Law Makers in California Show Support for Trayvon Martin

UPDATE 29 Mar: It was learned today that it was the district attorney’s office that made the determination not to arrest Zimmerman. It was not the police dept. The DA is the one who must prosecute a case and if they don’t see the probable cause to detain the subject there’s not much the cops can do. The DA has the final say.

California lawmakers to don hoodies to protest Trayvon Martin case…

California lawmakers plan to wear hoodies Thursday to protest the killing of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed Florida teenager who was shot to death last month by a neighborhood watch volunteer. It is unknown at this time if the lawmakers are all democrats or if they are just the members of the legislature’s Black Caucus or if this is universal for both parties.

I can think of no other murder case in recent time, not even O.J., that has sent so many politicians to their bully pulpit to make declarations of solidarity for black justice and in so doing, fan the flames of the latest racist allegations. Even our own President of the United States has taken his turn in front of the cameras and inserted himself into this homicide investigation.

The father of the shooter, George Zimmerman, made a brief statement today. He hoped people would get beyond the hate.

Meanwhile, anyone who dares attempt to take a middle-of-the-road approach to this have been heavily criticized and accused of racism for not jumping on the band wagon. PS is one of those, because from the first day we’ve asked that people calm down and withhold a pronouncement of guilt, at least until the evidence has been submitted.

When this story broke does anyone remember how angry people were that Zimmerman was not even taken into custody and sent to the police station for an interview? I do. They could not believe the cops didn’t even have him in handcuffs, they just let him go right there at the scene. Later on it turns out this version was not true. He was handcuffed at the scene and he was taken into custody and transported to the station where detectives went at him. In fact he was grilled for 5 long hours into the late night s before police finally decided released him. This is yet another reason why people should calm down and wait for all the facts to be released.

Now we know (or should know) much of that original story that was made up by the media and attention-getters and that version was absolutely untrue. However, it was inflammatory and it spread the hate the elder Mr. Zimmerman talks about. Yes I can understand how people hearing that early version would be riled up. But, now weeks later, when a whole other version is out, we have California legislators still capitalizing on racism and now they are wearing hoodies to proclaim their solidarity, “I really, really, really support black people – vote for me.” (sigh)

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49 Responses to Law Makers in California Show Support for Trayvon Martin

  1. Tina says:

    I was watching Stewart Varney on FOX Business this morning. Doug Schoen, long time democrat political advisor said that politics was about lying. They were discussing the presidents claims today about increses in drilling…some of which are outright lies. It may be how politics is practiced but it certainly isn’t what the people want fro those who arew running for office or serving in our legislatures.

    I am thoroughly disgusted by this showmanship in an election year. I find it ironic that the symbol for black solidarity against (supposed?) white oppression is a hood. I think it will ultimately backfire. White people are tired of being draped with accusations of racism where none exists and we are more than tired of lying and tricks at election time or to pass legislation that will affect our lives and our wallets so profoundly.

    My fellow Americans disgust me also. The bigotry and attitudes that seem to be so pervasive are an indication of the failure of our educational system and family parenting efforts. There isn’t even a pretense of caution from some elements and those elements are tolerated even when they commit felonies.

    Great post Jack. For too long have we excused bad behavior and extreme behaviors that would not be tolerated in white communities. For too long we have allowed black politicians to use ginned up charges of racism as a means to get elected or as a means to make money.

    People, regardless of race, are all made of the same carbon element…we are brothers and sisters under God… we are all equal under the law and the US Constitution… and we all have an obligation as priviledged citizens under that Constitution to live up to our civic responsibilities…we all have a duty to become contribiting law abiding citizens and to respect the laws of our land. Opportunity exists in the US from taxpayer paid K-12 education. It’s time people in every community took full advantage of that opportunity and its time parents held themselves and their kids responsible for a successful future.

    Sorry…it appears there is more to this story than the terribel death of Trayvn Martin. I pray it marks a beginning for the good.

  2. Princess says:

    Am I the only person who thinks it is disrespectful to act like you are a victim when you wear a hooded sweatshirt?

    There has been a lot written by members of the black community about how they struggle with racial profiling and how they raise their kids to be less suspicious.

    Now a bunch of rich white people throw on hoodies and act like they know what these people have suffered? That is just ludicrous. Wearing a hoodie in the state legislature is not exactly sharing the suffering.

    The complete idiocy of our elected officials just astounds me. If they are so worried about what happened to Trayvonn Martin maybe they could get back to fixing our state budget, so people have affordable housing and so our police forces are properly funded and then we wouldn’t need neighborhood watch to protect us.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    We are on exactly the same page here, Tina. Great post Jack.

    Re Tina’s: “My fellow Americans disgust me also. The bigotry and attitudes that seem to be so pervasive are an indication of the failure of our educational system and family parenting efforts.”

    A perfect example of those disgusting Americans is one of the persons who posts here in the comments section on a regular basis.

    Nevertheless I am ever the optimist. (Perhaps Ronald Reagan instilled that in me.) While a few are despicable, disgusting, and reprehensible I believe that most Americans have better sense. A better common sense. A better sense of decency and fairness.

    The rest is just ugly noise from people with a political agenda or an axe to grind. To hell with them.

  4. Peggy says:

    Tina, I too was disgusted with this whole Martin – Zimmerman situation, not only with what happened but the actions of so many since. I decided to not get involved in the discussion until more facts were brought out and if a grand jury investigation would be held.

    But, then I read the article by Erik Rush, which I posted here under another article, and I though there are still sane individuals out there who are willing to step forth and present a more level-headed solution. Of course our on-going problem is these individuals are not a part of the MSM and, therefore, will not be heard by the majority of our population. Instead the Sharptons and the Jacksons of our country will be covered and their call for action will be heard inciting kids to mob-steal from drug stores and adults to riot in the streets.

    Its terrible, horrible, beyond belief that this young man was killed. But, it will be even worse if people use what happened for their own personal and political agendas and use others to achieve their goals.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    The cops did not act appropriately and that is obvious because the shooter is still walking the streets. There should have been more investigating done in this case. A young black man lost his life for no reason and its sad that our country has come to that. If you kill a young black man you can still walk the streets free and that’s wrong. I just wish it was different in this country so that everyone was treated equally. I was born and raised in Miss. so I’ve where you have a lot of injustices on black males in the south. Terrell Rogers, MS (live interview)

  6. Tina says:

    Princess great observations about the situation for balcks and our lawmakers!!!!!

    Sometimes I think the biggest obstacle to fair and equal treatment of blacks is the Democrat Party. They pit the races against each other for political reasons and they refuse to even consider reforms that would imporve schools even though their are models that demonstrate a superior method for educating kids and eliminating drugs and gang activity.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Re the Calif legislature wearing hoodies: I think it is a great thing that they are doing and it shows the world that they are fighting for justice. It shows that we can all come together. I think the shooter should go to jail for murder – he followed him and he killed him for no reason. So he should get the highest penalty for what he did. I just hope the family receives justice and the world can learn something from this tragedy.
    Tiffany A., Chico, CA. (live interview)

  8. Tina says:

    Jack In couldn’t remember on which article you were admonsihed for runing a “fake” picture of Trayvon but apparently it might not be a fake…thought you and our readers should know:

    A senior analyst with the liberal activist group Media Matters tweeted an apology on Tuesday after calling journalist Matt Drudge a racist and accusing him of using a phony photo of Trayvon Martin.

    Racist demagogue Drudge continues to run photo of some kid, not Trayvon for incitement purposes, MJ Rosenberg initially tweeted at 10:56 a.m. ET, after and other media sites posted a photo of Martin sporting a tank top, looking noticeably older and bigger than he appears in a photograph widely carried by media outlets that have reported on the story.

    Rosenberg followed that posting by retweeting a message saying, Matt Drudge has done more to debase American news coverage than anyone in history of country.

    But he was tweeting a different tune at 1:03 p.m., when he wrote, Mixed up Drudge photo of Trayvon w Michelle Malkin’s. Malkin’s is an admitted fake. Drudge? Don’t know. Sorry. That tweet was immediately followed by another saying, Malkin apologized for fake #Trayvon photo. I apologize for mixing up her photo with one Drudge used.

    Malkin’s site,, ran a photo it said was Martin shirtless and giving two middle fingers to the camera and said it was a photo the mainstream media was refusing to show. But it was not the same photo Rosenberg objected to on Drudge, so it was unclear how he confused the two. Malkin’s apology was also more unequivocal than Rosenberg’s.

    “We made a mistake,” the site said in a post that later ran beneath the photo. “The photo on the right is not of the Trayvon Martin who was shot by Zimmerman. We apologize to our readers and to the Martin family.”

    The newer picture of the older Martin was reportedly taken from his Twitter page, and has been reposted on various websites for at least several days. The photo used on Drudge Tuesday linked to a story on The Daily Caller, which published what it called Martins Twitterfeed.

    Martin family lawyers did not return calls requesting they verify the authenticity of the second photo.

    Rosenberg did not return calls to for comment.

  9. Lauren says:

    I think this is a type of racial profiling and he may have thought he was threatening to the neighborhood. He (Trayvon)may have felt threatened by this man following him. I don’t think Zimmerman should have been armed, he should have just called the police and let them handle it.

    Our legislature was trying to send a statement that just because you are wearing a hoodie doesn’t mean you are threatening.

    I think it was good of Pres. Obama to have made his statement about this case and being supportive of the Martin family. (Live interview) Lauren at Chico State

  10. OJ says:

    I realize I don’t really know what happened, but it seems that Zimmerman did not have any injuries visible and it seems like Zimmerman was just overzealous and out of control.

    It doesn’t bother me that our legislature doned hoodies today, but it does bother me about the Florida stand your ground law. (live ) OJ, Chic, CA

  11. Post Scripts says:

    It’s a pretty sad story. Its not the type of news you want to be reading about or have the country reading. There may be racism involved. The way it is supposed have happened and the way the police told him to stop and step back and he didn’t, that is pretty concerning.

    I like to see that Obama made it personal to him. (I’m going to vote for him)

    (Live) Everett at Chico State, Senior, accounting major

  12. Post Scripts says:

    (Live from Peets – Chico)

    My first thought is it needs to be completely investigated. Its been politized probably on both sides and clearly it came about because of the liberal gun laws from the NRA, it s gives individuals too much power to take a life. The guns law in Florida may be the real culprit.

    To me if you kill someone and say it was self defense this is all this Fl. law requires, so it’s extremely vague.

    It appears on the surface he (Zimmerman) was following Trayvon and he was going beyond the law and Trayvon was trying to defend himself. Cleary it is a tragedy and I think the law needs to be reviewed. (Jim Chico, CA – live from Peets)

  13. Post Scripts says:

    (Live from Peets in Chico!)

    I think the neighborhood watchman did some racial profiling. And I -think he used poor judgement. And I think he needs to be held accountable. I think he should be convicted of at least manslaughter. I think the police need to d o a better investigation. I think they need to arrest him and I don’t understand why they are not.

    LIVE: Ms. Gamiel- Gooding, Id

  14. Post Scripts says:

    (Live from Peets in Chico!)

    I think the man Geo. Zimmerman might have been intoxicated or possibly intoxicated and he got on a power trip. I don’t think this is racism, i think this might be more on fear than anything else. But, who knows? I think the stereotyping really did it,but fear too.

    Live – Kristina, Chico, Ca

  15. Post Scripts says:

    (Live from Peets)

    I don’t think it was racism. I think if Zimmerman had injuries on his face that would have something to do with self defense. The big issues would be the point blank gunshot wound, nobody was trying to get out of something.

    I think this a straight self defense issue.

    Robert, Chico, Ca (live)

  16. Toby says:

    ABC news has released the name of a 13 year old witness who pretty much backs the shooters story. It is disgusting that ABC would put out the identity of a 13 year old witness, knowing that doing so will at least put the kid in danger if not get him killed.

  17. Tina says:

    Interesting comments Jack. opinionated but for the most part unaware of facts and rumors.

    More about photo’s here:

  18. Chris says:

    Tina: “Jack In couldn’t remember on which article you were admonsihed for runing a “fake” picture of Trayvon but apparently it might not be a fake…thought you and our readers should know:”

    Tina, you are confusing two different photos, just as the analyst from Media Matters did.

    The fake photo that Jack linked to was the same one posted by Michelle Malkin on Twitchy. This photo was of a young black man with baggy pants and no shirt, flipping off the camera. As the FOX News article you linked to makes clear, that photo was of a different Trayvon Martin, and Malkin apologized for running it.

    The Drudge photo that the Media Matters writer mistakenly identified as fake was of Martin with some kind of gold grill in his mouth. This does appear to be a legitimate photo of Trayvon Martin, and I never said that this one was fake.

  19. Post Scripts says:

    Chris, are you aware that police called in the on duty deputy district attorney and consulted with him for a second opinion before releasing Zimmerman? The Dist. attorney concluded there was not sufficient evidence to hold him for a crime. This is not in any way unusual and it’s why they have a D.A. on call 24/7.

    The more that comes out, the more it seems like the police tried to do the very best investigation they could. Zimmerman was in custody, in handcuffs and he waived his rights and went through 5 hours of intense interrogation. After five hours every question has been asked repeatedly, it’s almost over done. In all my years on the force I can’t think of any homicide interrogation that lasted over 3 hours.

    People still have their opinions, even if they don’t know the law or the circumstances and most of those opinions would be wrong. It’s why so many people took the emotional road and not the factual road.

    Even on CNN’s 360 with attorneys present they thought because Zimmerman didn’t seem to hurt that ruled out his self defense claim. Injury is not necessary! The law doesn’t say anything about the degree of injury, it says do you have a reasonable fear of serious bodily injury or death at the time you employ lethal force. Can anyone say the next punch might have been lethal? No, of course not, being hit is inherently a dangerous act that could result in serious injury or death. Things like this no doubt played a big role in why the DA let Zimmerman go.

  20. Libby says:

    “It was learned today ….”

    Jack, that’s been known all along, cause that’s how things work. (You were a cop?)

    The pertinent fact is that, in light of the subsequent brouhah (and some telling video tape), a grand jury has been convened to consider that matter (and the video tape). And being as how the PD totally flubbed anything like an investigation, evidence gathering/consideration will be taking some time.

    I know what’s got your knickers in a twist. This has blown one flaming hole in your crusade for an armed citizenry.

    Mr. Zimmerman must be arrested and and charged … if only to give pause to all the other armed doofusses running around out there panting to get themselves into situations they have neither the character nor the training to deal with.

    We will not be having any more Trayvons.

  21. Libby says:

    “The Dist. attorney concluded there was not sufficient evidence to hold him for a crime.”

    Seriously, Jack? You were a cop? Or is it that you think we’re all a bunch of ignoramuses.

    We are not. But just to clarify for anybody who slept through civics (and here we may be seeing into the demise of the republic): the cops gather evidence, present it to the DA, who determines whether charges may be brought.

    But if the cops neither gather nor present evidence (as was the case in the Martin matter), then charges are not brought.

    Unless, of course, informed citizens rise up and say: “WAIT JUST A GODDAMNED MINUTE!” and exhume 911 tapes and surveillance video, and all like that there … and a grand jury is impaneled … which is how else criminal charges may be brought.

  22. Tina says:

    Chris: “The Drudge photo that the Media Matters writer mistakenly identified as fake was of Martin with some kind of gold grill in his mouth.”

    My reading of the Media matters article was that Media Matters identfied the photo with gold grill as Martin and not a fake. This is the same photo Jack ran in his article. Jack’s photo was not the one Malkin used which was fake and which she apologized for using. Jack’s photo and Drudge’s photo are not identified as fake…that’s all I’m saying.

    “The fake photo that Jack linked to…”

    Ahhh…the heart of my problem. I made the mistake that you were talking about the photo at the top of his article and not another photo he linked. The one at the top of the article is not fake.

    Jack: “…police called in the on duty deputy district attorney and consulted with him for a second opinion before releasing Zimmerman? The Dist. attorney concluded there was not sufficient evidence to hold him for a crime.”

    I posted this days ago in my comments…some days it’s just hard to keep up, lol!

  23. Tina says:

    Libby: ” This has blown one flaming hole in your crusade for an armed citizenry.”

    Not by a long shot. You are, as they say, in the minority and sinking fast.

    More likely this has been ginned up by the progressive machine to avoid close examination of the reason the administration let guns walk into Mexico and got folks murdered. Holders office has been waiting for just such an they went out and found one.

    “if only to give pause to all the other armed doofusses running around out there panting to get themselves into situations they have neither the character nor the training to deal with.”

    One incident and you would disarm America going against Constitutional rights…never gonna happen.

    Since you are so enamored with doofusses, however, you might take on those who vote Democrat that are running this charade and using Thugs-R-Us to make all the noise. It really is quite disgustin what your party will stoop to in order to force its positions and hide it’s a**.

    “But if the cops neither gather nor present evidence (as was the case in the Martin matter), then charges are not brought.”

    You’re talking through your hat, as you are wont to do.

    It’s not like this is a multiple murder where the bodies were moved across state lines. It is a simple case. The call to 911. Zimmerman following Martin. There was a gun. There was the fight or struggle. A witness called police. Zimmerman cooperated with polcie and told his story. There was either a medic on scene or a hospital visit (I’ve read both in articles) who treated Zimmerman’s wounds prior to going to police headquarters where he was taken in handcuffs and questioned further. There was Martin’s body which was taken to the morgue and, we are told, examined. There was a witness whose testimony coroborated Zimmerman’s story. There was the girlfriends testimony about what she heard on the phone. Other possible witnesses were saught out and either didn’t see anything or hear anything. All of this (and more that hasn’t been revealed to the public) constitutes an investigation recorded in a police report and handed over to the DA. The idea that the police did not investigate this is absurd. Stories to the contrary have not been backed up with evidence by anyone or in any story I’ve read. You ahve not done so either. There is also the fact that this so-called police failure and crisis of justice is a month old, very suspicious.

    Charges were not brought because the evidence showed the case did not meet requirements under the law…the DA could not make a case against Zimmerman that he thought would fly in court. That doesn’t mean a shooting didn’t take place or that Zimmerman didn’t cause the death…it just means they cannot prove murder or manslaughter under Florida law.

    “and exhume 911 tapes and surveillance video, and all like that there … …and a grand jury is impaneled … which is how else criminal charges may be brought.”

    Man Libs…when your guy is shown to be a loser along with his polices, and when your party is shown to be chock full of extremists, racists, and loons you really go a bit nuts. Either that or you’ve been sucking the grape again!

  24. Post Scripts says:

    Sorry I missed that one on the DA until now… Too much to track here! -Jack

  25. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, thats not exactly true, not every DA has an attorney on call 24/7. And not every police station consults with the DA before referring a complaint to them. It’s nice to have that available, but it’s not a requirement. I was not aware that’s what happened until today. All the news stories I have read never once mentioned that fact. So it does take a lot of heat off the cops…all those people who claim they were not doing their job apparently don’t know what they are talking about.

  26. Toby says:

    Oh and lets not forget that this happened like a month before the whole stink hit the fan. Lots of time for spin to happen. Speaking of spin NBC sure did a job of editing the 911 call from the shooter. NBC makes it sound one way when the reality is completely different. In one of my posts I mentioned something about the video of the shooter at the police station and not being able to see anything wrong with him. I had to go by the picture because the link wouldn’t work for me. Now I have seen other pictures and you can clearly see a wound to the back of his head.
    It must suck knowing you voted for the guy who is cheering on the mob to put a rope around your neck.

  27. Libby says:

    Me: “and exhume 911 tapes and surveillance video, and all like that there … …and a grand jury is impaneled … which is how else criminal charges may be brought.”

    Her: Man Libs…when your guy is shown to be a loser along with his polices, and when your party is shown to be chock full of extremists, racists, and loons you really go a bit nuts. Either that or you’ve been sucking the grape again!

    And I like to think that lots of people realize: a rant does not a refutation make. What one earth has your opinion about Obama got to do with civil procedure in criminal matters? You waste breath, and persuade nobody of anything.

  28. Libby says:

    “Libby, thats not exactly true, not every DA has an attorney on call 24/7.”

    Well, that’s ok, cause that’s not what I said. I said that Zimmerman was not charged, because the police did not provide the DA with evidence to do so (even though there was some), that the citizens took note of this and raised a stink, which moved the DA to impanel a grand jury, which will do what the cops should have done, and hopefully out of this we will get something like justice.

    There’s no “24/7 attorney on call” anywhere in this.

  29. Chris says:

    Toby: “Speaking of spin NBC sure did a job of editing the 911 call from the shooter. NBC makes it sound one way when the reality is completely different.”

    Can you elaborate? Are you talking about the part of the call which sounds as if Zimmerman might have said “f—ing coons?” CNN was the first to isolate that part of the call, not NBC. Why and how do you believe the call was “edited” to make it sound this way?

    “In one of my posts I mentioned something about the video of the shooter at the police station and not being able to see anything wrong with him. I had to go by the picture because the link wouldn’t work for me. Now I have seen other pictures and you can clearly see a wound to the back of his head.”

    I haven’t seen these pictures. Can you post them, please? That would be some important evidence to this case.

    “It must suck knowing you voted for the guy who is cheering on the mob to put a rope around your neck.”

    I can only assume you’re talking about President Obama here; if so, this is complete bullcrap. President Obama never said anything that could reasonably be construed as advocating mob violence against Zimmerman, nor did he made any comment about whether he thought Zimmerman was guilty or innocent. He made one remark about a concern for a hypothetical son he might have, and you and others on the right have chosen to completely freak out over that one comment, which only expressed a thought currently on the minds of millions of black parents in this country. For you to twist what he said into some kind of reverse racist call for a type of lynching that has historically been used on black victims of racism in this country is extraordinarily shameful.

  30. Peggy says:

    Im not shocked at all with what NBC did. Their editing the 911 tape to feed into the racial frenzy is typical of their past practice.

    I spent a lot of time watching the news programs on all of the major network and cable stations during the 2008 election and was appalled at not only the coverage but also at what was not covered. NBC, CBS and ABC were the worse on biased reporting and not covering news-worthy issues that didnt meet with their liberal agenda.

    Recommend everyone do the same and decide for themselves where to get the facts and truthful coverage. At least the best of what is out there and to not rely on just one source, but to always double check and verify.

    Here is a related article from WND about Russia news is now reporting on a topic that is not being covered by the US news agencies.

    Ex-communist nations expose Obama ‘fraud’
    Amid U.S. media blackout, foreign press sounds alarm on ‘largest scandal in American history’

    Pravda called out the U.S. press for its deliberate neglect of the largest scandal in modern American history, Cotter wrote in a March 29 Pravda commentary. Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio released credible forensic evidence that Barack Obama, presumed President of the United States, presented to the world a forged Birth Certificate on April 27th, 2011.

    Full article here:

    Very sad to realize we now have to rely on other countries to report the news because our once great country has become a nation of selective news and omissions to control the promotion of political agendas. One would think we would learn from what happened in Germany in the 1930s-1940s.

  31. Tina says:

    Libby: “What one earth has your opinion about Obama got to do with civil procedure in criminal matters?”

    My apologies Libs…I read 9-1-1 as 9/11 and thought you had gone off on a tangent, which you quite often do. That is why I wondered about the grape…what I though you were saying didn’t make sense.

    “…a rant does not a refutation make…”

    No kidding? Why do you do it?

    “You waste breath, and persuade nobody of anything.”

    I wouldn’t want to persuade nobody of anything but thanks for your concern. All the rest of those somebodies out there I’m happy to persuade if I can.

  32. Tina says:

    Chris: “…which only expressed a thought currently on the minds of millions of black parents in this country.”

    Exactly the point! Why only black parents? Why not all parents? What possible difference does it make that Martin is black like the president? Did he intend to further the white on black spin to gin up anger? Did he intend to signal to the black community his solidarity with them? It was a purposely race centered comment at a time when we needed American leadership and words to calm tensions. Obama is a divisive figure. Remarks at other times demonstrate that he governs as a politician overseeing the concerns of groups based on ideology and race and not president of the entire nation.

  33. Soaps says:

    What do you mean that Martin was black like the president? Remember, the president has one white parent, just as Zimmerman does. If the lefties are going to identify Zimmerman as a White Hispanic, should they not identify you-know-who as a White Negro? Jeeze, I hate all this racial crapola.

  34. Tina says:

    Soaps! I love it!! Great point.

    Maybe, to be totally PC, the “white negro” at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue should show a little more sympathy for the shooter, Zimmerman. After all the man is said to be suffering terribly from the experience. He did not intend to kill Martin and cannot seem to forgive himself by some accounts. All of the accusations of racism, the hatred, the calls for “our justice” and a mob to hunt him down, threats to his family and neighbors…and all of it on television day after day only adds to his misery.

    I’m with you Soaps, I hate all the racial crapola and the PC crapola too!

  35. Joseph says:

    So does this mean Geriatric Brown is going to cover up?

    That would be a good thing! I’m sick of seeing his buzzard head and his pie hole always screaching that we have to raise taxes.

    It wouldn’t be a bad thing if Darrell Stinkbug and Porky Perez covered up, too.

    Maybe we can get them to wear burkas so we don’t have to look at their hideous grills.

  36. Toby says:

    I just assumed (as it was planned) that the shooter was white. It was not until I happened to hear Rush talk about the MSM calling him a White Hispanic that I knew something was wrong with the story. I guess if a Cuban or Mexican or whatever shoots a black it isn’t worthy of all the effort and hate the Left is stirring up. I was going to use the word “manufactured” but hate is the only thing real about the Left that they have an overabundance of. If you add that bit of spin/cover to the edits of the 911 call. This stinks worse than the whole Occutard nonsense.

  37. Joseph says:

    Isn’t it interesting the MSM never mentions the shooter is hispanic?

    It’s almost like they want to leave the impression the shooter was whitey.

    Sometimes I think the MSM is trying to stir up a race war.

  38. Libby says:

    “Exactly the point! Why only black parents? Why not all parents? What possible difference does it make that Martin is black like the president? Did he intend to further the white on black spin to gin up anger?”

    Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio released credible forensic evidence that Barack Obama, presumed President of the United States, presented to the world a forged Birth Certificate on April 27th, 2011.

    just assumed (as it was planned) that the shooter was white. It was not until I happened to hear Rush talk about the MSM calling him a White Hispanic ….”


    Y’all are losin’ it … and in public too.

  39. Tina says:

    Libs it really bothers that left media can’t control the narrative anymore doesn’t it? Life was so grand when one carefully crafted version of a story was all the public ever got to hear. Sorry babe, those days are over. The truth will doggedly be persued no matter how mant times you attempt to bully us into silence with that air of elitist superiority.

  40. Chris says:

    Tina: “Exactly the point! Why only black parents? Why not all parents?”

    Tina, this question shows me that you haven’t read or heard Obama’s statements in their full context. Obama explicitly said that all parents are impacted by the issue:

    “I can only imagine what these parents are going through,” the president told reporters in the White House Rose Garden. “When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids, and I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this.” He also said, “You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

    President Obama made it clear that all parents in America would naturally be worried over something like this happening to their son. But he also acknowledged the special kind of worry that African-American parents have, that their son will be perceived as threatening simply because of his appearance. I don’t see how acknowledging this reality is divisive or angry. It seemed extremely heartfelt and genuine to me, not politically motivated. He was speaking as a father, and as a black man; but also as a human being. He was imploring all parents to consider the situation, while also acknowledging the fact that black parents are likely to take this case harder than others.

    This all seems so obvious to me. All I can say now is that if you still don’t get it, I’m not sure how I can help you get it.

  41. Chris says:


    “Im not shocked at all with what NBC did. Their editing the 911 tape to feed into the racial frenzy is typical of their past practice.”

    I just read about what I think you’re talking about. I thought you and Toby were referring to the CNN report showing Zimmerman possibly saying “f___ing coons.” But apparently NBC showed the part of the 911 tape where Zimmerman identified Martin as black, without showing the part right before where the operator asked for Martin’s description. I haven’t watched the clip yet, but that does sound pretty awful.

    “Recommend everyone do the same and decide for themselves where to get the facts and truthful coverage. At least the best of what is out there and to not rely on just one source, but to always double check and verify.

    Here is a related article from WND”

    Dear Lord.

    Peggy, I think you’re a very nice, respectful, and rational person. Which is why I find it incredibly disappointing that you can so obliviously move from criticizing certain news sources for being dishonest and politically driven, to linking to World Nut Daily as a source of news. You may as well post an article from the National Enquirer–only at least that paper sells sensationalism for sensationalism’s sake, and not to promote a political agenda.

    I don’t have time to get into all of WND’s many lies right at the moment, but the hundreds of conspiracy theories they have promoted about Obama’s birth certificate is a good start; nearly every single one has been debunked and shown to be a complete fabrication, so why you would continue to believe anything from this source when it comes to Obama’s citizenship is baffling to me.

    “Pravda called out the U.S. press for its deliberate neglect of the largest scandal in modern American history, Cotter wrote in a March 29 Pravda commentary. Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio released credible forensic evidence that Barack Obama, presumed President of the United States, presented to the world a forged Birth Certificate on April 27th, 2011.

    Full article here:

    “Very sad to realize we now have to rely on other countries to report the news”

    It isn’t news, Peggy. It’s all completely made up, so that WND can make money off of extremely gullible people. Don’t be one of them. You’re better than that.

  42. Peggy says:

    Chris: Thanks for the heads-up on WND. I’ll be sure to double check them in the future.

    I did watch this video on Youtube today and think it looks pretty authentic since it’s a press conference that lasted almost an hour and a half. But, I’ll keep checking to see if other media sources cover the issue too. As of a few minutes ago no major media sources have links.

    Also watched this video on another Arizona bill being proposed.

    Chris, the problem for me and others like me is when information comes out from limited and unknown sources we base our points of view from the information that is presented. If other media sources chose to not cover an issue or topic we are forced to rely on what is available.

    If you have other sources I would love to see them. Seriousely, I would. I want all of the facts I can read.

  43. Toby says:

    I heard the NBC report on the 911 call and thought it made him look bad and figured ok maybe the guy is a jerk. A day or two later I happened to catch about 20 mins of Hannity and he did a spot on the badly edited NBC story. He played a longer version(what I thought was all of it) that filled in some blanks and clearly showed the guy was just answering the questions being asked by 911. Now I have not heard the CNN take on the 911 tape but I will sure go look for it. My point is that I and I think most of the people here gather info from multiple sources so we can piece together something resembling the facts. I think between ALL of us we have done a pretty good job at ironing out the wrinkles in this story so far. It isn’t done deal by a long shot but I will keep reading and listening and adding input.

  44. Toby says:

    I went to took me a few mins to find it. You guys please judge for yourselves.

  45. Toby says:

    This is the clip from Hannity talking about the NBC bad edit.

    It does not cover what CNN is talking about and I hope that in the next day or two this will also clear up.

  46. Post Scripts says:

    Toby, thanks for the link. I’m glad that friend was sharp enough to correct the reporter. She tried to make Zimmerman look as bad as possible when she said that dispatcher told him not to follow Martin. His friends said yes and that’s what he did, he said okay, and he started to walk back to his car. That seems to be a key factor for a lot of people, but it’s not a factor in guilt or innocence for what followed.

    The only questions we should concern ourselves with, legally speaking, is did he have a lawful right to be where he was? YES.

    Was he lawfully in possession of a firearm? YES.

    Was he attacked? YES. (witnesses confirm)

    Was he in fear of great bodily harm or death? It would appear so. (witnesses think so)

    Did he discharge his weapon in self defense? It would appear so.

    That’s it. That’s the whole case. You want to prosecute that? What kind of fools would take this to court? There has to be a whole lot more and it’s miles away from being a cold blooded murder. Murder in cold blood requires planning, malice aforethought, lying in wait…the Martin family attorney should be ashamed for saying is was cold blooded murder.
    Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and the rest should be ashamed for trying to make this case into something it is not! What they are doing is akin to crying wolf and some day maybe they will have a righteous case that needs attention, but after wasting our time with this one will we be so quick to respond then?

  47. Post Scripts says:

    Toby we really appreciate your input…we can’t find it all, so we’re counting on you. So far I think we’ve all done a pretty decent job, a lot of facts have been submitted and this case is becoming a lot more clear and the more it does the more Sharpton, et al, look like media whores and race baiters..

  48. Tina says:

    Peggy to Chris: “Thanks for the heads-up on WND. I’ll be sure to double check them in the future.”

    Peggy I spent the morning doing some research because Chris loves to denounce those who report things that don’t fit for him and his progressive views.

    WND (and Joe Arpiao) has been bold in its assertions, I will grant that. But I wouldn’t dismiss out of hand what is reported; the reason can be found in what progressives have claimed as truth over the years.

    (Those who hate long posts can exit here but be advised you should be bold enough yourselves to become aware of progressive spin and lies),0,864776.story

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed 55 years ago, on June 19, 1953. But last week, they were back in the headlines when Morton Sobell, the co-defendant in their famous espionage trial, finally admitted that he and his friend, Julius, had both been Soviet agents.

    It was a stunning admission; Sobell, now 91 years old, had adamantly maintained his innocence for more than half a century. After his comments were published, even the Rosenbergs’ children, Robert and Michael Meeropol, were left with little hope to hang on to — and this week, in comments unlike any they’ve made previously, the brothers acknowledged having reached the difficult conclusion that their father was, indeed, a spy. “I don’t have any reason to doubt Morty,” Michael Meeropol told Sam Roberts of the New York Times.

    With these latest events, the end has arrived for the legions of the American left wing that have argued relentlessly for more than half a century that the Rosenbergs were victims, framed by a hostile, fear-mongering U.S. government. Since the couple’s trial, the left has portrayed them as martyrs for civil liberties, righteous dissenters whose chief crime was to express their constitutionally protected political beliefs. In the end, the left has argued, the two communists were put to death not for spying but for their unpopular opinions, at a time when the Truman and Eisenhower administrations were seeking to stem opposition to their anti-Soviet foreign policy during the Cold War.

    To this day, this received wisdom permeates our educational system. A recent study by historian Larry Schweikart of the University of Dayton has found that very few college history textbooks say simply that the Rosenbergs were guilty; according to Schweikart, most either state that the couple were innocent or that the trial was “controversial,” or they “excuse what [the Rosenbergs] did by saying, ‘It wasn’t that bad. What they provided wasn’t important.’ “

    But the year 1995 was an epochal one for the study of American Communism. For in that year, thanks to the insistence of the late Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, who had long specialized in intelligence matters, some 2,900 documents collectively known as “the Venona papers” (a deliberately meaningless code phrase) were de-classified and published. These were radio messages from the top KGB agents in Washington and New York to their superiors in Moscow from approximately 1943 to 1948. They had been recorded at the time by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, but they were, of course, in code, and their decoding was an immensely arduous job carried out by a number of heroic government cryptanalysts over the period from 1945 to 1980.

    A second new source of information on the American Communist Party was the archives in Moscow of the defunct Soviet Union, which began to be partially accessible to American investigators in the early 1990s, during the Yeltsin years.

    The Venona papers, together with these archives, made it absolutely clear that the American Communist Party was from its beginning the willing agent of Soviet intelligence, obedient to its orders, financed by its contributions, and serving not only as a propaganda organ for Soviet policies but as a generous source for the recruitment of agents who would thereupon influence American policy and gladly commit espionage as well. It is now plain that by 1945 every important branch of the American government, from the White House itself to the State Department, the Defense Department, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department, the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor to the CIA), and the Office of War Information, to name only a few, was infested with Communists busily doing the work of the Soviet Union.

    Note: Daniel Patrick Moynahan was one of the few (last?) truly American Democrats. See also here:

    You shall know the truth and it shall set you free. The truth is, in the 1940s and the decades that followed, the State Department, the US Treasury, the CIO until it expelled some of its unions, and even the US Army, was thoroughly infiltrated by Americans whose loyalty was to the Soviet Union, a nation bent on the destruction of capitalism and the democracy upon which it is based. Ironically, you can thank the Soviet Union for Social Security and for the failure of our present educational system. Both were implemented by Leftists, the latter being based on the former Soviet model.

    Hollywood wont tell you that. Instead, you can rent The Majestic, starring Jim Carrey, that includes scenes of a film writer being ruined by the Red Scare of the 50s. The members of the Progressive Caucus in Congress wont tell you that, but they are as Red as they come. The New York Times wont tell you that, but the newspapers long history of lies is now becoming more widely known.

    The Venona Secrets, however, spells it out and documents it. The threat was and the threat still is Communism

    The leftist notion that The House Un-American Activities Committee was a right wing witch hunt is also misleading. In fact the original committee chair was a Southern Democrat, Martin Dies. Originally the committee was to look into all extremist groups, left and right, but Dies and two of his fellow Democrats on the committee had sympathies for the KKK and directed the committee away from KKK scrutiny. This bit of American history hasnt been considered important or noteworthy to the progressives that have written history books and educational materials.

    Left conventional wisdom states that there were no communists in journalism or Hollywood with aims to spread propaganda through newspapers, television, and movies. Entertainers and writers were unfairly treated and blacklisted because of the aggressive Joe McCarthy. McCarthy was targeted, mocked, and destroyed and the Republican Party along with him. It may very well be that McCarthys zealotry took the hearings way too far but the underlying truth, that the Communist Party had committed members working in Hollywood and in journalism, was absolutely true.

    “For us, the cinema is the most important of the arts.” – Vlademir Lenin

    The Moynihan Commissions of Government Secrecy wrote in its final report, “The first fact is that a significant Communist conspiracy was in place in Washington, New York, and Hollywood” [14] The Commission’s final report also included, “the United States Government possessed information which the American public desperately needed to know: proof that there had been a serious attack on American security by the Soviet Union, with considerable assistance from what was, indeed, an enemy within. … Only the American public was denied this information.”

    The Hollywood in which Reagan worked was very different than the time portrayed in blacklist dramas like The Way We Were, The Front, and Guilty by Suspicion. The Communist Party operated more like an underground cult than a political party, recalled the people I talked to, including some who never ended their party membership.
    American Communists believed the Soviets represented the future. Todays public perception is that Communists were merely liberals in a hurry. Thats because the Reds wrote their own histories, as screenwriter Richard Collins, a former Communist, shared with me. They erased the part about their connections to Moscow.

    Just as Reagan was becoming a movie star at Warner Bros. (more than a dozen pictures in his first four years), Soviet spies Mikhail and Yelizaveta Mukasey began operating in Hollywood. As the L.A. Times reported in 2009, the couple finessed their way into mingling with Hollywoods eliteOrson Welles, Charlie Chaplin, even staunch anti-Communist Walt Disney. Many famous people in Hollywood were in touch with the White House…and through them we got the information we needed, the Times quoted the couple from their 2004 memoir.

    And what has been typically portrayed as anti-Communist hysteriafor instance, that writers exploited their position for the party agendamay be true after all, according to documents.

    Congressional testimony from a screenwriter active in a Communist Party front group quotes party head John Howard Lawson lecturing at a La Brea Avenue school for actors: It is your duty to further the class struggle by your performance. If you are nothing more than an extra wearing white flannels on a country-club veranda, do your best to appear decadent, do your best to appear to be a snob, do your best to create class antagonism.

    He would instruct writers: Do not try to write an entire Communist picture. The producers will quickly identify it, and it will be killed by the front office. Try to get five minutes of the…party line in every script you write…If you can make the message come from the mouth of Gary Cooper or some other star who is unaware of what he is saying, by the time it is discovered, he is in New York, and a great deal of expense will be involved to bring him back and reshoot the scene.

    Radical ideologues certainly have a right to their soapboxes. However, when one considers Lawson was cofounder and first president of the then named Screen Writers Guild, his speech takes on a different light. An oral history by screenwriter and Communist Party member Paul Jarrico supplements the document in Brewers archive. Oh, we were certainly involved in efforts to affect the content of films, says Jarrico. We were wide-eyed about the possibility of writing movies that would affect millions and millions of viewers.

    The point in all of this is that what was once considered true has been found years later to be a lie and vice versa.

    Nothing has been proven beyond a doubt about Obama’s background and records and there is much that has purposely been hidden from view. There are assoications with extremist ties. I’d keep an open mind about WND and about what is being written about the one who came out of nowhere as a very young man, has almost zero history other than what he purportedly wrote himself, and rose to the highest office in this land.

  49. Peggy says:

    Thanks Tina, for taking the time to do all of this. But, I had an ulterior motive to my post to Chris. If you note I didnt state the subject of the links I provided because I wanted him to watch them and comment on them.

    Ive been home sick the last four days with bronchitis from my allergy problems that goes with living in Chico and have spent HOURS reading everything I could find out about Arizonas new bill that would require all candidates show proof of their eligibility to hold office before their name is added to the states ballots, and everything I could find about the Cold Case Posses investigations into the authenticity of Obama birth certificate and selective service card.

    The press conferences that have been held detailed the process that was undertaken, the forensic tests performed, by qualified experts, has been covered by the media, but very few have chosen to report on it. So, once again as you stated in your post, there is a definite media blackout. WND and a few others are the ONLY ones to cover this at all. There hasnt been any major media coverage that Im aware of.

    When Arizona passed its Illegal Immigration bill it was front page news for months, resulting in Holder filing a suit against the state, but there is almost complete silence about this bill that may be on its way to becoming a law.

    There is even a high court justice that has weighed in and agree the new evidence is worthy of consideration.

    High court justice: Obama birth certificate fishy:
    An Alabama State Supreme Court justice earlier this week agreed that findings suggesting Barack Obama presented a forged birth certificate to the nation would raise serious questions about the [document’s] authenticity if presented as evidence in court.

    Ive tried everything I could think of to stir up a dialog about this and away from the Martin – Zimmerman case, which I believe is another democratic diversionary tactic to keep us and the media from talking about the important issues like the economy, jobs and whether or not our president is actually qualified to be our president. Ive emailed all of those links to friends, to Jack and even posted them here.

    Chris is a bright young man who reminds me of my sons. I was hoping he would take the time to watch those videos to see the evidence that was presented, that even a judge said was worthy of consideration, and begin to accept that valid information is out there we all should be made aware of and have the right to know about. As in the past, media blackouts like those you shared, only help prevent the truth from being known. The Truth Doesnt Lie

    To find out more just Google any or all: Arizona Cold Case Posse Obama. Or if you want get my email from Jack and Ill send them to you.

    Id love to hear what you think about all of this. Ive never been a Birther. I took Obama at his word that he was born in Hawaii, but after seeing all of this and the sworn deposition by the mailman for Bill Ayers parents Im thinking there is a lot more to this.
    Mike Zullo, Cold Case Posse lead investigator said there was more they were working on and would become available when their investigation was complete.

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