Just In: All is well with AZ, Obama’s birth certificate is fine says Hawaii. (See comments from Chris for more details)
In the news – Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett is threatening to keep President Obama’s name off the state’s ballot in November unless he receives confirmation from Hawaii that it has a valid birth certificate on file for him.
Bennett, who spoke to Arizona radio host Mike Broomhead Thursday, said he requested the confirmation eight weeks ago and has not gotten it. Hawaii, he said, does not have to supply a certified copy of the birth certificate, merely send him an email confirming that it has one.
Of course, if Bennett had been following this issue at all, he’d know that the state of Hawaii has publicly confirmed that they have copies of Obama’s birth certificate on several different occasions. So Bennett is either extremely uninformed, or he is lying. The state of Hawaii is right not to cave into his request for information he could have easily read in any newspaper, or found by doing a simple Google search.
Jack, you need to watch this. All of you need to watch this.
This is embarrassing. There is a video online somewhere with the emails back and forth from Arizona and Hawaii. Hawaii is asking this guy if he plans to verify the birth certificates for all candidates on the ballot. I read somewhere else that Arpaio sent a sherriff’s deputy on the taxpayer’s dime to Hawaii to verify the birth certificate in person. I hope that is not true. Aside from the fact that the birth certificate has been released I don’t really know how they faked an announcement in the paper. This guy Bennett is either a complete fool, or he believes the birth certificate is real and he is just fanning the flames of the extremists in Arizona which is really not good for the party.
Joseph, there is not one person on earth who needs to watch a video entitled “Obama: The Groomed from Birth Dictator,” created by 9/11 truther Alex Jones, whose stated mission is to fight the “New World Order.” There are simply some people and positions which we do not need to waste our precious time paying attention to. Holocaust deniers. White supremacists. 9/11 truthers. The Westboro Baptist Church. Hate group leaders. It isn’t closed-minded or elitist to recognize that there is nothing of value to be learned from such people. For your sake, and the sake of our nation’s political process, you need to learn to choose your sources of information more wisely.
Princess: “I read somewhere else that Arpaio sent a sherriff’s deputy on the taxpayer’s dime to Hawaii to verify the birth certificate in person. I hope that is not true.”
Arpaio has said he is doing this. Who knows if it’s true.
I wonder how many sex crimes Arpaio is ignoring while searching for a birth certificate that everyone’s already seen.
“Both cases were among more than 400 sex-crimes reported to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s office during a three-year period ending in 2007 including dozens of alleged child molestations that were inadequately investigated and in some instances were not worked at all, according to current and former police officers familiar with the cases.
“In El Mirage alone, where Arpaio’s office was providing contract police services, officials discovered at least 32 reported child molestations with victims as young as 2 years old where the sheriff’s office failed to follow through, even though suspects were known in all but six cases.
“Many of the victims, said a retired El Mirage police official who reviewed the files, were children of illegal immigrants.”
Hawaii sends Arizona verification of Obama’s birth
by Yvonne Wingett Sanchez – May. 22, 2012
The Republic
Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/politics/articles/2012/05/22/20120522obama-birth-hawaii-arizona-verification.html#ixzz1vju1AVee
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett said Tuesday night that he has received information from Hawaii that proves President Obama’s American birth and satisfies Arizona’s requirements for having the president on the upcoming election ballot.
A Hawaii official sent Bennett’s office verification of birth for President Obama on Tuesday, according to both Bennett and Hawaii officials.
Bennett said the issue is now resolved from his point of view. He has cancelled a planned Wednesday news conference where he was expected to discuss the issue.
“I’m happy that we got what we asked for and that’s what I was expecting all along,” Bennett said Tuesday night.
Bennett made national news earlier this month when he asked Hawaii to verify Obama’s birthplace to ensure the President is eligible to appear on Arizona’s November ballot.
His decision reignited the simmering birther movement, though Bennett has said he doesn’t associate with the birthers.
On Tuesday Joshua A. Wisch, special assistant to the attorney general in Hawaii, said the matter had been resolved.
“We have received information from Secretary Bennett that satisfied our requirement and has therefore provided his office with a verification of birth for President Obama,” Wisch wrote in an email.
I had lunch yesterday with a good friend who has written two books and is working on another one about surviving breast cancer, based on her own experience. I asked her about the process for submitting her personal bio information. She said she filed out a form each time and submitted it to the publisher. Just as we thought Jack.
Knowing this woman as good as I do I have no doubt that she was telling the truth and is very familiar with the process.
If you missed it before here is the signed affidavit by the mailman who delivered Bill Ayers parents mail for several decades.
That’s it Chris. Don’t even listen to anything Jerome Corsi has to say, who by the way is a Harvard PHD. If you had bothered listening to that interview you might have learned something.
And as far as Alex Jones is concerned, he’s not going to put up with the stench of the New World Odor, its puppet masters and its stooges.
Just go back to believing what the mainstream media and Barry Hussein Soetoro tells you because you can’t handle the truth.
Joseph: “And as far as Alex Jones is concerned, he’s not going to put up with the stench of the New World Odor, its puppet masters and its stooges.
Just go back to believing what the mainstream media and Barry Hussein Soetoro tells you because you can’t handle the truth.”
Thank you, Joseph, for protecting us from our reptilian overlords!
Chris, if you’d listen to Michael Savage you would know Obama rewards poverty and persecutes those who are successful.
Instead, you can only make fun of those who are telling you the truth while you are seduced by Barry Hussein Soetoro.
Go ahead and make fun, Chris. You can make fun of me all you want.
It makes no never mind to me.
And you can make fun of Alex Jones all you want, but he will still not put up with any guff from the New World Order types.
Heck, I hope making fun of us makes you feel better. I hope it can ease the pain of the harsh realities the politicians you support have created for us.
The remaining problems is that Arizona has not checked Mitt Romney’s birth certificate. Here they go to the extent of asking a state to confirm a birth certificate for Obama and they do not even want to see Mitt Romney’s birth certificate.
Romney has not published his birth certificate, and as a result we have only his word that he was born in Michigan.
Why doesn’t Arizona treat every candidate fairly and, in the process, do its job of vetting whether all candidates are eligible? Why has it not even occurred to the Secretary of State of Arizona that if it is possible for Obama to have been born outside of the USA, it is just as possible for Romney to have been born outside of the USA?
Ah, yes. How could I be such a fool as to not listen to that wise sage, Michael Savage? Let’s look at some of his words of wisdom, those nigh-Confucian gems he has contributed to the discourse over his distinguished career:
“Now, the illness du jour is autism. You know what autism is? I’ll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it’s a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out. That’s what autism is. What do you mean they scream and they’re silent? They don’t have a father around to tell them, “Don’t act like a moron. You’ll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don’t sit there crying and screaming, idiot.”
My autistic brother will be thrilled! Medical genius Michael Savage has discovered that, contrary to the opinion of doctors and scientists, with their “research” and “years of careful study” (code word for COMMUNISM, amirite?) my brother doesn’t really have a medical condition at all. Why, all I need to do it tell him, “Stop acting like a putz,” and he’ll be cured! Oh happy day!
On Muslims:
“They say, ‘Oh, there’s a billion of them.’ I said, ‘So, kill 100 million of them, then there’ll be 900 million of them.’ I mean, would you rather diewould you rather us die than them?””
Foreign policy expertise hasn’t been this bold since Adolf Hitler!
His life-changing advice to a gay caller:
“So you’re one of those sodomists. Are you a sodomite?…Oh, you’re one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How’s that?”
Truly, he’s the Yoda of our galaxy!
On the Nobel Comittee:
“90 percent of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child pornography and molestation, according to the latest scientific studies.”
We all think it, but he says it!
Joseph, thank you for the invitation to mock you. See, I had you all wrong: I thought you were just being misinformed by crazy people. Now I see that are one of the crazy people. If your fear of the New World Order didn’t tip me off, then your bizarre choice to call Barack Obama by his stepfather’s last name would have. There can be no reasoning with you.
Good points, Ellen. What’s good for the goose is good for the guy who grew up eating goose.
Good question Ellen! If their rules require verification then they should ask for proof from Michigan that Romney was born there.
Maybe they have and we haven’t heard about it because of the lack of controversy…or maybe it’s political and Arizona is just sticking the administration in the eye for bringing a lawsuit against them for a bill that reads exactly like the federal law on immigration.
Again, good point and thank you for joining us in our discussions. We enjoy hearing from people of all political persuasions.
After doing some more research on Michael Savage, I found that he has written that the Norway massacre was an inside job:
“This has all the appearances of a cover-up. They created their Reichstag fire. They found their Timothy McVeigh. They created their Jack Ruby…
…This is likely a fabrication of the Labour Party, who needs to hold onto power to enforce their multi-culturalist, Muslim-favoring, anti-nationalist views, especially in light of the earlier credit for this atrocity claimed by the radical Muslim group whose leader they were threatening to deport.”
Note to Peggy: Savage’s bizarre conspiracy theory was published on World Net Daily, a site which publishes almost nothing but conspiracy theories, and which you often admit to getting your information and news from. This is a fact I will glady remind you of if I see you link to that deranged hate site again.
Citations, Chris?
So Hawaii has provided the proof that the birth certificate is real and Ken Bennett has apologized for even asking for it in the first place. This guy is a co-chairman of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign and is probably goingn to run for governor in 2014. This whole thing just made the whole party look bad. I can’t believe Romney hired this idiot.
It is not that hard to Google.
Princess: “This guy is a co-chairman of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign and is probably goingn to run for governor in 2014. This whole thing just made the whole party look bad. I can’t believe Romney hired this idiot.”
Oh, so THAT’S why he didn’t ask for Romney’s birth certificate! It all makes sense now.
Michael Savage does have a savage style but it would be a mistake to dismiss him because of it. His background gives him more authority to comment on misdiagnosis of autism than most:
From wikipedia:
Chris if you had any interest in learning anything outside that pc box you might have included Dr Savage’s comments that differentiate between actual cases of autism and those kids that have other problems. His concern is that doctors, eager to come up with an easy fix, often hand out an Rx when that isn’t really necessary. He is also concerned about the side effects of medicines. A lot of the problem kids that are given these medicines (it started with ridelin didn’t it?) could see improvement under a consitant firm authority figure. One of the interesting things about autism is that autistics do better when they feel secure. A firm father figure provides security and certainty in the environment…two conditions that are often absent in single mother homes or homes where the father did not have a good father to act as roll model in his own upbringing.
Chris: “This is a fact I will glady remind you of if I see you link to that deranged hate site again.”
I don’t believe Jack has put you in charge of issuing warnings (a covert threat) to our contributors. I would ask that you refrain from comments that border on harrassment and bullying. It is one thing to disagree or even disapprove; it is another to play parent or teacher…or tyrant.
If I’m out of line on this, Jack, please feel free to let me know publically.
Chris: Note to Peggy: Savage’s bizarre conspiracy theory was published on World Net Daily, a site which publishes almost nothing but conspiracy theories, and which you often admit to getting your information and news from. This is a fact I will glady remind you of if I see you link to that deranged hate site again.
This one is for you Chris. I hope you didnt have the same type of teachers this young man did. He is to be commended for standing up to this teacher and exposing her for her vile behavior and violating her fiduciary responsibilities. (Please note the authors info. and website.)
Rehash Obama’s past? You bet we should!
Exclusive: Erik Rush is hopeful that educating Americans will yield opposition to prez
A few days ago, news junkies learned of a story that has since picked up momentum, and whose accompanying video segment has gone viral online. This involves a North Carolina high school student named Hunter Rogers, who was berated by his teacher after he questioned her on the relevance of President Obamas past versus that of presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney. The teacher went medieval, alternately belittling and threatening Rogers while spewing inane propaganda and inaccuracies in a classic shrill, histrionic fit.
Whether this teacher is intellectually challenged, or was having some sort of emotional episode, the question of whether or not she ought to retain her teaching credentials should be taken seriously, since instructors like her are a significant part of the reason for social unconsciousness on the part of Americans in general. If youve not had the opportunity to listen to this exchange, youre really missing out, because it exemplifies not only the abysmal level of competence on the part of some of our educators, but the irrational allegiance some Obama supporters have to him.
Erik Rush Info:
Erik Rush is a columnist and author of sociopolitical fare. His latest book is “Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal – America’s Racial Obsession.” In 2007, he was the first to give national attention to the story of Sen. Barack Obama’s ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright, initiating a media feeding frenzy. Erik has appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity and Colmes,” CNN, and is a veteran of numerous radio appearances.
Full story and video here:
Tina, telling someone that the deranged hate site they’re linking to is, in fact, a deranged hate site, is now considered “bullying?” I don’t accept that. I did not say anything threatening, nor did I harass anyone. I criticized a source commonly used by one of this site’s frequent contributors, and I told her that I will point out the illegitimacy and extremism of the source if she decides to use it again. You can’t possibly see this as somehow out of bounds in a debate.
The “bullying” accusation is especially ironic coming from you. You’ve argued that telling a 17-year-old Muslim girl to “ride a camel” is not bullying.
What about Michael Savage telling a caller to “get AIDS and die?” Was that bullying?
The worst you have to say about him, even after I showed comments where he says some of the most vile stuff imaginable, is that he has a “savage style?” Then you go on to say I should take him seriously because he has a PhD?
Excuse me, but this is total bullsh*t.
Peggy, I’m sorry, but I will not read anything else you post from World Net Daily. It is simply not a valuable use of my time. There is a line where a source of information becomes non-credible and worthless. WND crossed that line long ago.
Do you really have nothing to say about that site publishing an accusation, with no evidence whatsoever, that the massacre of Norwegian children by Anders Breivik was orchestrated by that country’s Labour Party? When all available evidence shows that Breivik was a crazed anti-Muslim, anti-multicultural lunatic who said he was inspired by people like Michael Savage? Don’t you find that pretty disgusting? Does it make you feel like that site is a reliable source of information?
What about you, Tina? You read Savage’s insane conspiracy theory, as well as the other stuff he wrote that I quoted. And your only response is to defend the man’s academic credentials? You should be taking a stand and saying that this kind of rhetoric has no place in the Republican Party.
I don’t care what Savage’s “point” about autism was. Lots of people have claimed that autism is over-diagnosed WITHOUT making up ridiculous statistics and insulting the vast majority of children with autism and their families. These people have not randomly accused people of being pedophiles, told people to “get AIDS and die,” advocated ethnic cleansing, or come up with bizarre conspiracy theories in order to blame people for murders they did not commit. Michael Savage has done all of these things. And you think I’m being irrational for saying, “No, this man is not worth listening to?” You think that’s evidence of living inside a “PC box?” That’s nuts.
What about Joseph’s paranoia over the “New World Order?” You should say something about this! You should have a problem with your fellow conservatives getting their news from 9/11 truthers and other conspiracy nuts. You don’t like it when you’re accused of being the party of bigots, liars, and crazies…well, that’s what you get when you constantly play defense for bigots, liars, and crazy people. You jump all over me for criticizing these people, but you have not a negative word to say about the far worse things they’ve said. How do you expect people to see you?
And please don’t respond with your usual, “But but but Democrats! They’re mean too!” Because then any claim you have left to the notion of “personal responsibility” will be officially out the window.
Peggy, I did manage to catch this:
“Erik Rush is a columnist and author of sociopolitical fare. His latest book is “Negrophilia””
That is disgusting and racist. Yes, I know Erik Rush is black. That is still disgusting and racist and he should be ashamed of himself. Can you get any closer to the words “Nigger Lover” and still have plausible deniability?
Chris: “telling someone that the deranged hate site they’re linking to is, in fact, a deranged hate site, is now considered ‘bullying?'”
No…warning (threatening) someone is bullying:
“This is a fact I will glady remind you of if I see you link to that deranged hate site again.”
You have the right to think of the site as a “deranged hate site”.
You don’t need to threaten Peggy with your wrath for the things she chooses to post here. Hall monitoring is not required of you on this site. Our readers have the capacity and sensibility to decide for themselves what is deranged and what is not.
Tina: “You don’t need to threaten Peggy with your wrath for the things she chooses to post here.”
I said I would remind her of something. That’s not a threat!
“Our readers have the capacity and sensibility to decide for themselves what is deranged and what is not.”
Clearly, they do not.
Oh, please … again ….
I’ll tell you what happened. Bennett got a call from Romney National Campaign Headquarters advising him, in no uncertain terms, that if he have any hopes of rising to prominence in any future administrations, he’d better knock it off.
Chris: “Peggy, I did manage to catch this:
“Erik Rush is a columnist and author of sociopolitical fare. His latest book is “Negrophilia””
That is disgusting and racist. Yes, I know Erik Rush is black. That is still disgusting and racist and he should be ashamed of himself. Can you get any closer to the words “Nigger Lover” and still have plausible deniability?”
Chris, Just when I think you and I can have a civilized conversation you pull another stunt like this.
I have the RIGHT to believe the way I want and to use materials from whatever source I decide to validate my point of view.
You on the other hand do NOT have the right to call me a Nigger Lover (Your words not mine), because I believe Mr. Rush has valid points and has the right to express them.
Colin Powell is also under attack for his beliefs by individuals of his own race:
Unearthed: Young Obama took racial swipe at Colin Powell. Implied four star general acceptable to white America By Aaron Klein
Radical black leaders have long taken racial swipes at Powell, accusing him of being a sell out and an Uncle Tom for joining Republican administrations.
Such anti-Powell rhetoric, for example, was routine for Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who in the 1990s served as a regular guest lecturer at Obamas Trinity United Church. In 1995, Obama, Wright and Al Sharpton marched in Farrakhans October 16th Million Man March.
In an October 24, 1989 Washington, DC. Speech, Farrakhan even claimed Powell was planning a war against the black people of America
To this day, Farrakhan still sounds off about Powell. In an address this past April, the extremist preacher called Powell a black man in front of a policy to kill black people
In the same speech, Farrakhan stated both Obama and Powell want a pat on the back from their former slave-masters and their children.
In a May 2003 speech sponsored by Harvard Law School, Sharpton likened Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice to subservient house slaves.
In a 2007 Tennessee speech, Sharpton was asked by an audience member whether Powell and Rice are house Negros.
Sharpton replied: I dont know that they are viewed as house Negros in the term. I believe that they are in the house and the rest of us are in the field. So it would not be an inaccurate description.
In 2002, actor and activist Harry Belafonte compared Powell to a plantation slave who moves into the slave owners house and says only things that will please his master.
Colin Powells committed to come into the house of the master. When Colin Powell dares to suggest something other than what the master wants to hear, he will be turned back out to pasture.
Im disappointed in you Chris. It is really sad to see a young man with so much potential sink to the level of the far-left extremists and use bullying, hate speech and race-baiting tactics against someone with different opinions. Do you not see that treating me the way you do is the same as a racist doing the same to a person of color? You must, but feel youre justified in doing so.
Point of clarification: I am a lover of black people Chris. I respect them and consider them my equal. Always have and always will.
When I was a child my best friend was a black girl from Georgia. People in the US were very surprised to hear me talk with a Georgia accent after living in Germany for 3 years. At work a single black mom and I became best friends and went to many college and social functions together and got our families together on weekends. During my Harley riding days I had the best time riding and rooming with another black woman who was so much fun we just had the best time together.
So, before you call anyone else a Nigger Lover, (Again your words not mine.) you need to look in to a mirror and see who the racist is.
Good bye!
Arpiao is being targeted, isolated, demeaned and smeared by the same group that targeted Sarah Palin and others and for POLITICAL REASONS, not because of actual or proved wrongdoing.
Sources that report the so-called bad record of Arpiao are careful to make accusations without producing evidence other than further accusation, inuendo, and hearsay or rumor.
A superior tone, coupled with this underhanded method of “winning” deserves nothing more than absolute shunning and denouncement.
Chris: “You should be taking a stand and saying that this kind of rhetoric has no place in the Republican Party.”
You should be looking to the failures of morality and truth and the lack of civility of speech from your own parties spokesmen before haughtily harrassing people on Post Scripts like a little tyrant or holding them responsible for everything anyone even vaguely associated with the Republican Party says.
PS…you are not required to read or comment on anything that is posted on Post Scripts.
PPS..this is not your personal classroom and no one here signed up to be participants in your seminar.
In Arizona, the legislature passed a bill requiring proof of birth. The departments charged with following through have done what was required of them. Arpiao ‘s efforts resulted from petition by the people. All of this is legitimate and according to our constitutional rights, obligations, and abilities as citizens. Here’s what happened after the law was passed by the Arizona legislature:
August 2011
Which he didhe asked his Cold Case Posse to investigate:
September 2011
So the investigation WAS NOT TAXPAYER FUNDED.
Powerful entities in politics will ensure that the whole truth about our secretive, shape shifting president wont be known until many decades have passed, if at all. In the meantime we shouldnt completely discount evidence that people have gathered on the word of political opponents with a strong desire to shield the President and deny any possible, mistakes, errors, omissions or deceptions on his part. We should also keep an open mind rather than stamping either guilty or innocent as long as the alligations have not been thouroughly proved or discredited.
My interest has come as a result of President Obamas secretiveness regarding his past. No other president in nrecent history has done so much to write his own history rather than letting his record stand in witness to his past. It is reasonable to assume there is something he doesn’t want us to know.
Those charged with upholding the laws and the Constitution have an obligation to look into this if they believe there is a danger that our laws have been sidetepped, compromised, or broken. An investigation, including filings in court, are within the rights and responsibilities of the lawyers and officers involved in this probe. They are not evil, racist, or delusional just because the left needs for them to go away or doesn’t wish to entertain the possibility that something might be wrong or embarrassing.
If any should be dismissed as unreasonable, delusional or biased it is the left which seeks to win and provide cover by name calling and making unfounded accusations.
Tina, until my dying day I swear I will not ever understand the hypocrisy of the left-wing democrats that claim to be equal opportunity supports, but in truth they only support those who believe and express those some views.
God forbid that you are an individual like Erik Rush, Colin Powell, Allen West, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell and on and on. If you are youre called a racist, bigot, Uncle Tom, etc. The left will condemn these individuals because they dare to not fall in lock-step with their masters and do and say what they are told.
I dont know if MLK served in the military, but he definitely fought to bring honor and dignity to ALL people by saying we should, Not judge a man by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. So, on this Memorial Day weekend I think we should also remember him too along with all the other men and women, no matter what the color of their skin was or the political party they belonged to, who died for all of us.
Posters here and most of the Democrat party need to remember MLKs beliefs and apply it to everyone no matter who they are and what they believe. Its called tolerance and acceptance!
Peggy, you either have astonishingly poor reading comprehension skills, or you are purposefully misrepresenting me.
I did not call you, or anyone else, a “Nigger Lover.” I was clearly referring to the title of Erik Rush’s book, “Negrophilia,” and said that his made-up word is way too close to the phrase “Nigger Lover” for comfort. Rush’s made-up word is racist against black people, and I was criticizing him for inventing it and being proud enough of it to make it the title of his book.
Why on earth you would think I would use a racial slur to describe you, when I have always spoken out against racism on this site, is beyond me.
You ignored the obvious, logical meaning of what I wrote, and stretched it into an interpretation which defies all plausibility. I don’t want to believe that this was a conscious choice on your part, but I don’t see how it could have been just a mistake. No rational person could have interpreted my comment the way you interpreted it.
“I have the RIGHT to believe the way I want and to use materials from whatever source I decide to validate my point of view.”
Of course you have that right, and I have the right to criticize your source. If you want to defend them, then you should address my actual critiques, not make up things I never said and then argue with strawmen.
What do you think about World Net Daily publishing a piece by Michael Savage in which he claims, with no evidence, that the massacre of children in Norway by Anders Breivik was orchestrated by that country’s left-wing party? No one wants to answer that question. You all just want to call be a bully for asking it. But your avoidance is transparent, and your silence is deafening. I have asked over and over and over if you think there’s anything wrong with Savage making this heinous accusation, or with WND for publishing it, and you just…don’t answer. I can only take that as tacit approval.
Tina and Peggy, you don’t care about the truth, and you certainly don’t care about civility. If you did you would take a stand against the Savages and WNDs of your party. But every time you’re asked to do so, you refuse, and then play defense for their insanity. Tina, you don’t care that one of your blog’s regular conservative commenters believes in paranoid “New World Order” conspiracies. You don’t care that he admits to getting his news from a man who claims that George Bush ordered the killing of 3,000 American men, women and children on 9/11. Why would you care about this? Joseph is still going to vote Republican, so there’s no need for you to correct or critique him, or to acknowledge his statements in any way.
You believe that the ends justify the means. Anything goes when it comes to defeating Obama. Lying is OK as long as it serves the “greater good.” There’s an Arabic word for that tactic, if I recall.
Tina: “You should be looking to the failures of morality and truth and the lack of civility of speech from your own parties spokesmen before haughtily harrassing people on Post Scripts like a little tyrant or holding them responsible for everything anyone even vaguely associated with the Republican Party says.”
I do not hold people responsible for “everything anyone even vaguely associated with the Republican Party says.” That is ludicrous. Michael Savage is one of the most influential conservative voices in America. Joseph specifically told me that I need to listen to him. I responded by showing him exactly why nobody should listen to this vicious hatemongering liar.
You then went on to defend this specific man, Michael Savage, and did not offer one negative word about any of the hateful statements or lies I documented. You were willing to condemn the hateful preachers I linked to you the other day, which I give you some credit for. But Michael Savage is more powerful and influential in your party than those preachers, so you can’t dare speak ill of him! It’s partisanship at it’s absolute worst. “Never criticize a fellow Republican,” right?
I just don’t understand it. You should be able to say that these people are wrong, that what they’re saying is wrong. It seems like the easiest thing in the world to me, regardless of party affiliation. If we can’t agree that telling people to get AIDS and die is too far, or that accusing elected representatives of orchestrating mass murder with no basis is too far, or that advocating ethnic cleansing is too far, or that making up false statistics is too far, or that baselessly accusing people of being pedophiles is too far…then what can we agree on?
According to Wikipedia the word negrophelia goes back to the 1920’s:
The word has meaning that is particularly important to the point of Rush’s book.
Chris: “…you don’t care that one of your blog’s regular conservative commenters believes in paranoid “New World Order” conspiracies. You don’t care that he admits to getting his news from a man who claims that George Bush ordered the killing of 3,000 American men, women and children on 9/11. Why would you care about this? Joseph is still going to vote Republican, so there’s no need for you to correct or critique him, or to acknowledge his statements in any way.”
There is a very simple answer; it is the context I hold: I don’t believe everything I see or hear and I don’t try to control what other people see think, hear, write, say, or believe. I value the learning process. I like to describe things as I see them, pose questions to others, and learn from what others think and say. I love to argue in friendly fashion even allowing for some feisty barbs or inelligant quips. And most of all…I absolutely love people, warts and all, and I respect the right of free speech for all.
“You then went on to defend this specific man, Michael Savage, and did not offer one negative word about any of the hateful statements or lies I documented. You were willing to condemn the hateful preachers I linked to you the other day, which I give you some credit for. But Michael Savage is more powerful and influential in your party than those preachers, so you can’t dare speak ill of him! It’s partisanship at it’s absolute worst.”
Why is bringing a point of truth about Savage’s ability to speak about autism an act of defense rather than clarification?
What are you so angry about? What is at the bottom of this need to convince everyone that this person or that person should be condemned…and why at your command?
“You should be able to say that these people are wrong, that what they’re saying is wrong.”
What you are saying is that you know these people because of some words that you have read or heard and I should agree with you that they are wrong based only on what you think regardless my own experience or method of determining such things. Hell Chris, why don’t I just BE you?
Do you get how absurd this obsession of your is? Do you get how arrogant you are to presume to know people based on cherry picked quotes mostly taken out of context? Have you ever gotten really angry or frustrated and said something over the top or used explosive bombastic language? Would you want those moments to be all that defined who you are and what you represent? Do you have room in your life for people, warts and all, or do you expect that others should alwayscon form to your ideal?
I’m more interested in your opinions about the subject at hand than the person who happens to deliver them. I don’t mind criticism or condemnation but I deeply resent the notion that I must perform for you or that any of our commentors must. Condemn if you wish those you hate and hold in disregard but leave it at that…okay?
Chris: “Can you get any closer to the words “Nigger Lover” and still have plausible deniability?”
Chris, You wrote, “Can you….” Not, can HE…. So, yes I thought you were talking to me and not about Erik Rush, because you inferred it was me.
As for WND I will continue to use them when I want. They may not be perfect, but compared to the lies, left-wing slant and outnumbered volume of the liberal print and televised media they at least do a better job of covering stories that arent DNC approved.
Youve said you wont read WND no matter who the author is, which is perfect, because this is my last exchange with you. Youre not interested in having a civil discussion. Youre only interested in brow-beating people to believe as you do and demand we use only sources you approve of. Until you grow up and learn to be tolerant and respectful of others youre a waste of time.
Tina, thank you for giving me some background on the word “Negrophilia.” I admit I overreacted when I saw that term, and I should have done more research into it first. Peggy, I am sorry.
However, I still believe that the central argument of Rush’s book perpetuates racism. Rush’s own race is irrelevant to me. I don’t like terms such as “Uncle Tom” or “House Negro” or even “race traitor,” and I’ve said that before. Rush would be just as wrong regardless of his race, and his argument should be evaluated regardless of his race.
Some of the people Peggy named I actually like and respect, such as Colin Powell and Condaleeza Rice. It helps that I agree with them on some issues, but we also have very large disagreements, and I still have a lot of respect for them.
I have criticized the bigotry of some of the other people named. Herman Cain said that he would never hire a Muslim to his cabinet if he were president–that was bigoted. To his credit, he later apologized and did some outreach to the Muslim community, which I think was genuine, and I forgive him for his earlier statements. Allen West has also said bigoted things about Muslims, and behaved in a very bigoted manner when he falsely accused 80 Democratic members of Congress of belonging to the Communist Party (the actual number is zero). He has not apologized, as far as I’m aware.
Some in the black community, as well as some white liberals, level extra criticism on these people because they think they should know better than to use bigotry against others, on account of their race. I disagree, and I think terms like “Uncle Tom” only perpetuate racism. They should not be held to a higher standard because of their minority status. And to the extent that black conservatives have been criticized simply for holding conservative opinions while black–as opposed to being criticized for making bigoted statements–I have to say that they have been treated wrongly and unfairly. I have no problem criticizing those in my party who have been responsible for such treatment, and I won’t cover for them. I also have no problem with black conservatives. I do have a problem with anyone who uses a national platform to perpetuate bigotry, no matter their race. I hope that clarifies my position on this subject.
I’ll say a little bit more and then I’m done with this conversation.
Tina, what you see as an “obsession” I see as concern for my country. I can’t stand the level our national discourse has sunk to. I don’t blame conservatives entirely for that, liberals have done it too. But what I see on this site strikes me as extremely problematic. I want my nation’s citizens to be informed, so that they can make wise choices. When otherwise intelligent people are getting their news from sites run by conspiracy nuts and liars, I have every reason to be worried. Someone who gets their news from World Net Daily is going to be more misinformed than someone who doesn’t read any news at all.
I have no interest in controlling anyone, but I do get frustrated when I see you unable to call out the extremists in your party. You compare the quotes I posted from Michael Savage to isolated instances of explosive anger, but come on. I’ve gotten angry before, but I’ve never told someone to get AIDS and die, or advocated ethnic cleansing, or accused people of being pedophiles. I also don’t have a national radio show where I reach an audience of millions, nor do I have fans that hang onto my every word and hold me up as a paragon of truth. And when Savage wrote an article accusing the Norwegian Labour party of orchestrating the Oslo massacre, then submitted it to WND, was that just one long angry moment? Were the editors at WND just acting out of frustration when they published it?
These were not just a few isolated moments for Michael Savage. He’s never apologized for any of these statements or accusations. They fit perfectly into the tone he has cultivated during his entire career. He constantly preaches hate against Muslims, gays, and liberals. He has compared liberalism with HIV, for God’s sake. He’ll say anything, no matter how irresponsible or hateful. This is not out of context; this is what he does for a living. And it’s only one step further from what people like Limbaugh and Malkin and Coulter do for a living.
You don’t like it when people accuse Republicans of being the party of bigots. Well, then you need to do something about it besides complain and play the victim. The loudest voices in your party have earned the labels. I don’t judge most conservatives I meet or interact with because of the behavior of these people; that would be unfair. I do judge them once they reveal that they get their news from such people, or when they try and make excuses for them.
Here’s an article from Michael Fumento, a conservative who worked for Reagan. He shares my frustration with the tone of today’s political discourse, and talks about how the “new right” has become corrupted by people such as Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter. He still believes in conservative ideals, but he speaks out against the hatred that he sees has consumed his movement. I hope you will consider his position.
Chris: “(the actual number is zero)”
You don’t really know that, Chris. As I indicated to you in a former discussion several members of Congress were listed as members on the official CPUSA website but the site has now been changed and no longer posts its membership. At the time I posted a link and the Congressional members whose named appeared there.
“Some in the black community, as well as some white liberals, level extra criticism on these people because they think they should know better than to use bigotry against others…”
You’ve been quite clear in your criticisms concerning bigotry. My problem with some of what you assert is that I believe it to be wrong due to your different perspective or an inability or unwillingness to understand or accept another point of view.
This book, which I have not read, could be an example of a black man’s perception that you would see as bigoted and I would see as inciteful…a book that if not dismissed out of hand could lead to discussions that would improve conditions but for the hand that is always thrown up.
“I can’t stand the level our national discourse has sunk to. I don’t blame conservatives entirely for that, liberals have done it too.”
Chris that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard you say yet…liberals have “done it too”. Liberals, even main stream liberals, have said and done some of the most despicable and vile things and yet they remain icons, spokesmen, and elites of media and your party….they are thought of as funny and cool…entire audiences laugh in unison and applaud. And this is precisely the result that the left set out to create. The right seen as bigots, the right as old fashioned, the right as ignorant, backwards, hillbillies and goofs. You don’t seem to have the good sense to consider that much of what you believe has been carefully orchestrated over decades with the exact type of rhetoric you claim to hate.
Instead of taking it like ladies and gentlemen some of us have said NO MORE! I will not apologize or denounce things that others in my party say because I will not be the crack in the wall of resistance we have constructed to fight for the country we believe in. I will not be used as “proof” that the left is right about Rush, Coulter, Malkin…when the left is absolutely wrong! They do not have a clue about what these thinkers have to say. They are children with their eyes shut, fingers in their ears, screaming so they won’t have to get it…or they are arrogant ideologues who truly want to crush the republic that our founders gave us and replace it with European style socialism (now dying a long painful death).
“When otherwise intelligent people are getting their news from sites run by conspiracy nuts and liars, I have every reason to be worried.”
You are no more worried than many of us are that you get your news from places like Salon and Media Matters or even that you agree with the leader of this nation on many subjects.
What is utterly amazing is that you don’t see how arrogant you are and therefore can’t just accept that as a commenter on a conservative blog you are bound to run into ideas and sources with which you disagree and in some cases may disdain. Let it be!
I decided some time ago that I would no longer answer complaints you have about talk show hosts and others. I weighed in on Michael Savage because I happened to know he is an expert in the field of botanical medicine with several degrees to his name.
“Well, then you need to do something about it besides complain and play the victim.”
Still ordering me around, eh Chris?”
“The loudest voices in your party have earned the labels.”
Most wear them as badges of honor because the labels are delivered by some of the most ignorant, bigoted, phony, elitist, angry voices of the left. Do you honestly think your side is that invisable that we have not seen it? Do you really believe that the attacks have been on principle? HA! the attacks come only because the right has gained a foothold and progressives can’t stand competition…the light of day burns the skin!
“…or when they try and make excuses for them.”
Excuses? Man you are full of yourself! People on this blog have taken time from their day to spend with you and you have done nothing but label them as stupid, bigoted, or ignorant because they don’t see things as you do. Incredible!
“Here’s an article from Michael Fumento…”
There are several Michael Fumento’s in the party. They are part of, or in agreement with, the gentlemanly old Republican guard. It would be nice if we could all be gentlemen and ladies in politics. Unfortunately, all hopes of winning the argument are lost when we play as ladies and gentlemen against the socialist progressive left. They don’t play nice and there is not a gentleman or lady among them.
There is nothing more underhanded and low than the left portion of your party that has been playing it down and dirty for generations. Organizations like ACORN and SEIU and ACLU, not to mention the thousands of organizations funded through Soros and the Tides Foundation and others are charged to do exactly that. When even the President of the United States is willing to make ugly, unpresidential remarks, “they bring a knife we bring a gun”, I don’t hold out much hope that our “discourse” will improve any time soon. When thugs show up on the doorsteps of executives homes, I don’t see any way to create a more pleasant atmosphere. When the main stream media is willing to openly harrass and harrange someone like Sarah Palin from the very first moment of her entry on the national political stage, including bringing false lawsuits against her…and none in your party have the decency to be ashamed or regretful, there is NO HOPE that we can be ladies and gentlemen.
Your party, Chris, has a much bigger stain of ugliness and bigotry on its brand than you realize with no indication it will ever stop. Many of us think we have little choice but to stand and fight with fierce and bold rhetoric. It is amazing to me that it is okay for your party to organize a hateful campaign against a man like Kenneth Gladney or the Tea Party without proof but it is not okay for WND or Joe Arpiao to launch a legal investigation without being called racist and bigoted and without being labeled as extremist fringe (marginalized…don’t listen to them). Some of us have been around long enough to notice when the left does that it’s because someone has gotten a little too close. They don’t bother with those who can do no harm.
Finally…do you expect me to accept this article from Salon as anything BUT partisan and possibly underhanded? This is EXACTLY why it doesn’t pay to be civil…your nasty little tribe will use the “genteel” as a club against the right. And you march in with it, like a good little scout, pusing it in our faces like you’ve actually said something vital and important.
Glad you are done with this…I certainly am.
Tina: “It is amazing to me that it is okay for your party to organize a hateful campaign against a man like Kenneth Gladney or the Tea Party without proof but it is not okay for WND or Joe Arpiao to launch a legal investigation without being called racist and bigoted and without being labeled as extremist fringe (marginalized…don’t listen to them).”
Tina, The below is in support of your statements.
Obamas Truth Teams: Fight Back, Report an Attack:
“According to ABCs Jake Tapper, Barack Obamas deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter is inviting supporters over email to report an attack at the Truth Teams Fight Back: Report an Attack page.
Received a robo-call or an email forward full of falsehoods? Found a misleading leaflet in your mail? it asks.
Tell us about it, and help fight back against the attacks on President Obama and his record.
Aside from the hypocrisy of the Obama campaign saying things like, fight back and attack after ceaselessly criticizing Sarah Palin for almost identical language, Jake Tapper is reporting that the email conflates smears with criticisms by citing a largely debunked study at the outset.
The study, by Market Watch, essentially claims that Barack Obama not the big spender everyone believes him to be, telling readers it didnt happen.
Tapper writes:
Heres the problem: the Market Watch [study] has been refuted by several fact checkers as severely flawed, notwithstanding its citation by White House press secretary Jay Carney
The Washington Posts Fact Checker gave Carney three Pinocchios, writing that the data in the article are flawed, and the analysis lacks context context that could easily could be found in the budget documents released by the White House.
The Associated Press came to a similar conclusion
In Tappers estimation, then, the White House is muddying the waters between criticism and actual falsehoods in citing this particular study as an attack, when independent sources have proven that it is simply not true.
Saying that Obama is a big spender is not an attack; it is simply stating the facts.
More than that, when combined with Obamas record of naming and shaming Romney donors, a site encouraging people to report Americans who disagree with the administration seems more and more like a thinly-veiled attempt to quiet the opposition.
Perhaps signaling another flood of sarcastic conservative criticism, one tweeter commented: [A] thought on Attack Watch 2.0. The Presidents job is to protect free speech, not control it.
Thanks Peggy. I appreciate your efforts and your commitment to standing your ground.
Even a cursory reading of Rules for Radicals or the teachings of Marx and his close allies would serve as strong warning that fighting as a gentleman or lady will not save this nation. The activist warriors and their useful idiot followers have to be exposed with bright light clarity and sharp contrast. Meek defenses will not do!
The greatest weapon used against us has been our own willingness to back down (due to our sense of decency and fair play) when challenged. Those principles that restrain must be set aside (not abandoned) when dealing with the hard core progressive left. They do not recognize or value decency or fair play and have no sense of shame (religion) to temper their strategies and tactics.
I’m with Tina on this one! Well said Tina and you can add my name to your list of supporters Peggy! -Jack
Breaking news:
Today, apparently, Mitt Romney had his campaign release his birth certificate, and guess what, it is a computer-generated short-form birth certificate.
It does not have the name of the hospital or the delivery doctor or any signatures from the doctor or the mother. The image of the document provided does not show the color of the security paper or an embossed seal, and there is a clear void on the document. What is Romney hiding?
Do you think that there will be experts who will claim that Romneys birth certificate is forged, and public figures like Trump who claim that Romney was born outside the USA and who go on news shows and repeat and repeat their claims?
How about a Secretary of State of a state calling up Michigan and asking them to confirm that they have Romneys birth certificate and that the facts on it are accurate?
Ellen I think they should, don’t you?
As long as there is a question it should be investigated until the legal questions are answered. We are talking about satisfying a constitutional requirement.
As I said a couple of times, the problem for Obama has been his unwillingness to allow public access to his records and the media hasn’t helped since they provide cover rather than properly vetting him as they do other candidates, particularly those on the right.