Whittle on Fast & Furious

Posted by Tina

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11 Responses to Whittle on Fast & Furious

  1. Tina says:

    Anyone interested in information and knowledge about this case should read Andrew McCarthy today at National Review. He has worked in the Justice Department and he explains why this case had to be directed from the highest levels of our government. (hint: click on print to see the article on one page suitable for printing):


    The media commentary about executive privilege makes your eyes glaze over. Thats intentional: When you are throwing sand in the publics eyes, as the administration is in the Fast and Furious scandal, you want the talking heads droning on about the jurisprudence of presidential communications and deliberative process. Blather about the legal contours diverts your attention from the only question that really matters: Why?

    Why is President Obama denying Congress and the public access to critical information about his administrations part in a shockingly ill-conceived investigation that resulted in the murder of Brian Terry, a heroic federal Border Patrol agent and veteran U.S. Marine. And when I say his administrations part, that, too, is intentional…

    (consider as you read why it is important to elect leaders of competenence and integrity)

  2. Zed says:

    No comment necessary.

  3. Toby says:

    I figure the next great insult will be a blanket pardon for Holder with no details of what he is being pardoned for. Care to bet?

  4. Post Scripts says:

    No bet, because you know Holder has been covering for Obama. The only way he can justify executive protection is if he was somehow complicit.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Whittle seems to be on to something. It sure looks like he is right, but with Obama using his Executive Privilege to keep evidence from Congress, we may not know for sure until after Obama leaves the White House. -Jack

  6. Not Funny says:

    I take back all the good thoughts I ever had about Obama. He is apparently one-sixth as bad as Bush using “Executive Privilege” to hide what he is doing. And here, I thought he was perfect!

  7. Peggy says:

    Nick Gillespie Blasts Rachel Maddow & Bill Maher Over Fast and Furious
    (From the Blaze)

    Here Maddow defend Obama and blame Bush again using the scripted defense.

    F&F exchange is about 17:30.


  8. Post Scripts says:

    “I take back all the good thoughts I ever had about Obama. He is apparently one-sixth as bad as Bush using “Executive Privilege” to hide what he is doing. And here, I thought he was perfect!” Q

    That’s quite the indictment on Obama since every liberal walking the planet thinks Bush is worse than Satan, Hitler, Stalin, Attila the Hun and Richard Dommer all rolled into one.

  9. Princess says:

    Fortune just had an interesting article about this. It seems to me that the gun laws in Arizona are crazy. I know we are supposed to just love Arizona as conservatives but as far as I’m concerned they are nuts. This article talks about our worthless DOJ based in Arizona refusing to prosecute people who are clearly buying these weapons fraudulently. Anyone who is over 18 without a felony can just buy a gun and transfer it to anyone else. One example was ATF found proof in someone’s garbage that they were on food stamps and purchased thousands of dollars worth of guns and the awesome Obama DOJ refused to prosecute them even for welfare fraud.

    Read Fortune.

  10. Tina says:

    Nice play Jack.

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