Let America be America Again

WOW! This is what makes America work! Get government out of the way and let business get done.
-Sean Morgan

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15 Responses to Let America be America Again

  1. Harold Ey says:

    All I get out of listening to Obama’s statement on ‘never doing anything on your own’ is first he is talking about himself, and second Obama probably never even operated a lemonade stand!

  2. Zed says:

    No doubt operating a lemonade stand was out of Obama’s skill set. The great community organizer probably got others to operate lemonade stands and then attacked them for putting them up on government created sidewalks and not paying “their fair share”.

  3. Princess says:

    I don’t understand the Republican party today. Obama is 100% right on this claim and everyone knows it. One of the things that makes this country great is our infrastructure. We can’t have anything good without our freeways. This country would suck if education wasn’t free. Everyone knows Obama means that businesses will not succeed without people who are educated to work and shop there and infrastructure to get things there to sell. And Mitt Romney is a complete idiot because the people he gets to attack Obama on this issue have been defense contractors and some steel guy who started his business with hundreds of thousands of dollars in government loans. So why are we fighting about this instead of the fact that the Obama DHS has millions of people with security clearance. We have wasted a trillion dollars taking away civil rights.

  4. Harrriet says:

    Princess, you are kidding right?

    Roads and bridges helped the businessman? Communist China has roads and bridges, no freedom there to start business.

    Romney is hardly a complete idiot, I wouldn’t even call Obama a complete idiot, just totally wrong.

  5. Joseph says:

    Let America be America again, eh?

    If you want America to be America again you can start by letting the citizens defend themselves.

    Like this


    Thugs will learn pretty dang quick not to mess with Jack in an Internet cafe!

  6. Tina says:

    Obama is not 100% right. If anything he is 180 degrees out of phase. Support structures exist now but they were built because free people gradually created it. If not for their efforts we’d still be riding on horseback along the rutted path.

    The other platitudinal things Obama had to say are also true, but so what? They do not change the fact that Obama believes, and said, accomplishment is secondary and unimportant…people share everything, even accomplishment.

    It was a stupid bone-headed remark that reveals his collectivist thinking. The problem with that is collectivism and freedom do not mix. They cannot! In a collectivist society people will tend toward the easy path because there is no incentive to excel. And when finally everyone is riding in the cart the infrastructure falls apart…money is not being generated to repair it. Kind of like now only much worse!

    This is an important point for the Republican Party, and indeed the nation! The policies that flow from collectivist thought (Obama) produce continued high unemployment, massive and growing debt, inflation, and a devalued dollar.


    Sean thank you for sharing a fantastic video. This is the land of we the people, individuals free to make choices and investments and free to decide how their profits are spent. We are not a collection of robots who wait for government to tell us what to do and when and to hand us a crust of bread.

    Before there were roads there were ruts and pathways. Before there were trucks there were wagons. Before there were cattle cars there were cowboys and drovers. Before there was public school there was the local school house. We the people built all of it from nothing. Government, when it was in its proper place, was the servant of the people there only to provide security and the legal structure necessary to keep order.

    If you want a job…a thriving economy…creative solutions to problems…opportunity for everyone…then turn the people loose and let them choose a path for themselves, let them invest in tomorrow in ways that brings them profit and builds the future for others.

    It’s time we carved government back down to size and let the creative entrepreneurs and investors work.

  7. Peggy says:

    Princess, It’s very easy to understand the Republican party. We’re the ones that SUPPORT businesses and free enterprise and want limited government involvement.

    Excuse me, but what planet do you live on? Where do you think the money comes from to build those roads? It comes from the businesses and the people working in those businesses.

    Henry Fords Model T hit the road in 1908, but the Federal Road Act wasnt approved until 1916. Of course it took years to build those roads, so they drove on dirt for even more years. So, how did the roads help Ford build his business? They didnt.

    The same applies to just about everything. Business’ profits that support all of the necessary and desired services and products must come first, not the other way around.

    Keep the horse before the cart to pull it. Businesses are the horse, not the cart!

    From Wikipedia:

    The Model T was introduced on October 1, 1908

    The Federal Aid Road Act of 1916 (also known as the Bankhead-Shackleford Act), 39 Stat. 355, was enacted on July 11, 1916, and was the first federal highway funding legislation in the United States.

  8. Peggy says:

    Everyone sing with me, The heat is on.

    CIA Magically Finds the Missing Leaks For the Coming Bin Laden Movie:
    By Kevin Danielson – IJ Review

    The name of the movie is called Zero Dark Thirty, which apparently has to do with the killing of Osama bin Laden. The only problem with creating a war movie about an event that is so recent that gun smoke hasnt yet settled is that much of the information needed to create something coherent is still considered classified. Well, this does not stop the makers of the film, and it does not stop the CIA from handing over information (otherwise known as a leak).

    However, much of the incriminating evidence was thought to be lost during all the confusion. At this time, that stack of documents has been found. Josh Gerstein of Politico reports:

    It seems as if the paper pushers at the CIA neglected to look in the Classified Documents Needed for Recent War Movies bin in the Cover Ups and Leaks wing of the building at Langley. Perhaps it was a simple filing error, but whatever the case, the CIA has released this statement:

    Originally, the movie was supposed to have aired in October, which it is merely only a coincidence that October precedes November, and November just so happens to be the month of the 2012 election in which Barack Obamas job is up for review. Considering that the assassination of Osama bin Laden is one of the few things that hes done that America actually likes, this is perhaps a good reason for using the movie as campaign material.

    Then again, because this is a rather easy plot to see through, Politico reports:

    The bin Laden raid movie, Zero Dark Thirty, had originally been due out from Sony in October. However, after critics complained that it was a thinly-disguised effort to boost Obamas re-election chances, the studio moved the release date to December 19.

    Its beginning to look like the Obama administrations attempt at gaining a quick jump in the poll numbers right before November is doing more harm than good. Because he compromised the nations intelligence apparatus to keep himself in the Oval Office, it may serve as one of the many scandals that will send him packing for home.

    Full story here:

    Political: By JOSH GERSTEIN

  9. Jim says:

    Of course Romney said much the same thing at the Olympics to the Olympians – “You didn’t win that”


    Oh and speaking of the Olympics, how much taxpayer money did Romney spend on that event?

    A record $1.3 billion in federal dollars for Salt Lake City’s games.

  10. Tina says:

    Jim thanks for sharing this video. It highlights further the difference in philosophy between the two candidates in 2012. President Obama and Mitt Romney both know, as any businessman knows, that anyone who accomplishes something is helped along the way and supported by others.

    Romney, however, acknowledges the Olympian: “We solute you Olympians you dreamed and paid the price to make your dreams real…You guys pushed yourself, drove yourself, trainedwinning and losing…”

    Obama shames the business person: ” If you’ve got a business you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” And he goes on to say that somebody else paid for the roads etc. which excludes the business man and his tax contribution and his contribution in job creation which also expands the tax base.

    As for funding of the Olympics, you ask an important question that should be addressed outside the election. The problem of funding isn’t unique to Utah and Romney. A lot of federal dollars were spent to save the Salt Lake Olympics. Romney was called in late to save the Utah Olympics (for America) when spending and planning had run amok.

    The Washington Post has a fairly extensive article on the subject of funding for the the Olympics:


    See also here:


    The model that Salt Lake should have followed was the LA Olympics. It actually made a profit and was funded mostly by private dollars. LA had some advantages …our economy was flush…lots of monied and creative people in LA…and a lot of infrastructure was already in place.

    Jim, do you think we should invest federal dollars in the games or should it be all private funding…a mix? What?

  11. Zed says:

    Follow up: The anti-Scott Brown, Barack Hussein Obama


  12. Chris says:

    Tina: “President Obama and Mitt Romney both know, as any businessman knows, that anyone who accomplishes something is helped along the way and supported by others.

    Romney, however, acknowledges the Olympian…Obama shames the business person”

    Of course, Obama also acknowledged the efforts of individuals in the very same speech you are criticizing. You have simply chosen to leave that part out.

    Obama: “The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.”


    Obama did not shame anyone. He did not neglect to point out that businessmen are successful, in part, because of “individual initiative.” Stop pretending that he did. This line of attack against Obama from conservatives is out of context and dishonest.

    In related news, today is a day that ends in “y.”

  13. Jim says:

    Tina, you are right, the LA Olympics were very well managed. I hate seeing so much public money spent, with so little long term benefit. Of course part of the money spent on the SLC Winter Olympics was for a light rail system. Hopefully that will server that City for many years to come.
    I would prefer all private funding for sporting events. Much like they did in San Francisco with the new Pac Bell ball park.

  14. Tina says:

    They did a great job with Pac Bell Park. I think the model could be applied to almost anything.

    Before 1965 private charity did a good job caring for the poor and helping with health care and other issues. The American people are generous. But we tend to resent being told where and how our money will be spent (taxes) especially when we see so much waste and problems that persist rather than clearing up. Now that we discover they are unsustainable it’s even more troubling. I am willing to give but since I worked hard and risked to earn it I’d like to see those dollars actually produce a good result. there will always be a few people that need help. Lets just make policy that results in most of us being productive, contributing citizens! Right now we are doing things that discourage job creation and ensure that more people are dependent. That’s nuts!

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