“The Conservatives”

You can read all about the films creators, debut, and purpose in a hard hitting article over at Breitbart.com:

The Conservatives will debut August 1 at Young America’s Foundation’s National Conservative Student Conference in Washington, D.C. The film, which is free for students, seeks to help young Americans start and build conservative groups, including YAF chapters, on campus this fall. Young America’s Foundation will be working with students across the country to show the film.

Students on campus have good reason to pay attention! According to the article:

Nearly 53 percent of young Americans are unemployed or underemployed; 85% of 2011 college grads had to move home to live with their parents; health care premiums are skyrocketing for young people or the parents able to keep them on their health insurance plans.

It’s no wonder that, for the first time, a majority of Americans think they will be less well off than their parents. The American Dream–the class warfare rhetoric tells us–is beyond our reach without government help.

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One Response to “The Conservatives”

  1. Peggy says:

    Must see video of Napalitano refusing to answer questions.

    GOP Rep. Yells at Janet Napolitano For Claiming Shes Unaware of Classified Doc Leak, WH Terror Group Visit


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