10,000 Dead – Civil War in Syria

by By Jim Miklaszewski and Courtney Kube, NBC News

Russian made Syrian helicopter gunship armed with missiles fires into civilian apartment complex causing a giant fireball.


Russia is sending a new shipment of helicopter gunships to Syria, a move that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday could escalate the conflict “quite dramatically.”

Syria already has a fleet of the Russian gunships which are armed with rockets, cannons and heavy machine guns.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is one of Russia’s main weapons customers, according to Reuters, and Moscow sold a large shipment to the country as recently as mid-May.

Russia’s business relationship with Syria has presented a problem on the U.N. Security Council, which has been seeking a unified stance in confronting the Assad regime. Russia along with China — two of the council’s five permanent members — has been reluctant to admonish the Syrian leader, despite the growing bloody toll in a conflict that a U.N. official said Tuesday had all the characteristics of a civil war.

The violence that has left more than 10,000 people dead since the uprising against Assad’s government began 15 months ago. Most of the dead were civilians, according to opposition groups. End

Note: During a recent news conference Mrs. Clinton wanted to make it perfectly clear in no way has the US government sent any military assistance to the rebels in Syria.

It is a well known fact, published by all the mainstream media around the world that the US has sent communication equipment to the rebels. In addition, the US and friendly Arab nations have arranged for arms shipments, but none directly from the US. Either Mrs. Clinton lied or she is incredibly uninformed.

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4 Responses to 10,000 Dead – Civil War in Syria

  1. Tina says:

    Or…LOL…it’s an election year and we don’t want the administration dubbed “war monger”!

  2. Observer says:

    People are dying!
    Who cares?
    Let’s use this as an opportunity to make Obama look bad!

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Observer said: “People are dying! Who cares? Let’s use this as an opportunity to make Obama look bad! LOL!!!!!!!”

    OH GOOD GRIEF! Q or Observer whoever….Please pay attention now because this is important to your understanding of what was said.

    The headline reads “10,000 Dead – Civil War in Syria.” The sub-headline reads: “Russian made Syrian helicopter gunship armed with missiles fires into civilian apartment complex causing a giant fireball.” No Obama mentioned here.

    During the entire 256 words in this article almost all of it was focus on the human tragedy. No Obama mentioned!

    A graphic picture was inserted to show exactly how callous it was to fire a rocket into an apartment building, no doubt at a great loss of life. Again…Obama’s name never mention!

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose news conference resulted in this story was mentioned. Twice for condemning Russia’s arms shipment to Syria and once in a closing statement for not telling us the truth about a military communications shipment to the rebels.

    This caused you to say, “People are dying! Who cares? Let’s use this as an opportunity to make Obama look bad! LOL!!!!!!!

    Who cares? Who cares?! I care – it’s why I wrote freaking story!!!!! How do get that it was an opportunity to make Obama look bad?!!! UN-FREAKING-BE-LIEVABLE!

  4. Tina says:

    Jack I think the Q-man was referring to my retort, which was an admittedly snide response to your musings about Hillary Clinton…she is “lying” or “uninformed”…and not to the general topic of civil war in Syria. He failed to notice I imagine because one of his many passions is attempting to make me look bad by sensationalizing my comments beyond what was intended and then attempting to put me in my place.

    It’s Fathers Day, Jack…sorry to have caused you such grief as the evening winds down. Hope you had a good day.

    I hate war. I hate that human beings are unable to “just get along,” (R.I.P. Rodney King).

    But I also know that we live in the real world and not some utopian dream or fantasy. I have little patience for those dreamers who believe the United States is, or has been, evil in its intentions and who vilify our leaders and the troops we send into battle…often for their own political reasons.

    Presidents are human beings. They do the best they can and they take their heavy burdens seriously. Some are better prepared to make the tough decision than others but I don’t think any of them has intentionally or purposely gone to war or sent troops into battle for evil purposes as they have often been characterized.

    Anti-war dreamers have used the term “war monger” to demean some of our presidents and the United States of America. My remark was also pointed at these negative (anti-American in my mind) types that judge our leaders with utopian prejudice and impossible standards. Some are content just to stand on the sidelines with signs and placards thinking they have done something important for peace. Others have grown bitter due to personal participation and/or loss in war…and who can blame them? Still, allowing the ego or that bitterness to become a poison dart aimed at our country is not, in my estimation, a position of honor or good. In fact it is quite harmful to themselves and our nation. In some cases the hidden purpose is to glorify themselves as better than others. A number of them are very militant, angry, and destructive…this is the irony of life. Most would take this great republic, a nation that has stood solidly for freedom and peace in word and in deed, and turn it into the kind of nation that has engaged in war for evil purposes.

    I blog because I cannot allow that to happen.

    The situation in the world is frightening. We need a leader in America that can navigate these waters with confidence and a strong voice for freedom. November can’t come soon enough for me.

    The political and ideological energies that create the necessity or conditions for war cannot be avoided in this day and age. The best we citizens can do is elect leaders that will be thoughtful and restrained but also willing to do what they believe is necessary.

    A weakened America will not make for a peaceful world.

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