Prominent Democrat Artur Davis Leaves Party


Posted by Tina

USA Today reports:

Former Alabama congressman Artur Davis, who seconded Barack Obama’s nomination for president four years ago, says he’s leaving the Democratic Party.

The one-time rising Democratic Party star — once described as “the Obama of Alabama” — said on his website that he is switching his voter registration to Virginia and is considering running for office as a Republican. Davis was also critical of the Obama administration, with whom he was sometimes at odds while in Congress on issues such as health care.

Read more about what he thinks on his blog.

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4 Responses to Prominent Democrat Artur Davis Leaves Party

  1. Toby says:

    Thanks but no thanks! We already have a republican Obama by the name of John McCain, we have no use for another one.

  2. Princess says:

    and Mitt Romney

  3. Tina says:

    It was true then, it will be true tomorrow and it is true today: “You can’t always get what you want” – Rolling Stones 1969

    My goal is movement in a rightward conservative direction for at least thirty years.

  4. Peggy says:

    This young man should be the Democrats poster child.

    This Bright-Eyed Young Man Was Utterly Demolished by Student Loans:

    Take 36-year-old Nick Keith, who remains $142,000 in debt eight years after graduating from culinary school.

    “I want to educate the public about the facts,” Keith said. “My life has become a daily swim in a tar pit with very little hope of ever getting out.”

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