Penalized for the Actions of a Few

by Harold E.

After reading Jack’s articles lately, I agree with the fact we are penalized as a common society for the actions of a few. Also I notice the penalties always seem to be generated by the same ruling of the progressive Liberal mindset.

I am convinced the Liberal mindset now running the Democratic Party is destroying America, and not so slowly, Liberals are intent on limiting our freedom through THEIR creative official manipulation and basic outright lying. How has this current direction done anything to benefit America ?

Face it; Government does not produce one single penny of revenue, they just TAX US! And taxes are the petri dish for more laws and restrictions toward the public sector, and do nothing but expand Government size and waste.

We seem to do much better as a country with fewer restrictions that create more opportunities. I am not saying that the GOP should not share some responsibility, however during the last unrestricted Democratic control of the Congress, Government grew at an alarming rate, and did they do their job and create a balanced budget, NO! And with no budgets passed by the Democrats they eliminated spending controls, and so they expanded Government size. Then they start borrowing trillions to pay for not doing their jobs correctly to being with, and put the burden on the backs of tax payers. Again we consumers pay a penalty. Most of their intentions seem to be expanding government through limiting our freedoms, like the right to bear arms. They create a problem and then support it by lies, like the latest DOJ problems of Holder because of contrived gun control WANTED by the Obama administration, also there is the discontent of truth that underlies Obama care, or the necessity of giving bailout money to auto industry, so possibly to assist the unions, while wiping out private share holders. While I am at it, the hot issue here in Chico is a plastic bag ban, created by a (small) percentage of bags that get discarded back into the environment through different means. Here again, not an issue that promotes the growth of badly needed jobs, if anything it prevents savvy business to avoid our nanny ridden city ordinance’s. But what can you expect from regressive thinking, you get small nepotistic laws, which erode steps forward. These laws were never created to benefit growth and prosperity; actually they just serve as a grave marker for progress. However, we as a community suffer the penalties for the doctrine of a tried and failed philosophy.

Listen to the repetitious slurs being recycled daily in the news, Politicians who have nothing of substance to promote, just seem to try and discredit their opponents in an effort to obtain the brass ring. Mostly this is the age old adage that 2 and 2 equals 5, if you say it enough.

Without a doubt it’s an election year and if like most you are already tired of repetitive Political sound bites, we tune them out for more important things, like what has Lindsay Lohan done recently, or watching the real cute video on line about some kitten. By doing so we make the mistake of what’s convenient to us at the time and being to depend on ‘sound bite thinking’ when it comes to voting, a frequent mistake we seem to make lately. If we took the time needed to do some serious vetting of these potential or SEATED politicians, more than likely we would not have such ineffectual people in office, either at the federal level or even city councilors.

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13 Responses to Penalized for the Actions of a Few

  1. unrecognizable says:

    ah yes! “progressive liberals” are to blame.
    Of course, you will tell me that the brand new dictionary I am reading is incorrect, and that the definition of liberal has changed. Oh?
    How can my reference book be wrong?
    I think YOU are the one who is lying, Mr. E!
    I don’t think the problem is progressive liberals. The problem is that the voters have been misled. There is no way a liberal democratic republic can survive when the voters are misled. America is not served when we are purposefully put on different pages.
    Look no further than your mirror for a solution.
    Feel free to make an illogical, ad hominem attack that has nothing to do with what I wrote.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    “ah yes! “progressive liberals” are to blame. Of course, you will tell me that the brand new dictionary I am reading is incorrect,”Unrecognizable.

    Here’s a thought, get your nose out of the dictionary and take a good hard look around. We’ve detailed the problems here for years, tell us how liberals have had nothing to do with any of it. Tell us how liberals really are not hell bent on circumventing the Constitution while trying to create a big, fat Nanny State rife with crushing socialism and control over every nuance of our daily lives.

  3. Tina says:

    Progressive liberals are who they are. Why do they run from it when it is pointed out to them?

    Liberal progressives are FOR expensive big government solutions to every problem.

    These big expensive problems cannot be funded without a very vibrant private sector and yet progressive liberals do everything they can think of to make it difficult, if not impossible to run a business.

    Unlike JFK, a democrat who understood business, the very liberal progressives in power today favor increased taxes and increased regulations. They created another very expensive government program at the worst possible time. In fact, they focused most of their attention on this instead of adequately addressing the financial crisis.

    America has recovered from recession in the past within 18 months. In every case steps were taken to support and encourage private sector growth. The liberal progressives in power today printed money and gave it to special interest groups; they called it “stimulus” but much of it was wasted and/or used as a temporary bandaid, kicking the can down the road, leaving us in a jobless “recovery” and increasing the debt.

    The dictionary definition for “liberal” is fine. It is use of the word that is in error.

    The word liberal doesn’t adequately describe the progressives who use it as a mask to hide the fact that they are generous but only with other peoples money. They use the word liberal to pretend generosity when in fact they support a controlling and oppressive government of tyrants. If progressives were truly liberal human beings they would take their ideas and enact them personally using their own money to make a real difference in their own families and communitites. Progressive “liberals” also fail to liberally trust their fellow human beings to handle their own business or the genuine needs of the less fortunate. Power and control over the people is the only solution they seek.

    Conservatives look in the mirror every single day and ask what can I do to make my life and the lives of others better. They liberally seek to be the solution and do the work, so we can all have opportunity and a great country. It is the very essence of conservatism to liberally trust ourselves and our fellows to roll up our sleeves and make things work. Freedom and entrepreneurial spirit is what makes life and the economy vibrant.

    If the people are on different pages it is because the liberal progressives have taken our educational system over to indoctrinate away from the original vision for our free republic and toward a european style socialist democracy…like France!

  4. Libby says:

    “Government does not produce one single penny of revenue.”

    Is is supposed to? I thought it was supposed to take tax revenue and provide paved roads, education, health care, and battleships!

    What eternally bugs me is this head-in-the-sand, fervently held belief that you don’t benefit from any of this stuff. You do. If some poor beggar is off at job training, he’s not burgling your house. Remember that, the next time you want to start whining.

    It’s not all about you, … but if you want to stay comfy, all the boats must float.

    “We seem to do much better as a country with fewer restrictions that create more opportunities.”

    Really? You mean like back around ’03, when an unfettered financial sector started making $300,000 loans to the unemployed? You need to think about this a little bit more. In fact, I challenge you to come up with some segment of this nation’s history wherein an unrestrained financial sector DID NOT lead to some lovely long bit of economic distress.

    “… the hot issue here in Chico is a plastic bag ban, created by a (small) percentage of bags that get discarded back into the environment through different means. Here again, not an issue that promotes the growth of badly needed jobs,….”

    Again, why are you complaining that it’s not going to do something … it is not supposed to do? It’s not supposed to create jobs. The bag ban is only a part of a general realization (you don’t seem to be having, actually) that this whole disposable culture thing was a mistake. It’s making wasteful use of finite resources, and making a mess besides.

    And, yes, us generous, openhanded, broadminded and progressive folk are in the forefront of all this radical change for the betterment of humankind.

  5. Peggy says:

    Libby: And, yes, us generous, openhanded, broadminded and progressive folk are in the forefront of all this radical change for the betterment of humankind.

    Our Progressive in Chief and Secretary of State just had to spend more of our borrowed money on another solar failure. But this time our taxes are going to Africa instead of Calif. Wonder if its near his family. Just have to spend more so they can justify our increasing debt and higher taxes to pay for it all. Insane!!

    Obama Administration to Spend $20 Million on Green Energy Plan For Africa:
    ( The U.S. government is spending $20 million to help clean energy projects in Africa get started. Those projects include wind farms and solar panels, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced at the recent Rio +20 Conference in Brazil.

    But the government watchdog Judicial Watch criticized the spending as wasteful, given the administrations track record in trying to pick green energy winners.

  6. Joseph says:

    that this whole disposable culture thing was a mistake. It’s making wasteful use of finite resources, and making a mess besides.

    I challenge those assumptions. These bags have multiple uses and be recycled.

    I use these bags for garbage bags and would just have to go buy plastic bags for this and those bags are actually thicker and are really thicker than I need so that would actually be a waste. The plastic grocery bags I don’t use (which is not many) I put in the recycle bin.

    So the bag ban is actually counter productive ecologically.

    But because a few people may occasionally litter everyone has to be penalized. Outlaw all plastic grocery bags with “handles” for everyone is your heavy handed answer.

    And, yes, us generous, openhanded, broadminded and progressive folk are in the forefront of all this radical change for the betterment of humankind.

    There is nothing generous about you and your ilk.

    You want to use the heavy hand of government to force everyone to do as you say. If I won’t do what you and Ann Schwab and Andy Hokum dictate I will be fined or worse.

    And if I don’t pay the fine men with guns will eventually come to put me in a cage with violent inmates and if I resist these men with guns will kill me.

    Everything government does is based on the threat of force. There is nothing voluntary or peaceful about government.

    Yet “progressives” like you are always demanding additionaly laws and other dictates instead of voluntarism and education and other peaceful means to accomplish societal goals.

    You are only generous with other people’s money. And saying you are broadminded is a sad joke. You are a heavy handed, closed minded statist who demands the use of the threat of violence be applied to things as ridiculous as grocery bags.

    Go drown your meanness in your skull mug.

  7. Jim says:

    The proposed Plastic Bag ban infuriates me. Less than 1% of the litter or trash is supermarket bags. Most of the litter is fast food containers and wrappers, yet I don’t hear them taking about banning their precious latte cups.

  8. Harold Ey says:

    Hi Libby, let me try to help you understand my views:
    Governments job is to protect us, NOT provide for us.
    Battleships good, welfare waste bad.
    You badly misjudge me, as I realize that I do receive benefits from my tax dollars, I just am tried of providing a life style for those who do not contribution to the same tax pool they are draining. However, if you see more of a need to help them, god bless, and please feel free to send in more money for your comrades needs.
    Ah the Financial Sub prime melt down, caused not in ’03’ actually started with Clinton’s gang around 96 again using our taxes to put EVERYONE in a house of their own(except those who provided the money to begin with)nice idea, but it went downhill from there(and still is sinking)because of the likes of Barney Frank. (VERY Liberal Guy)
    In fact there is great a u-tube ‘time line’ video of the mean ol’ Bush administration asking to stop it and try to fix it (prior to ’03’) if your interested?
    OK plastic bags and the wasteful use of finite materials, I’ll ask you, paper or plastic? I get this every time I shop how about you? I like plastic as I have many other uses for this item prior to me properly disposing of them. Also I notice more paper blowing in the wind up here, more than the occasional plastic bag. But sadly up here, where you are not, the progressive liberals are at the helm of this ship(soon to run aground) and because of the nanny laws they create like banning plastic, simply because of a few who cant realize a little self pride in their actions is all that is needed to help maintain a clean environment
    Oh and as to your comment about being blamed for being at the forefront, well nanny laws are very much like that as well.

  9. Joseph says:

    You are absolutely right, Jim.

    Some idiot told the city council we needed to ban grocery bags in Chico to save sea turtles.

    I guess the guy is right. Here in Chico you can’t leave your house without tripping on a dead sea turtle wrapped in a plastic bag.

    This is just feel good idiocy mandated by ignorant people.

  10. Libby says:

    “I challenge those assumptions. These bags have multiple uses and be recycled.”

    These are not assumptions. They are facts. I tell you what you do. You go find a length of fencing along 99 encrusted with canvas shopping bags … take a picture … and then we’ll talk.

    It is sad. I too used the plastic grocery bags to line the garbage can in the kitchen. And it’s a bitch to pay for something you used to get for free … but was it free?

    You know, you can put the garbage in the bare bucket, and then rinse it out. That’s a bitch too, but this is how it’s gonna have to be.

    And Jim … compostable latte cups are already upon us!

  11. Joseph says:

    These are not assumptions. They are facts.

    You are simply clueless. And if I don’t use the grocery store plastic bags then I have to buy thicker, heavier bags which uses more resources.

    You know, you can put the garbage in the bare bucket, and then rinse it out.

    This is not allowed by the disposal company that serves my area and even if it were I would not dispose of household waste this way, especially kitchen waste. You would have every rat and fly in the city there. That is unsanitary.

    I drive Highway 99 every other week and I rarely see plastic bags. You and these enviro nazis are making an issue out of a non-issue.

    You want to complain about using resources, complain about your lord and saviour Schwabette riding up and down to Forest Hill every day and maintaining two residences instead of a person like me using a couple of damn plastic bags in a week.

  12. Jim says:

    Libby, Plastic store bags can also be recycled or composted, just like the Starbucks cups. My point is, that if we really wanted to reduce waste, we should ban fast food containers too. Why can’t you bring your own cup to the coffee shop?

    Also washing out the cloth bags takes water and electricity, same with washing out the kitchen trash bucket. However the bigger problem is that if I throw loose trash in the garbage can, it will blow down the street when it’s picked up.

    I re-use most of the supermarket bags. I use them to take out my kitchen waste, pick up dog poop, use them to take donations to the thrift shop, carry wet bathing suits, etc.. However a more important usage is to pick up litter when I’m out walking. Without the supermarket bags, I’d probable just leave it where it is. Also on a picnic, I’m not going to put stuff like banana peels in my backpack. Guess I’ll just leave those behind too.

    I think banning plastic bags will just lead to more waste and more litter.

    As for the sea turtles and birds, the problem there is the plastic six-pack holders. I’d like to see those banned asap.

  13. Libby says:

    “This is not allowed by the disposal company that serves my area …”

    I doubt that. It all busts up in the back of the truck anyway.

    “… and even if it were I would not dispose of household waste this way, especially kitchen waste. You would have every rat and fly in the city there. That is unsanitary.”

    Consult your father … maybe grandfather … who lined his garbage cans with newspaper.

    But you, what with the demise of the local print paper, are gonna be making with the garden hose. In no time at all, you will have forgotten it went any other way.

    And, well, maybe you have to drive 580 … or … maybe I’ll come up this weekend and prove you wrong.

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