Obama at the Bat

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3 Responses to Obama at the Bat

  1. Joseph says:

    They should settle their differences with pistols at 20 yards…or mud wrestling.

    Hey Jack, did you hear about this or were you too busy being Rambo? http://lewrockwell.com/adams-m/adams-m23.1.html

    Anyhoo…this is what I’m talking about…

    The tax eaters really took it in the shorts. This is just the beginning

    Federal Bankruptcy Court Lets Stockton, California Cut Retiree Health Care Benefits; Flood of City Bankruptcies Coming


    You can bet that sooner or later Lando will be getting his tax increase in high gear.

    All these people with their 6 figure gold plated pensions like Lando, Burkland, Rucker, Henneseythe list is endlessare sure not going to want to take their chances in bankrupcy court.

    They will do all they can to raise taxes.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Joseph, now that’s what we like to see, armed citizens resisting armed robbers. That part I like. My only complaint is he was trying to shoot the bad guy, but he seemed to miss a lot or it was a .22 and he made some mistakes that I will point out below.

    We had an old guy do the same thing to an armed robber while in the grocery store checkout line. He was using wad-cutters at ONLY 3 feet. These low powered 38 caliber rounds punched nice little holes, but didn’t have any knock down power, as a result the good guy got shot and eventually died from his wounds, the bad guy got away, but was eventually caught and is serving time.

    The lessons to learn here are important: 1. Don’t carry a gun unless you know how to shoot it, i.e., you can hit what you’re aiming at without endangering others. That’s really important!!! 2. Carry a gun of a caliber powerful enough to knock down the bad guy quickly. 3. FYI…When you shoot – shoot to kill, aim center mass and keep pulling the trigger until the threat has been eliminated one way or the other. 5. Legal warning: Stop shooting when the gunman is no longer an immediate threat and he’s fleeing the scene. Don’t pursue him! Why not? Because every time you discharge a bullet around people you have the chance of hitting an innocent by-stander or he could turn and shoot you! Pursuing the bad guy, even if he has a gun in his hand, and then shooting him dead in the back while he’s trying to flee could result in a murder charge, especially if he has made no attempt to shoot back.

    But, on the whole Joseph I applaud this old guy and I wish there were more like him. That took guts and he may have save a life or two, who knows. It apparently worked okay and he’s not in trouble, I’m glad of that!!

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