by Jack Lee
I’m not complaining because I think he’s right, but have you noticed that President Obama has continued Gitmo, rendition, and indeterminate sentences for terrorists?
We’re hardly hearing a thing about it from the left and for a good reason. The democrat lefties were only using these issues as an excuse to attack “W”. It was all about politics. They were never really serious about their moral outrage, it was just another tactic to win an election. However, the fake [moral outrage] ruse is wearing thin; we all know what their doing – nobody is fooled anymore. It’s almost comical to imagine that all our [concerned] leftists have conveniently forgot that Barry campaigned on these 3 big issues and then flip-flopped as soon as he walked into the Oval Office and sat in the big chair.
Obama made one meek effort to have terrorists enter our civil courts which almost everyone, left or right, thought was a real bad idea. Especially so when the trials would be in New York City! His man Holder over at Justice took most of the heat when that plan blew up in their face, but it was really Obama’s idea.
B.O. has actually taken the kill the war on terrorism to a whole new level with our drone attacks. “The White House has asserted the right to carry out state-sponsored assassination anywhere in the world without having to provide any evidence or go through any legal process. The administration merely has to state that the target is a terrorist and it doesn’t matter whether they are an American citizen or not, as we saw in the case of American-born Anwar al-Awlaki and his son, who were both killed last year.” Reporter Paul Joseph Watson, 5/29/2012
U.S. intelligence agencies working with our allied foreign intelligence agencies have compiled a very long list of terrorist names that range from a 17 year old Muslim girl right up to Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, A.Q.’s new boss. Now, the odd part is all the names that are currently being scratched off this list are due to drone strikes, nothing else. As one might guess our future intelligence relies on catching a few of these characters…at least once in awhile! There’s also this little legal technicality about assassinating American citizens, but the left seems perfectly content with it all for the time being, but what will they do if we elect Romney? You know the answer! lol (Back to #37 in their playbook)
Everything the Left “stands for” is a fraud, scam, boondoggle built on a foundation of bull $hit.
They call it the Kill List. That alone would have invoked howls of protest and disdain if Romney had such a list.
At the same time Obama/Holder have forbidden the use of certain words like, Islamic terrorist, even when an attack is made by a man (Major Hasan) who had associations and contact with known terrorists.
The duplicitous nature of this administration is very troubling