Funny Business in Virginia Voter Registrations

Posted by Tina

The Romney campaign is asking Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to investigate voter registrations in that state. According to theRichmond Times-Dispatch residents are receiving registration forms in the mail addressed to deceased relatives, children, pets, and other entities. The mass mailings are being sent by the local group Voter Participation Center to “pre-targeted Democrat voting blocks” such as Latinos, blacks, young voters and women. The request was prompted by complaints from citizens:

In a letter to Cuccinelli’s office and the State Board of Elections, Kathryn Bieber, an attorney for the Romney campaign, calls for an investigation into the matter by law-enforcement officials, claiming that the mailings appear to violate “at least one and maybe several Virginia laws aimed at ensuring a fair election.”

Bieber refers to the mailings as “tactics that amount to, or at the very least induce, voter registration fraud,” and says the issue “presents a very significant risk to the proper administration of the upcoming general election.”

Citing a Sunday Richmond Times-Dispatch story that brought the mailings to light, the letter also asks the State Board of Elections to require registrars to reject all pre-populated voter registration applications from the group and review the eligibility of all Virginians who have registered in the past two months.

“This is the only way for voters and other interested parties to regain confidence in the voter registration and electoral process that has been abused by the Voter Participation Center,” the letter says.

The Voter Participation Center claims on its site to be a nonpartisan group devoted to “increasing the participation and amplifying the voices of unmarried women (women who are single, widowed, divorced or separated) and other historically underrepresented groups in our democracy”. Its mission is “to boost the civic engagement of unmarried women, people of color and 18-29 year olds”, a group that represents the largest growing voter block. Associated groups exist in different states around the country. Associated partners include, League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (LCVEF), Project Vote, US Action Education Fund and the NAACP.

I think these folks should drop the nonpartisan designation. Clearly they are targeting and recruiting for the far left progressive Democrat Party.

I have to ask, is there anything about the tactics of the Democrat Party that is above board or trustworthy? Their play book, “Rules for Radicals” is a manual teaching how to personally and professionally destroy opponents without cause or evidence. A group similar to Voter Participation Center, ACORN, has been exposed using illegal or unethical registration tactics. Voter fraud is apparently not of concern. When Sarah Palin was chosen as a running mate for John McCain she was seen as a powerful threat to Obama because of her charismatic appeal. She was immediately attacked in a vicious and personal way as a means of dissuading voters. Competing based on ideas and principles is apparently not perceived to be enough for the extreme left. Rather than working to ensure clean elections this faction of the Democrat Party is working to stop all such efforts with erroneous claims. Voter ID is said by hard left activists to be a means of suppressing the vote. This argument is particularly specious since the idea is to protect all voters and the integrity of our elections. Democrats have always made extraordinary efforts to “get out the vote”…there is no reason they couldn’t make the same extraordinary effort to “get out voter ID” to make sure voters could vote. It would be quite difficult to produce a photograph of a dead infant or the family pet and still manage a vote for the Democrat candidate. This funny business has got to stop.

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6 Responses to Funny Business in Virginia Voter Registrations

  1. Peggy says:

    Drug money funds voter fraud in Kentucky:

    Obama Accused of Massive Voter Fraud, Intimidation in 2008:

    Dr. Linda Hayes appears at 4:15.

  2. Tina says:

    Wow Peggy that FOX story is really something:

    Prosecutors say more than $400,000, part of it drug proceeds, was pooled by Democratic and Republican politicians over several elections, and spent to buy the votes of more than 8,000 voters, usually at $50 apiece.

    One voter was even able to bid up the cost of his vote to $800.

    In the Eastern District of Kentucky alone, more than 20 public elected officials and others have either been convicted or plead guilty in various vote-buying cases just in the last two years.

    The testimony in the youtube video is pretty damning. I was very interested not only in what the doctor had to say but also the woman at about 12:57

    The Texas voter ID bill is an attempt to stop this type of voter fraud and intimidation. It even had a provision that provided transportation for those who wanted ID and could not get themselves to the place to obtain one.

    Sounds like Hillary got screwed in Texas.

  3. Jim says:

    There is something funny here, but I’m not so sure what is really going on. The zip-codes for the return addresses are incorrect, and one goes back to a UPS store mailbox, NOT the State Board of Elections.

    Somebody is up to something.

  4. Peggy says:

    It seems like every day we hear about another voter fraud situation, but this administration keeps trying to tell us it doesnt exist. There are even video tapes of the fraud and intimidation, but Holder says he wont pursue them if they are minorities. Voter fraud is voter fraud no matter what color someones skin is.

    The 2008 documentary was done by a democratic reporter who originally started out to do a story about the 2008 election. It was only after she came across all of all of the voter fraud and intimidation did she end up with her documentary. Clinton supporters formed a group after the election and gathered tons of voter fraud evidence. Sorry, I forget their name and cant find anything on google. Im sure there are more examples that could be found to validate that voter fraud is taking place at every level and within both parties.

    Sad to see so much of it going on and to realize that so many given the chance are taking advantage of it. Im for voter ID and anything else that takes us back to the one person, one vote. Id even be willing to have a purple finger for a week or so. It could be a symbol of pride in supporting our freedom and our right to vote.

    Here is another example I thought of interest since it was by a student who had nothing really to gain other then voting for his future. Sad to see what his future will be, when he understands he cant trust the system that will provide his leaders.

    College Student Credited With Uncovering Possible Election Fraud in Indiana’s 2008 Primary:

    Shocking election fraud allegations have stained a state’s 2008 presidential primary – and it took a college student to uncover them.
    “This fraud was obvious, far-reaching and appeared to be systemic,” 22-year-old Ryan Nees told Fox News, referring to evidence he uncovered while researching electoral petitions from the 2008 Democratic Party primary in Indiana.

    “This appears to have been the actions of the northern Indiana political machine that operated within the Indiana Democratic Party, not within the campaigns of either President Obama or Secretary of State Clinton,” he said.

    Read more:

  5. Peggy says:

    After reading the former Federal Election Commissioners statement included in the article, nothing was illegal. Even his 2010 tax return shows him living in the state.

    Now, having a tax cheater serving as a Treasury Sec. should be illegal. If Al Capon went to prison for cheating on his taxes Tim Geithner most certainly shouldnt be in his position.

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