Must See – New Obama Tax Rates Verses the Romney Plan

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3 Responses to Must See – New Obama Tax Rates Verses the Romney Plan

  1. Princess says:

    Does Romney have his plans published anywhere so we can read them? I was looking for his health care plan to see what Obamacare might be replaced with and I didn’t see one and I just started looking for his tax plan and I’m not seeing one. I just want to read from Romney’s own people what his actual plans are for the country if he is elected. I’m sick of getting all of my information through our idiotic media filter.

  2. Tina says:

    Princess it’s impossible for any candidate or president to do more than make proposals because presidents do not write legislation. Romney won’t promise to do anything but he will tell you what he believes the Congress should do and what his policies proposals would be. Find his health care proposals here:

    Obama promised to cover everyone…after Obamacare passed the number of uninsured is still high and many have lost the insurance their employer once provided:

    Those with pre-existing conditions aren’t doing better either:

    Government cannot get the job done and it is very expensive for a lousy product. it doesn’t solve problems; it makes more.

    Business only stays in business when it satisfies its customers. It must provide a good product at a reasonable cost. Romneys proposals, if enacted, would create more competition, provide more choices, and allow each state to decide what it’s health plan policy will be.

    Does any of this help?

  3. Tina says:

    Jack your other post this morning puts this posting in perspective. Our government has become so expensive, with so much debt, that the big cuts we would all love to see will be difficult for anyone to enact. Romney’s plan is at least designed to put capital back in the hands of producers where growth and jobs can begin to happen. Dismanteling the big government leviathan will not be easy or pretty if, indeed, it can ever be accomplished given the lack of support for freedom and personal responsibility in this country. I often wonder what would happen if suddenly a switch were flipped and all government departments and programs ended. I can imagine it would be chaotic but would the apathetic dependent begin to realize they need to work, save, and spend with care? I dunno…might create revolution instead.

    We know what will happen if we continue down this road..a long slow decent into feudalism, statism…equality of dependency/misery?

    Whomever presides over this mess will have his work cut out for him.

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