Zimmerman Update

Posted by Tina

Evidence in the George Zimmerman case that supports his claim of self-defense has been released to the public. From the Washington Post

A lab report, based on an examination of the two sweatshirts Martin was wearing, found holes and gunshot residue consistent with a “contact shot,” meaning the gun was pressed against Martin’s chest. An autopsy report said that the gunshot wound indicated he was shot from an “intermediate range,” which experts say is between one and 18 inches away. …

… The information includes laboratory reports that show Martin’s blood had traces of THC, a chemical that is found in marijuana. Toxicology reports also found blood under Martin’s fingernails, Zimmerman’s blood on Martin’s sweatshirt and Martin’s blood on Zimmerman’s red jacket.

Martin’s autopsy report shows that he had a small abrasion on his left ring finger, which might support Zimmerman’s account that Martin was punching him or the idea that Martin was fighting for his life. A photo of Zimmerman shows he had a bloody nose on the night of the clash; a paramedic reported that he had a one-inch laceration on his head and a forehead abrasion. The injuries, said the paramedic, produced “minor bleeding.”

The New York Daily News has more:

A medical report by George Zimmerman’s doctor has disclosed that Zimmerman had a fractured nose, two black eyes, two lacerations on the back of his head and a back injury on the day after the fatal shooting.

The NY Daily News piece goes on to reiterate skepticism about the trial. The special prosecutor failed to include pertinent information in her affidavit in support of the murder charge.

Both Zimmerman and his parents remain in hiding due to death threats. Eric Holder and the FBI have considered charging Zimmerman with a hate crime. Zimmerman’s family has challenged Eric Holder to consider hate crimes charges against members of the New Black Panthers.

All’s quiet on the race wars front for now. Could it be because the case was hurting the President?

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14 Responses to Zimmerman Update

  1. Question says:

    How did Martin drag Zimmerman from his car?

  2. Post Scripts says:

    This revealing article will not sway those who were tooooooooooo quick to assume the worst and shout racism, point the finger of guilt and maybe engage in some vigilante demands. Too back off now would be to admit they were foolish and stupid, ever hear a liberal admit that?

    Just wait, I betcha they will come here asking stupid questions that are really statements to decry guilt for Zimmerman. For instance, I bet they will ask in false disbelief, if this is all true, then how was Zimmerman dragged from his car? They will they will want to make dramatic and put the blame back on Zimmerman for following the suspicious person. Not that being in or out of his car has anything to do with guilt or innocence, but I bet they will try to make it look that way. Oh wait…here comes a comment one now. Wonder what this person “Question” will ask us? -Jack

  3. Harold Ey says:

    How did Martin drag Zimmerman from his car? my answer to the “Quick to condemn Zimmerman crowd”, Martin used the skittles to lure Zimmerman out of the car first. That makes about as much sense, as way the medias first release of Martin was as an angelic young teenager.

  4. Tina says:

    Jack I’m thinking you and Harold need to take that show on the road…very funny.

  5. Question says:

    caught me! I will forever be pegged a liberal as long as I keep asking questions! I guess this is why you hate education.
    Zimmerman has Black ancestry so I think race is a non issue unless you’re a fan of those race baiters like Jesse Jackson.
    Race has nothing to do with these facts:
    Zimmerman left his house with a gun and the intentuon to use it in a neighborhood he had no business being in.
    Martin walked from his father’s house to the store for some skittles. On his way back he ran from a car that had been following him..
    Zimmerman had been advised to stay in the car. Staying in the car has everything to do with the case! Zimmerman had no reason to leave the car.
    Don’t let your paranoia cloud your view of the facts with paranoia.

  6. Tina says:

    Nobody here “hates” education.

    Your facts are inaccurate.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    To QUESTION – Let’s deal with each of your points and see what we have:

    “caught me! I will forever be pegged a liberal as long as I keep asking questions! I guess this is why you hate education.” REPLY: A silly assumption at best.

    Zimmerman has Black ancestry so I think race is a non issue unless you’re a fan of those race baiters like Jesse Jackson. REPLY: RAce is a non issue, huh? Race and racism has everything to do with this case and it has from day one. Fact is, Trayvon Martin’s name has been the rallying cry for violence and protest marches by blacks and liberals idiots across the nation while stirring up racial division.

    Race has nothing to do with these facts: Zimmerman left his house with a gun and the intentuon to use it in a neighborhood he had no business being in. REPLY: Race may have nothing to do with the facts, but it sure has a lot to do with people making stupid statements. Like, “Zimmerman left his house with a gun and the intentuon to use it” My question to you is how do you know what was in Zimmerman’s mind? Are you a mind reader now or assuming again? He was licensed to carry a firearm, are you assuming everyone who legally carries is out to shoot somebody? Further, you said, he was in a “neighborhood he had no business being in”. Oh really? Now that one is almost comical compared to the facts. He had every reason to be in the neighborhood, he lived there!!!! He was the neighborhood watch captain!!!!

    You said, Martin walked from his father’s house to the store for some skittles. On his way back he ran from a car that had been following him.

    REPLY: Did he really? I don’t recall that, but if he did run taht seems kinda suspicious to me. All I recall is that he was walking in Zimmerman’s neighborhood when Zimmerman noticed him behaving in a suspicious manner, allegedly he was staring at an apartment. Moments later Zimmerman followed him on foot (walking not running) because Martin was now on a sidewalk that went between apartments where there was no road.

    You claim… Zimmerman had been advised to stay in the car. Staying in the car has everything to do with the case! Zimmerman had no reason to leave the car. Don’t let your paranoia cloud your view of the facts with paranoia. REPLY: Zimmerman was advised to by a non-sworn police dispatcher to discontinue following Martin, he was NEVER told to stay in his car. Once he was told “we don’t need you to do that” and by appearances he was complying. Zimmerman said he was returning to his car when Martin came after him.

    Question you must not follow the news very carefully and you must also read into things a lot. Everything you said above was either wrong and or an absurd assumption and I say this based upon the facts and evidence released to the public, nothing personal.

    Speaking of facts, Martin had THC in his blood, no indication Zimmerman was under the influence of anything. Martin had damaged tissue to his knuckles, Zimmerman had facial contusions, a broken nose and cuts on the back of his head. Martin was 4 inches taller than Zimmerman. Martin was thrown out of school for misconduct related to trace amounts of marijuana (THC) possession. He was in a neighborhood in which he did not live, but was staying temporarily and he was unknown to Zimmerman. If you want more facts, re-read Tina’s article.

    Race and racism was at the very core of this case, had it not been there would have been no insertion of President Obama, no Black Panthers offering a reward for capturing Zimmerman, no protest marches, no race speeches by blacks across the nation, no Jackson and no Al Sharpton getting involved…race was what sparked this into a national media event.

    Most everyone on the far left seemed to be Hell bent on convicting Zimmerman before the facts were known and now here you are, still spouting the same old garbage that has been discredited by the facts. And to top it off you dare to accuse us at post scripts of hating education? Wow…lol. Good luck selling that to anyone. -Jack

  8. Question says:

    “I don’t recall”
    Well, please try to.
    It helps a great deal when you’re saying someone else is wrong to be able to recall.

    This part is pretty good:
    I said Zimmerman was advised to saty in the car.
    you say, he was NEVER told to stay in the car. We AGREE but you’re hardwired to argue.

    I can read minds at least as well as you and I am grateful that you give me the same allowance you give yourself.
    Zimmerman Was the neighborhood watch captain, but he did not live there. He was a wannabe. As retired LAPD, you should very familiar with the type. You know what a pain in the ass those guys can be. He had no more business over there than I have patrrolling your neighborhood.
    Zimmerman was beat up.
    Had he followed good ADVICE he could not possibly have gotten beat up.
    You mention the THC. Does it matter?
    Had Zimmerman not followed Martin, the ‘ground’ he stood would ahve been farther away.

    I start patrolling your neighborhood because it is how I get my jollies.
    I se you out one night and start to follow you in my private car. You don’t know what’s up, and being smart, you vacate the area.
    Then I follow you. You hide. You see I’m not a cop and when I get close, you jump me and I kill you.
    Can you see how none of this would have happend?
    It’s called proximate cause, and you were trained in this.
    Quit trying to be cute.
    You know exactly how this went down, and how it will go down.

  9. observer says:

    Give it up, son!
    These people are not interested in the truth. They are only interested in winning the argument.
    Right before they said this: “Are you a mind reader now or assuming again?”
    They said this: “They will they will want to make dramatic and put the blame back on Zimmerman for following the suspicious person.”
    Now, you, as a normal person, would see this contradiction in a second. Any normal person can see that they are trying to read minds too. They CANNOT see it! This double-standard is invisible to them. Trying to point it out only earns out their wrath. These are small-minded people who will not tolerate dissent. Their criticism of your mind-reading while ignoring their own is indicative of a deep paranoia, as you pointed out. Paranoia is a mental illness.
    You cannot win. And the truth cannot be found here, as they are not interested in it.
    I suggest you don’t even try.

  10. Post Scripts says:

    “Now, you, as a normal person, would see this contradiction in a second. Any normal person can see that they are trying to read minds too. They CANNOT see it! This double-standard is invisible to them.” Ob

    Observer…I’ll lewt you in on a little secret, see we the right have the benefit of knowing history and for last 30 years you liberals have become totally predictable! We don’t have to be mind be mind readers to look like the Great Karnack with you guys.

    It’s too easy, because liberals must be told what to think, therefore they have this liberal play book all written out for them to follow. We just read ahead and then we know the stupidity they are about to spew. Get it? lol

  11. Chris says:

    Given the evidence we now have, I don’t think Zimmerman is guilty of murder. I believe that Martin felt threatened and reacted stupidly by attacking Zimmerman, and that Zimmerman acted in accordance with self-defense laws.

    However, I have said all along that Zimmerman acted with criminal negligence by following Martin. As a neighborhood watch captain, he knows that he is not supposed to follow anyone suspected of a crime or suspected to be a threat. I do think he should face criminal negligence charges. Both men acted stupidly and wrongly, but only one was an adult and only one is still alive. Even though I think Martin attacked Zimmerman first, Zimmerman provoked a confrontation and he does bear a lot of responsibility for Martin’s death.

    I also still suspect that Martin’s race had a lot to do with why Zimmerman saw him as threatening in the first place. Not because Zimmerman is a “Racist” with a scarlet “R,” but because black men in hoodies are often perceived as threatening even if they are not doing anything wrong, and perfectly normal people often feel threatened by people who look this way. Racial stereotypes have an influence on almost everyone. Other than the possible racial slur on the 911 tape (which is really unclear and could be anything), I don’t think we have reason to believe Zimmerman is any more racist than the rest of us. That’s the real lesson we should be taking from this, in my opinion.

  12. Tina says:

    Chris: “he knows that he is not supposed to follow anyone suspected of a crime or suspected to be a threat.”

    None of us yet knows exactly what happened because the news has been filled with lies, speculation, deceit and clear evidence that activists, in league whether formal or not, with certain media, ginned up the hate crime aspect. Once the entire 911 tape was played a different possibility emerged. Zimmerman said okay to istructions not to follow and was headed back to his truck.

    Until we have a more complete picture it is grossly unfair to state he is guilty of anything.

    “Zimmerman provoked a confrontation”

    Did he? On what evidence do you base this charge?

    “…but because black men in hoodies are often perceived as threatening…”

    Especially when, in recent weeks, black men have been breaking into the houses in one’s neighborhood. Frank Taaffe, George Zimmermans neighbor and former Neighborhood Watch captain:


    Taffe says, We had eight burglaries in our neighborhood all perpetrated by young black males in the 15 months prior to Trayvon being shot. It would have been nine – there would have been nine, but George Zimmerman through his efforts of being a neighborhood watch captain helped stop one in progress, documented in the 911 calls February 2. My house was being robbed, and George on his nightly rounds watched this burglary in progress, called Sanford P.D., waited for them, and helped ensure that nothing bad happened to my house. And it’s documented the 911 call for February 2. That was my residence that George Zimmerman helped stop.

    Taaffe continues, All of the perpetrators of the burglaries, the prior burglaries, were young black males.

    This entire case has been turned into a travesty of justice and was, in my opinion, brought forward politically.

  13. Rhonda Bianchi says:

    Oh wow; now Martin has dragged Zimmerman from his car. Thats alot of fat for a tall skinny kid. Martin weight is measured with height; compared to Zimmerman short and fat body weight. For the person who wrote the comment in regards to liberals. Lets start with this habitual, chronic, melitious, pathetic liar Zimmerman is; portraying himself as the victim. The assasination of his character is damaging in the 2008 report made from his harrassing a co-worker making racist comments and tried to swindle the guy for his money just as he did collecting money on the internet that all suckers paid into for his personal debt, that is and now wifey and he are about to face charges. Obviously they say a child doesn’t learn this kind of behavior it’s usally taught in the breedig, I believe the sick father obviously played a major role in this; there running the switch and bate like the “MADOFF FAMILY”; can’t forget them. Zimmerman need’s to stop wasting taxpayer’s dollar’s and stop taking from other’s to pay his debt for his Bi-polar behavior “Oh I messed up” everyone isn’t stupid the writtings on the wall he know he killed this kid and trying the big cover-up with the stand your ground law. “We saw how that played out for the texas guy he lost when he provoked it, and caused a death. Let see I don’t have very good memory due to my add..ahhh…Bipolar
    Trayvon had my nose and mouth covered with his hands of Zimmermans own re-enactment of what happened and statements to police, over, and over again; gotta be consistent “god forbid”. I’m like the prosecutor playing devils advocate. If Trayvon Martin had George Zimmerman nose and mouth covered up then hows is it he’s screaming for help when Trayvon Martin autopsy report shows he was shot at “Point Blank In The Chest”; (“Meaning Gun Directly On His Chest”). If George Zimmerman is so dazed and confused with his ADD/Bi-Polor/Medications,HE STATES TO POLICE ON RELEASED RECORDING HIMSELF, Then I’d like to know how the hell is he screaming. The person is screaming as the gun goes off then you hear silence. If Zimmerman was so fearing for his made-up lie oh life wouldn’t he have continued screaming thats what people do who are in fear or shock…..You see “ZIMMERMAN STORY IS JUST TO DAMN PERFECT”, FOR ANYONE TO BELIEVE….For the Believers Out There in Zimmerman it shows that your state of mind is just as out there as Zimmerman or worst. But judgement day for George Zimmerman shall come of his own doing of his Imaginary Perfect storm (Crime) in thinking he could get away with it… He will be released unto general population and this is where his Lies will cease and finally come to an end and he could thank the lying family that raised such a “FREAKIN SMUCK”, When all he had to do was tell the truth and he’s diggin a deeper hole for himself and the gates of hell is waiting for his arrival this guy will do anything to save his own ass. His family, attorney and he will stop at nothing.

  14. Post Scripts says:

    Check back after the trial and lets how it plays out. You might be right, but until a jury has heard the facts and weighed the testimony at best all we have is our “opinion.” If the jury finds him not guilty will you be willing to admit you were wrong then or have you already convicted the man? -Jack

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