Posted by Tina
Last weekend the politically left Netroots Nation gathered in Providence RI to plan and share prior to the coming high stakes election season. The economy was high on the list of concerns for these web geeks as they noodled about how to get the message out. Their concerns may have exploded after comments made by Obama (more on that later). Meanwhile, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman had some negative words about the economy under Barack Obama:
Astoundingly reality has not yet sunk in for these leftists! They still refuse to see that liberal policies have not worked for the nation and have been thoroughly rejected in Wisconsin:
This year’s Netroots Nation conference fell just days after Tuesday’s failed effort to recall a union-busting Republican governor in Wisconsin. The liberal activists and bloggers who gathered at the four-day conference here were clearly upset that their highly refined ground game could not overcome the severe money advantage held by the governor, Scott Walker, and his forces.
Money…it’s just about money? Funny it isn’t about money when they spend and win…it’s about policy! But how much money did unions spend in Wisconsin? And how do we put a money value on the thousands of hours donated by liberal activists and the unions? Well, the thing is, they don’t count that contribution and thus their so-called money disadvantage can be used to explain the loss and the abject failure of liberal policies remains untouched in their minds.
Anyone with eyes to see knows that the sterling turn-around in Wisconsin has happened since Walker’s policies were adopted…which may be what gave the President the *%#%#’s to say:
The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government. Oftentimes cuts initiated by, you know, Governors or mayors who are not getting the kind of help that they have in the past from the federal government and who don’t have the same kind of flexibility as the federal government in dealing with fewer revenues coming in.
And so, you know, if Republicans want to be helpful, if they really want to move forward and put people back to work, what they should be thinking about is how do we help state and local governments and how do we help the construction industry? Because the recipes that they’re promoting are basically the kinds of policies that would add weakness to the — to the economy, would result in further layoffs, would not provide relief in the housing market, and would result, I think most economists estimate, in lower growth and fewer jobs, not more.
Republican governors all across America are demonstrating what is needed to put people back to work and successfully manage budgets. The policies and measures enacted by these governors support teachers, firefighters, and police officers in the long run because they support a thriving private sector able to support itself and pay taxes to increase revenues to local and state coffers.
Depression…layoffs…cut wages…unemployment…stagnation are all a result of big government thinking. Krugman, and possibly some of the Netroots, are willing to acknowledge the horrible mess we’re in…but sadly, not the thinking that got us into that mess…not even when the contrast is right before their eyes!
We can’t afford four more years of governance without a clue!
I agree, of course things could always get worse, but I have to say from my perspective its pretty awful. right now
I’ve always been involved in the stock market and this market isn’t going anywhere. Stocks are the best litmus test we have on the economy right now and in the near future. Europe has everyone scared and Obama’s plans at home haven’t amounted to much. He seems in over his head in understanding how bad things are globally. -Jack
I agree. Economic policies have destroyed the net worth of most Americans. It is unfair that some have not had their futures destroyed. Now, we will be lowering the wages of the last lucky few.Wages have fallen 8% for the rest of us. What makes the union guys so special?
Let them get hit in the wallet like the rest of us!
Remember, our neighbors are our enemies, they are ruining America with the high wages and benefits!