Desperate Eric Holder Lies to Black Church Leaders

by Tina Grazier

The top cop in America, Eric Holder, a servant of the American people, is desperate to inspire black Americans to go to the polls in November and cast their votes for President Obama. Does he appeal to their sense of duty as full-fledged American citizens? Does he remind them of the struggle waged by Dr. King that gave them the right to vote? Does he inspire them to proudly join with fellow Americans to exercise this time honored right to cast a vote for a candidate of their choosing? The answer is a resounding NO. Instead Eric Holder is using his power as Attorney General to play politics and conjure up fear and anger in the black community.

Obama’s recent switch in support of gay marriage had many black pastors across America feeling very disappointed. Some threatened to tell their congregations to stay home in November. That position seems to have tempered in recent days however, the mere threat has sparked a need by the Obama camp to do something to shore up this important slice of the Obama base…enter Eric Holder:

Attorney General Eric Holder told a council of African American church leaders Wednesday that the “sacred” right to vote is under assault nationwide, with federal lawsuits and at least a dozen state laws that could weaken — or block — minority access to the ballot box this fall.

Forty-seven years after President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, “overt and subtle forms of discrimination still exists,” Holder said in a speech before the Council of Black Churches. The twin factors of lingering bias and systematic assaults from the right, he said, means that “for the first time in our [lifetimes], we are failing to live up to one of our most noble ideals” – the right to equal access to the vote.

I have no problem with Eric Holder encouraging people to vote. I do have a big problem with Eric Holder lying to the black community through the pastors of their churches to gin up anger to try to force them to the polls. I have a very big problem with the absolute lie that Republicans want to keep them from voting or EVER wanted to keep them from voting. The big FAT LIE is bad enough but using that lie to further and nurture division and fear in the black community to get votes is worse than despicable. Blacks have been shielded from the truth about Republican support for their rights and causes and they have been lied to about their history and the Democrat Party.

Mitt Romney recently went to Detroit to speak to locals about his ideas for improving education in the community. He met with a lot of opposition from local leaders who support the President. The Obama campaign sent some of their goons and thugs, led by Mayor Nutter, to protest, spread lies and act as agitators in the meeting. This is cowardly beyond compare and certainly usurps the people’s right to assemble and hear what the other candidate has to offer.

I think these actions are a clear sign that Democrats and the Obama campaign are desperate to keep black voters in the dark and securely on the Democrat social plantation of dependency. That includes keeping their children from receiving a good education and moving into the main stream of middle and upper class America.

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15 Responses to Desperate Eric Holder Lies to Black Church Leaders

  1. Post Scripts says:

    If the lie is repeated often enough it will eventually be believed, no matter how big the lie! Marxist playbook rule #65.

  2. Angelina says:

    The interesting thing about blogs….intelligent approval is not needed before being shared on the web.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Ah, but you are wrong Angelina. We review all of our comments before posting, but we give a wide latitude for the sake of free speech. Wonder where you came up with such an odd notion?

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Ah, but you are wrong Angelina. We review all of our comments before posting, but we give a wide latitude for the sake of free speech. Wonder where you came up with such an odd notion?

  5. Toby says:

    This story fits well as a prime example of the Lefts fake moral outrage. What is the first thing the Left screams if someone dares to put a simple cross on the side of the road? Or if someone wants to say a prayer at a graduation? But they are fine and dandy with this.
    They will either ignore this story or come up with half baked explanations that makes it a-ok or accuse the people reporting it, of being racists. That last one just never gets old, lol

  6. Chris says:

    Please, please continue telling black voters that they are consigning themselves to a “plantation” by voting Democrat. I’m sure they find it absolutely charming.

    In all seriousness, this is racially charged language and you should stop using it. You complain when black Republicans are referred to as “race traitors” and “Uncle Toms,” and you are right to do so! That kind of language is wrong and racist in the way that it tells black people that their votes and their party affiliations should be defined solely by their race. Liberals need to cut that crap out pronto.

    But here you are, doing the exact. same. thing you complained about last week. You too are telling black people that there is only one way for them to vote, and you are suggesting that they are betraying their race (by keeping them on a “plantation”) if they vote in a way that you disagree with. That’s racism AND hypocrisy.

    I don’t think Republicans en masse are intentionally trying to keep minorities from voting. However, I think much of the case against “voter fraud” has been exaggerated and misrepresented (most of what I’ve seen conservatives present has been voter REGISTRATION fraud, which could not in any way be solved by voter ID laws) and most experts agree that actual voter fraud is extremely rare in the U.S. We need to seriously weigh the costs of voter ID laws, which DO tend to keep certain people from voting who have every right to vote, against the benefits of voter ID laws. If voter fraud is not a serious problem in the U.S., and if ID laws would keep certain people from voting, then it would seem the costs outweigh the benefits.

  7. Tina says:

    Toby that old church and state thing doesn’t apply to Democrats…and certainly not to the Attorney General.

  8. Tina says:

    Chris: “please continue telling black voters that they are consigning themselves to a “plantation” by voting Democrat. I’m sure they find it absolutely charming.”

    Leave it to you to depict black voters as too ignorant to get the analogy.

    Democrats have blocked school vouchers even though it has been proven that black children benefit. The policy that protects the teachers union and gains them teachers union support does help to “keep black voters in the dark and securely on the Democrat social plantation of dependency”.

    The term is not my own and was used purposely. What are democrats so afraid of? Why must they intimidate and attempt to deny black voters the opportunity to consider other possibilities for their lives?

    I think that just like the plantation owners of old, and just like the southern democrats of the pre-Civil Rights era of the sixties, the modern Democrat Party doesn’t want blacks to become educated or improve their lot. They have given them a straw man to hate (white republicans) by lying to them and by demonizing and shouting down voices from the right. It is truly despicable.

    Others that have used the term plantation:

    When black Americans’ ancestors were enslaved in pre-Civil War America, they were compelled to live lives shaped by their masters. Uniformity was required, and disobedience was punished. As a result of this ongoing powerlessness, slaves developed what has been described as a “plantation mentality.”

    So what’s changed? For an overwhelming majority of black Americans, nothing much. They still embrace a plantation mentality, but they’ve changed “masters:” from slave-owners to the Democratic Party.

    Perhaps blind loyalty to a political party they perceive as their “protectors” is an inevitable consequence of black Americans’ unique history. That such loyalty is to a Democrat party whose own history is a tattered tale of segregation and racism is mind-boggling.

    Almost two years ago, a new Democrat administration and congress took control of Washington.

    They immediately sent out invitations to the American people.

    You are cordially invited onto the government plantation. P.S. Were in charge but you pick up the tab. RSVP by November 2, 2010.

    The RSVPs have poured in and the majority of Americans have replied Sorry, weve got other plans.

    But it was mostly white voters who turned down this invitation.

    Why are blacks, who know life on the government plantation better than whites, and who are proportionately being hit much harder in this difficult economy, still buying what working class whites have rejected hands down? That, as Karl Rove put it, we can spend our way to prosperity?

    The problem is broader and deeper. Blacks still by and large see government dependence as the remedy rather than the disease, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They still choose to listen to left wing black political leadership and media who have careers in keeping it all going.

    The term is also quite meaningful for black Republicans:


    “Obama To Poor Blacks Stay Poor” By Frances Rice

    While in the Illinois Senate, Obama helped keep blacks corralled on the Democratic Party’s economic plantation when he provided funding for slum projects in Chicago, as was exposed in the Boston Globe article that can be found on the Internet at:

    That Boston Globe article shows how Obama provided millions of tax dollars to his slum lord buddies, including now convicted felon Tony Rezko who contributed hundred of thousands of dollars to Obama’s political campaign and helped Obama buy a million-dollar house in a shady real estate deal.

    As president, Obama put a poison pill in the Stimulus Bill that kills welfare reform, so that tax dollars can no longer be used to help the poor become self-sufficient through job training and child care assistance. Instead welfare will, once again, become a government handout that keeps poor blacks mired in generational poverty. Welfare has destroyed the black family, and Uncle Sam has replaced the father in black urban homes.

    After Obama worked to end the school choice opportunity scholarship program in the District of Columbia that helps poor blacks get a better education, he produced a budget that, astonishingly, eliminates the $85 million designated for the HBCU’s (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). In typical hypocritical liberal fashion, Obama is sending his own two children to a private school, while kicking poor blacks out of that same private school and effectively sending the poor blacks back to the failing DC public school system.

    In reality, history confirms that the black community has been sleeping with the enemy for years by monolithically voting Democrat. News flash, black voters: the Democrats aint your friends.

    Every program which demeans and stifles blacks has come and continues to come from the Democrats. Republicans continue to be the party extremely supportive of black individuality, the party full of nurturers of black entrepreneurial success.

    Democrats still want to keep blacks on their plantation of needing government handouts thus keeping blacks dependent on government, thus keeping blacks voting for Democrats, who promise to give them stuff via programs. To make their scam work, Democrats also tell blacks that Republicans are burning the midnight oil planning ways to keep them down. Thus, you blacks need us Democrats to keep evil rich white Republicans off your backs.

    In a nutshell, blacks are being played by the Democrats. So you can imagine my frustration and impatience with ignorant knuckleheads who trash me for being a Republican. I am working to liberate my people to ensure that they be treated with dignity and respect, and not as needy, inferior supplicants.

    I agree with Lloyd Marcus and share his goal: “to liberate my people to ensure that they be treated with dignity and respect, and not as needy, inferior supplicants.”

  9. Chris says:

    Tina: “Leave it to you to depict black voters as too ignorant to get the analogy.”

    I did not depict black voters of any political stripe as “ignorant.” You’re the one saying that they have “embraced a plantation mentality!” I said that the analogy was wrong and offensive, and it won’t win people over to your cause. You do want to win people over, right? Or are you happier just preaching to the choir?

  10. Tina says:

    Chris you really do depict blacks as unable to understand and all of a single mind. You assume all blacks would react in the same way. Two of the people above who used the same analogy are black…they get it. I believe it was a black woman who first articulated this idea.

    But I don’t blame blacks anyway. I blame those who claim to care for blacks, your party leaders, for lying and deceiving blacks to keep them voting Democrat even when they can clearly see that the great society doesn’t uplift blacks. Do you blame blacks or the plantation owners and slave traders for slavery?

    The welfare model has damaged blacks and black families. We have continued this failed policy for nearly 50 years and during that time, whenever alternative solutions are suggested, your party leadership immediately puts out a smear campaign to convince blacks that Republicans hate blacks, want to see black kids starve, would deny them the right to vote, or would like to see blacks “hanging from trees”. Some of the worst of these are black democrats that make their living from keeping blacks on the democrat socialist reservation.

    Have you even considered the ways this has denied blacks basic freedoms and opportunity? Freedom includes the freedom to stumble, learn, pick yourself up and try again. By offering the carrot of welfare the Democrats engage in what has been called the “soft bigotry of low expectations”. I think it’s insulting and demeaning.

    I do want blacks to become aware of the way Democrats take their votes for granted and deceive them in order to keep them on the “plantation. I realize that some will be immediately turned off. I also know that if they are never given the bone to chew on they, and their posterity, will be “consigned” permanently to the limitations and degradations of life in near poverty.

  11. Harold Ey says:

    Actually the term Tina used was the ‘Democrat social plantation of dependency’. However Chris you have managed to only focus on one word ‘Plantation’ and in doing so you divert the message in the blog that Holder’s speech to Black Pastors was the issue. Holder did try to agitate the race pot by referring to law pasted Forty-seven years after President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, but adding his spin of “overt and subtle forms of discrimination still exists,”.
    Actually my take was he was stumping for more federal control of the States specifically on the Illegal alien issue with this comment: “sacred” right to vote is under assault nationwide, with federal lawsuits and at least a dozen state laws that could weaken — or block — minority access to the ballot box this fall’ and blaming the GOP for it.
    We as a country have been divided by this administration, and elections are closer then ever, Voter ID is necessary to prevent even the smallest chance of voter fraud, and the issue of ‘disenfranchising’ people of certain ethnic back grounds is just BS when it comes to something as meaningful as an honest election result. So I will end using your words if I may ‘Liberals need to cut that crap out pronto’.

  12. Peggy says:

    I just received the below email showing the striking contrast between Japan and Detroit 65 years after dropping the A bomb. Wish I could share the pictures that show a thriving Hiroshima and a blighted Detroit.

    The story about the professor may be an urban legend, but is a good example of socialism vs. capitalism.

    What has caused more long term destruction –
    the A-bomb, or Government welfare programs created to buy the votes of those who want someone to take care of them?

    Japan does not have a welfare system.

    Work for it or do without.

    And I dont think there has ever been a better explanation of the importance of incentive than this example.

    An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

    The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism”.. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A…. (substituting grades for dollars – something closer to home and more readily understood by all).

    After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied ‘hard’ were upset and the students who studied ‘little’ were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied ‘even less’ and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied ‘little’.

    The second test average was a ‘D’. No one was happy.
    When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

    As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

    To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that “socialism” would also ultimately ‘fail’ because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

    Could not be any simpler than that.

    Remember, there IS a test coming up in November.

    These are possibly the 5 best sentences you’ll ever read and all applicable to this experiment:

    1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

    2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

    3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

    4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

    5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

  13. Chris says:

    Tina: “Chris you really do depict blacks as unable to understand and all of a single mind. You assume all blacks would react in the same way.”

    I never said or implied anything resembling this. You just made it up.

    I do think most black Democrats would be offended by you comparing them to slaves on a plantation, and I don’t think that’s a huge leap to make. I “understand” exactly what you’re saying, and I find it racist and wrong. I don’t know how you can say that I am depicting blacks as “unable to understand” your analogy, when I have clearly explained why I find it offensive. I think black people would understand what you’re saying just fine, and they would be rightfully pissed off by it.

    I have never suggested that all black people are “of a single mind.” I have explicitly said that I see nothing wrong, in theory, with a black person voting Republican, and I would never try to tell someone how to vote based on their race. You are the one in this discussion saying that if black people don’t vote Republican, they are keeping themselves enslaved. You are the one insisting that if black people don’t vote the same way you do or share your party affiliation, then they are not just wrong, they are helping oppress their own race.

    As I’ve said, this is equally wrong when Democrats do it. Democrats should not tell black people that they are betraying their race by voting or identifying as Republican (and while I think Holder’s comments were overheated, I honestly don’t see him doing that in the portion you quoted.) But if you’re going to use the exact same tactic, but in the other direction, then you have no grounds to say it’s unfair when it’s used against you.

    “But I don’t blame blacks anyway. I blame those who claim to care for blacks, your party leaders, for lying and deceiving blacks to keep them voting Democrat even when they can clearly see that the great society doesn’t uplift blacks. Do you blame blacks or the plantation owners and slave traders for slavery?”

    Wow, you’re really just digging the hole deeper, aren’t you? You have some nerve to accuse ME of depicting blacks as ignorant, and then write a paragraph this amazingly paternalistic and racist.

    Maybe I should forgive this terrible analogy, since I know history is not your strong suit. But surely even you know that blacks during slavery had no ability to vote or participate in our democracy. Of course we can’t blame them for a system that they had no say in! That is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE TODAY, where blacks are capable of voting; they’re just not voting IN THE WAY YOU WANT THEM TO, so you blame Democrats for “deceiving” them. Because apparently, the majority of black people are incapable of making informed decisions on their own. How can you blame them? They just don’t know any better! Can you see why this is offensive?

    “your party leadership immediately puts out a smear campaign to convince blacks that Republicans hate blacks, want to see black kids starve, would deny them the right to vote, or would like to see blacks “hanging from trees”.”

    I agree, this is wrong, and Democrats should stop saying such things.

    “Some of the worst of these are black democrats that make their living from keeping blacks on the democrat socialist reservation.”

    But this is equally wrong! How can you not see that?

    I’m not going to debate the issue of welfare with you right now. If you insist on comparing the welfare system to a “plantation,” then there is zero chance of us being able to have a rational, productive discussion about that subject. You’re far more comfortable with hyperbole and overheated rhetoric, a la Limbaugh, than anything resembling serious, informed debate.

  14. Chris says:

    Harold Ey: “Actually the term Tina used was the ‘Democrat social plantation of dependency’.”

    Oh, well that’s so much better.

    You’re right that Tina did not herself say that blacks have embraced a “plantation mentality,” but she did quote favorably someone who used those exact words, and she clearly agreed with them. And this was after accusing me of depicting blacks as ignorant. The irony is unbelievable.

    “However Chris you have managed to only focus on one word ‘Plantation’ and in doing so you divert the message in the blog that Holder’s speech to Black Pastors was the issue.”

    You’re right, I am focusing on the word “plantation,” but that’s because the word itself distracts from the intended message. When you say something as offensive as “Blacks are consigning themselves to the Democrat plantation,” (and that’s a paraphrase, not an exact quote) do you really expect people to focus on anything else you’re saying? Of course that term is going to overshadow everything else. That’s one reason you should stop using such offensive language. It’s counter-productive and it makes people less likely to listen to you.

    “Holder did try to agitate the race pot by referring to law pasted Forty-seven years after President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act, but adding his spin of “overt and subtle forms of discrimination still exists.””

    Do you disagree with him that overt and subtle forms of discrimination still exist?

    I don’t think Republicans are intentionally trying to stop people from voting, and Holder shouldn’t have suggested that. I do think that Republicans aren’t considering the unintended consequences of these laws.

    “We as a country have been divided by this administration, and elections are closer then ever, Voter ID is necessary to prevent even the smallest chance of voter fraud,”

    Somehow our nation has lasted over 200 years without voter ID laws. How “necessary” can they be?

  15. Harold Ey says:

    Chris writes; Somehow our nation has lasted over 200 years without voter ID laws. How “necessary” can they be?

    I really have no constuctive reply that I feel would help you figure it out. Maybe you should ask the question of others in the above SAY WHAT? post.

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