The Real Cost of A $5 Mirror

by Jack


I happened to read this story about a school bus driver in New York, Juan Delvalle. (See photo on left) Delvalle was trying to inch past an illegally parked car on a crowded street, when the bus made contact with the parked vehicle’s mirror and broke it, big deal, huh? The guy that parked illegally was at fault, not the bus driver. He was just trying to get the kids to school.

However, the bus driver, being a responsible person, stopped and went back to survey the minor damage. He was confronted by the man who owned the vehicle, Joey Scott, (see photo on right below). Scott was an animal that Police describe as a career criminal with a long and violent rap sheet. (R-U wondering why was he not behind bars? Answer shown below).

Scott reacted like most vicious predator would, he overreacted, lost his temper and suddenly and without provocation attacked the slight built 65 year bus driver, striking him with all his might in the face. This knocked Mr. Delvalle backwards where he fell and struck his head on the pavement causing major brain damage.

Scott, seeing the still body of Mr.Delvalle lying there made no attempt to render aid or even call for help, this is not the way of predators. He simply got back in his car and fled the scene as


school children looked on in horror .

Mr. Delvalle went into a deep coma and died several weeks later, never regaining consciousness. The mild mannered bus driver would have retired in a few months and he was talking about moving to Arizona to spend his remaining years.

As for Scott, he hid in his apartment and then threatened the cops who came to arrest him. A standoff ensued and finally he was talked out. Unfortunately, he was taken into custody without further incident. Too bad the sniper team didn’t get him. Anyway this monster is now back in jail and is awaiting trial for involuntary manslaughter.

Now get this, In New York if convicted he could get 6 months to a year and then he will be back out on the streets again. New York had a 3 strikes law, but liberal justices overturned it. Ain’t that a b——–!?

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3 Responses to The Real Cost of A $5 Mirror

  1. WTF says:

    He COULD only receive six months. However, he will probably get a life sentence. Nobdoy can intelliegently speculate.
    But, it makes a great story about Black-on-White crime, and librul judges!

  2. Post Scripts says:

    WTF, no he won’t get life. I looked up the sentencing guidelines for involuntary manslaughter in New York and its 6 months to a year, with the majority of convictions getting the lower end. The point of the story was, NY has no 3 strikes law and this is why this predator was free to kill someone. I made it really clear and noted that the NY struck struck down 3 strikes the voters passed, I’m not surprised you missed it because it doesn’t fit into what you wish to see.

  3. Kristen says:

    That sick monster could be back on the streets ready to commit violence again, thanks to the liberal idiots who would allow it? Bet they wouldn’t be so liberal if someone they loved got killed by the likes of Joey Scott. How disgusting. RIP Juan Delvalle.

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