Economic Reality – 100 Days to Election Time

Posted by Tina

“Looking back over postwar recessions, GDP is usually 15.1% higher at this point in a recovery than when the recession began. Under Obama, it’s up just 1.7%.” –

“President Obama may be convinced his economic policies ‘worked’ – but his White House isn’t so sure, downgrading economic growth projections for this year and the next. It’s just the latest reminder that the Obama economy isn’t working for millions of middle-class Americans. From Day One, Mitt Romney will implement pro-growth policies that will restore economic growth and get Americans back to work.” – Amanda Henneberg, Romney Campaign Spokesperson

Recent news coverage on the economy:

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2 Responses to Economic Reality – 100 Days to Election Time

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Tina, I just read several articles about American’s becoming poorer than they were just a decade back. Two recessions and now arguably entering a 3rd have devastated to the finances of most Americans. The reasons for recession are many, but government policy and bureaucracy play a large part. To use a football analogy, you could say “W” may have got the ball (recession) to the 50 yard line, but it was Obama who brought it home for a touch down and now he’s about to do it again.

    Study: Older Americans Are Quickly Getting Poorer
    Tuesday, 22 May 2012 08:23 AM

    By Julie Crawshaw

    The rate of poverty is rising among older Americans as they age as is the number of people entering poverty according to a new study from the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

    Blacks, Hispanics, and single women face a higher poverty rate than other seniors, with poverty rates for women at nearly double those of men for almost all survey years.

    Read more: Study: Older Americans Are Quickly Getting Poorer”

  2. Tina says:

    The problems pile up higher than anyone anticipated as little as five years ago. The next president and Congress will have a lot to do. But if we could at least get people back to work again we’d have some immediate relief. God only knows if its possible to get the kind of changes we need…I’d at least like a shot for the sake of the younger people.

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