by Jack Lee
@!#$%* Governor Brown! What the @!#$# is wrong with you? Why is it… that it always comes down to RAISING our taxes or face cuts to schools and public safety? WHY? WHY? WHY? Why can’t you do what we’ve been asking you to do for years, cut the waste, fraud and abuse! Learn to live within your means just like we do every day and there would be no need to scare people with cuts to basic services!
I can’t believe it – this is sheer madness – are you idiots in Sacramento completely deaf to the shrieks and screams from us taxpayers? Every democrat legislator is repeating the same old crapola and I am fed up…raise taxes or face severe cuts in schools and safety! I would think every decent, half-way intelligent democrat would be ashamed of their representation at this point.
It’s time ALL taxpayers of this state demand a full accounting by an independent auditing office.
Let’s find out where the money is being wasted and fix it!!!! If we’re really that broke the State should file bankruptcy, then declare every labor contract null and void. This would be a wholesale salary realignment to pay state salaries in line with the public sector. Prison guards shouldn’t be earning a $100k with benenfits!!! This is nuts!
The prison guard union also known as the California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) shouldn’t be the wealthiest and most influential state employees union. That’s wrong and they have extorted their way to salaries above and beyond most sworn officers who are peace officers 24/7, not just while they are on duty. But, I don’t want to just single out the CCPOA, they’re just one of many entities that have the California taxpayer paying out the kazoo.
The State has been caving in to unions for well over 20 year,s to the point the state employees are among the best paid in the country and virtually exceed private sector salaries at every level. That’s not sustainable! Spending our tax dollars like drunks with a credit card is not sustainable either! C’mon Jerry, you and your minions better get on the stick and fix things or we’re coming down there and fix you!
If it takes a big, powerful union to get through to our legislators, and it certainly appears it does… then maybe its time we call ourselves a [union] of taxpayers! Maybe we need to march on Sacramento and threaten to go on strike! Hold a picket line, shut down the Capital. Think we will have their full and undivided attention then?
The state legislature has been on a lavish spending spree for too long and it’s time we tear up their credit card and put them on a budget. Whatever it takes at this point I am for it!
Must be nice to be a union president with more power then the governor. (Note the link is to SEIU.)
I read an article yesterday that said during his first term during the 70s Brown supported the change to give public unions the right to contract negotiations. Not able to find it today.
Union president says she told Jerry Brown: ‘furloughs are off the table’ (The Sacramento Bee)
10:29 AM – May 14, 2012
by Jon Ortiz
In a memo to members today, SEIU Local 1000 President Yvonne Walker said that she was consulted about Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan to cut state employees’ pay and that she drew a line at imposing unpaid time off on workers.
“First let me say that I have made it clear that furloughs are not on the table,” Walker wrote.
She said that she has had several meetings with the administration and is continuing talks.
“Under the previous governor, our input was not sought, in fact, it was dismissed. Under Gov. Brown, we have a seat at the table,” Walker’s memo said. “We have offered our own proposals to deal with this crisis.”
Yes, it is true, Jerry Brown was our governor and supported giving public employees collective bargaining rights resulting in the huge problem of inflated salaries, out of control benefit packages and our current $16 billion deficit.
In other words the creator of the fiscal hole were in handed the shovel to the public sector unions to start digging. The hole was made deeper and bigger by being a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. The cuts hes recommending now to schools, the sick and elderly are unacceptable along with increasing taxes to the few businesses that are left and those earning over $250k.
Jerry Brown on Workers Rights
Jerry Brown gave more than a million California workers the right to bargain collectively for better wages and benefits.
Brown extended collective bargaining rights to state employees (SB 839, 1977) as well as firefighters and other local government workers (AB 1693, 1981).
He signed laws to give teachers and public school employees (SB 160, 1975), as well as UC and CSU employees (AB 1091, 1978), the right to bargain collectively.
He signed the landmark farm labor law, which extended collective bargaining rights to farm workers and established the Agricultural Labor Relations Board. (SB 1, 1975)
Full article here:
And you don’t even have to look to Sacramento for the greed and corruption.
Just look at what’s happening in your own front yard.
If Schwabbie, Hokum and the Grundler have their way you will be paying more in phone taxes and there will be a special tax on alcohol sales and of course they continue to raise your sewer taxes.
And if these three clowns and Lando have their way you are going to be getting a much bigger sales tax increase than what clown Jerry Brown wants.
Hey, at least he only wants a quarter cent increase for 7 years.
Lando wants a full cent and for 25 years.
And remember, Lando retired and he gets a 6 figure pension every year plus full health bennies. AND as soon as he retired he got a 2 year contract with the city for $120,000. So he received a pension WHILE receiving a $120,00 contract for himself as a “consultant.”
You can bet he and his partner in crime Stevens will have more of your tax money steered their way if the sales tax increase goes through. They are poster boys for corruption.
And Lando uses deception and lies on his “survey” that apparently the corrupt city council is using to put this on the ballot INSTEAD OF REQUIRING signatures like they do for everyone else. It’s all a sham to raise your taxes.
And of course it looks like your city council is going to outlaw plastic grocery bags and tax you 25 cents per paper bag with the goal of getting rid of them, too.
Your local politicians are every bit as much tyrants and as corrupt as Jerry Brown, Darrell Steinberg and John Perez.
No need to look to Sacramento to find thieves and liars and politicians and hucksters out to milk you for everything they can.
Victor Davis Hanson has a list of ten things California could do to crawl out of the hole it’s dug…he’s such a smart man:
Lando also got a Phd from USC on the city’s dime. Now he can teach at public universities with a degree paid for by the public.
I tell ya Princess, that Lando is a real slick one.
Looks like he’s going to con the city council into putting his tax increase measure on the ballot with his phony survey.
A six figure salary was not enough, a city paid Phd was not enough, a six figure pension and full health bennies was not enough. Now he’s out to raise everyone’s sales tax permanently while he and Stevens rake in more city contracts.
Totally disgusting. He and his partner in crime have no shame, no shame at all.
The question is will the voters be stupid enough to go along with his crime.
Joseph, do we know what the results of his polling is now? I haven’t heard.
Funny how you never hear anything about CUTTING SPENDING . . . .
Gov Moonbeam & the Lunkhead Legislators should have their salaries and perks cut FIRST since they’re the ones who spent CA into the debt hole . . . .
“Joseph, do we know what the results of his polling is now? I haven’t heard.”
Sorry, I don’t know. In my opinion the survey results are meaningless because its questions are either misleading, contain lies or are irrelevant. The whole purpose of the survey was to get the answers Lando wanted, not to find out what the public thinks.
Here is one example:
“6. Now let me read you a list of organizations that might endorse such a sales tax increase.
6g. Supervisor Larry Wahl”
I would imagine that regardless of the results of the survey Lando will get his tax increase on the ballot without any signatures since the majority on the city council want to raise our taxes.
Joseph, I know there was a lot of controversy about how the questions were posed and there was an allegation that they used the names of conservatives (Larry Wahl) in a way to suggest they were in favor of the tax increase. I was just curious what the polling said, I still can’t imagine anyone being in favor of it, despite the deception…then again i seem to overestimate the average voter all the time.
The Chico Taxpayers Association had the survey posted on their blog:
You can see for yourself that besides being very deceptive it contains outright lies. You can see that this survey is propaganda designed to give Lando the answers he wants.
I have also heard that members of the Chamber of Commerce are working behind the scene to get this tax increase through.
I guess that is no surprise since Lando is a muckety-muck of the local chamber.
The truth is the Chamber of Commerce is not about capitalism or commerce at all. It’s about crony capitalism where the politically connected receive special favors from government just like Tom Lando has and will.
What the Chamber of Commerce is doing is outrageous.