From the Left: Obama “Must Not” Win Re-Election

Posted by Tina

Disappointment in Obama’s performance from the left could be damaging to President Obama’s hopes for re-election. One of his former professors at Harvard Law School has nothing good to say about Mitt Romney but has decided the losses the left would experience under a Romney presidency would be better than the consequences of a second term for Obama.

Watch the video (below) if you can stand the intellectual gobbledygook that surrounds his thought process. Here are the highlights of interest to the clear-headed and the right-wing:

“The Democratic Party has no new direction. … [Obama] has failed to advance the progressive cause.”

“He has spent trillions of dollars to rescue the moneyed interests and left workers and homeowners to their own devices.”

“He has subordinated the broadening of economic and educational opportunity to the important but secondary issue of access to healthcare. … He has evoked a politics of hand-holding. … His policy is financial confidence and food stamps.”

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5 Responses to From the Left: Obama “Must Not” Win Re-Election

  1. Post Scripts says:

    WOW, WOW, Double WOW! Tina, I am shocked, that was a great find! Where in the world did you come up with this video?

    This articulate and intelligent guy is speaking from heart and telling exactly as he sees it, I love it. He holds our two party system accountable, and even if I disagree with a few of his minor points, I applaud his candor and courage to take on the system in support of democracy!

    I knew there were plenty of good people out here who would make great representatives and this video has re-instilled that belief. Thank you. -Jack

  2. How 'bout that change! says:

    I note he doesn’t make the case for Rmoney. We are like Egypt now, we have aa choice between AIDS and cancer.

  3. Tina says:

    Considering his left leanings I wouldn’t expect him to make the case for Romney, would you? I suggest he may be concerned that Obama has so damaged the Democrat progressive brand that it won’t be able to recover. If so I hope he is right.

    Hey…we get to choose between the candidates that run. I will let Romney start with a clean slate if he wins and I will press for success in turning the economy positive and putting people back to work. (I pray for a really good Secretary of State and a couple of solid judges).

  4. Libby says:

    “Hey…we get to choose between the candidates that run. I will let Romney start with a clean slate if he wins ….”

    Ah, how we do abandon our principles for a winner. Obama-care is, in fact, Romney-care. But you are all: who? what? where?

    And don’t ever wonder how we’ve gotten where we are.


  5. Tina says:

    Powers that the Constitution explicitly grants the federal government: Collect taxes, Regulate interstate commerce, Coin money, regulate currency, set standards of weights and measures, Declare war, Raise and maintain an army and navy.

    Everything else is relegated to the states or the people:

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people (Tenth Amendment in the Bill of Rights)

    Dismissing little things like what is in the Constitution is how we have “gotten where we are”. For most of the last one hundred years the progressives have dismissed it to a spectacular degree.

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