Quelle est votre citation prfre?

Il me semble que nous ne parviennent pas apprendre de la sagesse de nos philosophes les plus brillants. J’ai pens qu’il serait amusant de faire des recherches peu de cette sagesse que l’on trouve dans les citations clbres. Soins de partager votre citation prfre de Voltaire, Plato, Descartes, Rand, Pascal, etcetera?

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9 Responses to Quelle est votre citation prfre?

  1. Soaps says:

    France held a big election yesterday, and the Socialists won on a platform of raising taxes. Just the thing for a country on the verge of economic collapse with a bloated government and huge deficit.

    Sur le pont d’Avingnon
    On y danse, on y danse
    Sur le pont d’Avignon
    On y danse tout en rond

  2. juanita says:

    “Et-cetera, Et-cetera, Etcetera…” Yul Brynner, The King and I

  3. Ben says:

    A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one.
    – Benjamin Franklin

  4. Post Scripts says:

    I think I like Ben’s best! lol How true, too! I couldn’t figure out what the heck Soaps quote was, because I only recognized the words On and dance, so I looked it up. D’Avignon is a bridge location! Aha… and it turns out to be the lyrics to a popular childrens song. I heard it on U-Tube…good find. Juanita’s Et-cetera,Et-cetera,sounds a lot like my frequently used yadda, yadda, yadda. Yep, it’s amazing what you can learn on the net.lol

    More language trivia…want to learn some basic, but critical Chinese, Mandarin? Try this: (Hello) Knee-how (I want a beer) Knee-you pee-jew and (Thank you) Shu’ah shay, but if you’re saying hello to more than one, it’s then said…knee-men-how.

    I started learning bits of Cantonese when I was in Hong Kong years ago, now I’m into Mandarin. The two languages don’t really convert either. Having too many dialects was one of big problems in China for thousands of years. Mandarin is now the official language. Russian, then English and French are popular in China now. Speaking of… I had a lot of trouble with Russian because its alphabet is more Greek than Latin, so there’s almost nothing familiar about it. At least Mandarin is easy to pronounce! Did you know there are over 47,000 characters in the Chinese language? Try memorizing that alphabet!

  5. Tina says:

    Jack: “Did you know there are over 47,000 characters in the Chinese language? Try memorizing that alphabet!”

    Imagine the keyboard!

    I know the typewriters were quite wide and deep…something like 20 characters a minute was considered speedy!

  6. Soaps says:

    lyrics to a popular childrens song

    Actually, a very old French children’s song about fun, carefree little children dancing on the bridge, which is pretty much how the French acted in their recent election.
    By the way, the answer to your cartoon is that it is a simple redundancy, like 7 a.m. in the morning.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Soaps, we may have just created a monster by posting the cartoon and disclosing the answer, because I’m guilty of this every time I write more than two paragraphs.

  8. Oui says:

    Je pense que nous refusons d’apprendre! Si nous apprenons que nous peut savoir que nous avions tort. Notre espce est terroris l’ide d’admettre des erreurs. C’est pourquoi il est rancoeur tellement dans la vie politique.
    Pour preuve, une fois que vous l’tude de ces philosophes grands, vous aurez soit un libral ou becoma nous dire qu’ils avaient tort – comme la plupart des conservateurs faire.

  9. Post Scripts says:

    Qui, there is more than enough fault to go around, liberal or conservative, both guilty, some more than others. However, we can agree that we must learn from our mistakes and be willing to admit them too. You accuse conservatives of being in denial, but everything I’ve read and seen says the opposite. Conservatives generally seem more willing to criticize and hold their people accountable, unlike liberals who only want to do that for the right-wingers. But, this is just my opinion…take it for what its worth.

    Je suis trop fatigu ce matin de penser ou d’crire en franais.

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