Hope for Mexico Lies in Economic Opportunity

Posted by Tina

The situation in Mexico is dire. Drug cartels, corrupt authority figures, and a lot of money to be made in shady, murderous deals is making life a living hell for its honest hard-working citizens. Americans that abuse drugs are part of the problem but there has been a sharp drop in cocaine use and some believe the drop in demand will change this situation dramatically in the next ten years. Certainly a stronger diplomatic effort could be made to offer our help to eradicate the vermin. The coming elections in both Mexico this July and America in November might bring a new and better direction and offer a new beginning for both Mexico and America.

Mexico’s growing industrial complex offers the hope of a thriving economy for the Mexican people. A thriving Mexican economy would spell good news for people in both of our nations. The challenges that stand in the way for Mexico are not unlike the challenges we face. Special interest groups and unions use their power to protect their interests with little regard to how their self-interest damages opportunity overall. The educational system has plenty of money but fails at preparing its students for participation in a fast changing world. Finding ways to resolve these and other issues that prevent growth present a daunting challenge. The stakes are high. The reward would be two nations that will become engines of opportunity and alter the relationship of our two countries regarding immigration and trade. A positive change for both Mexico and America would make the North American continent a more stable and productive area of the world.

An article posted in McClatchy reports on both the problems and the hopes for our friends south of the border. (See also video):

Despite the problems, pockets of manufacturing strength dot the country. Mexico this year will become the globe’s fifth biggest exporter of automobiles, topping 3 million units. Production of medical diagnostic equipment also soars.

The Bombardier plant here in Queretaro shows what can be accomplished if the will exists. To woo Bombardier, Queretaro built an aeronautical university to provide engineers and helped promote an industrial center for the company’s suppliers. Bombardier’s Queretaro operations now employ 1,800 engineers and technical people working on Learjet 85s and Global Express long-range aircraft.

“Mexico has developed very quickly in the aerospace industry for many reasons,” said Real Gervais, a vice president for Bombardier Aerospace at its Mexican manufacturing center.

And behind companies like Bombardier, the aerospace sector booms. Mexico now tallies 249 companies in five major clusters making parts or engines for aircraft. Exports hit $4.3 billion last year.

Jobs, growth, a good educational system, and a strong coordinated effort to eradicate corruption and crime are what the people of Mexico need. In this world of shaky economic conditions the task to move toward improved conditions requires strong leadership and a lot of good fortune and prayer. Let us hope that we get what is needed in the coming years in both of our countries.

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One Response to Hope for Mexico Lies in Economic Opportunity

  1. Post Scripts says:

    That’s great, I wish Mexico much success, but it comes at a heavy price for the US economy and American jobs.

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