Posted by Tina
The President has decided that minority students should not be punished in school for infractions of the rules more often than white students even if they engage in rule breaking activity more often. Call it a redistribution of innocence. You can read all about it in the Daily Caller but here’s the gist:
President Barack Obama is backing a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior.
His July 26 executive order established a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”
It’s called race-based discipline. Not only is it racist but it will surely spark or intensify racial resentments and division, distrust, and quite possibly violence. This bunch has got to go!
Here is another “Whopper.” Our Boarder Patrol Agents are being told they can’t even ask the “Dreamers” for proof
or will face losing their job.
Top Immigration Officials Describe Border Chaos Resulting From Admin’s Amnesty Policy
ICE agent Chris Crane is President of the National
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, the union representing America’s more than 7,000 ICE agents and personnel. Border Patrol agent George McCubbin, III is President of the National Border Patrol Council, the union representing America’s more than 17,000 border agents and personnel.
To view video of Mr. Crane explaining that ICE agents face the spectre of losing their jobs for simply enforcing the law, click here:
Does anyone have a link to the actual executive order? I highly doubt there is anything in there about penalizing students at equal rates “regardless of individuals’ behavior.” I just read the press release from the White House and there is nothing there that says or even implies that students’ individual behavior should be ignored when determining punishment, nor is there anything saying or implying that each racial group must be punished at roughly equal rates regardless of who is most disruptive.
Tina, if you cannot find that the executive order actually commands officials to handle punishment based on race, “regardless of individuals’ behavior,” will you retract the portions of this article which claim that it does?
Having already come to the conclusion that Chris is a hapless idiot who cannot even grasp the basics of classical logic, allow me to provide him with the following.
Some analysts say this is intended to “fix racial disparity”, some analysts say it is racist. Pick your analyst and come to your own conclusions. I know racism when I see it. This is institutionalized racism from the most powerful leader Muslim on the planet.
Welcome to Obama World.
The questionable language is from the second paragraph of Section 1 Policy:
This portion of the order, depending on how it is implemented could result in students being treated differently for infractions in order to achieve an outcome. Focusing on outcomes is how we have gotten teachers that are not really qualified to teach. Its how we have promoted kids of all ages into college who cant read! This type of focus does not solve underlying problems. It creates illusions of achievement and success.
Now that I have had the time to look at this order closely I applaud the intentions of the President. He has identified a problem:
However, his methods will prove to be as ineffective as was the Obama Ayers run Annenberg Challenge:
This Executive Order will establish expensive federal bureaucracies. It will set up avenues for special treatment, which I believe is already becoming a big problem for educators in America, without addressing the real root causes that plague black communities and students.
Read the Executive order here:
This problem needs to be addressed at the familial and local level. The president is good at community organizing. He should do this after he leaves the WH. It would be more appropriate as a goal for his Presidential Library. Obama could use his skills to train advocates and activists to encourage strong marriages, church attendance and parental involvement in childrens lives, community improvement, and drug and alcohol interdiction. This would improve the atmosphere and conditions in black children’s lives. Better schools and teachers would follow in those communities. Businesses owned by achieving, productive blacks would also follow. The president has already shown he has the ability to raise money. He could act as a traveling advocate to inspire, fund, and promote these goals locally.
A smart man once said that if you want to keep someone down convince him that he can’t do anything about his own circumstances. The black community has been living this lie in part because of the many well meaning people, both black and white, that spend all their time treating them like victims that can’t do better without “help” from some distant federal or organizational group.
It’s time for black families to take charge of their own affairs beginning at the family level. Blacks have the talent, values and courage to help themselves and each other to close the gap of achievement. There are many successful blacks, some with boatloads of money, that could offer private sector help. Private sector answers will ensure that a better job is done measuring success or failure and making adjustments.
Big government solutions spend lots of our tax dollars and but just don’t work. We’ve been throwing federal money at the underlying problems for decades.
The information and commentary you provided in the comments does not support your assertion in the main article that “The President has decided that minority students should not be punished in school for infractions of the rules more often than white students even if they engage in rule breaking activity more often.”
Nor does it support the Daily Caller’s assertion that “President Barack Obama is backing a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior.”
I am glad to see you at least acknowledge the intentions of the president and that you agree with him that there is a problem. I can understand that you do not agree with him on what to do about it. But do you now admit that your original claim in the article, as well as the claims of the Daily Caller about this matter, were unfounded? Do you concede that there is no evidence to support that these claims are true?
Zed: “This is institutionalized racism from the most powerful leader Muslim on the planet.”
And you call me a hapless idiot?
Here is one community organizer who is making a big difference in disadvantage kids lives with NO government funding. Check out the articles and video to see what can be done without government involvement. Note too Staples is a big contributor to this foundation.
Interview with Luma Mufleh, Youth Coach and Founder of the Fugees Family:
Just two years ago, our teams were outfitted with white t-shirts. We wrote the numbers on them with a permanent marker. The kids loved them because they got to put their names on the back! We have gone seasons where the kids shared cleats (boots), and shin-guards, trading them out between games, and we didnt have soccer balls that were considered acceptable enough to be game balls. Having all that now makes things a lot easier, and allows us to focus on running practices and playing our game. The kids have to earn their gear, and they have to sign a contract to be a part of the team. We reward kids that have good grades in school. We have always set it up so that you earn what you want, things arent handed out. We are about hard work not entitlement.
Other foundations that have helped us include the Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation, the Atlanta Womens Foundation, and the Staples Foundation for Learning.
They can go to our website and donate. We are looking to find 2000 donors that can give $100/year. I would love to have 2000 football fans around the world that make it possible for these beautiful kids to succeed. We as a non-profit rely on foundations and individual donors. We receive no government funding. We are committed to running this program for a long time and its incredible how something as simple as football can be so powerful in these kids lives. To volunteer you can contact me at
‘Fugees Family’ Provides Hope, Opportunity for Refugee Children in US
Jordanian-born soccer coach Luma Mufleh runs a refugee support organization called Fugees Family in a community outside of Atlanta,;_ylt=A0S00Ml7uhVQqnAA10f7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBrc3VyamVwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQD?p=refugee+children+in+america&vid=5B06F5AADCDF68CB27525B06F5AADCDF68CB2752&l=&
From the Today Show:
Georgia Newspaper:
Dear Chris,
Try this on for size —
Can you wrap your mind around it? Do you need more? I can provide it.
By the way Chris, I provided you with a link to the actual executive order. You are welcome, but I do not expect that you will actually read it, least of all read it with a critical mind.
Zed, thank you for linking to the executive order. I read the entire thing (I don’t know why you think I wouldn’t), and it confirmed my initial suspicions: the claims made in the articles by Tina and the Daily Caller are false. The order does not say what they claim it says.
You have a lot of nerve saying that I fail to “grasp the basics of classical logic” when you almost never bother to construct a rational argument in your responses to me. For instance, you provide no justification for your claim that Obama’s executive order is racist–you simply make the claim without backing it up. Funny, I thought conservatives didn’t like it when people threw around the “R” word without evidence?
The twelve second video you linked to has been taken out of context, and has been discredited by multiple fact-checking organizations. Given more context, Obama’s intended meaning is very clear to any rational, fair-minded person. Obama was simply saying that John McCain had not joined with other conservatives in falsely claiming that he was a Muslim.
Obama: Youre absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith and youre absolutely right that that has not
Stephanopoulos (interrupting): Your Christian faith.
Obama: My Christian faith. Well, what Im saying
Stephanopoulos (interrupting): Connections, right.
Obama (continuing) is that he hasnt suggested that Im a Muslim, and I think that his campaign upper echelons have not either. What I think is fair to say is that coming out of the Republican camp, there have been efforts to suggest that perhaps Im not what who I say I am when it comes to my faith, something which I find deeply offensive, and that has been going on for a pretty long time.
Snopes has also examined the video and come to the same conclusion. But maybe you think they are in on the conspiracy too.
Tina, in my first comment I asked if you would retract the claims in this article if they turned out to be false, and you never answered my question. Now the claims have turned out to be false, and still no answer or retraction. What gives?
The article talks about what the author believes will happen if this EO is enacted:
If the schools do not rely on (are not allowed to rely on) methods that result in “disparate use of disciplinary tools” what methods will be used so that equal outcomes result? We are not given specific information. The word “disparate” offers a clue about what will be expected:
Disparate: adj. 1. Fundamentally distinct or different in kind; entirely dissimilar
Synonyms: at variance, discordant, dissimilar, distinct, incommensurate, inconsistent, poles apart, separate, unalike, unequal, unequivalent, uneven, unlike, unsimilar
It seems to me that the intent of this portion of Obama’s EO is meant to make sure that black students are not expelled or sent to schools for troublemakers in higher numbers than white students. If you have a different explanation I would be happy to entertain it.
So no, I will not at this time retract my statements. I would invite you to look beyond Obama’s pretty words and lofty intentions and use your brain to determine how this big bureaucracy in DC will help the average black kid on the street.
I think it will generate ideas and paperwork. It will give a few select people important positions of seeming power but what will it do in Chicago and LA?
There are solutions to the problems in education in black communities. The end game goals the President has outlined are mighty goals worth pursuing. Unfortunately, his plan will only create an expensive federal bureaucracy that will empower federal bureaucrats, waste a lot of tax money, and further the sense of entitlement and special treatment that is helping to divide this nation by class and race. It will do very little for the families and kids.
The problem begins with family and community. It will not be helped until the black community gets this problem under control. No amount of federal bureaucracy or money will help…and a lot more resentment will follow.
Here are some examples of what can be done using private sector principles and individual initiative within the public school system to help kids in the inner city do better in school:
This can’t be done with central planning and wasted tax dollars spent on bureaucracy. The money we spend on schools should benefit the kids. This model can be replicated all across the land. The success of these schools will create the demand and that demand will be met.
Tina: “The article talks about what the author believes will happen if this EO is enacted:
President Barack Obama is backing a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior.”
That is not mere opinion, Tina, that is a falsehood. The author is claiming that Obama is backing a certain proposal, yet there is no evidence that Obama backs this proposal.
If I said, “Tina is backing a controversial campaign by conservatives to imprison all American Muslims,” I would not be justified by later saying, “Hey, it’s just what I believe will happen if anti-Sharia laws are passed.” I would still be guilty of telling a lie if I phrased it that way.
You also said this:
“The President has decided that minority students should not be punished in school for infractions of the rules more often than white students even if they engage in rule breaking activity more often.”
Again, even if you think this could be the effect the order could have if it’s enforced a certain way, you have still attributed a “decision” to the president that he has not made. That is a falsehood.
Your decision not to retract these falsehoods disappoints, but does not surprise me.
“If the schools do not rely on (are not allowed to rely on) methods that result in “disparate use of disciplinary tools” what methods will be used so that equal outcomes result?”
Oh my God, no one said anything about equal outcomes but you.
“It seems to me that the intent of this portion of Obama’s EO is meant to make sure that black students are not expelled or sent to schools for troublemakers in higher numbers than white students. If you have a different explanation I would be happy to entertain it.”
Even after you accurately defined “disparate” you still don’t understand how it is used in that sentence? The assumption is that black students are being punished in greater numbers than white students even in cases where the behavior is the same. This proposal is intended to counter that problem. It is not a call to discipline some students differently based on race; it is a call to STOP doing that. You have made this order out to be the exact opposite of what it is.
It is not designed to ensure that “black students are not expelled or sent to schools for troublemakers in higher numbers than white students.” That you took this meaning from the order shows that you do not have very good reading comprehension skills. The order is designed to make sure that all students are treated equally and that race is not treated as a contributing factor in the severity of discipline.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! How can Obama slip saying “my Muslim faith” and that be misunderstood “out of context”. Contextually the slip does not change what happened one iota.
He didn’t say “my supposed Muslim faith” and he accepted the correction from Stephanopolous. Note his body language. The expression on his face, his acceptance nod.
Then he recovered. It was a marvelous moment (one which you obviously greedily grasp for) and then going on to explain that the McCain campaign had not made an issue of his Muslim faith and that some people are trying to say he is not what he says he is.
If you believe for one minute that Obama is who he says he is, Chris, you have not been paying attention for the last 3-1/2 years.
In any case, you can try to spin it anyway you like, I don’t care. If it makes you more comfortable seeing only what you want to see, I have no problem with that. Knock yourself out.
By the way, I don’t really believe Obama is a Muslim, I simply thought it would be fun to watch you try to rationalize it just like you do with everything so it fits your progressive world view. My provocative statement was only bait and ZING you took it and ran like an albacore tuna on a light rig.
The ONLY religion Obama subscribes to is Obama. A cult of defective personality. A cult of an arrogant, divisive, race baiting, sometimes racist, class warfare, achievement mocking serial liar. Your cult, Chris, not mine.
Seven lies in two minutes —
Zed: “By the way, I don’t really believe Obama is a Muslim,”
WTF? Then why did you say he was a Muslim, and why are you harping on about that misleading video even though you now admit it proves nothing?
“I simply thought it would be fun to watch you try to rationalize it just like you do with everything so it fits your progressive world view.”
You’re making negative sense. You just said that you don’t think Obama is a Muslim. Meaning that you don’t think the video proves anything. Meaning that I don’t need to “rationalize” anything about the video, any more than you do!
“My provocative statement was only bait and ZING you took it and ran like an albacore tuna on a light rig.”
Yes, what a brilliant plan you had! Let’s break it down step by step:
1) Lie
2) Get caught lying
3) Admit that you never even believed the lie you were telling in the first place
4) ???
5) Victory over the progressive scum!
Seriously, what kind of twisted mindset do you have, that you think this little game actually reflected well on you? What did you stand to gain by misrepresenting your beliefs in this way?
I don’t think you lied about Obama being a Muslim to “bait” me; I think you did it because you hate Obama, and you’re willing to do and say anything to spread as much enmity against him as possible. You never would have admitted you didn’t believe he was a Muslim had I not called you out on your crap. You have no compunction about lying in order to achieve your goal of making the president look as bad as possible. And now you are trying to spin things as if I should be the one embarrassed by your dishonesty and general pattern of sh***y behavior? Congratulations, you fit right in among today’s Republican party.
Sorry, Jack, but the stats are kind of difficult to argue with. A student of color is umpteen times more likely to be suspended for committing exactly the same offense as a white student.
It’s a bummer, but there it is. And actually, I don’t think an executive order is going to help much. The irradication of racism will be coming from within, not without.
Look at the work poor Mr. Romney still has to do.
Chris: “Your decision not to retract these falsehoods disappoints, but does not surprise me.”
Poor Chris…still trying to make me think like you do. Sorry but what I wrote isn’t a falsehood. It is a description of what I see will happen (and what I believe Obama knows will happen and doesn’t care…he is an Alsinsky follower and a practiced deceiver).
“Oh my God, no one said anything about equal outcomes but you.”
“Oh my God…blsh, blah, blah”…and you think I’m hysterical?
I’ll ask again. What, pray tell, do you think the President wants from this? What does he want? What does he expect to happen? What will schools have to do to meet the requirements set forth by the newly created control center?
“…you still don’t understand how it is used in that sentence?”
Oh I understand it…which is why I can make the accusation I make. it’s the same with most things that have to do with race. Blacks are not killing blacks and committing other crimes in great numbers either…they are just arrested more often cause they’re black.
“The assumption is that black students are being punished in greater numbers than white students even in cases where the behavior is the same.”
The assumption is utter bulls**t!
But even if it isn’t this nutty, pointy headed intellectual exercise will not help black students. It will just create a big expensive bureaucracy and more paperwork in the schools while causing greater division as race becomes the issue regarding behavior.
“That you took this meaning from the order shows that you do not have very good reading comprehension skills.”
That you can’t take this meaning shows you are an infant with zero world experience in how government bureaucracy and edicts work.
“The order is designed to make sure that all students are treated equally and that race is not treated as a contributing factor in the severity of discipline.”
Horsepucky! It’s another department of the federal government. It is being put in place for reason: all about control…outcomes will be monitored from far away in DC. And…….it’s about BLACK VOTES.
Libby, I know we still have a long way to go to get to a color blind society. White people can’t do it alone either, agree?
Chris, you may well be progressive scum but I haven’t said as much. Idiot, perhaps, scum no. But you are working on it. I have no doubt you will graduate to progressive scum first class after you earn a few more merit badges.
Besides, my playing with you has no bearing on the fact you are totally inept at formal logic and cannot even recognize your own commission of multiple fallacies. That is kind of sad, really.
I, on the other hand, am quite aware when I commit fallacy or multiple fallacies. I sort of enjoy committing them too.
I like you Chris, I really do. You are a coarse threaded wingnut, all it takes is on little tap and you take off spinning.
Evidently you think you are in and winning some sort of contest here. That is a nice little fantasy you have going there, but really you don’t amount to much in the grand scheme of things. You haven’t convinced me of a durn thing or the rightness of your positions. You do, however, have me completely convinced of your own haughty self righteousness which, if you have not figured it out yet, is boorish and tedious. Keep it up, you are well on your way to being progressive scum. Have a nice long career being wound waaaaaaaay toooooooo tight.
Oh, by the way, there is plenty of more compelling evidence that Obama is still a Muslim, but hey, I don’t really give a crap what he says he is, I don’t believe ANYTHING he says. One religious theory is once a Muslim, always a Muslim, even if you “convert” and get executed for doing so, you are sent to Allah and he will sort you out. In that light, Obama is the most powerful Muslim on the planet.
Zed: “Besides, my playing with you has no bearing on the fact you are totally inept at formal logic and cannot even recognize your own commission of multiple fallacies. That is kind of sad, really.
I, on the other hand, am quite aware when I commit fallacy or multiple fallacies. I sort of enjoy committing them too.”
Why not just say “I’m an internet troll” and save yourself the time?
“White people can’t do it alone either, agree?”
Wait a minute. The brown people are supposed to persuade the white people NOT to make decisions based upon the brownness of the brown person? Leaving aside for the moment the question of how the hell they are suppose to do that … wouldn’t that amount to white people projecting responsibility for their deficiencies onto the brown people?
That don’t sound right.