Presidential Gaffski

Posted by Tina

Our President really put his foot in it yesterday during the Presidential Medal of Freedom award ceremony. His intent was to honor Jan Karski, a Polish resistance fighter who made his way past the Germans to report atrocities being committed against the Jews. In his remarks President Obama said Karski had sneaked “into the Warsaw ghetto and a Polish death camp to see for himself.” According to a story in the Economist, cited by ABC’s Jake Tapper, the Poles hate being blamed for what the Nazis did while occupying their country. If the tweets that followed the President’s gaff are any indication the economist has it right:

“The White House will apologize for this outrageous error,” Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski tweeted. Sikorski said that Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk “will make a statement in the morning. It’s a pity that this important ceremony was upstaged by ignorance and incompetence.”

Our National Security Advisor made a prompt clarification and reiterated the president’s “rock-solid commitment to our close alliance with Poland”. A formal apology will no doubt follow today.

(Is it too soon to ask that lefty media and bloggers stop the Sarah Palin digs now?)

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8 Responses to Presidential Gaffski

  1. J Soden says:

    Let’s see. He identified Hawaii as being in Asia, and something about there being 57 or 58 states in the US and now this? Is he taking gaffe lessons from Joe Biden?

    He certainly flunked geography and he’s also flunked prezidency. Time for him to join the unemployed in November . . . .

  2. Post Scripts says:

    J.S., oh, I sure hope so…we can’t afford 4 more years of this guy.

  3. Toby says:

    Pretty bad when the Polish call you Ignorant and Incompetent, LMAO!

  4. Princess says:

    Probably not a good idea to make a big deal out of gaffes like this when Romney’s new ap spells America wrong.

    And I don’t think we want to go back to the Bush Presidency which was an embarrassment of gaffes nearly every single day.

    This is another distraction from the fact that Obama continues to strip us of our civil liberties and in 4 short years has practically turned this country into a police state. There has not been a single Occupy Wall Street conviction but those arrests cost tons of money and if they were wrongful they robbed citizens of their civil rights. Even if we don’t agree with their politics it is wrong to arrest people for no reason.

    Sometimes I feel like Obama is fanning this birth certificate stuff and making a big deal of of little things to distract us from the big stuff. All we talk about is things that don’t matter and he gets away with looting the country and turning it into a police state.

  5. Tina says:

    Funny, I keep hearing that we should not be “distracted” from important issues.

    I’m not distracted! Are you? Really?

    I don’t know anyone who feels distracted. Saying we’re distracted is just code for keeping our mouths shut unless we wish to show fawning praise for the One.

    When it comes to international relations and the allies that have been four square behind America I’d say this gaffe IS NOT a distraction but an important indication of Obama’s poor performance on the international stage. It’s an important indication that his staff is amateur without much sign of improvement over three years.

    And continuing to run against George Bush? Now that is a distraction!

    Blaming George Bush is a definite distraction employed by the current administration. Obama refuses to accept responsibility for the failures of his socialist, high price-tagged, anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-free market policies…and the fact that so many Americans cannot find jobs because business is being stifled.

    We at Post Scripts talk about important issues all the time. We talk about scandalous issues. We talk about unresolved issues. We talk about silly issues. We talk about economic issues. We talk about embarrassing issues. We talk about historical issues. We talk about law enforcement and court matters. Everything we talk about is important because it all reflects the condition of our republic and society.

    I can forgive anyone the occasional gaffe. I do not abide the hypocrisy of the left or the one-sided approach the left media takes…I will use this blog to create balance.

  6. Toby says:

    No distraction here. I am able to keep my eye on the prize and pay attention to moron in the oval office.

  7. Chris says:

    I had to read the article a couple times before I even understood what the gaffe was. Originally I read Obama’s line as he clearly intended it; “Polish death camps” means “death camps in Poland,” not “death camps run by the Polish.” I had no idea that this phrasing was so controversial or offensive to the Polish people. Given that it is, the administration should definitely apologize, and the word choice should have been noticed by the president or someone on his staff before he spoke.

  8. RHT447 says:

    Not only does BHO not know, he doesn’t care. Twit. I propose an addendum to his current campaign slogan “Forward”…

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