Les commentaires Ont Voulu – Citoyens franais

Nous voulons votre opinion ! S’il vous plat crire en et nous dire que vous pensez au nouveau gouvernement en France et Valerie Trierweiler.

Nous sommes inquits qu’un gouvernement socialiste endommagera le March Commun europen. Quel est votre opinion?

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11 Responses to Les commentaires Ont Voulu – Citoyens franais

  1. Joseph says:

    Well, the socialists on your “internal affairs” committee of your corrupt city council just voted to outlaw plastic bags.

    These little dictators want to control every aspect of your lives, right down to deciding for you if you will even be allowed to have a damn grocery bag!

  2. Joseph says:

    You want my opinion? My opinion is that we have enough to worry about from the socialists and statists in this country.

    Like I’ve said before, just look at your own city council. They want to control every aspect of your lives and raise your taxes while continuing their out of control spending on things like STF.

    These people need to know their actions will not go unchallenged.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Duly noted, thank you sir or rather merci beaucoup.

  4. Soaps says:

    Il faut cultiver notre jardin.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Hmmm…I think that was by Voltair? Trs habile! (Taking responsibility for our lives/actions or something like that? )

    PS Si vous avez t en Californie vous serait trs riche cultiver votre jardin. lol

  6. mark sorensen says:

    Le socialisme tout lieu est un danger pour la libert partout.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Absolutely! Well said.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Laissez-nous lire et nous faire danser – deux amusements qui ne fera jamais de mal au monde. Voltaire. Je prfre que la partie lecture, la danse est trop tribale. It’s why I like PS! lol

  9. Post Scripts says:

    I’m glad Soaps brought up Voltaire, it’s been a long time since I’ve even heard his name, much less read any of his work.

    If a third of high school students don’t know who is buried in Grant’s Tomb what are the odds they have even heard of Voltaire? Idiocracy…it’s coming true. -Jack

  10. Toby says:

    I read yesterday, 95% of the cheese eating surrender monkeys would vote for Obama. Why doesn’t he move to France?

  11. Post Scripts says:

    Toby, that doesn’t surprise me one bit.

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