Posted by Tina
Looks like its punch and counter-punch regarding Romney and Bain Capital on the campaign trail!
Democrats have come out swinging, targeting Romney as a greedy job killing capitalist during his years at Bain Capital. As usual they found willing victims to throw the first punches in a video featuring a little company called GST Steel:
A number of prominent Democrats have expressed displeasure with the attack and for good reason. We’ll let them explain:
If that isn’t bad enough, it turns out Romney wasn’t even at Bain Capital when the steel company failed, instead, one of the head guys in charge at the time was a Democrat and he’s a big Obama bundler to boot. Robert Costa of National Review reports from an LA Times article:
Jonathan Lavine, according to the Los Angeles Times, is a top Obama bundler and a managing director at Bain Capital. Lavine, who has raised over $100,000 for the president, was at the firm when GST Steel declared bankruptcy.
The President, who was lauded in 2007 as a man with terrific speaking abilities isn’t worried. He intends to continue to punch at Romney:
“When you’re president, as opposed to the head of a private equity firm, your job is not simply to maximize profits,” Obama said. “Your job is to figure out how everybody in the country has a fair shot. Your job is to think about those workers who got laid off, and how are we paying for their retraining. Your job is to think about how those communities can start creating new clusters so that they can start attracting new businesses.”
When the President does this he risks sounding like a little kid playing dress up and pretending to be a big shot.
Mitt Romney’s adult counterpunch:
“What this election is about is the 23 million Americans who are still struggling to find work and the millions who have lost their homes and have fallen into poverty,” Romney added. “President Obama refuses to accept moral responsibility for his failed policies. My campaign is offering a positive agenda to help America get back to work.”
Finally…someone who understands! It is the American people that have the money and power to put American’s back to work and get this nation moving again.
Read specifics about Mitt Romney’s Proposals on his webpage. Find his proposals for cutting spending here.
In what way has this backfired?
It hasn’t had a chance to demonstrate efficacy.
Please just answer the question. (This is a good time to start practicing what Jack was being critical of Libby about.)
Technically Romney was running the Olympics when the steel company failed but he was still the CEO of Bain. And why should I care what the mayor of some city in New Jersey thinks anyway? Is there no actual news anymore? All I ever see is opinions given by people who never know what they are talking about. Can’t we get some network to actually investigate stories and report to us what is going on instead of taking dictation from candidates?
I have been trying to find information from the Romney campaign that includes actual plans for what Romney wants to accomplish and how he will do it. All I can find is stupid stuff like this where one person talks about Bain and another person says something else and the only thing the media can do is tell us what other people are saying about Bain. I want to know what the facts are, not what people’s opinions are. I want to read what Romney’s plans are from Romney.
I am not a fan of Romney and his recent op-ed about NATO was idiotic. He is running a very simplistic campaign with little actual information for voters. He has known he would be our candidate for 4 years now. Why can’t I find some concrete plans to dig us out of this crap hole that Bush put us into and Obama dug deeper and deeper and deeper.
There was a time in this country when an ad like the one issued by the Obama team would have gone completely unchallenged.
This ad not only sparked immediate and strong rebuttal but will continue to spark discussion and debate throughout the campaigne that will serve to educate and inform the public. It has backfired as a propaganda tool.
Princess I have posted links to webpages that explain Romneys proposals several times. Either you haven’t been reading my blog comments or you are willfully refusing to accept proposals, the ONLY thing any presidential candidate can do unless he’s willing to LIE about what is possible as Obama did when he said he would cause the seas to recede, or he would get the unemployment numbers down, or when he promised we could keep our health insurance and costs would go down.
FIND ROMNEY’S PROPOSALS HERE (posted as a link at the bottom of this article):
Princess you don’t seem to be sincere in your requests for information.
And your attitude that Bush put us into this mess after all of the information we have posted is also suspect. We have shown that there were many contributing factors and some warning including: Democrats in Congress over two or three decades; the legislation passed to create a poisoned pool and encourage risky investment; the friends of Democrats that made big money under the schemes at Fannie; and the many warnings issued by Bush to try and get Congress to address the problem.
You don’t seem to acknowledge or find fault with the Democrat policies that got us into this mess or the idiotic fixes we have witnessed for three years under Obama. Why is that?
If you actually want information you’re going to have to pay closer attention and you are going to have to be willing to breach the boundaries of your belief systems.
I’ve been to those pages and checked out those issues. They are very general ideas. I acknowledge that government policies got us into this mess. I’m not willingn to say they were all Democrat because Republicans had a big hand in looting the country too. You might remember that the bank bailout passed with support from both sides of the corruption aisle. Why do you think the Tea Party was created? Not because Republican voters were thrilled with their party.
Romney had an op ed about NATO that is ridiculous. I am not a fan of Romney wanting to increase our defense budget but cut back on programs in the U.S. If you read about NATO you will see that our allies are also broke but they expect the US to fund NATO’s defense budget. We are the largest contributor while everyone else is cutting back. WE CAN’T AFFORD THIS! I am fine with cuts to US programs. But I am not fine with cuts to our infrastructure improvement and our education and our health care and our social security when Romney wants to increase the defense budget so we can go out and police the world. We can sit here and blame this on Democrats all we want, but I think we are better off demanding specifics from our own side and demanding the improve their performance. I guess I just expect more from conservatives. But I readily admit that I am not in any way a Romney supporter. I think he was forced on us by the RNC who fails at listening to its supporters.
The actions of certain Democrats undoubtedly contributed to the corrupt actions of Freddie and Fannie, which had an effect on the housing crisis. However, this effect was negligible compared to the effects of private firms who did not have to meet the same regulations as Freddie and Fannie. Over 84% of subprime loans were issued by these private firms. The deregulation of these firms was mostly supported and enacted by Republicans.
Princess is correct that this was a bipartisan problem.
What specifics laws do you think our leaders should adopt?
I’m not saying you should refrain from criticizing republicans. I am saying that to constantly criticize republicans as the creators of the mess is ridiculous. If not for many of the policies democrats proposed, all of the entitlement programs, forcing banks to make bad loans, creating/supporting public employee unions that demand ridiculous (greedy) compensation packages etc., there likely would not have been a financial melt down and we certainly wouldn’t be drowning in debt.
The problem, however, is really with the people who have come to believe the big democrat lie, that big government is good.
Mitt Romney proposes the following specifics on tax policy and spending policy!
Personal tax proposals:
Corp tax proposals:
On cutting Spending:
Chris: “However, this effect was negligible compared to the effects of private firms who did not have to meet the same regulations as Freddie and Fannie.”
Well they wouldn’t be similarly regulated since they do not provide the same service, now would they!
Fannie and Freddie don’t originate loans. they buy and bundle loans originated by private banks and lenders. The private banks were forced by law to make bad loans through legislation passed by Carter and Clinton. The smarter than a box of rocks democrats thought this was perfectly okay, sound banking practice, BECAUSE they could bundle bad loans in with the good and SELL THEM to Fannie and Freddie on the secondary market. Get enough bad loans bundled and the pool is poisoned. Nobody is keeping track of the number of bad loans…nobody can!!! meanwhile Jamie Gorelick is saying go ahead make as many loans as you can…we want to buy them at Fannie (because could then award herself about $9 billion in bonus and salary compensation).
Tina: “Fannie and Freddie don’t originate loans. they buy and bundle loans originated by private banks and lenders.”
And wouldn’t you say the banks that originated the loans bear a larger responsibility?
“The private banks were forced by law to make bad loans through legislation passed by Carter and Clinton.”
As I’ve already pointed out, this is not true, and it won’t become true no matter how many times you repeat it. Please read the articles I linked to, or do some research of your own, preferably outside the confines of conservative think tanks. As McClatchy reported, “Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law that’s being lambasted by conservative critics.”
Blaming Carter and the CRA, which has existed for thirty years, is too dumb to believe. It also ignores the fact that the housing crisis was global. Did American Democrats also cause the housing crisis in Spain, or any of the other countries it occurred in?
Chris: “As I’ve already pointed out, this is not true, and it won’t become true no matter how many times you repeat it. Please read the articles I linked to, or do some research of your own, preferably outside the confines of conservative think tanks.”
I suggest youn take your own advice. McClatchy is using a ploy, picking a year when few loans were made to “prove” its story.
The material I found comes from many different sources, some conservative, some liberal. The first was writen in 2000, long before the meltdown. It was published in City Journal. Its long but filled with a lot of background information and it explains (form my perspective) why Bush kept encouraging Congress to do something about what he saw as a looming problem.
This article is from 2011 and is a lot shorter so I will post an excerpt:
The highlighted section above tells us why few loans were made in the years running up to the crash. Most of them were made before 2000 and were bundled and sold, re-bundled and resold, throughout the world. The entire secondary equity market was slowly poisoned.
Americas responsibility in this worldwide debacle is probably what made Bush, as President of our country, go for the bailout.
It is important for the American people to know about this because we should NEVER AGAIN allow ANY politician or group of politicians and private special interest groups to do this to us and to the world.
Heres a 2008 article from the Spectator in the United Kingdom:
Articles about lawsuits filed against banks:
August 23, 1994
The table is set:
October 13, 1993 | From Reuters
All across the country from DC to LA:
June 21, 1994
Clinton is out Bush is in, time to alter the media message:
Chris these articles aren’t just from conservative blogs or think tanks.
I have not said Carter caused the problem. I have said Carters well-meaning legislation opened the door and was expanded and used under the Clinton administration.
Tina: “I suggest youn take your own advice. McClatchy is using a ploy, picking a year when few loans were made to “prove” its story.”
Do you have evidence for this claim? I didn’t see any referenced in the links you provided. Is there a different year we should be looking at in order to compare CRA banks with non-CRA banks? Which one?
Your links do show that a broad application of the Community Reinvestment Act caused a lot of problems and allowed Fannie and Freddie to behave unethically. Many banks were pressured by these laws. This contributed to the crisis. I have never denied this.
However, what all of those articles miss is the COMPARISON between banks which were subject to this and other laws, and banks which were not. In fact, none of the articles you cite seem to even acknowledge the existence of the non-CRA banks. They don’t take those into account in their analyses at all, even though those banks made more subprime loans than the banks which were subject to those regulations. Such a huge omission makes these analyses extremely flawed.
According to McClatchy:
–More than 84 percent of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions.
–Private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year.
–Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the housing law [CRA] that’s being lambasted by conservative critics.
It has also been pointed out by McClatchy and others that CRA loans were much less likely to default than non-CRA loans.
If these facts are true, don’t you think they are relevant in determining the key cause of the financial crisis? Why do analyses which attempt to blame the CRA, Fannie and Freddie, and Democrat-passed regulations gloss right over these facts?
We the victims of BAIN Capital can never agree it will backfire to tell our story and warn Americans of what they will get under a President Romney!
We are just getting started and coming to a rally near you!
Chris: “I didn’t see any referenced in the links you provided. Is there a different year we should be looking at in order to compare CRA banks with non-CRA banks? Which one?”
Think of a balloon slowly filling, Chris, over a period of years until it was filled beyond its fill capacity…BOOM…the balloon burst. This is how the housing “bubble” came about. To pick a single year in which fewer loans were made and claim that as proof that the CRA wasn’t the underpinning regulation that caused the problem is to cherry pick the evidence. The bad loans were bundled and sold and bundled and sold all over the world. Money could be made every time they were sold. That was the LEGAL (but stupid) incentive that spurred enthusiasm in the housing and securities markets. A similar situation is developing now in the student loan market:
“They don’t take those into account in their analyses at all, even though those banks made more subprime loans than the banks which were subject to those regulations. Such a huge omission makes these analyses extremely flawed.”
I haven’t found an article or opinion that addresses this in particular. I can surmise that the housing market, and the ability to bundle bad loans in the securities market, spurred these lenders to jump on the band wagon. There is no doubt that lowered lending standards permeated the lending market. The ease with which loans could be gotten made demand for housing to take off…a false demand since many of the loans would prove to be ill-advised down the road. People become euphoric when there is money to be made. In the high inflation seventies people were buying gold and making things out of gold to sell to beat the band because gold kept going up…because there was money in it. Other than this coming together of bad policy and enthusiasm I don’t have an answer to your question.
I’d like to know how a regulation that covers lending practices doesn’t apply to any entity making loans. The words “private lenders not subject to CRA” seems suspect to me. Banks are privately held and are subject to CRA regulation.
FIREDBYBAIN you must be one of those people who expect that life should always come up roses. You think that companies exist just to guarantee you a job. You are one of the greedy (union?) types that thinks money grows on trees. Or part of a union that demands unsustainable compensation packages through intimidation and threats and drain capital out of a business until it can no longer survive. I have a feeling that YOU are part of the reason your company failed because of your own self-serving and selfish greed. Some companies cannot be saved because the people who work there, including management will not learn or don’t have a product worth what ti costs to produce it.
The real world…a place where we tell the truth about what is possible.
Why don’t you get your own butt out there, take a risk with your own money, create a business, hire people and be responsible for making payroll and see how fast your perspective about what is needed to hire and employ people and to continue to thrive so those jobs are sustained.
Go for it with your Romney bashing BS…I will meet you head on with the truth I have gained from having taken that risk personally.
Tina: “Whats the next industry to bubble up, pop and collapse?
Student loans, said our new friend, Barry Dyke. He has been following the money and he sees a lot of it going to education. Why?”
The student loan bust was 100% guaranteed to happen when ObamaCare added the forgiveness clause and our idiot elected officials passed it.
Who did they think was going to pick up the tab for the unpaid balance?!! The banks? The shareholders? The taxpayers? I know, they thought the fictitious money cloud was going to rain enough money drops to pay back everyone left holding a signed contract?
I dont have a bachelor degree, but I had enough common sense to run a very successful small business for years and could see this train wreck coming when I first heard about it.
Student forgiveness clause in ObamaCare:
The bill provides that if a student loan borrower makes payments equal to 10% of their discretionary income for a period of 10 yrs, the balance of their federal student loan debt will be forgiven.
The challenge to put this country right is HUGE. We can’t get started unless we have someone at the helm with the experience, knowledge, and maturity to solve problems and make decisions. Romney is the man for this time…warts and all, as they say, cause there are no perfect candidates.