Aurora Colorado Theater Shooting

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Posted by Tina

By now you have undoubtedly heard about the murders and severe injuries that resulted when James Holmes, a recent CU-Denver student from San Diego entered a Colorado theater through an exit door and began shooting randomly after releasing a smoke canister. Twelve people are dead with up to fifty injured some in critical condition. Holmes was arrested after being found in his car behind the theater. Authorities are cautiously attempting to enter his apartment which he claimed was booby trapped. There are no ties to terror groups. The Pentagon has confirmed that military personnel were among the injured.

Hearing the news President Obama observed a moment of silence from the podium of a campaign spot in Florida and calling the incident “senseless”, said of the families of victims: “…we have to embrace them and let them know we will be there for them as a nation.” He has returned to the White House and cancelled campaign commitments for today. Mitt Romney also has limited campaign stops and both candidates have pulled political ads in Colorado out of respect for the families of the victims.

We at Post Scripts express our deepest sympathies to the victims and their families.

Politics under the fold…

Inappropriately, and erroneously, George Stephanopolis and Brian Ross of Good Morning America on ABC reported early on that an Hispanic man, James Michael Holmes, was on a Colorado Tea Party webpage. They have since apologized.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) reportedly said when asked why such things happen during a radio interview on the Heritage Foundation’s “Istook Live!” show: “Some of us happen to believe that when our founders talked about guarding our virtue and freedom, that that was important. Whether it’s John Adams saying our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people […] Ben Franklin, only a virtuous people are capable of freedom, as nations become corrupt and vicious they have more need of masters. We have been at war with the very pillars, the very foundation of this country. You know what really gets me, as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and then some senseless crazy act of a derelict takes place.”

He could have expressed the thought a bit better but I tend to agree with him.

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12 Responses to Aurora Colorado Theater Shooting

  1. Toby says:

    Its like every time a nut job does something the MSM paints them right off the bat as Right wing and then they have to back off it. The only reason they back off it is because they find facts that lead them to a story they will never, ever, ever report. So they just call they nut job a “loner” and wait for the next nut to crack salivating at the chance to maybe nail the TP once and for all.

  2. Zed says:

    Interesting that George Stephanopolis and Brian Ross of Good Morning America on ABC immediately look to try and tie this to the Tea Party.

    They and ABC and GMA are scum.

  3. Libby says:

    Expressed better? I’ll say …

    “We have been at war with the very pillars, the very foundation of this country.”

    That don’t make no sense at all … much like our friend “The Joker”. You’re just lucky this one don’t seem to have politics, just psychosis.

  4. Tina says:

    Should I revisit the one off teleprompter just to make Libby squirm? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

  5. Rex Crosley says:

    Isn’t the bad guy in this movie the “Leader of the 99 percent?”

    Maybe the shooter was tired of the MSM demonizing the current revolutionary tactics and is an extreme anarchist.

  6. Zed says:

    Maybe Rex Crosley is as deranged as the shooter.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Rex, whatever his politics it’s not relevant. Anybody who does such an evil thing is mentally ill, a total psycho. I don’t care if he is an OWS member or Chair of the Democratic Party, he’s crazy and nobody has to take any responsibility for his political leanings, whatever they are, and we just shouldn’t go there. It’s not right to try to make a sort of “guilt by association” thing of out this, like we saw happen in the Giffords case in Arizona. Liberals went after conservatives and talk radio, remember that? The crazy shooter was motivated by “HATE RADIO!” It was ridiculous, and it was sad they felt they needed to go there.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Don’t worry Libs, before its over, somebody will try to make something political out of it to say its the fault of the Tea Party or Republicans or Conservative or Talk Shows, etc. Of course its wrong to do that, but you know it will happen because they are the gun grabbers and can’t miss an opportunity to legislate something.

  9. Harold Ey says:

    Well the Lib’s of the world have already accused the Tea Party falsely of this tragedy in Colorado. Seems they just can not resist the opportunity to do what they can to make fiscal Conservatives look responsible for any bad action.
    ABCs Brian Ross may have apologized for linking Colorado Tea Party member James Holmes but the damage has been done and Holmes life has been threatened.

  10. Tina says:

    The left media, in the persons of Democrat Bill Clinton associate, George Stephanopolis and Brian Ross his ABC associate, already made the Tea Party accusation. They did it before the smoke had even had cleared:

    Thankfully they were shouted down and had to apologize.

    Jack is exactly right. People who do this kind of thing are not dealing with reality much less a full deck. Making political associations without clear evidence or statements of political intent is foolish and irresponsible.

  11. Libby says:

    Harold: “Well the Lib’s of the world have already accused ….”

    Me: “You’re just lucky this one don’t seem to have politics, just psychosis.”

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