is and so very few black leaders are willing to address it. If a non-black person even mentions these statistics they do so at their own peril, unless you like being called a racist.

Question: Have you ever once heard President Obama say one thing about these shocking statistics? Have you ever heard him once denounce the hate speech coming from characters like the racist fool in the video below? He must be heart sick over this murders of black youth, look how quick he was to insert himself into the Trayvon Martin case. You don’t think he was being insincere and did it to score political points with his base do you? Nah.

Well, there you go, so what did you think of the video? These are the people who are now offering a one million dollar reward for the capture of Trayvon Martin’s shooter. And they say if the cops won’t do something about the man, they will! If there was ever outrageous conduct in need of severe criticism and condemnation here it is – this is racism at it’s lowest. It makes me sick. I CONDEMN IT AND WANT IT INVESTIGATED as a hate crime. People like this Shabaz character in the Black Panthers shouldn’t be loose in society, let alone on TV – he is a hate provocateur of the worst kind. You put a white hood on him and delete the word “white” and insert the word “black” and he wouldn’t last a minute, but being black he is somehow exempt and can saying anything he wants, like killing white babies. What a world we live in, eh?

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13 Responses to Trayvon Martin Update – 26 Mar 2012

  1. Princess says:

    Remember that Louis Farakhan was suspected of being part of the plot to kill Malcolm X. So he is a real winner of an American.

    And their reward for the capture of Trayvon’s shooter? HE ISN’T MISSING dumb asses. He is under police protection because of stupid threats like these. What will they do when he is “captured?” Fair trial followed by a first class hanging? This whole mess is not Zimmerman’s fault. He is a victim of police incompetence too. And because the police failed at their job, he is basically under house arrest and afraid for his life. Will it really avenge this poor dead teenager if another person dies from vigilante justice?

    I know I am beating a dead horse here, but we would not be in this position if the police had charged Zimmerman and released him. If they had collected evidence like they were supposed to. This got media attention because the news outlets in Miami (Miami Herald especially). They pitched it to a producer at the CBS Early Show and that started the ball rolling. Because they were outraged at the perceived injustice and the coonflicting reports from law enforcement. The Miami Herald had a great piece about how the police reports were not supported by the 911 calls and the statements from witnesses who said they tried to contact detectives and were never questioned. Now there are tons of witnesses who have read information and their statements are sure to be tainted by the media coverage. If their statements had been taken the night of the incident Zimmerman might have had some protection.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    “Remember that Louis Farakhan was suspected of …”

    Princess…again, those are all good points! I appreciate your comments and thank you for helping us sort out who these characters are.

    This is a very volatile situation and it could explode, but I hope as the truth surfaces that people will see it was not a situation that requires direct action by a mob. -jack

  3. Princess says:

    I should also mention that if Zimmerman was a whistleblower the Obama DOJ would have had him arrested and charged with espionage in no time.

    God Bless America!

  4. Tina says:

    Princess: “Because they were outraged at the perceived injustice and the coonflicting reports from law enforcement.”

    Outraged at the “perceived” injustice or thought they had found a case they could exploit for political reasons?

    I’m still curious about where you got the information that the police didn’t conduct a thorough investigation and collect evidence. You keep making the claim but you haven’t told us where you got the idea that this is true.

    I also am not convinced that we would not be in this place had the police “charged Zimmerman and released him”. The people driving the outrage have a political agenda.

  5. Tina says:

    Jack great follow up on this story. Thanks for the updated photo of Martin.

    Thank you for the stats on black crime…where is the outrage over black on black crime…where is the energy from the black community to clean up black neighborhoods and make them safe? If groups like the NAACP had any real compassion or caring they would use their considerable energies and clout to uplift their communities, attract business and support local schools to hire better teachers.

    The video at the bottom I’ve seen before. I wonder how many in the black community support this type of thinking…what percentage? I’ve known some wonderful black people, neighbors, family, friends. This guy makes me sick. The fool doesn’t realize, or care, that the free country he lives in allows him to spew this garbage.

    Good luck getting this guy or his racist group charged with hate crimes or even condemned for hate speech.

  6. Tina says:

    The Chicago Tribune has a story titled: Trayvon Martin case: Martin was the aggressor, police sources say in which the following is reported:

    Zimmerman was heading to the grocery store when he spotted Martin and called police to report a black youth acting suspiciously, possibly on drugs.

    Zimmerman stepped out of his SUV to follow Martin, even though a police dispatcher told him he didn’t need to do so.

    Zimmerman told police he he’d lost sight of Martin and was heading back to his car when the youth suddenly stepped into his path. According to the Sentinel, Martin asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cellphone. Martin then said something like, “Well, you do now” and punched him, according to the Sentinel’s sources.

  7. Another George Zimmerman says:

    You’re right, Jack. Black crime is really what we should be focusing on at the moment. Why, right now I see a black youth walking down my street wearing a hoodie and holding something in his hand. What is he doing in this part of town? He has no business here! He could be one of them Black Panthers I’ve heard so much about from you! What if he attacks some innocent white person on the street out of revenge for Trayvon Martin? That is a huge threat according to you. I’d better follow him, even though the police told me not to. And I’ll take my gun just in case.

    *In the interest of full disclosure, this has been a satirical comment written by Chris.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Whatever Chris, it’s kinda sad you have to make fun over a tragedy that has ruined a life and taken a life.

    For the rest of our readers the only thing I have ever said is please…. just hold your opinions and wait for the whole story to come out. Is that too much to ask before we render a verdict?

    Having said that, I have no doubt that the DOJ and FBI will now make a case to at least indict Zimmerman – even if the evidence points to his innocence. This is too big for them to back off now. Zimmerman must be arrested for something…even if he is found not guilty under Florida law they will get him on a federal rap, probably a civil rights violation. No way can they let him go free, wouldn’t be in the best interests of B.O.’s re-election.

  9. Chris says:

    Jack: “Whatever Chris, it’s kinda sad you have to make fun over a tragedy that has ruined a life and taken a life.”

    I’m not making fun of the tragedy, I’m pointing out the danger inherent in the messages you are choosing to focus on in your coverage of this story. There is still a rather large possibility that this tragic incident occurred at least partly because Zimmerman viewed Martin as a Scary Black Man who posed a threat to his neighborhood. In your coverage of this story, you have focused almost exclusively on other Scary Black Men and the danger they pose. Do you not see how this is at least a little problematic? Have you considered that messages like this could lead to something like this incident happening again?

  10. Libby says:

    Princess: “And their reward for the capture of Trayvon’s shooter? HE ISN’T MISSING dumb asses.”

    First principle: Never take anything posted on this site as the truth … always go to to the source, if given, and if not given … the post may be presumed bogus.

    Second principle: Note the terror. Don’t you find it somewhat out of proportion?

    Now, as I hear it. All the community organizing on the issue has taken place in church, with the press in attendance, of course. There has been no carnage, and there will be none. We’ve got quite sophisticated, yes, we have.

  11. Tina says:

    Libby: “We’ve got quite sophisticated, yes, we have.”

    Still listening to chamber music on NPR?

    See how easy it is to just turn away from dead or alive posters nailed to the walls and threats of hunting the guilty man down and serving up “our own justice”?

    Sophisticated? Is that what you call it!

    We serve up more sources and links than you do Libby; most of the time you just throw rotten fruit.

  12. Toby says:

    Looks like Obama will need a new campaign manager. The thug leader of the Black Panthers got himself arrested on gun charges.

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Jack’s: For the rest of our readers the only thing I have ever said is please…. just hold your opinions and wait for the whole story to come out. Is that too much to ask before we render a verdict?

    Why no. Of course it is not. Perfectly reasonable. Wonderfully reasonable. Absolutely reasonable.

    Chris, as is his want and habit, is trying to make what you have posted, and Post Scripts, and this issue into something it is not. He often needs to create a straw man to beat up on every now and then in order to make himself feel important, holier-than-thou, and validated. Of course, as always, you let Chris be Chris. Which is fine by me, he can’t help himself.

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